Uses of Class

Packages that use Quat4f
com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators Provides spline-based interpolation behaviors. Provides the core set of classes for the 3D graphics API for the Java platform; click here for more information, including explanatory material that was formerly found in the guide. 
javax.vecmath Provides 3D vector mathematics classes. 

Uses of Quat4f in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators

Fields in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators declared as Quat4f
 Quat4f TCBKeyFrame.quat

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators with parameters of type Quat4f
 void CubicSplineSegment.getInterpolatedQuaternion(float u, Quat4f newQuat)
          Computes the interpolated quaternion along the curve at a given point between key frames.

Constructors in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators with parameters of type Quat4f
TCBKeyFrame(float k, int l, Point3f pos, Quat4f q, Point3f s, float t, float c, float b)
          Creates a key frame using the given inputs.

Uses of Quat4f in

Methods in that return Quat4f
 Quat4f Controller.readQuat4f( in)

Methods in with parameters of type Quat4f
 void Controller.writeQuat4f( out, Quat4f vec)

Uses of Quat4f in

Methods in with parameters of type Quat4f
 void Transform3D.get(Quat4f q1)
          Places the quaternion equivalent of the normalized rotational component of this transform into the quaternion parameter.
 double Transform3D.get(Quat4f q1, Vector3d t1)
          Places the quaternion equivalent of the normalized rotational component of this transform into the quaternion parameter; places the translational component into the Vector parameter.
 float Transform3D.get(Quat4f q1, Vector3f t1)
          Places the quaternion equivalent of the normalized rotational component of this transform into the quaternion parameter; places the translational component into the Vector parameter.
 void RotPosScalePathInterpolator.getQuat(int index, Quat4f quat)
          Retrieves the quat value at the specified index.
 void RotPosPathInterpolator.getQuat(int index, Quat4f quat)
          Retrieves the quat value at the specified index.
 void RotationPathInterpolator.getQuat(int index, Quat4f quat)
          Retrieves the quat value at the specified index.
 void RotPosScalePathInterpolator.getQuats(Quat4f[] quats)
          Copies the array of quaternion values from this interpolator into the specified array.
 void RotPosPathInterpolator.getQuats(Quat4f[] quats)
          Copies the array of quaternion values from this interpolator into the specified array.
 void RotationPathInterpolator.getQuats(Quat4f[] quats)
          Copies the array of quaternion values from this interpolator into the specified array.
 void Transform3D.set(Quat4f q1)
          Sets the value of this transform to the matrix conversion of the single precision quaternion argument; the non-rotational components are set as if this were an identity matrix.
 void Transform3D.set(Quat4f q1, Vector3d t1, double s)
          Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the quaternion q1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
 void Transform3D.set(Quat4f q1, Vector3f t1, float s)
          Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the quaternion q1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
 void RotationPathInterpolator.setPathArrays(float[] knots, Quat4f[] quats)
          Replaces the existing arrays of knot values and quaternion values with the specified arrays.
 void RotPosPathInterpolator.setPathArrays(float[] knots, Quat4f[] quats, Point3f[] positions)
          Replaces the existing arrays of knot values, quaternion values, and position values with the specified arrays.
 void RotPosScalePathInterpolator.setPathArrays(float[] knots, Quat4f[] quats, Point3f[] positions, float[] scales)
          Replaces the existing arrays of knot values, quaternion values, position values, and scale values with the specified arrays.
 void RotPosScalePathInterpolator.setQuat(int index, Quat4f quat)
          Sets the quat value at the specified index for this interpolator.
 void RotPosPathInterpolator.setQuat(int index, Quat4f quat)
          Sets the quat at the specified index for this interpolator.
 void RotationPathInterpolator.setQuat(int index, Quat4f quat)
          Sets the quat value at the specified index for this interpolator.
 void Transform3D.setRotation(Quat4f q1)
          Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this transform to the matrix equivalent values of the quaternion argument; the other elements of this transform are unchanged; any pre-existing scale in the transform is preserved.

Constructors in with parameters of type Quat4f
RotationPathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float[] knots, Quat4f[] quats)
          Constructs a new RotationPathInterpolator object that varies the target TransformGroup node's transform.
RotPosPathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float[] knots, Quat4f[] quats, Point3f[] positions)
          Constructs a new interpolator that varies the rotation and translation of the target TransformGroup's transform.
RotPosScalePathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float[] knots, Quat4f[] quats, Point3f[] positions, float[] scales)
          Constructs a new RotPosScalePathInterpolator object that varies the rotation, translation, and scale of the target TransformGroup's transform.
Transform3D(Quat4f q1, Vector3d t1, double s)
          Constructs and initializes a transform from the quaternion, translation, and scale values.
Transform3D(Quat4f q1, Vector3f t1, float s)
          Constructs and initializes a transform from the quaternion, translation, and scale values.

Uses of Quat4f in javax.vecmath

Methods in javax.vecmath with parameters of type Quat4f
 void Quat4f.conjugate(Quat4f q1)
          Sets the value of this quaternion to the conjugate of quaternion q1.
 void Matrix4f.get(Quat4f q1)
          Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix in order to acquire the normalized rotational component; the values are placed into the Quat4f parameter.
 void Matrix4d.get(Quat4f q1)
          Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix in order to acquire the normalized rotational component; the values are placed into the Quat4f parameter.
 void Quat4f.interpolate(Quat4f q1, float alpha)
          Performs a great circle interpolation between this quaternion and the quaternion parameter and places the result into this quaternion.
 void Quat4f.interpolate(Quat4f q1, Quat4f q2, float alpha)
          Performs a great circle interpolation between quaternion q1 and quaternion q2 and places the result into this quaternion.
 void Quat4f.inverse(Quat4f q1)
          Sets the value of this quaternion to quaternion inverse of quaternion q1.
 void Quat4f.mul(Quat4f q1)
          Sets the value of this quaternion to the quaternion product of itself and q1 (this = this * q1).
 void Quat4f.mul(Quat4f q1, Quat4f q2)
          Sets the value of this quaternion to the quaternion product of quaternions q1 and q2 (this = q1 * q2).
 void Quat4f.mulInverse(Quat4f q1)
          Multiplies this quaternion by the inverse of quaternion q1 and places the value into this quaternion.
 void Quat4f.mulInverse(Quat4f q1, Quat4f q2)
          Multiplies quaternion q1 by the inverse of quaternion q2 and places the value into this quaternion.
 void Quat4f.normalize(Quat4f q1)
          Sets the value of this quaternion to the normalized value of quaternion q1.
 void Matrix4f.set(Quat4f q1)
          Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the single precision quaternion argument.
 void Matrix4d.set(Quat4f q1)
          Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the single precision quaternion argument.
 void Matrix3f.set(Quat4f q1)
          Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the (single precision) quaternion argument.
 void Matrix3d.set(Quat4f q1)
          Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the single precision quaternion argument.
 void AxisAngle4f.set(Quat4f q1)
          Sets the value of this axis-angle to the rotational equivalent of the passed quaternion.
 void AxisAngle4d.set(Quat4f q1)
          Sets the value of this axis-angle to the rotational equivalent of the passed quaternion.
 void Matrix4d.set(Quat4f q1, Vector3d t1, double s)
          Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the quaternion q1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
 void Matrix4f.set(Quat4f q1, Vector3f t1, float s)
          Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the quaternion q1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
 void Matrix4d.set(Quat4f q1, Vector3f t1, float s)
          Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the quaternion q1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
 void Matrix4f.setRotation(Quat4f q1)
          Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix equivalent values of the quaternion argument; the other elements of this matrix are unchanged; a singular value decomposition is performed on this object's upper 3x3 matrix to factor out the scale, then this object's upper 3x3 matrix components are replaced by the matrix equivalent of the quaternion, and then the scale is reapplied to the rotational components.
 void Matrix4d.setRotation(Quat4f q1)
          Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix equivalent values of the quaternion argument; the other elements of this matrix are unchanged; a singular value decomposition is performed on this object's upper 3x3 matrix to factor out the scale, then this object's upper 3x3 matrix components are replaced by the matrix equivalent of the quaternion, and then the scale is reapplied to the rotational components.

Constructors in javax.vecmath with parameters of type Quat4f
Matrix4d(Quat4f q1, Vector3d t1, double s)
          Constructs and initializes a Matrix4d from the quaternion, translation, and scale values; the scale is applied only to the rotational components of the matrix (upper 3x3) and not to the translational components.
Matrix4f(Quat4f q1, Vector3f t1, float s)
          Constructs and initializes a Matrix4f from the quaternion, translation, and scale values; the scale is applied only to the rotational components of the matrix (upper 3x3) and not to the translational components.
Quat4d(Quat4f q1)
          Constructs and initializes a Quat4d from the specified Quat4f.
Quat4f(Quat4f q1)
          Constructs and initializes a Quat4f from the specified Quat4f.