Uses of Class

Uses of Switch in

Methods in that return Switch
 Switch LOD.getSwitch(int index)
          Returns the switch node specified by the index.
 Switch SwitchValueInterpolator.getTarget()
          This method retrieves this interpolator's target Switch node reference.

Methods in with parameters of type Switch
 void LOD.addSwitch(Switch switchNode)
          Appends the specified switch node to this LOD's list of switches.
 int LOD.indexOfSwitch(Switch switchNode)
          Retrieves the index of the specified switch node in this LOD node's list of switches.
 void LOD.insertSwitch(Switch switchNode, int index)
          Inserts the specified switch node at specified index.
 void LOD.removeSwitch(Switch switchNode)
          Removes the specified switch node from this LOD node's list of switches.
 void LOD.setSwitch(Switch switchNode, int index)
          Replaces the specified switch node with the switch node provided.
 void SwitchValueInterpolator.setTarget(Switch target)
          This method sets the target for this interpolator.

Constructors in with parameters of type Switch
SwitchValueInterpolator(Alpha alpha, Switch target)
          Constructs a SwitchValueInterpolator behavior that varies its target Switch node's child index between 0 and n-1, where n is the number of children in the target Switch node.
SwitchValueInterpolator(Alpha alpha, Switch target, int firstChildIndex, int lastChildIndex)
          Constructs a SwitchValueInterpolator behavior that varies its target Switch node's child index between the two values provided.