Class GLContext

  • public abstract class GLContext
    extends Object
    Abstraction for an OpenGL rendering context. In order to perform OpenGL rendering, a context must be "made current" on the current thread. OpenGL rendering semantics specify that only one context may be current on the current thread at any given time, and also that a given context may be current on only one thread at any given time. Because components can be added to and removed from the component hierarchy at any time, it is possible that the underlying OpenGL context may need to be destroyed and recreated multiple times over the lifetime of a given component. This process is handled by the implementation, and the GLContext abstraction provides a stable object which clients can use to refer to a given context.
    • Field Detail

      • DEBUG

        public static final boolean DEBUG

        public static final boolean TRACE_SWITCH

        public static final boolean DEBUG_TRACE_SWITCH

        public static final boolean PROFILE_ALIASING
        If true (default), bootstrapping the available GL profiles will use the highest compatible GL context for each profile, hence skipping querying lower profiles if a compatible higher one is found:
        • 4.2-core -> 4.2-core, 3.3-core
        • 4.2-comp -> 4.2-comp, 3.3-comp, 2
        Otherwise the dedicated GL context would be queried and used:
        • 4.2-core -> 4.2-core
        • 3.3-core -> 3.3-core
        • 4.2-comp -> 4.2-comp
        • 3.3-comp -> 3.3-comp
        • 3.0-comp -> 2
        Using aliasing speeds up initialization about:
        • Linux x86_64 - Nvidia: 28%, 700ms down to 500ms
        • Linux x86_64 - AMD : 40%, 1500ms down to 900ms
        • Can be turned off with property jogl.debug.GLContext.NoProfileAliasing.

      • DEBUG_GL

        public static final boolean DEBUG_GL
        Reflects property jogl.debug.DebugGL. If true, the debug pipeline is enabled at context creation.
      • TRACE_GL

        public static final boolean TRACE_GL
        Reflects property jogl.debug.TraceGL. If true, the trace pipeline is enabled at context creation.

        public static final int CONTEXT_NOT_CURRENT
        Indicates that the context was not made current during the last call to makeCurrent, value 0.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CONTEXT_CURRENT
        Indicates that the context was made current during the last call to makeCurrent, value 1.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CONTEXT_CURRENT_NEW
        Indicates that a newly-created context was made current during the last call to makeCurrent, value 2.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • Version1_0

        public static final VersionNumber Version1_0
        Version 1.00, i.e. GLSL 1.00 for ES 2.0.
      • Version1_10

        public static final VersionNumber Version1_10
        Version 1.10, i.e. GLSL 1.10 for GL 2.0.
      • Version1_20

        public static final VersionNumber Version1_20
        Version 1.20, i.e. GLSL 1.20 for GL 2.1.
      • Version1_30

        public static final VersionNumber Version1_30
        Version 1.30, i.e. GLSL 1.30 for GL 3.0.
      • Version1_40

        public static final VersionNumber Version1_40
        Version 1.40, i.e. GLSL 1.40 for GL 3.1.
      • Version1_50

        public static final VersionNumber Version1_50
        Version 1.50, i.e. GLSL 1.50 for GL 3.2.
      • Version1_1

        public static final VersionNumber Version1_1
        Version 1.1, i.e. GL 1.1
      • Version1_2

        public static final VersionNumber Version1_2
        Version 1.2, i.e. GL 1.2
      • Version1_4

        public static final VersionNumber Version1_4
        Version 1.4, i.e. GL 1.4
      • Version1_5

        public static final VersionNumber Version1_5
        Version 1.5, i.e. GL 1.5
      • Version3_0

        public static final VersionNumber Version3_0
        Version 3.0. As an OpenGL version, it qualifies for desktop isGL2() only, or ES 3.0. Or GLSL 3.00 for ES 3.0.
      • Version3_2

        public static final VersionNumber Version3_2
        Version 3.2. As an OpenGL version, it qualifies for geometry shader
      • Version4_3

        public static final VersionNumber Version4_3
        Version 4.3. As an OpenGL version, it qualifies for GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility

        public static final int[][] GL_VERSIONS

        public static final int[][] ES_VERSIONS
    • Method Detail

      • isShared

        public final boolean isShared()
        Returns true if this GLContext is shared, otherwise false.
      • getSharedMaster

        public final GLContext getSharedMaster()
        Returns the shared master GLContext of this GLContext if shared, otherwise return null.

        Returns this GLContext, if it is a shared master.

      • getCreatedShares

        public final List<GLContext> getCreatedShares()
        Returns a new list of created GLContext shared with this GLContext.
      • getDestroyedShares

        public final List<GLContext> getDestroyedShares()
        Returns a new list of destroyed GLContext shared with this GLContext.
      • getRendererQuirks

        public final GLRendererQuirks getRendererQuirks()
        Returns the instance of GLRendererQuirks, allowing one to determine workarounds.
        instance of GLRendererQuirks if context was made current once, otherwise null.
      • isGLReadDrawableAvailable

        public abstract boolean isGLReadDrawableAvailable()
        Query whether using a distinguished read-drawable is supported.
        true if using a read-drawable is supported with your driver/OS, otherwise false.
      • setGLReadDrawable

        public abstract GLDrawable setGLReadDrawable​(GLDrawable read)
        Set the read-Drawable for read framebuffer operations.
        The caller should query if this feature is supported via isGLReadDrawableAvailable().

        If the context was current on this thread, it is being released before switching the drawable and made current afterwards. However the user shall take extra care that not other thread attempts to make this context current. Otherwise a race condition may happen.

        read - the read-drawable for read framebuffer operations. If null is passed, the default write drawable will be set.
        the previous read-drawable
        GLException - in case a read drawable is not supported or this context is made current on another thread.
        See Also:
        isGLReadDrawableAvailable(), getGLReadDrawable()
      • makeCurrent

        public abstract int makeCurrent()
                                 throws GLException
        Makes this GLContext current on the calling thread.

        Recursive call to makeCurrent() and hence release() are supported.

        There are two return values that indicate success and one that indicates failure.

        A return value of CONTEXT_CURRENT_NEW indicates that that context has been made current for the 1st time, or that the state of the underlying context or drawable has changed since the last time this context was current. In this case, the application may wish to initialize the render state.

        A return value of CONTEXT_CURRENT indicates that the context has been made current, with its previous state restored.

        If the context could not be made current (for example, because the underlying drawable has not ben realized on the display) , a value of CONTEXT_NOT_CURRENT is returned.

        This method is blocking, i.e. waits until another thread has released the context.

        The drawable's surface is being locked at entry and unlocked at release()

        GLException - if the context could not be created or made current due to non-recoverable, system-specific errors.
      • release

        public abstract void release()
                              throws GLException
        Releases control of this GLContext from the current thread.

        Recursive call to release() and hence makeCurrent() are supported.

        The drawable's surface is being unlocked at exit, assumed to be locked by makeCurrent().

        GLException - if the context had not previously been made current on the current thread
      • copy

        public abstract void copy​(GLContext source,
                                  int mask)
                           throws GLException
        Copies selected groups of OpenGL state variables from the supplied source context into this one. The mask parameter indicates which groups of state variables are to be copied. mask contains the bitwise OR of the same symbolic names that are passed to the GL command glPushAttrib. The single symbolic constant GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS can be used to copy the maximum possible portion of rendering state.

        Not all values for GL state can be copied. For example, pixel pack and unpack state, render mode state, and select and feedback state are not copied. The state that can be copied is exactly the state that is manipulated by the GL command glPushAttrib.

        On most platforms, this context may not be current to any thread, including the calling thread, when this method is called. Some platforms have additional requirements such as whether this context or the source context must occasionally be made current in order for the results of the copy to be seen; these requirements are beyond the scope of this specification.

        source - the source OpenGL context from which to copy state
        mask - a mask of symbolic names indicating which groups of state to copy
        GLException - if an OpenGL-related error occurred
      • getCurrentGL

        public static GL getCurrentGL()
                               throws GLException
        Returns the GL object bound to this thread current context. If no context is current, throw an GLException
        the current context's GL object on this thread
        GLException - if no context is current
      • getCurrent

        public static GLContext getCurrent()
        Returns this thread current context. If no context is current, returns null.
        the context current on this thread, or null if no context is current.
      • isCurrent

        public final boolean isCurrent()
        true if this GLContext is current on this thread
      • validateCurrent

        public final void validateCurrent()
                                   throws GLException
        GLException - if this GLContext is not current on this thread
      • makeCurrentResultToString

        public static final String makeCurrentResultToString​(int res)
        Returns a String representation of the makeCurrent() result.
      • destroy

        public abstract void destroy()
        Destroys this OpenGL context and frees its associated resources.

        The context may be current w/o recursion when calling destroy(), in which case this method destroys the context and releases the lock.

      • getGL

        public abstract GL getGL()
        Returns the GL pipeline object for this GLContext.
        the aggregated GL instance, or null if this context was not yet made current.
      • setGL

        public abstract GL setGL​(GL gl)
        Sets the GL pipeline object for this GLContext.
        the set GL pipeline or null if not successful
      • getHandle

        public final long getHandle()
        Returns the underlying native OpenGL context handle
      • isCreated

        public final boolean isCreated()
        Indicates whether the underlying native OpenGL context has been created.
      • getAttachedObject

        public final Object getAttachedObject​(String name)
        Returns the attached user object for the given name to this GLContext.
      • attachObject

        public final Object attachObject​(String name,
                                         Object obj)
        Sets the attached user object for the given name to this GLContext. Returns the previously set object or null.
      • detachObject

        public final Object detachObject​(String name)
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Classname, GL, GLDrawable
        toString in class Object
      • isFunctionAvailable

        public abstract boolean isFunctionAvailable​(String glFunctionName)
        Returns true if the specified OpenGL core- or extension-function can be successfully called using this GL context given the current host (OpenGL client) and display (OpenGL server) configuration. See GLBase.isFunctionAvailable(String) for more details.
        glFunctionName - the name of the OpenGL function (e.g., use "glPolygonOffsetEXT" or "glPolygonOffset" to check if the GL.glPolygonOffset(float,float) is available).
      • isExtensionAvailable

        public abstract boolean isExtensionAvailable​(String glExtensionName)
        Returns true if the specified OpenGL extension can be successfully called using this GL context given the current host (OpenGL client) and display (OpenGL server) configuration. See GLBase.isExtensionAvailable(String) for more details.
        glExtensionName - the name of the OpenGL extension (e.g., "GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB").
      • getPlatformExtensionCount

        public abstract int getPlatformExtensionCount()
        Returns the number of platform extensions
      • getPlatformExtensionsString

        public abstract String getPlatformExtensionsString()
        Returns a non-null (but possibly empty) string containing the space-separated list of available platform-dependent (e.g., WGL, GLX) extensions. Can only be called while this context is current.
      • getGLExtensionCount

        public abstract int getGLExtensionCount()
        Returns the number of OpenGL extensions
      • getGLExtensionsString

        public abstract String getGLExtensionsString()
        Returns a non-null (but possibly empty) string containing the space-separated list of available extensions. Can only be called while this context is current. This is equivalent to glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)
      • getContextCreationFlags

        public abstract int getContextCreationFlags()
        Additional context creation flags, supported: CTX_OPTION_DEBUG.
      • getGLVersion

        public final String getGLVersion()
        Returns a valid OpenGL version string, ie
             major.minor ([option]?[options,]*) - gl-version

        • options
          • ES profile ES profile
          • Compatibility profile Compatibility profile including fixed function pipeline and deprecated functionality
          • Core profile Core profile
          • forward Forward profile excluding deprecated functionality
          • arb refers to an ARB_create_context created context
          • debug refers to a debug context
          • ES2 compatible refers to an ES2 compatible implementation
          • software refers to a software implementation of the rasterizer
          • hardware refers to a hardware implementation of the rasterizer
        • gl-version the GL_VERSION string
        row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2
        ES2 2.0 (ES profile, ES2 compatible, hardware) - 2.0 ES Profile
        ATIGL2 3.0 (Compatibility profile, arb, hardware) - 3.2.9704 Compatibility Profile Context
        ATIGL3 3.3 (Core profile, any, new, hardware) - 1.4 (3.2.9704 Compatibility Profile Context)
        ATIGL3bc3.3 (Compatibility profile, arb, hardware) - 1.4 (3.2.9704 Compatibility Profile Context)
        NVGL2 3.0 (Compatibility profile, arb, hardware) - 3.0.0 NVIDIA
        NVGL3 3.3 (Core profile, arb, hardware) - 3.3.0 NVIDIA
        NVGL3bc 3.3 (Compatibility profile, arb, hardware) - 3.3.0 NVIDIA
        NVGL2 3.0 (Compatibility profile, arb, ES2 compatible, hardware) - 3.0.0 NVIDIA 290.10
      • getGLVendorVersionNumber

        public final VersionNumberString getGLVendorVersionNumber()
        Returns the vendor's version, i.e. version number at the end of GL_VERSION not being the GL version.

        In case no such version exists within GL_VERSION, the zero version instance is returned.

        The vendor's version is usually the vendor's OpenGL driver version.

      • isGLCompatibilityProfile

        public final boolean isGLCompatibilityProfile()
      • isGLCoreProfile

        public final boolean isGLCoreProfile()
      • isGLESProfile

        public final boolean isGLESProfile()
      • isGLForwardCompatible

        public final boolean isGLForwardCompatible()
      • isGLDebugEnabled

        public final boolean isGLDebugEnabled()
      • isCreatedWithARBMethod

        public final boolean isCreatedWithARBMethod()
      • getGLSLVersionNumber

        public final VersionNumber getGLSLVersionNumber()
        Returns the matching GLSL version number, queried by this context GL via GL2ES2.GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION if ≥ ES2.0 or GL2.0, otherwise a static match is being utilized.

        The context must have been current once, otherwise the zero version instance is returned.

        Examples w/ major.minor:

            1.00 (ES 2.0), 3.00 (ES 3.0)
            1.10 (GL 2.0), 1.20 (GL 2.1), 1.50 (GL 3.2),
            3.30 (GL 3.3), 4.00 (GL 4.0), 4.10 (GL 4.1), 4.20 (GL 4.2)

        Matching could also refer to the maximum GLSL version usable by this context since normal GL implementations are capable of using a lower GLSL version as well. The latter is not true on OSX w/ a GL3 context.

        GLSL version number if context has been made current at least once, otherwise the zero version instance is returned.
        See Also:
      • getGLSLVersionString

        public final String getGLSLVersionString()
        Returns the GLSL version string as to be used in a shader program, including a terminating newline '\n', i.e. for desktop
            #version 110
            #version 150 core
            #version 330 compatibility
        And for ES:
            #version 100
            #version 300 es

        If context has not been made current yet, a string of zero length is returned.

        See Also:
      • isGLES2Compatible

        public final boolean isGLES2Compatible()
        true if this context is an ES2 context or implements the extension GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility or GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility, otherwise false
      • isGLES3Compatible

        public final boolean isGLES3Compatible()
        Return true if this context is an ES3 context or implements the extension GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility, otherwise false.

        Includes [ GL ≥ 4.3, GL ≥ 3.1 w/ GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility and GLES3 ]

      • isGLES31Compatible

        public final boolean isGLES31Compatible()
        Return true if this context is an ES3 context ≥ 3.1 or implements the extension GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility, otherwise false.

        Includes [ GL ≥ 4.5, GL ≥ 3.1 w/ GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility and GLES3 ≥ 3.1 ]

      • isGLES32Compatible

        public final boolean isGLES32Compatible()
        Return true if this context is an ES3 context ≥ 3.2 or implements the extension GL_ARB_ES3_2_compatibility, otherwise false.

        Includes [ GL ≥ 4.5, GL ≥ 3.1 w/ GL_ARB_ES3_2_compatibility and GLES3 ≥ 3.2 ]

      • hasBasicFBOSupport

        public final boolean hasBasicFBOSupport()
        Returns true if basic FBO support is available, otherwise false.

        Basic FBO is supported if the context is either GL-ES >= 2.0, GL >= 3.0 [core, compat] or implements the extensions GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility, GL_ARB_framebuffer_object, GL_EXT_framebuffer_object or GL_OES_framebuffer_object.

        Basic FBO support may only include one color attachment and no multisampling, as well as limited internal formats for renderbuffer.

        See Also:
      • hasFullFBOSupport

        public final boolean hasFullFBOSupport()
        Returns true if full FBO support is available, otherwise false.

        Full FBO is supported if the context is either GL >= 3.0 [ES, core, compat] or implements the extensions ARB_framebuffer_object, or all of EXT_framebuffer_object, EXT_framebuffer_multisample, EXT_framebuffer_blit, GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil.

        Full FBO support includes multiple color attachments and multisampling.

      • hasFP32CompatAPI

        public final boolean hasFP32CompatAPI()
        Returns true if OES_single_precision, fp32, fixed function point (FFP) compatibility entry points available, otherwise false.
        See Also:
      • getMaxRenderbufferSamples

        public final int getMaxRenderbufferSamples()
        Returns the maximum number of FBO RENDERBUFFER samples if full FBO is supported, otherwise false.
      • isNPOTTextureAvailable

        public boolean isNPOTTextureAvailable()
        Note: The GL impl. may return a const value, ie GLBase.isNPOTTextureAvailable() always returns true.
      • isTextureFormatBGRA8888Available

        public boolean isTextureFormatBGRA8888Available()
      • isGL4bc

        public final boolean isGL4bc()
        Indicates whether this GLContext is capable of GL4bc.

        Includes [ GL4bc ].

        See Also:
      • isGL4

        public final boolean isGL4()
        Indicates whether this GLContext is capable of GL4.

        Includes [ GL4bc, GL4 ].

        See Also:
      • isGL4core

        public final boolean isGL4core()
        Indicates whether this GLContext uses a GL4 core profile.

        Includes [ GL4 ].

      • isGL3bc

        public final boolean isGL3bc()
        Indicates whether this GLContext is capable of GL3bc.

        Includes [ GL4bc, GL3bc ].

        See Also:
      • isGL3

        public final boolean isGL3()
        Indicates whether this GLContext is capable of GL3.

        Includes [ GL4bc, GL4, GL3bc, GL3 ].

        See Also:
      • isGL3core

        public final boolean isGL3core()
        Indicates whether this GLContext uses a GL3 core profile.

        Includes [ GL4, GL3 ].

      • isGLcore

        public final boolean isGLcore()
        Indicates whether this GLContext uses a GL core profile.

        Includes [ GL4, GL3, GLES3, GLES2 ].

      • isCPUDataSourcingAvail

        public final boolean isCPUDataSourcingAvail()
        Indicates whether this GLContext allows CPU data sourcing (indices, vertices ..) as opposed to using a GPU buffer source (VBO), e.g. GL2ES1.glDrawElements(int, int, int, java.nio.Buffer).

        Includes [GL2ES1, GLES2] == [ GL4bc, GL3bc, GL2, GLES1, GL2ES1, GLES2 ].

        See Bug 852 -

      • hasNoDefaultVAO

        public final boolean hasNoDefaultVAO()
        Indicates whether this GLContext's native profile does not implement a default vertex array object (VAO), starting w/ OpenGL 3.1 core.

        Includes [ GL4, GL3 ].

             Due to GL 3.1 core spec: E.1. DEPRECATED AND REMOVED FEATURES (p 296),
                    GL 3.2 core spec: E.2. DEPRECATED AND REMOVED FEATURES (p 331)
             there is no more default VAO buffer 0 bound, hence generating and binding one
             to avoid INVALID_OPERATION at VertexAttribPointer.
             More clear is GL 4.3 core spec: 10.4 (p 307).
             ES 3.x is not included here.
             Due to it's ES 2.0 backward compatibility it still supports the following features:
                    client side vertex arrays
                    default vertex array object
             Binding a custom VAO with ES 3.0 would cause client side vertex arrays via glVertexPointer
             to produce GL_INVALID_OPERATION.
             However, they are marked deprecated:
                    GL ES 3.0 spec F.1. Legacy Features (p 322).
                    GL ES 3.1 spec F.1. Legacy Features (p 454).

        If no default VAO is implemented in the native OpenGL profile, an own default VAO is being used, see getDefaultVAO().

        See Also:
      • getDefaultVAO

        public abstract int getDefaultVAO()
        If this GLContext does not implement a default VAO, see hasNoDefaultVAO(), an own default VAO will be created and bound at context creation.

        If this GLContext does implement a default VAO, i.e. hasNoDefaultVAO() returns false, this method returns 0.

        Otherwise this method returns the VAO object name representing this GLContext's own default VAO.

        See Also:
      • isGL2

        public final boolean isGL2()
        Indicates whether this GLContext is capable of GL2.

        Includes [ GL4bc, GL3bc, GL2 ].

        See Also:
      • isGL2GL3

        public final boolean isGL2GL3()
        Indicates whether this GLContext is capable of GL2GL3.

        Includes [ GL4bc, GL4, GL3bc, GL3, GL2, GL2GL3 ].

        See Also:
      • isGLES1

        public final boolean isGLES1()
        Indicates whether this GLContext is capable of GLES1.

        Includes [ GLES1 ].

        See Also:
      • isGLES2

        public final boolean isGLES2()
        Indicates whether this GLContext is capable of GLES2.

        Includes [ GLES2, GLES3 ].

        See Also:
      • isGLES3

        public final boolean isGLES3()
        Indicates whether this GLContext is capable of GLES3.

        Includes [ GLES3 ].

        See Also:
      • isGLES

        public final boolean isGLES()
        Indicates whether this GLContext is capable of GLES.

        Includes [ GLES3, GLES1, GLES2 ].

        See Also:
      • isGL2ES1

        public final boolean isGL2ES1()
        Indicates whether this GLContext is capable of GL2ES1.

        Includes [ GL4bc, GL3bc, GL2, GLES1, GL2ES1 ].

        See Also:
      • isGL2ES2

        public final boolean isGL2ES2()
        Indicates whether this GLContext is capable of GL2ES2.

        Includes [ GL4bc, GL4, GL3bc, GL3, GLES3, GL2, GL2GL3, GL2ES2, GLES2 ].

        See Also:
      • isGL2ES3

        public final boolean isGL2ES3()
        Indicates whether this GLContext is capable of GL2ES3.

        Includes [ GL4bc, GL4, GL3bc, GL3, GLES3, GL3ES3, GL2, GL2GL3 ].

        See Also:
        GLProfile.isGL2ES3(), isGL3ES3(), isGL2GL3()
      • isGL3ES3

        public final boolean isGL3ES3()
        Indicates whether this GLContext is capable of GL3ES3.

        Includes [ GL4bc, GL4, GL3bc, GL3, GLES3 ].

        See Also:
      • isGL4ES3

        public final boolean isGL4ES3()
        Returns true if this profile is capable of GL4ES3, i.e. if isGLES3Compatible() returns true.

        Includes [ GL ≥ 4.3, GL ≥ 3.1 w/ GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility and GLES3 ]

        See Also:
      • setSwapInterval

        public boolean setSwapInterval​(int interval)
                                throws GLException
        Set the swap interval of the current context and attached onscreen GLDrawable.

        offscreen GLDrawable are ignored and false is returned.

        The interval semantics:

        • 0 disables the vertical synchronization
        • ≥1 is the number of vertical refreshes before a swap buffer occurs
        • <0 enables late swaps to occur without synchronization to the video frame, a.k.a EXT_swap_control_tear. If supported, the absolute value is the minimum number of video frames between buffer swaps. If not supported, the absolute value is being used, see above.

        interval - see above
        true if the operation was successful, otherwise false
        GLException - if the context is not current.
        See Also:
      • getSwapInterval

        public int getSwapInterval()
        Return the current swap interval.

        If the context has not been made current at all, the default value 0 is returned.

        For a valid context w/ an onscreen GLDrawable the default value is 1, otherwise the default value is 0.

        See Also:
      • queryMaxSwapGroups

        public final boolean queryMaxSwapGroups​(int[] maxGroups,
                                                int maxGroups_offset,
                                                int[] maxBarriers,
                                                int maxBarriers_offset)
      • joinSwapGroup

        public final boolean joinSwapGroup​(int group)
      • getSwapGroup

        public int getSwapGroup()
      • bindSwapBarrier

        public final boolean bindSwapBarrier​(int group,
                                             int barrier)
      • getBoundFramebuffer

        public abstract int getBoundFramebuffer​(int target)
        Return the framebuffer name bound to this context, see GL.glBindFramebuffer(int, int).

        Method is only thread-safe while context is made current.

      • getDefaultDrawFramebuffer

        public abstract int getDefaultDrawFramebuffer()
        Return the default draw framebuffer name.

        May differ from it's default zero in case an framebuffer object (FBObject) based drawable is being used.

        Method is only thread-safe while context is made current.

      • getDefaultReadFramebuffer

        public abstract int getDefaultReadFramebuffer()
        Return the default read framebuffer name.

        May differ from it's default zero in case an framebuffer object (FBObject) based drawable is being used.

        Method is only thread-safe while context is made current.

      • isGLDebugSynchronous

        public abstract boolean isGLDebugSynchronous()
        the current synchronous debug behavior, set via setGLDebugSynchronous(boolean).
      • isGLDebugMessageEnabled

        public abstract boolean isGLDebugMessageEnabled()
        true if the GLDebugOutput feature is enabled or not.
      • getMaxMajor

        public static final int getMaxMajor​(int ctxProfile)
      • getMaxMinor

        public static final int getMaxMinor​(int ctxProfile,
                                            int major)
      • isValidGLVersion

        public static final boolean isValidGLVersion​(int ctxProfile,
                                                     int major,
                                                     int minor)
        Returns true, if the major.minor is not inferior to the lowest valid version and does not exceed the highest known major number by more than one. Otherwise returns false.

        Returns false if more than one bit of the following list in ctxProfile is set

        The minor version number is ignored by the upper limit validation and the major version number may exceed by one.

        The upper limit check is relaxed since we don't want to cut-off unforseen new GL version since the release of JOGL.

        Hence it is important to iterate through GL version from the upper limit and decrementGLVersion(int, int[], int[]) until invalid.

      • clipGLVersion

        public static final boolean clipGLVersion​(int ctxProfile,
                                                  int[] major,
                                                  int[] minor)
        Clip the given GL version to the maximum known valid version if exceeding.
        true if clipped, i.e. given value exceeds maximum, otherwise false.
      • decrementGLVersion

        public static final boolean decrementGLVersion​(int ctxProfile,
                                                       int[] major,
                                                       int[] minor)
        Decrement the given GL version by one and return true if still valid, otherwise false.

        If the given version exceeds the maximum known valid version, it is clipped and true is returned.

        ctxProfile -
        major -
        minor -
      • isFBOAvailable

        public static final boolean isFBOAvailable​(AbstractGraphicsDevice device,
                                                   GLProfile glp)
        Returns true if it is possible to create an framebuffer object (FBO).

        FBO feature is implemented in OpenGL, hence it is GLProfile dependent.

        FBO support is queried as described in hasBasicFBOSupport().

        device - the device to request whether FBO is available for
        glp - GLProfile to check for FBO capabilities
        See Also:
      • isGLES1Available

        public static boolean isGLES1Available​(AbstractGraphicsDevice device,
                                               boolean[] isHardware)
      • isGLES2Available

        public static boolean isGLES2Available​(AbstractGraphicsDevice device,
                                               boolean[] isHardware)
      • isGLES3Available

        public static boolean isGLES3Available​(AbstractGraphicsDevice device,
                                               boolean[] isHardware)
      • isGLES3CompatibleAvailable

        public static final boolean isGLES3CompatibleAvailable​(AbstractGraphicsDevice device)
        Returns true if a ES3 compatible profile is available, i.e. either a ≥ 4.3 context or a ≥ 3.1 context supporting GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility, otherwise false.

        Includes [ GL ≥ 4.3, GL ≥ 3.1 w/ GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility and GLES3 ]

      • isGLES31CompatibleAvailable

        public static final boolean isGLES31CompatibleAvailable​(AbstractGraphicsDevice device)
        Returns true if a ES3 ≥ 3.1 compatible profile is available, i.e. either a ≥ 4.5 context or a ≥ 3.1 context supporting GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility, otherwise false.

        Includes [ GL ≥ 4.5, GL ≥ 3.1 w/ GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility and GLES3 ≥ 3.1 ]

      • isGLES32CompatibleAvailable

        public static final boolean isGLES32CompatibleAvailable​(AbstractGraphicsDevice device)
        Returns true if a ES3 ≥ 3.2 compatible profile is available, i.e. either a ≥ 4.5 context or a ≥ 3.1 context supporting GL_ARB_ES3_2_compatibility, otherwise false.

        Includes [ GL ≥ 4.5, GL ≥ 3.1 w/ GL_ARB_ES3_2_compatibility and GLES3 ≥ 3.2 ]

      • isGL4bcAvailable

        public static boolean isGL4bcAvailable​(AbstractGraphicsDevice device,
                                               boolean[] isHardware)
      • isGL4Available

        public static boolean isGL4Available​(AbstractGraphicsDevice device,
                                             boolean[] isHardware)
      • isGL3bcAvailable

        public static boolean isGL3bcAvailable​(AbstractGraphicsDevice device,
                                               boolean[] isHardware)
      • isGL3Available

        public static boolean isGL3Available​(AbstractGraphicsDevice device,
                                             boolean[] isHardware)
      • isGL2Available

        public static boolean isGL2Available​(AbstractGraphicsDevice device,
                                             boolean[] isHardware)