Class Quaternion

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static float ALLOWED_DEVIANCE
      Quaternion Epsilon, used with equals method to determine if two Quaternions are close enough to be considered equal.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Quaternion add​(Quaternion q)
      Add a quaternion
      Quaternion conjugate()
      Conjugates this quaternion [-x, -y, -z, w].
      float[] copyMatrixColumn​(int index, float[] result, int resultOffset)  
      float dot​(float x, float y, float z, float w)
      Returns the dot product of this quaternion with the given x,y,z and w components.
      float dot​(Quaternion quat)
      Returns the dot product of this quaternion with the given quaternion
      boolean equals​(Object o)  
      float getW()  
      float getX()  
      float getY()  
      float getZ()  
      int hashCode()  
      Quaternion invert()
      Invert the quaternion If rotational, will produce a the inverse rotation
      boolean isIdentity()
      Returns true if this quaternion has identity.
      boolean isRotationMatrix3f​(float[] m)
      Check if the the 3x3 matrix (param) is in fact an affine rotational matrix
      float magnitude()
      Return the magnitude of this quaternion, i.e.
      float magnitudeSquared()
      See magnitude() for special handling of epsilon, which is not applied here.
      Quaternion mult​(Quaternion q)
      Multiply this quaternion by the param quaternion
      Quaternion normalize()
      Normalize a quaternion required if to be used as a rotational quaternion.
      Quaternion rotateByAngleNormalAxis​(float angle, float axisX, float axisY, float axisZ)
      Rotate this quaternion by the given angle and axis.
      Quaternion rotateByAngleX​(float angle)
      Rotate this quaternion around X axis with the given angle in radians
      Quaternion rotateByAngleY​(float angle)
      Rotate this quaternion around Y axis with the given angle in radians
      Quaternion rotateByAngleZ​(float angle)
      Rotate this quaternion around Z axis with the given angle in radians
      Quaternion rotateByEuler​(float[] angradXYZ)
      Rotates this quaternion from the given Euler rotation array angradXYZ in radians.
      Quaternion rotateByEuler​(float bankX, float headingY, float attitudeZ)
      Rotates this quaternion from the given Euler rotation angles in radians.
      float[] rotateVector​(float[] vecOut, int vecOutOffset, float[] vecIn, int vecInOffset)
      Rotate the given vector by this quaternion
      Quaternion scale​(float n)
      Scale this quaternion by a constant
      Quaternion set​(float x, float y, float z, float w)
      Set all values of this quaternion using the given components.
      Quaternion set​(Quaternion src)
      Set all values of this quaternion using the given src.
      Quaternion setFromAngleAxis​(float angle, float[] vector, float[] tmpV3f)
      Initialize this quaternion with given non-normalized axis vector and rotation angle
      Quaternion setFromAngleNormalAxis​(float angle, float[] vector)
      Initialize this quaternion with given normalized axis vector and rotation angle
      Quaternion setFromAxes​(float[] xAxis, float[] yAxis, float[] zAxis)
      Initializes this quaternion to represent a rotation formed by the given three orthogonal axes.
      Quaternion setFromEuler​(float[] angradXYZ)
      Initializes this quaternion from the given Euler rotation array angradXYZ in radians.
      Quaternion setFromEuler​(float bankX, float headingY, float attitudeZ)
      Initializes this quaternion from the given Euler rotation angles in radians.
      Quaternion setFromMatrix​(float[] m, int m_off)
      Initializes this quaternion from a 4x4 column rotation matrix
      Quaternion setFromMatrix​(float m00, float m01, float m02, float m10, float m11, float m12, float m20, float m21, float m22)
      Compute the quaternion from a 3x3 column rotation matrix
      Quaternion setFromNormalVectors​(float[] v1, float[] v2, float[] tmpPivotVec)
      Initialize this quaternion from two normalized vectors
      Quaternion setFromVectors​(float[] v1, float[] v2, float[] tmpPivotVec, float[] tmpNormalVec)
      Initialize this quaternion from two vectors
      Quaternion setIdentity()
      Set this quaternion to identity (x=0,y=0,z=0,w=1)
      Quaternion setLookAt​(float[] directionIn, float[] upIn, float[] xAxisOut, float[] yAxisOut, float[] zAxisOut)
      Set this quaternion to equal the rotation required to point the z-axis at direction and the y-axis to up.
      Quaternion setSlerp​(Quaternion a, Quaternion b, float changeAmnt)
      Set this quaternion to a spherical linear interpolation between the given start and end quaternions by the given change amount.
      void setW​(float w)  
      void setX​(float x)  
      void setY​(float y)  
      void setZ​(float z)  
      Quaternion subtract​(Quaternion q)
      Subtract a quaternion
      float toAngleAxis​(float[] axis)
      Transform the rotational quaternion to axis based rotation angles
      void toAxes​(float[] xAxis, float[] yAxis, float[] zAxis, float[] tmpMat4)
      Extracts this quaternion's orthogonal rotation axes.
      float[] toEuler​(float[] result)
      Transform this quaternion to Euler rotation angles in radians (pitchX, yawY and rollZ).
      float[] toMatrix​(float[] matrix, int mat_offset)
      Transform this quaternion to a normalized 4x4 column matrix representing the rotation.
      String toString()  
    • Field Detail


        public static final float ALLOWED_DEVIANCE
        Quaternion Epsilon, used with equals method to determine if two Quaternions are close enough to be considered equal.

        Using 9.999999974752427E-7f, which is ~10 times FloatUtil.EPSILON.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Quaternion

        public Quaternion()
      • Quaternion

        public Quaternion​(float x,
                          float y,
                          float z,
                          float w)
    • Method Detail

      • magnitudeSquared

        public final float magnitudeSquared()
        See magnitude() for special handling of epsilon, which is not applied here.
        the squared magnitude of this quaternion.
      • getW

        public final float getW()
      • setW

        public final void setW​(float w)
      • getX

        public final float getX()
      • setX

        public final void setX​(float x)
      • getY

        public final float getY()
      • setY

        public final void setY​(float y)
      • getZ

        public final float getZ()
      • setZ

        public final void setZ​(float z)
      • dot

        public final float dot​(float x,
                               float y,
                               float z,
                               float w)
        Returns the dot product of this quaternion with the given x,y,z and w components.
      • dot

        public final float dot​(Quaternion quat)
        Returns the dot product of this quaternion with the given quaternion
      • isIdentity

        public final boolean isIdentity()
        Returns true if this quaternion has identity.

        Implementation uses epsilon to compare W against 1f and X, Y and Z against zero.

      • setIdentity

        public final Quaternion setIdentity()
        Set this quaternion to identity (x=0,y=0,z=0,w=1)
        this quaternion for chaining.
      • normalize

        public final Quaternion normalize()
        Normalize a quaternion required if to be used as a rotational quaternion.

        Implementation Details:

        this quaternion for chaining.
      • conjugate

        public Quaternion conjugate()
        Conjugates this quaternion [-x, -y, -z, w].
        this quaternion for chaining.
        See Also:
        Matrix-FAQ Q49
      • set

        public final Quaternion set​(Quaternion src)
        Set all values of this quaternion using the given src.
        this quaternion for chaining.
      • set

        public final Quaternion set​(float x,
                                    float y,
                                    float z,
                                    float w)
        Set all values of this quaternion using the given components.
        this quaternion for chaining.
      • rotateByAngleNormalAxis

        public Quaternion rotateByAngleNormalAxis​(float angle,
                                                  float axisX,
                                                  float axisY,
                                                  float axisZ)
        Rotate this quaternion by the given angle and axis.

        The axis must be a normalized vector.

        A rotational quaternion is made from the given angle and axis.

        angle - in radians
        axisX - x-coord of rotation axis
        axisY - y-coord of rotation axis
        axisZ - z-coord of rotation axis
        this quaternion for chaining.
      • rotateByAngleX

        public Quaternion rotateByAngleX​(float angle)
        Rotate this quaternion around X axis with the given angle in radians
        angle - in radians
        this quaternion for chaining.
      • rotateByAngleY

        public Quaternion rotateByAngleY​(float angle)
        Rotate this quaternion around Y axis with the given angle in radians
        angle - in radians
        this quaternion for chaining.
      • rotateByAngleZ

        public Quaternion rotateByAngleZ​(float angle)
        Rotate this quaternion around Z axis with the given angle in radians
        angle - in radians
        this quaternion for chaining.
      • rotateByEuler

        public final Quaternion rotateByEuler​(float[] angradXYZ)
        Rotates this quaternion from the given Euler rotation array angradXYZ in radians.

        The angradXYZ array is laid out in natural order:

        • x - bank
        • y - heading
        • z - attitude

        For details see rotateByEuler(float, float, float).
        angradXYZ - euler angel array in radians
        this quaternion for chaining.
        See Also:
        rotateByEuler(float, float, float)
      • rotateVector

        public final float[] rotateVector​(float[] vecOut,
                                          int vecOutOffset,
                                          float[] vecIn,
                                          int vecInOffset)
        Rotate the given vector by this quaternion
        vecOut - result float[3] storage for rotated vector, maybe equal to vecIn for in-place rotation
        vecOutOffset - offset in result storage
        vecIn - float[3] vector to be rotated
        vecInOffset - offset in vecIn
        the given vecOut store for chaining
        See Also:
        Matrix-FAQ Q63
      • setSlerp

        public final Quaternion setSlerp​(Quaternion a,
                                         Quaternion b,
                                         float changeAmnt)
        Set this quaternion to a spherical linear interpolation between the given start and end quaternions by the given change amount.

        Note: Method does not normalize this quaternion!

        a - start quaternion
        b - end quaternion
        changeAmnt - float between 0 and 1 representing interpolation.
        this quaternion for chaining.
        See Also:
      • setLookAt

        public Quaternion setLookAt​(float[] directionIn,
                                    float[] upIn,
                                    float[] xAxisOut,
                                    float[] yAxisOut,
                                    float[] zAxisOut)
        Set this quaternion to equal the rotation required to point the z-axis at direction and the y-axis to up.

        Implementation generates a 3x3 matrix and is equal with ProjectFloat's lookAt(..).

        Implementation Details:

        directionIn - where to look at
        upIn - a vector indicating the local up direction.
        xAxisOut - vector storing the orthogonal x-axis of the coordinate system.
        yAxisOut - vector storing the orthogonal y-axis of the coordinate system.
        zAxisOut - vector storing the orthogonal z-axis of the coordinate system.
        this quaternion for chaining.
        See Also:
      • setFromVectors

        public final Quaternion setFromVectors​(float[] v1,
                                               float[] v2,
                                               float[] tmpPivotVec,
                                               float[] tmpNormalVec)
        Initialize this quaternion from two vectors
           q = (s,v) = (v1•v2 , v1 × v2),
             angle = angle(v1, v2) = v1•v2
              axis = normal(v1 x v2)

        Implementation Details:

        v1 - not normalized
        v2 - not normalized
        tmpPivotVec - float[3] temp storage for cross product
        tmpNormalVec - float[3] temp storage to normalize vector
        this quaternion for chaining.
      • setFromNormalVectors

        public final Quaternion setFromNormalVectors​(float[] v1,
                                                     float[] v2,
                                                     float[] tmpPivotVec)
        Initialize this quaternion from two normalized vectors
           q = (s,v) = (v1•v2 , v1 × v2),
             angle = angle(v1, v2) = v1•v2
              axis = v1 x v2

        Implementation Details:

        v1 - normalized
        v2 - normalized
        tmpPivotVec - float[3] temp storage for cross product
        this quaternion for chaining.
      • setFromAngleAxis

        public final Quaternion setFromAngleAxis​(float angle,
                                                 float[] vector,
                                                 float[] tmpV3f)
        Initialize this quaternion with given non-normalized axis vector and rotation angle

        Implementation Details:

        angle - rotation angle (rads)
        vector - axis vector not normalized
        tmpV3f - float[3] temp storage to normalize vector
        this quaternion for chaining.
        See Also:
        Matrix-FAQ Q56, toAngleAxis(float[])
      • setFromAngleNormalAxis

        public final Quaternion setFromAngleNormalAxis​(float angle,
                                                       float[] vector)
        Initialize this quaternion with given normalized axis vector and rotation angle

        Implementation Details:

        angle - rotation angle (rads)
        vector - axis vector normalized
        this quaternion for chaining.
        See Also:
        Matrix-FAQ Q56, toAngleAxis(float[])
      • toAngleAxis

        public final float toAngleAxis​(float[] axis)
        Transform the rotational quaternion to axis based rotation angles
        axis - float[3] storage for computed axis
        the rotation angle in radians
        See Also:
        setFromAngleAxis(float, float[], float[])
      • setFromEuler

        public final Quaternion setFromEuler​(float[] angradXYZ)
        Initializes this quaternion from the given Euler rotation array angradXYZ in radians.

        The angradXYZ array is laid out in natural order:

        • x - bank
        • y - heading
        • z - attitude

        For details see setFromEuler(float, float, float).
        angradXYZ - euler angel array in radians
        this quaternion for chaining.
        See Also:
        setFromEuler(float, float, float)
      • setFromEuler

        public final Quaternion setFromEuler​(float bankX,
                                             float headingY,
                                             float attitudeZ)
        Initializes this quaternion from the given Euler rotation angles in radians.

        The rotations are applied in the given order:

        • y - heading
        • z - attitude
        • x - bank

        Implementation Details:

        bankX - the Euler pitch angle in radians. (rotation about the X axis)
        headingY - the Euler yaw angle in radians. (rotation about the Y axis)
        attitudeZ - the Euler roll angle in radians. (rotation about the Z axis)
        this quaternion for chaining.
        See Also:
        Matrix-FAQ Q60, Gems,, toEuler(float[])
      • toEuler

        public float[] toEuler​(float[] result)
        Transform this quaternion to Euler rotation angles in radians (pitchX, yawY and rollZ).
        result - the float[] array storing the computed angles.
        the double[] array, filled with heading, attitude and bank in that order..
        See Also:, setFromEuler(float, float, float)
      • toMatrix

        public final float[] toMatrix​(float[] matrix,
                                      int mat_offset)
        Transform this quaternion to a normalized 4x4 column matrix representing the rotation.

        Implementation Details:

        matrix - float[16] store for the resulting normalized column matrix 4x4
        mat_offset -
        the given matrix store
        See Also:
        Matrix-FAQ Q54, setFromMatrix(float[], int)
      • copyMatrixColumn

        public float[] copyMatrixColumn​(int index,
                                        float[] result,
                                        int resultOffset)
        index - the 3x3 rotation matrix column to retrieve from this quaternion (normalized). Must be between 0 and 2.
        result - the vector object to store the result in.
        the result column-vector for chaining.
      • setFromAxes

        public final Quaternion setFromAxes​(float[] xAxis,
                                            float[] yAxis,
                                            float[] zAxis)
        Initializes this quaternion to represent a rotation formed by the given three orthogonal axes.

        No validation whether the axes are orthogonal is performed.

        xAxis - vector representing the orthogonal x-axis of the coordinate system.
        yAxis - vector representing the orthogonal y-axis of the coordinate system.
        zAxis - vector representing the orthogonal z-axis of the coordinate system.
        this quaternion for chaining.
      • toAxes

        public void toAxes​(float[] xAxis,
                           float[] yAxis,
                           float[] zAxis,
                           float[] tmpMat4)
        Extracts this quaternion's orthogonal rotation axes.
        xAxis - vector representing the orthogonal x-axis of the coordinate system.
        yAxis - vector representing the orthogonal y-axis of the coordinate system.
        zAxis - vector representing the orthogonal z-axis of the coordinate system.
        tmpMat4 - temporary float[4] matrix, used to transform this quaternion to a matrix.
      • isRotationMatrix3f

        public final boolean isRotationMatrix3f​(float[] m)
        Check if the the 3x3 matrix (param) is in fact an affine rotational matrix
        m - 3x3 column matrix
        true if representing a rotational matrix, false otherwise
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        equals in class Object
        o - the object to compare for equality
        true if this quaternion and the provided quaternion have roughly the same x, y, z and w values.
      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object