Uses of Class

Packages that use PickShape
com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.picking Deprecated: Use com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast.behaviors instead. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast Provides picking utility classes for the new core picking methods. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.picking OBSOLETE: provides picking utility classes for the old picking methods. Provides the core set of classes for the 3D graphics API for the Java platform; click here for more information, including explanatory material that was formerly found in the guide. 

Uses of PickShape in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.picking

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.picking that return PickShape
 PickShape PickObject.generatePickRay(int xpos, int ypos)
          Deprecated. Creates a PickRay that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) specified in window space.

Uses of PickShape in com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast that return PickShape
 PickShape PickTool.getPickShape()
          Returns the PickShape for this object.

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast with parameters of type PickShape
 void PickTool.setShape(PickShape ps, Point3d startPt)
          Sets the pick shape to a user-provided PickShape object

Uses of PickShape in com.sun.j3d.utils.picking

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.picking that return PickShape
 PickShape PickTool.getPickShape()
          Returns the PickShape for this object.
 PickShape PickResult.getPickShape()
          Get the PickShape used for intersections

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.picking with parameters of type PickShape
 void PickTool.setShape(PickShape ps, Point3d startPt)
          Sets the pick shape to a user-provided PickShape object

Constructors in com.sun.j3d.utils.picking with parameters of type PickShape
PickResult(Node pn, Transform3D l2vw, PickShape ps)
          Construct a PickResult using the Node and localToVWorld transform
PickResult(SceneGraphPath sgp, PickShape ps)
          Construct a PickResult using a SceneGraphPath

Uses of PickShape in

Subclasses of PickShape in
 class PickBounds
          PickBounds is a finite pick shape defined with a Bounds object.
 class PickCone
          PickCone is the abstract base class of all cone pick shapes.
 class PickConeRay
          PickConeRay is an infinite cone ray pick shape.
 class PickConeSegment
          PickConeSegment is a finite cone segment pick shape.
 class PickCylinder
          PickCylinder is the abstract base class of all cylindrical pick shapes.
 class PickCylinderRay
          PickCylinderRay is an infinite cylindrical ray pick shape.
 class PickCylinderSegment
          PickCylinderSegment is a finite cylindrical segment pick shape.
 class PickPoint
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.4, use PickBounds with a BoundingSphere that has a small radius.
 class PickRay
          PickRay is an infinite ray pick shape.
 class PickSegment
          PickSegment is a line segment pick shape.

Methods in with parameters of type PickShape
 boolean Shape3D.intersect(SceneGraphPath path, PickShape pickShape)
          Checks whether the geometry in this shape node intersects with the specified pickShape.
 boolean Morph.intersect(SceneGraphPath path, PickShape pickShape)
          Deprecated. Checks whether the geometry in this morph node intersects with the specified pickShape.
 boolean Shape3D.intersect(SceneGraphPath path, PickShape pickShape, double[] dist)
          Checks whether the geometry in this shape node intersects with the specified pickShape.
 boolean Morph.intersect(SceneGraphPath path, PickShape pickShape, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Checks whether the geometry in this morph node intersects with the specified pickShape.
 PickInfo[] Locale.pickAll(int mode, int flags, PickShape pickShape)
          Returns an array unsorted references to all the PickInfo objects that are pickable below this Locale that intersect with PickShape.
 PickInfo[] BranchGroup.pickAll(int mode, int flags, PickShape pickShape)
          Returns an array unsorted references to all the PickInfo objects that are pickable below this BranchGroup that intersect with PickShape.
 SceneGraphPath[] Locale.pickAll(PickShape pickShape)
          Returns an array referencing all the items that are pickable below this Locale that intersect with PickShape.
 SceneGraphPath[] BranchGroup.pickAll(PickShape pickShape)
          Returns an array referencing all the items that are pickable below this BranchGroup that intersect with PickShape.
 PickInfo[] Locale.pickAllSorted(int mode, int flags, PickShape pickShape)
          Returns a sorted array of PickInfo references to all the pickable items that intersect with the pickShape.
 PickInfo[] BranchGroup.pickAllSorted(int mode, int flags, PickShape pickShape)
          Returns a sorted array of PickInfo references to all the pickable items that intersect with the pickShape.
 SceneGraphPath[] Locale.pickAllSorted(PickShape pickShape)
          Returns a sorted array of references to all the pickable items that intersect with the pickShape.
 SceneGraphPath[] BranchGroup.pickAllSorted(PickShape pickShape)
          Returns a sorted array of references to all the Pickable items that intersect with the pickShape.
 PickInfo Locale.pickAny(int mode, int flags, PickShape pickShape)
          Returns a PickInfo which references the pickable item below this Locale which intersects with pickShape.
 PickInfo BranchGroup.pickAny(int mode, int flags, PickShape pickShape)
          Returns a PickInfo which references the pickable item below this BranchGroup that intersects with pickShape.
 SceneGraphPath Locale.pickAny(PickShape pickShape)
          Returns a reference to any item that is Pickable below this Locale which intersects with pickShape.
 SceneGraphPath BranchGroup.pickAny(PickShape pickShape)
          Returns a reference to any item that is Pickable below this BranchGroup that intersects with pickShape.
 PickInfo Locale.pickClosest(int mode, int flags, PickShape pickShape)
          Returns a PickInfo which references the pickable item which is closest to the origin of pickShape.
 PickInfo BranchGroup.pickClosest(int mode, int flags, PickShape pickShape)
          Returns a PickInfo which references the pickable item which is closest to the origin of pickShape.
 SceneGraphPath Locale.pickClosest(PickShape pickShape)
          Returns a SceneGraphPath which references the pickable item which is closest to the origin of pickShape.
 SceneGraphPath BranchGroup.pickClosest(PickShape pickShape)
          Returns a SceneGraphPath that references the pickable item closest to the origin of pickShape.