Interface GLCapabilitiesImmutable

All Superinterfaces:
CapabilitiesImmutable, WriteCloneable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GLCapabilitiesImmutable
extends CapabilitiesImmutable

Specifies an immutable set of OpenGL capabilities.

See Also:
GLCapabilities, CapabilitiesImmutable

Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object obj)
 int getAccumAlphaBits()
          Returns the number of bits requested for the accumulation buffer's alpha component.
 int getAccumBlueBits()
          Returns the number of bits requested for the accumulation buffer's blue component.
 int getAccumGreenBits()
          Returns the number of bits requested for the accumulation buffer's green component.
 int getAccumRedBits()
          Returns the number of bits requested for the accumulation buffer's red component.
 int getDepthBits()
          Returns the number of bits requested for the depth buffer.
 boolean getDoubleBuffered()
          Indicates whether double-buffering is enabled.
 GLProfile getGLProfile()
          Returns the GL profile you desire or used by the drawable.
 boolean getHardwareAccelerated()
          Indicates whether hardware acceleration is enabled.
 int getNumSamples()
          Returns the number of sample buffers to be allocated if sample buffers are enabled.
 boolean getPbufferFloatingPointBuffers()
          For pbuffers only, returns whether floating-point buffers should be used if available.
 boolean getPbufferRenderToTexture()
          For pbuffers only, returns whether the render-to-texture extension should be used if available.
 boolean getPbufferRenderToTextureRectangle()
          For pbuffers only, returns whether the render-to-texture extension should be used.
 boolean getSampleBuffers()
          Returns whether sample buffers for full-scene antialiasing (FSAA) should be allocated for this drawable.
 int getStencilBits()
          Returns the number of bits requested for the stencil buffer.
 boolean getStereo()
          Indicates whether stereo is enabled.
 int hashCode()
 boolean isPBuffer()
          Indicates whether pbuffer is used/requested.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from interface
getAlphaBits, getBlueBits, getGreenBits, getRedBits, getTransparentAlphaValue, getTransparentBlueValue, getTransparentGreenValue, getTransparentRedValue, isBackgroundOpaque, isOnscreen, toString
Methods inherited from interface com.jogamp.common.type.WriteCloneable

Method Detail


int getAccumAlphaBits()
Returns the number of bits requested for the accumulation buffer's alpha component. On some systems only the accumulation buffer depth, which is the sum of the red, green, and blue bits, is considered.


int getAccumBlueBits()
Returns the number of bits requested for the accumulation buffer's blue component. On some systems only the accumulation buffer depth, which is the sum of the red, green, and blue bits, is considered.


int getAccumGreenBits()
Returns the number of bits requested for the accumulation buffer's green component. On some systems only the accumulation buffer depth, which is the sum of the red, green, and blue bits, is considered.


int getAccumRedBits()
Returns the number of bits requested for the accumulation buffer's red component. On some systems only the accumulation buffer depth, which is the sum of the red, green, and blue bits, is considered.


int getDepthBits()
Returns the number of bits requested for the depth buffer.


boolean getDoubleBuffered()
Indicates whether double-buffering is enabled.


GLProfile getGLProfile()
Returns the GL profile you desire or used by the drawable.


boolean getHardwareAccelerated()
Indicates whether hardware acceleration is enabled.


int getNumSamples()
Returns the number of sample buffers to be allocated if sample buffers are enabled. Defaults to 2.


boolean getPbufferFloatingPointBuffers()
For pbuffers only, returns whether floating-point buffers should be used if available. Defaults to false.


boolean getPbufferRenderToTexture()
For pbuffers only, returns whether the render-to-texture extension should be used if available. Defaults to false.


boolean getPbufferRenderToTextureRectangle()
For pbuffers only, returns whether the render-to-texture extension should be used. Defaults to false.


boolean getSampleBuffers()
Returns whether sample buffers for full-scene antialiasing (FSAA) should be allocated for this drawable. Defaults to false.


int getStencilBits()
Returns the number of bits requested for the stencil buffer.


boolean getStereo()
Indicates whether stereo is enabled.


boolean isPBuffer()
Indicates whether pbuffer is used/requested.


boolean equals(Object obj)
Specified by:
equals in interface CapabilitiesImmutable
equals in class Object


int hashCode()
Specified by:
hashCode in interface CapabilitiesImmutable
hashCode in class Object


String toString()
Specified by:
toString in interface CapabilitiesImmutable
toString in class Object

Copyright 2010 JogAmp Community.