#jogamp @ irc.freenode.net - 20130213 05:05:25 (UTC)

20130213 05:05:25 -CatOut- Previous @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20130212050612.html
20130213 05:05:25 -CatOut- This channel is logged @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20130213050525.html
20130213 05:46:31 * hharrison (~chatzilla@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130213 06:53:43 * hharrison (~chatzilla@anon) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 18.0.2/20130206104040])
20130213 06:55:36 <odin_> odin_, is from UK doing maintenance on QtJambi which are the Qt bindings for Java language
20130213 06:55:54 <odin_> an alternative to SWT/AWT/Swing
20130213 06:57:26 <odin_> I must look to see what happened at FOSDEM this year... and make a not to attend next... just like I did last year
20130213 07:20:41 * ebrayet (~Adium@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130213 07:29:56 * ebrayet (~Adium@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20130213 08:53:51 * ebrayet (~Adium@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130213 09:49:55 <xranby> odin_: http://jogamp.org/doc/fosdem2013
20130213 09:50:32 <xranby> (21:01:16) sgothel: jk4 == xranby ? :) <-- - no jk4 is someone else
20130213 09:51:14 <xranby> rmk0 do you want me to tell jk4 about avian?
20130213 10:03:35 <xranby> (21:29:44) jk4: with avian, i assume you still need something that brings in the toolkit and os libs into java <--- yes basically you use avian in combination with some high level classes that can do the native binding, and here JogAmp NEWT is a good place to implement this native binding
20130213 10:05:16 <xranby> when NEWT gets extended to initialize the iOS native surface in iOS specific ways then we can get all OpenGL ES software stacks runnign on top of JogAmp running on the iOS.
20130213 10:05:21 <sgothel> good morning
20130213 10:05:42 <xranby> sgothel: good morning
20130213 10:05:46 <sgothel> @Xerxes: yup we elaborated on all those things in the night :)
20130213 10:06:10 <xranby> awesome with shared scrollback
20130213 10:06:14 <xranby> life is good
20130213 10:06:16 <sgothel> @odin: so you are the _man_ when it comes to our next QtJambi binding :)
20130213 10:06:32 <xranby> odin is *the* QtJambi manager
20130213 10:06:54 <xranby> http://qt-jambi.org/
20130213 10:07:10 <sgothel> how is JOAL/openal going ? (windows/openal-soft, platform agnostic, .. )
20130213 10:07:27 <sgothel> me currently hacking stability of OSX / Java7 / CALayer
20130213 10:07:47 <sgothel> turns out nothing gets released on the CALayer side .. oops
20130213 10:08:04 <xranby> how long before users runs out of memory?
20130213 10:08:24 <xranby> 1h.. 1day ?
20130213 10:08:49 <sgothel> 'normal' apps may not feel it - but lots of recreate .. >= 300 context .. will freeze machine .. and worse
20130213 10:09:08 <sgothel> w/ the proper unit test .. within minutes :)
20130213 10:09:33 <xranby> surely that nees fixing, thank you for having the right eyes to see it
20130213 10:09:42 <sgothel> the damn retain/release OSX API :)
20130213 10:10:16 <sgothel> hoho .. well, looks like JAWT's CALayer won't get free'ed properly .. have to check further
20130213 10:15:58 <xranby> inside oracles implementatioN?
20130213 10:16:14 <sgothel> dunno yet .. maybe
20130213 10:17:05 <sgothel> have to replace all native OSX blocking calls on-main-thread w/ a java sync-call like RunnableTask .. etc etc, later it will be visible I hope
20130213 10:17:57 <sgothel> but yeah .. the layer is retained - count 1, the minimum w/ all our release calls in place :(
20130213 10:21:40 <xranby> odin_: what we can do is start with updating the old QT-Jambi JOGL integration example (the OpenGL demo) to use JOGL 2
20130213 10:22:19 <xranby> http://doc.qt.digia.com/qtjambi-4.5.2_01/com/trolltech/qt/qtjambi-2dpainting.html
20130213 10:22:57 <xranby> as i recall one of the two views is using jogl
20130213 10:30:00 <xranby> qtjambi-community/jogl
20130213 10:30:52 <xranby> src/java/qtjambi-examples/com/trolltech/demos/opengl/HelloGL.java: QMessageBox.critical(null, "OpenGL Missing", "This Example requires OpenGL for Java\nAvalable at: <i>https://jogl.dev.java.net/</i>");
20130213 10:31:19 <xranby> ok so the HelloGL example is today using the old JOGL 1.1.1
20130213 10:31:32 <xranby> it would be good to update it to use the JogAmp JOGL 2
20130213 10:41:39 * jk4 (~jk4@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
20130213 10:42:08 * jk4 (~jk4@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130213 11:01:34 <odin_> morning all, what is the existing JOGL ?
20130213 11:03:15 <xranby> src/java/qtjambi-examples/com/trolltech/demos/opengl/HelloGL.java this example is today using jogl
20130213 11:03:16 <sgothel> any JOGL @ jogamp.org
20130213 11:03:35 <xranby> odin_: a start would be to try update this example to use JogAmp jogl 2
20130213 11:04:03 <xranby> that is jogl-all.jar and gluegen-rt.jar from http://jogamp.org/deployment/jogamp-current/jar/
20130213 11:04:38 <xranby> odin_: the example is from the qtjambi-community source repository
20130213 11:05:03 <xranby> last touched in 2009
20130213 11:05:57 <xranby> import com.trolltech.qt.opengl.QGLWidget;
20130213 11:06:10 <xranby> so looks like some of the hard work is already done?
20130213 11:11:27 <odin_> yes one thing I need to do is remove the jogl.jar copy in our archive
20130213 11:11:33 <odin_> and use maven/graddle somewthing to pull it in
20130213 11:11:50 <xranby> jogamp supports using maven
20130213 11:12:10 <xranby> the latest release is in maven central so you can use
20130213 11:12:40 <xranby>   <properties>    <jogl.version>2.0-rc11</jogl.version>    <project.build.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</project.build.sourceEncoding>  </properties>
20130213 11:13:00 <xranby>   <dependencies>    <dependency>      <groupId>org.jogamp.gluegen</groupId>      <artifactId>gluegen-rt-main</artifactId>      <version>${jogl.version}</version>    </dependency>    <dependency>      <groupId>org.jogamp.jogl</groupId>      <artifactId>jogl-all-main</artifactId>      <version>${jogl.version}</version>    </dependency>
20130213 11:13:35 <xranby> http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|jogamp
20130213 11:13:54 <xranby> looks like all i wrote went through the garbage compactor
20130213 11:14:12 <xranby> the maven central link is of course the best reference
20130213 11:18:43 <xranby> sgothel: check your amazon tablet. i hear rumors that amazon do ship opencl drivers using their android variant
20130213 11:18:51 <xranby> http://codedivine.org/2013/02/01/renderscript-from-the-perspective-of-an-openclcudac-amp-programmer/
20130213 11:19:41 <xranby> (scroll down to the comments)
20130213 11:20:42 <sgothel> earmarked .. not bad :)
20130213 11:21:05 <sgothel> you definitely have read your news ..
20130213 11:22:56 * jk4 (~jk4@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
20130213 11:24:02 * jk4 (~jk4@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130213 11:27:35 <xranby> so feel free to start and upvote this bug http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=36361
20130213 11:27:55 <sgothel> I just want the drivers :)
20130213 11:28:36 <sgothel> actually would be excellent to show we can .. and google doesn't :)
20130213 11:31:05 <xranby> yes that would be something
20130213 11:31:25 <xranby> well it feels irritating that we are only missing the drivers on the device
20130213 11:31:34 <xranby> drivers that the silicon vendors sits on
20130213 11:31:59 <xranby> and then we use this to do fast FFT jazz music
20130213 11:32:06 <xranby> on tablets and mobile devices
20130213 11:32:08 <sgothel> .. have to bug Wade
20130213 11:32:15 <sgothel> .. and Ti .. etc
20130213 11:32:22 <xranby> crowd goes wild
20130213 11:33:25 <xranby> sgothel: please foreward the experimental jazz email to wade
20130213 11:33:34 <xranby> its a good usecase
20130213 11:35:04 <sgothel> experimental jazz email ?
20130213 11:35:20 <sgothel> forum or private ? ..
20130213 11:35:44 <sgothel> got it ..
20130213 11:37:45 <xranby> sgothel: i got a video recording i made of this jazz dude from fosdem 2012 its amazing stuff
20130213 11:37:53 <xranby> he have basically written an mosic parser
20130213 11:38:04 <xranby> that allows his amchine to acompany what he plays
20130213 11:38:07 <xranby> using only a microphone
20130213 11:38:34 <xranby> its one of Karls friends
20130213 11:39:00 <xranby> or Toms friends according to your brain :)
20130213 11:40:35 <sgothel> ahhh
20130213 11:47:22 <sgothel> sent ..
20130213 11:47:36 <sgothel> my regular bugging .. :)
20130213 11:47:57 <sgothel> since it's driver blobs this time only .. maybe it works
20130213 11:48:28 <sgothel> I am sure .. one could download them if dealing w/ paperwork etc .. for a few days :)
20130213 11:49:00 <xranby> why are everyone afraid of transparent processes?
20130213 11:49:21 <sgothel> what do you mean ?
20130213 11:49:34 <xranby> here we have a driver for you on page z
20130213 11:49:42 <xranby> download and test
20130213 11:49:48 <sgothel> hehe
20130213 11:49:48 <xranby> if you like it good
20130213 11:50:24 <xranby> then we got the ip chip for you to use
20130213 12:05:56 <odin_> yes someone has updated examples and jogl.jar is jogl v1 bad ? how compatible with v2 ?
20130213 12:06:54 <odin_> updating to v2 for the sake of it, when actually the source is compatible with v1 and v2 at the same time, makes no sense
20130213 12:07:34 <sgothel> pls see FOSDEM video .. and our JOGL GL evolution doc @ main page
20130213 12:07:55 <sgothel> http://jogamp.org/jogl/doc/Overview-OpenGL-Evolution-And-JOGL.html
20130213 12:08:01 <sgothel> http://jogamp.org/
20130213 12:08:18 <sgothel> beside many other changes .. JOGL2 introduces OpenGL profiles ..
20130213 12:10:53 <odin_> yep will put on fosdem videos / lookup info in a hour time for some lunch
20130213 12:14:08 <xranby> odin_: in a nutshell we redesigned jogl to let it scale and support all new opengl es and advanced opengl desktop profiles
20130213 12:14:48 <xranby> so jogl 2 covers all graphicscards while jogl 1 only covered the old legacy fixed function opengl cards that you nolonger can buy.
20130213 12:15:35 <xranby> all new graphics cards will have to emulate the old functionality inside the opengl drivers using shaders if you try to use the old jogl and the old jogl do not support any of the mobile devices
20130213 12:15:59 <xranby> odin_: terefore in our view there is no option
20130213 12:16:52 <xranby> like sven pointed out http://jogamp.org/jogl/doc/Overview-OpenGL-Evolution-And-JOGL.html a great link
20130213 14:10:48 * xranby (~xranby@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
20130213 14:19:19 * juank_prada (~juank_pra@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130213 15:00:01 * xranby (~xranby@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130213 15:47:54 <jk4> CatOut: cute
20130213 15:48:01 <jk4> errm sorry
20130213 16:03:30 * juank_prada (~juank_pra@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
20130213 16:47:44 * hharrison (~chatzilla@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130213 17:18:18 * ebrayet (~Adium@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20130213 18:01:58 * xranby (~xranby@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
20130213 18:07:40 * xranby (~xranby@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130213 19:33:24 * gouessej (5279c132@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130213 19:34:08 <gouessej> hi
20130213 19:34:28 <gouessej> I haven't succeeded in running Ardor3D under Mac OS X
20130213 19:34:41 <gouessej> I have just asked Renanse to give it a try
20130213 19:35:30 <sgothel> hi Julien .. me currently fixing resource leaks on OSX / Java7 / CALayer
20130213 19:41:45 <gouessej> ok
20130213 19:42:19 <gouessej> Nothing is displayed in my case, it is just locked
20130213 19:47:06 <sgothel> hmm
20130213 19:47:35 <sgothel> i.e. you can enable all debug flags .. and see what happens .. redir to log file, like > lala 2>&1 | tee error.log
20130213 20:52:31 * xranby1 (~familjen@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130213 20:52:41 <xranby1> today is OpenCL on arm day
20130213 20:52:53 * juank_prada (~juank_pra@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130213 20:53:10 <xranby1> drivers for samsung exynos 5 board landed here: http://streamcomputing.eu/knowledge/sdks/samsung-exynos-5-board/
20130213 20:54:08 <xranby1> ARM MALI OpenCL SDK available here http://malideveloper.arm.com/develop-for-mali/sdks/mali-opencl-sdk/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mali-opencl-sdk
20130213 20:54:21 <sgothel> ah ..
20130213 20:54:23 <sgothel> very good
20130213 20:54:36 <sgothel> so it won't get boring :)
20130213 20:54:47 <xranby1> Google ships secret #ARM #MALI T-604 #OpenCL driver in Nexus 10 to accelerate Renderscript.
20130213 20:54:52 <xranby1> http://t.co/qh0prbAK
20130213 20:55:14 <xranby1> stock Android version (4.2.1): world's first OpenCL-enabled tablet!
20130213 20:55:15 <sgothel> copied ..
20130213 20:55:18 <xranby1> or somerhign
20130213 20:55:36 <sgothel> so after JOAL, JOGL .. this will be 'it' :)
20130213 20:55:42 <xranby1> yes this is IT
20130213 20:55:58 <sgothel> but - tedious stabilizing stuff 1st ..
20130213 20:56:04 <xranby1> oh yes khronos released OpenGL ES 3 compiant ahrdware list today
20130213 20:56:14 <sgothel> need drivers ..
20130213 20:56:21 <sgothel> if you know ..
20130213 20:56:22 <xranby1> mesa got drivers
20130213 20:56:29 <sgothel> I know .. a branch
20130213 20:56:48 <xranby1> http://linux.slashdot.org/story/13/02/13/1756208/intel-supports-opengl-es-30-on-linux-before-windows
20130213 20:56:54 <sgothel> I have prepared that already .. but all of a sudden all those things came up :)(
20130213 20:57:30 <xranby1> yes its a news-fury
20130213 20:57:33 <xranby1> you are not dreaming
20130213 21:03:04 <jk4> so newt doesn't /support/ ios per se at this time?
20130213 21:04:26 <sgothel> diff iOS OSX API is very small ..
20130213 21:04:40 * juank_prada (~juank_pra@anon) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
20130213 21:04:48 <sgothel> newt supports OSX API :)
20130213 21:05:30 <sgothel> if you like to go ahead w/ it jk4 .. do it
20130213 21:06:23 <jk4> well you see i don't have any fruit-themed equipment to test it on
20130213 21:07:08 <sgothel> this is nothing 'for fun' .. i.e. if budget for pro-project doesn't even cover the software/hardware .. well, no need to touch this stuff :)
20130213 21:07:13 <sgothel> dinner .. laters
20130213 21:08:44 <jk4> i'm just looking to make an app that works on android and ios with as little resistance as possible
20130213 21:09:05 <jk4> phonegap might be too silly. haven't decided
20130213 21:10:02 * juank_prada (~juank_pra@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130213 21:10:16 <xranby1> jk4: sure if you only target the browser
20130213 21:11:31 <xranby1> jk4: do you have an old iphone etc?
20130213 21:11:57 <xranby1> if one way to start is to root it and use it as an developement device
20130213 21:12:30 <xranby1> i think you will have to do this regardless which framework you use to wite your application
20130213 21:12:50 <xranby1> in order to be able to test the application on ios before it is finished
20130213 21:13:19 <xranby1> phase 2 is to get it deployed inside the apple walled garden
20130213 21:13:26 <xranby1> here i suggest you to look at robovm
20130213 21:13:35 <jk4> have no equipment
20130213 21:13:40 <xranby1> that contains good ios java bindings from java
20130213 21:13:51 <jk4> have access to a apple something or other in a computer lab
20130213 21:14:11 <jk4> phonegap has javascript apis to native functionality. it really pretty neat
20130213 21:14:24 <jk4> but it's not a long term solution in my mind
20130213 21:22:45 <xranby1> http://www.robovm.org/ to me this looks like a reasonable way to solve the iOS app store requirements and still code using java
20130213 21:23:32 <xranby1> thus a goal would be to use robovm to create native applications by statically compile all needed parts from jogamp into your application
20130213 21:23:51 <xranby1> you may start by testing the process on a linux machine
20130213 21:36:03 <juank_prada> lately the guys at libgdx are making its framework to work on IOS using IKVM and mono
20130213 21:36:24 <juank_prada> so you still develop in Java
20130213 21:36:30 <juank_prada> at least the language
20130213 21:37:02 <juank_prada> you have to pay for the monotouch license though
20130213 21:37:36 <xranby1> yes, jME3 is targeting avian then you dont need this additinal license
20130213 21:38:20 <juank_prada> what is that JME3 really worth it?
20130213 21:39:01 <xranby1> if you need a scenegrap api then jME3 is one of the fastest opensource available
20130213 21:39:02 <xranby1> http://jmonkeyengine.org/forum/topic/sneak-peek-of-the-next-big-jme3-addition/
20130213 21:39:30 <xranby1> if you have the money to invest then you can probably write your own engine
20130213 21:41:54 <juank_prada> lol I though jME3 was some sort of new version of JAva Micro Edition XD
20130213 21:42:27 <xranby1> jME3 got a JOGL 2 backend nowdays
20130213 21:42:52 <juank_prada> yes I read about it
20130213 21:42:54 <xranby1> gouessej maintains it
20130213 21:43:12 <xranby1> well we all maintains it
20130213 21:43:35 <xranby1> there is some buzz testing the jME3 backend on raspberry pi inside the forum
20130213 21:45:43 <xranby1> http://forum.jogamp.org/JOGL-2-0-OpenGL-OpenGL-ES-backend-for-LibGDX-tp4027689p4028115.html
20130213 21:45:51 <xranby1> 60fps on the pi sounds sweet
20130213 21:50:48 * ebrayet (~Adium@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130213 22:02:37 <xranby1> welcome to the #JogAmp irc channel
20130213 22:12:02 <xranby1> sgothel: http://beyond3d.com/showthread.php?t=63071
20130213 22:12:28 <xranby1> check if the libGLES_mali.so expose the CL symbols on the chromebook
20130213 22:15:54 * xranby1 (~familjen@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20130213 22:17:59 * juank_prada (~juank_pra@anon) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
20130213 22:35:48 <gouessej> it would be fine to make JOGL work with MagentaOS anyway
20130213 22:38:32 * gouessej (5279c132@anon) Quit (Quit: Page closed)
20130213 23:56:41 * ebrayet (~Adium@anon) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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20130214 01:52:50 <sgothel> http://forum.jogamp.org/JInput-Delivery-tp4028209p4028210.html .. added our priorities .. so far :)
20130214 02:36:11 * juank_prada (~juankprad@anon) Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
20130214 03:06:32 * hharrison (~chatzilla@anon) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 19.0/20130123083802])
20130214 05:05:39 -CatOut- Continue @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20130214050539.html