Uses of Class

Packages that use ViewingPlatform
com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp Provides ViewPlatform navigation utility classes. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.universe Provides utility classes for setting up the Java 3D universe, including the viewing configuration. 

Uses of ViewingPlatform in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp that return ViewingPlatform
 ViewingPlatform ViewPlatformBehavior.getViewingPlatform()
          Returns the ViewingPlatform for this behavior

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp with parameters of type ViewingPlatform
 void WandViewBehavior.setViewingPlatform(ViewingPlatform vp)
          Sets the ViewingPlatform for this behavior.
 void ViewPlatformBehavior.setViewingPlatform(ViewingPlatform vp)
          Sets the ViewingPlatform for this behavior.
 void ViewPlatformAWTBehavior.setViewingPlatform(ViewingPlatform vp)
          Sets the ViewingPlatform for this behavior.
 void OrbitBehavior.setViewingPlatform(ViewingPlatform vp)
          Sets the ViewingPlatform for this behavior.

Uses of ViewingPlatform in com.sun.j3d.utils.universe

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.universe that return ViewingPlatform
 ViewingPlatform Viewer.getViewingPlatform()
          Get the ViewingPlatform object used by this Viewer.
 ViewingPlatform SimpleUniverse.getViewingPlatform()
          Returns the ViewingPlatform object associated with this scene graph.

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.universe with parameters of type ViewingPlatform
 void Viewer.setViewingPlatform(ViewingPlatform platform)
          Set the ViewingPlatform object used by this Viewer.

Constructors in com.sun.j3d.utils.universe with parameters of type ViewingPlatform
ConfiguredUniverse(ViewingPlatform viewingPlatform, Viewer viewer)
          Equivalent to SimpleUniverse(ViewingPlatform, Viewer).
ConfiguredUniverse(ViewingPlatform viewingPlatform, Viewer viewer, LocaleFactory localeFactory)
          Equivalent to SimpleUniverse(ViewingPlatform, Viewer, LocalFactory).
SimpleUniverse(ViewingPlatform viewingPlatform, Viewer viewer)
          Creates the "view" side of the scene graph.
SimpleUniverse(ViewingPlatform viewingPlatform, Viewer viewer, LocaleFactory localeFactory)
          Creates the "view" side of the scene graph.