Package com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry

Provides geometry construction, triangulation, and optimization utility classes.


Class Summary
Box Box is a geometry primitive created with a given length, width, and height.
ColorCube Simple color-per-vertex cube with a different color for each face
Cone Cone is a geometry primitive defined with a radius and a height.
Cylinder Cylinder is a geometry primitive defined with a radius and a height.
GeometryInfo The GeometryInfo object holds data for processing by the Java3D geometry utility tools.
NormalGenerator The NormalGenerator utility will calculate and fill in the normals of a GeometryInfo object.
Primitive Base class for all Java 3D primitives.
Sphere Sphere is a geometry primitive created with a given radius and resolution.
Stripifier The Stripifier utility will change the primitive of the GeometryInfo object to Triangle Strips.
StripifierStats This class collects statistics on the Stripifier.
Text2D A Text2D object is a representation of a string as a texture mapped rectangle.
Triangulator Triangulator is a utility for turning arbitrary polygons into triangles so they can be rendered by Java 3D.

Package com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry Description

Provides geometry construction, triangulation, and optimization utility classes.