Interface SensorReadListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
Mouse6DPointerBehavior.EchoReadListener, SensorInputAdaptor, WandViewBehavior.EchoReadListener6D, WandViewBehavior.GrabViewListener6D, WandViewBehavior.ListenerBase, WandViewBehavior.ResetViewListener, WandViewBehavior.RotationListener2D, WandViewBehavior.RotationListener6D, WandViewBehavior.ScaleListener2D, WandViewBehavior.ScaleListener6D, WandViewBehavior.TranslationListener2D, WandViewBehavior.TranslationListener6D

public interface SensorReadListener

This defines the interface for handling a sensor's read events in conjuction with a SensorEventAgent instance.

The events passed to this listener's methods are ephemeral; they are only valid until the listener has returned. If a listener needs to retain the event it must be copied using the SensorEvent(SensorEvent) constructor.

Java 3D 1.3
See Also:
SensorEvent, SensorEventAgent, SensorButtonListener

Method Summary
 void read(SensorEvent e)
          This method is called each time the dispatchEvents method of SensorEventAgent is called and none of a sensor's buttons have been handled by a button listener.

Method Detail


void read(SensorEvent e)
This method is called each time the dispatchEvents method of SensorEventAgent is called and none of a sensor's buttons have been handled by a button listener. The sensor read value has not necessarily changed since the last read event.

e - the sensor event