Uses of Class

Uses of TransformGroup in

Methods in that return TransformGroup
 TransformGroup TransformInterpolator.getTarget()
          This method retrieves this interpolator's TransformGroup node reference.
 TransformGroup Billboard.getTarget()
          Returns a copy of the transformGroup associated with this Billboard.
 TransformGroup WakeupOnTransformChange.getTransformGroup()
          Returns the TransformGroup node used in creating this WakeupCriterion

Methods in with parameters of type TransformGroup
 void TransformInterpolator.setTarget(TransformGroup target)
          This method sets the target TransformGroup node for this interpolator.
 void Billboard.setTarget(TransformGroup tg)
          Sets the tranformGroup for this Billboard object.

Constructors in with parameters of type TransformGroup
Billboard(TransformGroup tg)
          Constructs a Billboard node with default parameters that operates on the specified TransformGroup node.
Billboard(TransformGroup tg, int mode, javax.vecmath.Point3f point)
          Constructs a Billboard node with the specified rotation point and mode that operates on the specified TransformGroup node.
Billboard(TransformGroup tg, int mode, javax.vecmath.Vector3f axis)
          Constructs a Billboard node with the specified axis and mode that operates on the specified TransformGroup node.
PathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, float[] knots)
          Constructs a new PathInterpolator object that interpolates between the knot values in the knots array.
PathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float[] knots)
          Constructs a new PathInterpolator object that interpolates between the knot values in the knots array.
PositionInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target)
          Constructs a trivial position interpolator with a specified target, an axisOfTranslation set to Identity, a startPosition of 0.0f, and an endPosition of 1.0f.
PositionInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float startPosition, float endPosition)
          Constructs a new position interpolator that varies the target TransformGroup's translational component (startPosition and endPosition).
PositionPathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float[] knots, javax.vecmath.Point3f[] positions)
          Constructs a new PositionPathInterpolator that varies the transform of the target TransformGroup.
RotationInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target)
          Constructs a trivial rotation interpolator with a specified target, an default axisOfTranform set to identity, a minimum angle of 0.0f, and a maximum angle of 2*pi radians.
RotationInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float minimumAngle, float maximumAngle)
          Constructs a new rotation interpolator that varies the target transform node's rotational component.
RotationPathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float[] knots, javax.vecmath.Quat4f[] quats)
          Constructs a new RotationPathInterpolator object that varies the target TransformGroup node's transform.
RotPosPathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float[] knots, javax.vecmath.Quat4f[] quats, javax.vecmath.Point3f[] positions)
          Constructs a new interpolator that varies the rotation and translation of the target TransformGroup's transform.
RotPosScalePathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float[] knots, javax.vecmath.Quat4f[] quats, javax.vecmath.Point3f[] positions, float[] scales)
          Constructs a new RotPosScalePathInterpolator object that varies the rotation, translation, and scale of the target TransformGroup's transform.
ScaleInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target)
          Constructs a trivial scale interpolator that varies its target TransformGroup node between the two specified alpha values using the specified alpha, an identity matrix, a minimum scale = 0.1f, and a maximum scale = 1.0f.
ScaleInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float minimumScale, float maximumScale)
          Constructs a new scaleInterpolator object that varies its target TransformGroup node's scale component between two scale values (minimumScale and maximumScale).
TransformInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target)
          Constructs a trivial transform interpolator with a specified alpha, a specified target and an default axis set to Identity.
TransformInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform)
          Constructs a new transform interpolator that set an specified alpha, a specified targe and a specified axisOfTransform.
WakeupOnTransformChange(TransformGroup node)
          Constructs a new WakeupOnTransformChange criterion.