Uses of Class

Uses of NodeReferenceTable in

Methods in with parameters of type NodeReferenceTable
 Node Node.cloneTree(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
          Duplicates all the nodes of the specified sub-graph.
 Node Node.cloneTree(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable, boolean forceDuplicate)
          Duplicates all the nodes of the specified sub-graph.
 Node Node.cloneTree(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable, boolean forceDuplicate, boolean allowDanglingReferences)
          Duplicates all the nodes of the specified sub-graph.
 void TransparencyInterpolator.updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
          Callback used to allow a node to check if any nodes referenced by that node have been duplicated via a call to cloneTree.
 void TransformInterpolator.updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
          Callback used to allow a node to check if any scene graph objects referenced by that node have been duplicated via a call to cloneTree.
 void SwitchValueInterpolator.updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
          Callback used to allow a node to check if any nodes referenced by that node have been duplicated via a call to cloneTree.
 void Soundscape.updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
          Callback used to allow a node to check if any scene graph objects referenced by that node have been duplicated via a call to cloneTree.
 void Sound.updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
          Callback used to allow a node to check if any scene graph objects referenced by that node have been duplicated via a call to cloneTree.
 void SceneGraphObject.updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
          Callback used to allow a node to check if any scene graph objects referenced by that node have been duplicated via a call to cloneTree.
 void ModelClip.updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
          Callback used to allow a node to check if any scene graph objects referenced by that node have been duplicated via a call to cloneTree.
 void LOD.updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
          Callback used to allow a node to check if any nodes referenced by that node have been duplicated via a call to cloneTree.
 void Light.updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
          Callback used to allow a node to check if any scene graph objects referenced by that node have been duplicated via a call to cloneTree.
 void Fog.updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
          Callback used to allow a node to check if any nodes referenced by that node have been duplicated via a call to cloneTree.
 void ColorInterpolator.updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
          Callback used to allow a node to check if any scene graph objects referenced by that node have been duplicated via a call to cloneTree.
 void Clip.updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
          Callback used to allow a node to check if any scene graph objects referenced by that node have been duplicated via a call to cloneTree.
 void Billboard.updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
          Callback used to allow a node to check if any scene graph objects referenced by that node have been duplicated via a call to cloneTree.
 void Behavior.updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
          Callback used to allow a node to check if any scene graph objects referenced by that node have been duplicated via a call to cloneTree.
 void Background.updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
          Callback used to allow a node to check if any scene graph objects referenced by that node have been duplicated via a call to cloneTree.
 void AlternateAppearance.updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
          Callback used to allow a node to check if any nodes referenced by that node have been duplicated via a call to cloneTree.