Uses of Class

Packages that use Transform3D
com.sun.j3d.audioengines Provides abstract classes for creating Java 3D audio devices. 
com.sun.j3d.audioengines.javasound Provides a JavaSound-based implementation of a Java 3D audio device. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators Provides spline-based interpolation behaviors. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.mouse Provides mouse navigation utility classes. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.picking Deprecated: Use com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast.behaviors instead. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.sensor Provides 6DOF sensor behavior classes. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp Provides ViewPlatform navigation utility classes. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast Provides picking utility classes for the new core picking methods. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast.behaviors Provides picking behaviors for the new core picking methods. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.picking OBSOLETE: provides picking utility classes for the old picking methods. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.behaviors OBSOLETE: provides picking behaviors for the old picking methods.   
com.sun.j3d.utils.universe Provides utility classes for setting up the Java 3D universe, including the viewing configuration. Provides the core set of classes for the 3D graphics API for the Java platform; click here for more information, including explanatory material that was formerly found in the guide. 

Uses of Transform3D in com.sun.j3d.audioengines

Methods in com.sun.j3d.audioengines with parameters of type Transform3D
 void AudioEngine3D.setVworldXfrm(int index, Transform3D trans)
          Set the transform for local to virtual world coordinate space

Uses of Transform3D in com.sun.j3d.audioengines.javasound

Methods in com.sun.j3d.audioengines.javasound with parameters of type Transform3D
 void JavaSoundMixer.setVworldXfrm(int index, Transform3D trans)
          Save a reference to the local to virtual world coordinate space Overriden method from AudioEngine3D.

Uses of Transform3D in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators that return Transform3D
 Transform3D RotPosScaleTCBSplinePathInterpolator.getAxisOfRotPosScale()
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.getTransformAxis()
 Transform3D KBRotPosScaleSplinePathInterpolator.getAxisOfRotPosScale()
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.getTransformAxis()

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators with parameters of type Transform3D
 void RotPosScaleTCBSplinePathInterpolator.computeTransform(float alphaValue, Transform3D transform)
          Computes the new transform for this interpolator for a given alpha value.
 void KBRotPosScaleSplinePathInterpolator.computeTransform(float alphaValue, Transform3D transform)
          Computes the new transform for this interpolator for a given alpha value.
 void RotPosScaleTCBSplinePathInterpolator.setAxisOfRotPosScale(Transform3D axisOfRotPosScale)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.setTransformAxis(Transform3D)
 void KBRotPosScaleSplinePathInterpolator.setAxisOfRotPosScale(Transform3D axisOfRotPosScale)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.setTransformAxis(Transform3D)

Constructors in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators with parameters of type Transform3D
KBRotPosScaleSplinePathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, KBKeyFrame[] keys)
          Constructs a new KBRotPosScaleSplinePathInterpolator object that varies the rotation, translation, and scale of the target TransformGroup's transform.
KBSplinePathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, KBKeyFrame[] keys)
          Constructs a new KBSplinePathInterpolator object that interpolates between keyframes with specified alpha, target and axisOfTransform.
RotPosScaleTCBSplinePathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, TCBKeyFrame[] keys)
          Constructs a new RotPosScaleTCBSplinePathInterpolator object that varies the rotation, translation, and scale of the target TransformGroup's transform.
TCBSplinePathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, TCBKeyFrame[] keys)
          Constructs a new TCBSplinePathInterpolator object that interpolates between keyframes with specified alpha, target and axisOfTransform.

Uses of Transform3D in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.mouse

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.mouse with parameters of type Transform3D
 void MouseBehaviorCallback.transformChanged(int type, Transform3D transform)
          Classes implementing this interface that are registered with one of the MouseBehaviors will be called every time the behavior updates the Transform
 void MouseZoom.transformChanged(Transform3D transform)
          Users can overload this method which is called every time the Behavior updates the transform Default implementation does nothing
 void MouseWheelZoom.transformChanged(Transform3D transform)
          Users can overload this method which is called every time the Behavior updates the transform Default implementation does nothing
 void MouseTranslate.transformChanged(Transform3D transform)
          Users can overload this method which is called every time the Behavior updates the transform Default implementation does nothing
 void MouseRotate.transformChanged(Transform3D transform)
          Users can overload this method which is called every time the Behavior updates the transform Default implementation does nothing

Uses of Transform3D in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.picking

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.picking with parameters of type Transform3D
 void PickZoomBehavior.transformChanged(int type, Transform3D transform)
          Deprecated. Callback method from MouseZoom This is used when the Picking callback is enabled
 void PickTranslateBehavior.transformChanged(int type, Transform3D transform)
          Deprecated. Callback method from MouseTranslate This is used when the Picking callback is enabled
 void PickRotateBehavior.transformChanged(int type, Transform3D transform)
          Deprecated. Callback method from MouseRotate This is used when the Picking callback is enabled

Uses of Transform3D in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.sensor

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.sensor with parameters of type Transform3D
 void SensorEvent.getSensorRead(Transform3D t)
          Copies the sensor's read value at the time of the event into the given Transform3D.
 void SensorEvent.set(java.lang.Object source, int id, Sensor sensor, Transform3D sensorRead, int[] buttonState, int button, long time, long lastTime)
          Sets the fields of an ephemeral event.

Constructors in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.sensor with parameters of type Transform3D
SensorEvent(java.lang.Object source, int id, Sensor sensor, Transform3D sensorRead, int[] buttonState, int button, long time, long lastTime)
          Creates a new SensorEvent.
SensorGnomonEcho(Transform3D transform, double baseWidth, double axisLength, boolean enableLighting)
          Constructs a SensorGnomonEcho.

Uses of Transform3D in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp with parameters of type Transform3D
 void ViewPlatformBehavior.getHomeTransform(Transform3D home)
          Returns the behaviors "home" transform.
 void WandViewBehavior.getNominalSensorRotation(Transform3D t3d)
          Gets the nominal sensor transform.
 void ViewPlatformBehavior.setHomeTransform(Transform3D home)
          Copies the given Transform3D into the "home" transform, used to position and reorient the ViewingPlatform to a known point of interest.
 void WandViewBehavior.setNominalSensorRotation(Transform3D transform)
          Sets the nominal sensor transform.

Constructors in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp with parameters of type Transform3D
WandViewBehavior(Sensor sensor6D, Sensor sensor2D, View view, TransformGroup viewTransform, Transform3D homeTransform, TransformGroup echo)
          Creates a new instance with the specified sensors and a 6DOF sensor echo parented by the specified TransformGroup.

Uses of Transform3D in com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast

Constructors in com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast with parameters of type Transform3D
PickIntersection(Transform3D localToVWorld, PickInfo.IntersectionInfo intersectionInfo)

Uses of Transform3D in com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast.behaviors

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast.behaviors with parameters of type Transform3D
 void PickZoomBehavior.transformChanged(int type, Transform3D transform)
          Callback method from MouseZoom This is used when the Picking callback is enabled
 void PickTranslateBehavior.transformChanged(int type, Transform3D transform)
          Callback method from MouseTranslate This is used when the Picking callback is enabled
 void PickRotateBehavior.transformChanged(int type, Transform3D transform)
          Callback method from MouseRotate This is used when the Picking callback is enabled

Uses of Transform3D in com.sun.j3d.utils.picking

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.picking that return Transform3D
 Transform3D PickResult.getLocalToVworld()
          Get the localToVworld transform for the Node

Constructors in com.sun.j3d.utils.picking with parameters of type Transform3D
PickResult(Node pn, Transform3D l2vw, PickShape ps)
          Construct a PickResult using the Node and localToVWorld transform

Uses of Transform3D in com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.behaviors

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.behaviors with parameters of type Transform3D
 void PickZoomBehavior.transformChanged(int type, Transform3D transform)
          Callback method from MouseZoom This is used when the Picking callback is enabled
 void PickTranslateBehavior.transformChanged(int type, Transform3D transform)
          Callback method from MouseTranslate This is used when the Picking callback is enabled
 void PickRotateBehavior.transformChanged(int type, Transform3D transform)
          Callback method from MouseRotate This is used when the Picking callback is enabled

Uses of Transform3D in

Methods in that return Transform3D
 Transform3D Controller.readTransform3D( in)

Methods in with parameters of type Transform3D
 void Controller.writeTransform3D( out, Transform3D tran)

Uses of Transform3D in com.sun.j3d.utils.universe

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.universe with parameters of type Transform3D
 void ViewInfo.getCoexistenceToImagePlate(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D coe2ipl, Transform3D coe2ipr)
          Gets the current transforms from coexistence coordinates to image plate coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 void ViewInfo.getCoexistenceToViewPlatform(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D coe2vp)
          Gets the current transform from coexistence coordinates to view platform coordinates and copies it into the given transform.
 void ViewInfo.getCoexistenceToVworld(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D coe2vw)
          Gets the current transform from coexistence coordinates to virtual world coordinates and copies it into the given transform.
 void ViewInfo.getEyeToImagePlate(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D e2ipl, Transform3D e2ipr)
          Gets the transforms from eye coordinates to image plate coordinates and copies them into the Transform3Ds specified.
 void ViewInfo.getEyeToViewPlatform(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D e2vpl, Transform3D e2vpr)
          Gets the current transforms from eye coordinates to view platform coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 void ViewInfo.getEyeToVworld(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D e2vwl, Transform3D e2vwr)
          Gets the current transforms from eye coordinates to virtual world coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 void ViewInfo.getImagePlateToViewPlatform(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D ip2vpl, Transform3D ip2vpr)
          Gets the current transforms from image plate coordinates to view platform coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 void ViewInfo.getImagePlateToVworld(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D ip2vwl, Transform3D ip2vwr)
          Gets the current transforms from image plate coordinates to virtual world coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 void ViewInfo.getInverseProjection(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D cc2el, Transform3D cc2er)
          Gets the transforms from clipping coordinates to eye coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 void ViewInfo.getInverseViewPlatformProjection(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D cc2vpl, Transform3D cc2vpr)
          Gets the transforms from clipping coordinates to view platform coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 void ViewInfo.getInverseVworldProjection(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D cc2vwl, Transform3D cc2vwr)
          Gets the transforms from clipping coordinates to virtual world coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 void ViewInfo.getProjection(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D e2ccl, Transform3D e2ccr)
          Gets the transforms from eye coordinates to clipping coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 void ViewInfo.getSensorToVworld(Canvas3D c3d, Sensor sensor, Transform3D s2vw)
          Gets a read from the specified sensor and transforms it to virtual world coordinates.
 void ViewInfo.getTrackerBaseToViewPlatform(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D tb2vp)
          Gets the transform from tracker base coordinates to view platform coordinates and copies it into the specified Transform3D.
 void ViewInfo.getTrackerBaseToVworld(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D tb2vw)
          Gets the transform from tracker base coordinates to virtual world coordinates and copies it into the specified Transform3D.
 void ViewInfo.getViewPlatformToCoexistence(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D vp2coe)
          Gets the current transform from view platform coordinates to coexistence coordinates and copies it into the given transform.
 void ViewInfo.getViewPlatformToEye(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D vp2el, Transform3D vp2er)
          Gets the current transforms from view platform coordinates to eye coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.

Uses of Transform3D in

Methods in that return Transform3D
 Transform3D RotationPathInterpolator.getAxisOfRotation()
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.getTransformAxis()
 Transform3D RotationInterpolator.getAxisOfRotation()
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.getTransformAxis()
 Transform3D RotPosPathInterpolator.getAxisOfRotPos()
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.getTransformAxis()
 Transform3D RotPosScalePathInterpolator.getAxisOfRotPosScale()
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.geTransformAxis()
 Transform3D ScaleInterpolator.getAxisOfScale()
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.getTransformAxis()
 Transform3D PositionPathInterpolator.getAxisOfTranslation()
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.getTransformAxis()
 Transform3D PositionInterpolator.getAxisOfTranslation()
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.getTransformAxis()
 Transform3D PickInfo.getLocalToVWorld()
          Retrieves the reference to the LocalToVworld transform of the picked node in this PickInfo object.
 Transform3D SceneGraphPath.getTransform()
          Returns a copy of the transform associated with this SceneGraphPath; returns null if there is no transform associated.
 Transform3D TransformInterpolator.getTransformAxis()
          This method retrieves this interpolator's axis of transform.

Methods in with parameters of type Transform3D
 void Transform3D.add(Transform3D t1)
          Adds this transform to transform t1 and places the result into this: this = this + t1.
 void Transform3D.add(Transform3D t1, Transform3D t2)
          Adds transforms t1 and t2 and places the result into this transform.
abstract  void TransformInterpolator.computeTransform(float alphaValue, Transform3D transform)
          Computes the new transform for this interpolator for a given alpha value.
 void ScaleInterpolator.computeTransform(float alphaValue, Transform3D transform)
          Computes the new transform for this interpolator for a given alpha value.
 void RotPosScalePathInterpolator.computeTransform(float alphaValue, Transform3D transform)
          Computes the new transform for this interpolator for a given alpha value.
 void RotPosPathInterpolator.computeTransform(float alphaValue, Transform3D transform)
          Computes the new transform for this interpolator for a given alpha value.
 void RotationPathInterpolator.computeTransform(float alphaValue, Transform3D transform)
          Computes the new transform for this interpolator for a given alpha value.
 void RotationInterpolator.computeTransform(float alphaValue, Transform3D transform)
          Computes the new transform for this interpolator for a given alpha value.
 void PositionPathInterpolator.computeTransform(float alphaValue, Transform3D transform)
          Computes the new transform for this interpolator for a given alpha value.
 void PositionInterpolator.computeTransform(float alphaValue, Transform3D transform)
          Computes the new transform for this interpolator for a given alpha value.
 boolean Transform3D.epsilonEquals(Transform3D t1, double epsilon)
          Returns true if the L-infinite distance between this matrix and matrix m1 is less than or equal to the epsilon parameter, otherwise returns false.
 boolean Transform3D.equals(Transform3D t1)
          Returns true if all of the data members of transform t1 are equal to the corresponding data members in this Transform3D.
 void SensorRead.get(Transform3D result)
          Retrieve the SensorRead's transform and place it in result
 void PhysicalEnvironment.getCoexistenceToTrackerBase(Transform3D t)
          Retrieves the coexistence coordinate system to tracker-base coordinate system transform and copies it into the specified Transform3D object.
 void PhysicalBody.getHeadToHeadTracker(Transform3D t)
          Retrieves the head to head-tracker coordinate system transform.
 void Screen3D.getHeadTrackerToLeftImagePlate(Transform3D t)
          Retrieves the head-tracker coordinate system to left image-plate coordinate system transform and copies it into the specified Transform3D object.
 void Screen3D.getHeadTrackerToRightImagePlate(Transform3D t)
          Retrieves the head-tracker coordinate system to right image-plate coordinate system transform and copies it into the specified Transform3D object.
 void Canvas3D.getImagePlateToVworld(Transform3D t)
          Retrieves the current ImagePlate coordinates to Virtual World coordinates transform and places it into the specified object.
 void Canvas3D.getInverseVworldProjection(Transform3D leftInverseProjection, Transform3D rightInverseProjection)
          Copies the inverse of the current Vworld projection transform for each eye into the specified Transform3D objects.
 void View.getLeftProjection(Transform3D projection)
          Compatibility mode method that retrieves the current compatibility mode projection transform for the left eye and places it into the specified object.
 void Node.getLocalToVworld(SceneGraphPath path, Transform3D t)
          Retrieves the local coordinates to virtual world coordinates transform for the particular path in the scene graph ending with this node.
 void Node.getLocalToVworld(Transform3D t)
          Retrieves the local coordinates to virtual world coordinates transform for this node in the scene graph.
 void TransparencySortGeom.getLocalToVWorld(Transform3D localToVW)
          Returns the LocalToVWorld transform for this object
 void GraphicsContext3D.getModelTransform(Transform3D t)
          Retrieves the current model transform.
 void Sensor.getRead(Transform3D read)
          Retrieves the last sensor reading and copies that value into the specified argument.
 void Sensor.getRead(Transform3D read, long deltaT)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.4, prediction is not a supported feature; use getRead(Transform3D) instead.
 void View.getRightProjection(Transform3D projection)
          Compatibility mode method that retrieves the current compatibility mode projection transform for the right eye and places it into the specified object.
 void View.getSensorToVworld(Sensor sensor, Transform3D t)
          Computes the sensor to virtual-world transform and copies that value into the transform provided.
 void TextureAttributes.getTextureTransform(Transform3D transform)
          Retrieves a copy of the texture transform object.
 void Screen3D.getTrackerBaseToImagePlate(Transform3D t)
          Retrieves the tracker-base coordinate system to image-plate coordinate system transform and copies it into the specified Transform3D object.
 void TransformGroup.getTransform(Transform3D t1)
          Copies the transform component of this TransformGroup into the passed transform object.
 void View.getUserHeadToVworld(Transform3D t)
          Retrieves the user-head to virtual-world transform and copies that value into the transform provided.
 void View.getVpcToEc(Transform3D vpcToEc)
          Compatibility mode method that retrieves the current ViewPlatform Coordinates (VPC) system to Eye Coordinates (EC) transform and copies it into the specified object.
 void Canvas3D.getVworldProjection(Transform3D leftProjection, Transform3D rightProjection)
          Copies the current Vworld projection transform for each eye into the specified Transform3D objects.
 void Canvas3D.getVworldToImagePlate(Transform3D t)
          Retrieves the current Virtual World coordinates to ImagePlate coordinates transform and places it into the specified object.
 void Transform3D.invert(Transform3D t1)
          Sets the value of this transform to the inverse of the passed Transform3D parameter.
 void Sensor.lastRead(Transform3D read)
          Extracts the most recent sensor reading and copies that value into the specified argument.
 void Sensor.lastRead(Transform3D read, int kth)
          Extracts the kth-most recent sensor reading and copies that value into the specified argument; where 0 is the most recent sensor reading, 1 is the next most recent sensor reading, etc.
 void Transform3D.mul(double scalar, Transform3D t1)
          Multiplies each element of transform t1 by a scalar and places the result into this.
 void Transform3D.mul(Transform3D t1)
          Sets the value of this transform to the result of multiplying itself with transform t1 (this = this * t1).
 void Transform3D.mul(Transform3D t1, Transform3D t2)
          Sets the value of this transform to the result of multiplying transform t1 by transform t2 (this = t1*t2).
 void Transform3D.mulInverse(Transform3D t1)
          Multiplies this transform by the inverse of transform t1.
 void Transform3D.mulInverse(Transform3D t1, Transform3D t2)
          Multiplies transform t1 by the inverse of transform t2.
 void GraphicsContext3D.multiplyModelTransform(Transform3D t)
          Multiplies the current model transform by the specified transform and stores the result back into the current transform.
 void Transform3D.mulTransposeBoth(Transform3D t1, Transform3D t2)
          Multiplies the transpose of transform t1 by the transpose of transform t2 and places the result into this transform (this = transpose(t1) * transpose(t2)).
 void Transform3D.mulTransposeLeft(Transform3D t1, Transform3D t2)
          Multiplies the transpose of transform t1 by transform t2 and places the result into this matrix (this = transpose(t1) * t2).
 void Transform3D.mulTransposeRight(Transform3D t1, Transform3D t2)
          Multiplies transform t1 by the transpose of transform t2 and places the result into this transform (this = t1 * transpose(t2)).
 void Transform3D.normalize(Transform3D t1)
          Normalizes the rotational components (upper 3x3) of transform t1 using a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), and places the result into this transform.
 void Transform3D.normalizeCP(Transform3D t1)
          Normalizes the rotational components (upper 3x3) of transform t1 using a Cross Product (CP) normalization, and places the result into this transform.
 void Transform3D.scaleAdd(double s, Transform3D t1)
          Scales this transform by a Uniform scale matrix with scale factor s and then adds transform t1 (this = S*this + t1).
 void Transform3D.scaleAdd(double s, Transform3D t1, Transform3D t2)
          Scales transform t1 by a Uniform scale matrix with scale factor s and then adds transform t2 (this = S*t1 + t2).
 void Transform3D.set(Transform3D t1)
          Sets the matrix, type, and state of this transform to the matrix, type, and state of transform t1.
 void SensorRead.set(Transform3D t1)
          Set the SensorRead's transform to the value specified
 void RotationPathInterpolator.setAxisOfRotation(Transform3D axisOfRotation)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.seTransformAxis(Transform3D)
 void RotationInterpolator.setAxisOfRotation(Transform3D axisOfRotation)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.setTransformAxis(Transform3D)
 void RotPosPathInterpolator.setAxisOfRotPos(Transform3D axisOfRotPos)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.setTransformAxis(Transform3D)
 void RotPosScalePathInterpolator.setAxisOfRotPosScale(Transform3D axisOfRotPosScale)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.setTransformAxis(Transform3D)
 void ScaleInterpolator.setAxisOfScale(Transform3D axisOfScale)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.setTransformAxis(Transform3D)
 void PositionPathInterpolator.setAxisOfTranslation(Transform3D axisOfTranslation)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.setTransformAxis(Transform3D)
 void PositionInterpolator.setAxisOfTranslation(Transform3D axisOfTranslation)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.setTransformAxis(Transform3D)
 void PhysicalEnvironment.setCoexistenceToTrackerBase(Transform3D t)
          Sets the coexistence coordinate system to tracker-base coordinate system transform.
 void PhysicalBody.setHeadToHeadTracker(Transform3D t)
          Sets the head to head-tracker coordinate system transform.
 void Screen3D.setHeadTrackerToLeftImagePlate(Transform3D t)
          Sets the head-tracker coordinate system to left image-plate coordinate system transform.
 void Screen3D.setHeadTrackerToRightImagePlate(Transform3D t)
          Sets the head-tracker coordinate system to right image-plate coordinate system transform.
 void View.setLeftProjection(Transform3D projection)
          Compatibility mode method that specifies a viewing frustum for the left eye that transforms points in Eye Coordinates (EC) to Clipping Coordinates (CC).
 void GraphicsContext3D.setModelTransform(Transform3D t)
          Sets the current model transform to a copy of the specified transform.
 void Sensor.setNextSensorRead(long time, Transform3D transform, int[] values)
          Sets the next sensor read to the specified values; once these values are set via this method they become the current values returned by methods such as lastRead(), lastTime(), and lastButtons(); note that if there are no buttons associated with this sensor, values can just be an empty array.
 void View.setRightProjection(Transform3D projection)
          Compatibility mode method that specifies a viewing frustum for the right eye that transforms points in Eye Coordinates (EC) to Clipping Coordinates (CC).
 void TextureAttributes.setTextureTransform(Transform3D transform)
          Sets the texture transform object used to transform texture coordinates.
 void Screen3D.setTrackerBaseToImagePlate(Transform3D t)
          Sets the tracker-base coordinate system to image-plate coordinate system transform.
 void TransformGroup.setTransform(Transform3D t1)
          Sets the transform component of this TransformGroup to the value of the passed transform.
 void SceneGraphPath.setTransform(Transform3D trans)
          Sets the transform component of this SceneGraphPath to the value of the passed transform.
 void TransformInterpolator.setTransformAxis(Transform3D axisOfTransform)
          This method sets the axis of transform for this interpolator.
 void View.setVpcToEc(Transform3D vpcToEc)
          Compatibility mode method that specifies the ViewPlatform Coordinates (VPC) to Eye Coordinates (EC) transform.
 void AudioDevice3D.setVworldXfrm(int index, Transform3D trans)
          Passes a reference to the concatenated transformation to be applied to local sound position and direction parameters.
 void Transform3D.sub(Transform3D t1)
          Subtracts transform t1 from this transform and places the result into this: this = this - t1.
 void Transform3D.sub(Transform3D t1, Transform3D t2)
          Subtracts transform t2 from transform t1 and places the result into this: this = t1 - t2.
abstract  void Bounds.transform(Bounds bounds, Transform3D trans)
          Modifies the bounding object so that it bounds the volume generated by transforming the given bounding object.
 void BoundingSphere.transform(Bounds boundsObject, Transform3D matrix)
          Modifies the bounding sphere so that it bounds the volume generated by transforming the given bounding object.
 void BoundingPolytope.transform(Bounds boundsObject, Transform3D matrix)
          Modifies the bounding polytope so that it bounds the volume generated by transforming the given bounding object.
 void BoundingBox.transform(Bounds boundsObject, Transform3D matrix)
          Modifies the bounding box so that it bounds the volume generated by transforming the given bounding object.
abstract  void Bounds.transform(Transform3D trans)
          Transforms this bounding object by the given matrix.
 void BoundingSphere.transform(Transform3D trans)
          Transforms this bounding sphere by the given matrix.
 void BoundingPolytope.transform(Transform3D matrix)
          Transforms this bounding polytope by the given transformation matrix.
 void BoundingBox.transform(Transform3D matrix)
          Transforms this bounding box by the given matrix.
 void Transform3D.transpose(Transform3D t1)
          Transposes transform t1 and places the value into this transform.

Constructors in with parameters of type Transform3D
PathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float[] knots)
          Constructs a new PathInterpolator object that interpolates between the knot values in the knots array.
PositionInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float startPosition, float endPosition)
          Constructs a new position interpolator that varies the target TransformGroup's translational component (startPosition and endPosition).
PositionPathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float[] knots, Point3f[] positions)
          Constructs a new PositionPathInterpolator that varies the transform of the target TransformGroup.
RotationInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float minimumAngle, float maximumAngle)
          Constructs a new rotation interpolator that varies the target transform node's rotational component.
RotationPathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float[] knots, Quat4f[] quats)
          Constructs a new RotationPathInterpolator object that varies the target TransformGroup node's transform.
RotPosPathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float[] knots, Quat4f[] quats, Point3f[] positions)
          Constructs a new interpolator that varies the rotation and translation of the target TransformGroup's transform.
RotPosScalePathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float[] knots, Quat4f[] quats, Point3f[] positions, float[] scales)
          Constructs a new RotPosScalePathInterpolator object that varies the rotation, translation, and scale of the target TransformGroup's transform.
ScaleInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float minimumScale, float maximumScale)
          Constructs a new scaleInterpolator object that varies its target TransformGroup node's scale component between two scale values (minimumScale and maximumScale).
TextureAttributes(int textureMode, Transform3D transform, Color4f textureBlendColor, int perspCorrectionMode)
          Constructs a TextureAttributes object with the specified values.
Transform3D(Transform3D t1)
          Constructs and initializes a transform from the Transform3D object.
TransformGroup(Transform3D t1)
          Constructs and initializes a TransformGroup from the Transform passed.
TransformInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform)
          Constructs a new transform interpolator that set an specified alpha, a specified targe and a specified axisOfTransform.