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  1. Fix Bug 757: Regression of URL to URI conversion (Encoded path not (details)
  2. Fix URLCompositionTest for Bug 757: If file, replace '/' in expected (details)
  3. Fix URLCompositionTest for Bug 757 (2): If file, replace '/' in expected (details)
  4. Fix URLCompositionTest for Bug 757 (3): If file, replace '/' in expected (details)
Commit 4376174ad35fdaf76f59430328582e913f468674 by Sven Gothel
Fix Bug 757: Regression of URL to URI conversion (Encoded path not compatible w/ file scheme.

Regression of (Bug 683, Commit b98825eb7cfb61aead4a7dff57471cd2d2c26823).

The URI encoded path cannot be read by File I/O (if file scheme), since the latter
requests an UTF8/16 name, not an URI encoded name (i.e. %20 for space).

The encoded URL is produced if calling 'uri.toURL()' and hence
the new 'IOUtil.toURL(URI)' provides a custom conversion recovering the UTF name via 'new File(uri).getPath()'.

Tested w/
  - synthetic URI/URL coposition (unit test)
  - manual w/ moving 'build' to 'build öä lala' for gluegen, joal and jogl.



- 'URI JarUtil.getURIDirname(URI)'  -> 'URI IOUtil.getDirname(URI)'

The file was modified src/java/com/jogamp/common/util/ (diff)
The file was modified src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/ (diff)
The file was modified src/junit/com/jogamp/common/net/ (diff)
The file was modified src/java/com/jogamp/common/os/ (diff)
The file was modified src/java/com/jogamp/common/util/ (diff)
The file was modified src/java/com/jogamp/common/jvm/ (diff)
The file was modified src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified src/java/com/jogamp/common/util/cache/ (diff)
Commit b97666cf0a6d49c593d565d0eba8af92bcf5eb94 by Sven Gothel
Fix URLCompositionTest for Bug 757: If file, replace '/' in expected result w/ OS specific File.separatorChar
The file was modified src/junit/com/jogamp/common/net/ (diff)
Commit 4d35974c6b87692bc1c3f6e6b7bb674a7a478053 by Sven Gothel
Fix URLCompositionTest for Bug 757 (2): If file, replace '/' in expected result w/ OS specific File.separatorChar

The JAR entry shall stay untouched, i.e. separator is platform independent '/'.
The file was modified src/junit/com/jogamp/common/net/ (diff)
Commit 6c30050195849cd385422fc6e65230c16b818215 by Sven Gothel
Fix URLCompositionTest for Bug 757 (3): If file, replace '/' in expected result w/ OS specific File.separatorChar

Take 3 (duh!): JRE impl. varies .. i.e. plain URL w/o JAR path differs from URL w/ JAR scheme on Windows .. well.
The file was modified src/junit/com/jogamp/common/net/ (diff)