Uses of Class

Uses of NioImageBuffer in

Methods in that return NioImageBuffer
 NioImageBuffer[] ImageComponent3D.getNioImage()
          Retrieves the images from this ImageComponent3D object.
 NioImageBuffer ImageComponent2D.getNioImage()
          Retrieves the image from this ImageComponent2D object.
 NioImageBuffer ImageComponent3D.getNioImage(int index)
          Retrieves one of the images from this ImageComponent3D object.

Methods in with parameters of type NioImageBuffer
 void ImageComponent3D.set(int index, NioImageBuffer image)
          Sets this image component at the specified index to the specified NioImageBuffer object.
 void ImageComponent2D.set(NioImageBuffer image)
          Sets this image component to the specified NioImageBuffer object.
 void ImageComponent3D.set(NioImageBuffer[] images)
          Sets the array of images in this image component to the specified array of NioImageBuffer objects.

Constructors in with parameters of type NioImageBuffer
ImageComponent2D(int format, NioImageBuffer image, boolean byReference, boolean yUp)
          Constructs a 2D image component object using the specified format, NioImageBuffer, byReference flag, and yUp flag.
ImageComponent3D(int format, NioImageBuffer[] images, boolean byReference, boolean yUp)
          Constructs a 3D image component object using the specified format, NioImageBuffer array, byReference flag, and yUp flag.