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#1010 (Dec 31, 2019, 10:45:23 PM)

  1. build scripts: use source/target level 1.8 on java11 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#950 (Jul 14, 2015, 10:34:05 PM)

  1. Fix Eclipse build and Ant makefile — Wade Walker / cgit
  2. Fixed a variety of compilation and runtime errors — Wade Walker / cgit
  3. Add debug build targets to match those in gluegen and jogl — Wade Walker / cgit
  4. Fix radix sort on Mac — Wade Walker / cgit

#928 (Feb 3, 2015, 4:25:45 PM)

  1. Bug 682 - Relocating* -> com.jogamp.opengl.* ; Add — Sven Gothel / cgit

#862 (May 27, 2014, 10:42:26 AM)

  1. Adapt to JOGL HiDPI (Bug 741) changes up-to commit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#825 (Jan 26, 2014, 5:37:50 AM)

  1. CLInfo: Use JoclVersion — Sven Gothel / cgit

#818 (Jan 23, 2014, 5:27:27 AM)

  1. Jar Manifest: Add empty line before EOF (otherwise last line is cut-off — Sven Gothel / cgit

#785 (Nov 1, 2013, 7:24:47 AM)

  1. test script .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. classpath: use ant build jocl.jar — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 881 - Add 'Application-Name' in Jar's manifest to avoid Java6 NPEs — Sven Gothel / cgit

#774 (Oct 18, 2013, 12:32:09 AM)

  1. Scripts/README: Add note on how to start a single demo — Sven Gothel / cgit

#691 (Mar 29, 2013, 10:48:06 AM)

  1. Adapt to new version scheme, see GlueGen — Sven Gothel / cgit

#675 (Mar 9, 2013, 5:26:24 AM)

  1. www/index.html: rename -> — xerxes / cgit

#593 (Aug 25, 2012, 3:35:16 PM)

  1. Adapt to JogAmp build infrastructure (get rid of 'dist' folder, drop — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix new JOCL artifacts location ; Fix new jocl.jar location — Sven Gothel / cgit

#586 (Aug 19, 2012, 1:45:53 PM)

  1. Adapt to JOGL changes 3ab518e90eb4cf82bcb8b990d337a5e4a531136b: Removed — Sven Gothel / cgit

#572 (Jun 26, 2012, 1:37:07 PM)

  1. Adapt to gluegen commit 9a71703904ebfec343fb2c7266343d37a2e4c3db — Sven Gothel / cgit

#498 (Jan 23, 2012, 8:23:13 PM)

  1. Fix Bug 516 (Determine Java Version) / See gluegen: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#369 (Aug 22, 2011, 8:25:44 PM)

  1. Using JOGL's all path — Sven Gothel / cgit

#358 (Jun 28, 2011, 11:31:11 PM)

  1. compatibility update to latest jocl. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. updated demos to latest jocl version — Michael Bien / cgit
  3. implemented isReleased() — Michael Bien / cgit
  4. Sync w/ latest master — Sven Gothel / cgit

#350 (May 18, 2011, 6:08:10 AM)

  1. sync with JOCL c6f97a2e6ea1d337f371152a2fee65ee1dd4c5d5 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add eclipse proj. files — Sven Gothel / cgit

#334 (Apr 20, 2011, 2:10:01 AM)

  1. fixed compiler errors due to changes in public api. — Michael Bien / cgit

#293 (Feb 27, 2011, 6:30:43 PM)

  1. no relative path in archive since 7zip support was added. — Michael Bien / cgit

#292 (Feb 27, 2011, 4:21:31 PM)

  1. forgot to call jogamp.env.init. — Michael Bien / cgit

#290 (Feb 27, 2011, 4:06:09 PM)

  1. build produces now additional 7z archives for jenkins if build.archiveon — Michael Bien / cgit

#282 (Feb 23, 2011, 3:42:18 AM)

  1. added build.noarchive property. — Michael Bien / cgit

#278 (Feb 14, 2011, 7:31:04 PM)

  1. improved HelloJOCL sample. — Michael Bien / cgit

#269 (Feb 7, 2011, 2:31:46 PM)

  1. - fixed bug in julia3d demo when epsilon is 0Michael Bien / cgit
  2. updated webpage (more demos, links etc). — Michael Bien / cgit
  3. fixed typo in window title. — Michael Bien / cgit
  4. GLProfile.initSingleton(false) for webstart compatibility. — Michael Bien / cgit

#259 (Feb 3, 2011, 11:30:54 PM)

  1. new simple gamma correction OpenCL example featuring lenna. — Michael Bien / cgit

#258 (Feb 3, 2011, 9:30:53 PM)

  1. configurable jnlp codebases. — Michael Bien / cgit

#232 (Dec 18, 2010, 5:31:32 PM)

  1. Unique ZIP archive name — Sven Gothel / cgit

#216 (Nov 28, 2010, 11:21:58 PM)

  1. ZIP: add www folder — Sven Gothel / cgit

#215 (Nov 28, 2010, 10:19:12 PM)

  1. Comply with JogAmp artifacts build properties and ZIP file; Keep jnlp — Sven Gothel / cgit

#208 (Nov 21, 2010, 6:02:27 PM)

  1. propper shutdown in MultiDeviceFractal demo. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. CLInfo demo prints now lib versioning info additional to the CL — Michael Bien / cgit

#207 (Nov 3, 2010, 9:17:35 AM)

  1. changes due to modifications in jogl — Michael Bien / cgit

#195 (Sep 16, 2010, 8:15:32 PM)

  1. added bandwidth benchmark. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. BandwidthBenchmark fixes and code cleanup. — Michael Bien / cgit

#192 (Sep 14, 2010, 2:31:37 PM)

  1. fixed bugs — Michael Bien / cgit

#191 (Sep 10, 2010, 1:15:43 PM)

  1. exception reporter for CLInfo. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. initial import of demos www page. — Michael Bien / cgit

#189 (Sep 9, 2010, 2:08:50 PM)

  1. added CLInfo jnlp. — Michael Bien / cgit

#188 (Sep 9, 2010, 1:32:15 PM)

  1. initial import of GLInfo html demo. — Michael Bien / cgit

#186 (Aug 30, 2010, 5:31:19 PM)

  1. initial import of Michael Zucchi's port of Apples FFT example (RFE 408). — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. updated jnlp urls — Michael Bien / cgit

#183 (Aug 13, 2010, 12:33:13 PM)

  1. removed static function qualifiers from julia set kernels since AMD SDK — Michael Bien / cgit

#182 (Jul 27, 2010, 11:49:38 PM)

  1. fixed — Michael Bien / cgit

#175 (Jul 24, 2010, 12:31:48 PM)

  1. added ant target to document build dependencies. — Michael Bien / cgit

#167 (Jul 4, 2010, 3:33:33 PM)

  1. modifications due to API changes in JOCL. — Michael Bien / cgit

#158 (Jun 22, 2010, 4:31:31 AM)

  1. added readme. — Michael Bien / cgit

#157 (Jun 16, 2010, 7:31:31 AM)

  1. added GLProfile.initSingleton() to GL-CL demos (see JOGL Multithreading — Michael Bien / cgit

#151 (Jun 10, 2010, 12:58:06 AM)

  1. fixed resizing of fractal demo. — Michael Bien / cgit

#148 (May 22, 2010, 6:21:22 PM)

  1. MultiDeviceFractal demo can now use devices with different FP precision — Michael Bien / cgit

#139 (May 5, 2010, 3:16:05 AM)

  1. run config for fractal demo. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. build jnlp files for demos. — Michael Bien / cgit

#134 (May 2, 2010, 8:16:05 PM)

  1. MultiDeviceFractal is now... multi device again. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. Merge branch 'master' of — Michael Bien / cgit

#108 (Apr 22, 2010, 9:16:26 PM)

  1. using {path.seperator} for libpath. — Michael Bien / cgit

#105 (Apr 22, 2010, 1:17:56 PM)

  1. Quick test/fix for GL/CL shared memory devices — Sven Gothel / cgit

#103 (Apr 22, 2010, 3:16:23 AM)

  1. Add the property (used in gluegen/jogl) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. fix nb project; set to 'build' in — Michael Bien / cgit

#88 (Apr 12, 2010, 10:54:44 PM)

  1. changes to maintain compatibility with Nvidia 195.36.15 drivers. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. cleaned up benchmark, added queue.finish() and more iterations for — Michael Bien / cgit
  3. changes due to package renaming in jocl. — Michael Bien / cgit

#80 (Apr 8, 2010, 2:15:43 AM)

  1. added intelliJ module file. — Michael Bien / cgit

#75 (Apr 1, 2010, 3:15:51 AM)

  1. modifications due to class movement in gluegen. — Michael Bien / cgit

#70 (Mar 29, 2010, 4:17:05 PM)

  1. changes due to BufferFactory -> Buffers renaming in gluegen. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. modifications due to refactorings in gluegen and jogl. — Michael Bien / cgit

#67 (Mar 27, 2010, 11:50:08 PM)

  1. com.sun.opengl -> com.jogamp.opengl. — Michael Bien / cgit

#66 (Mar 27, 2010, 2:55:47 AM)

  1. refactoring due to gluegen changes. — Michael Bien / cgit

#52 (Mar 16, 2010, 11:21:18 PM)

  1. made sure to flush gl/cl pipelines correctly (-> fixed rare segmentation — Michael Bien / cgit

#49 (Mar 16, 2010, 12:29:55 PM)

  1. modifications due to API changes. — Michael Bien / cgit

#46 (Mar 8, 2010, 4:22:51 PM)

  1. initial import of OpenCL RadixSort GPU example. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. cleaned up bitonic sort sample and removed sort payload for simplicity — Michael Bien / cgit
  3. moved bitonic sort into seperate package. — Michael Bien / cgit

#42 (Feb 28, 2010, 1:28:50 AM)

  1. initial import of bitonic sort example. — Michael Bien / cgit

#35 (Feb 23, 2010, 6:22:42 PM)

  1. modifications due to api changes. — Michael Bien / cgit

#34 (Feb 21, 2010, 2:21:18 AM)

  1. 32bit/CPU device compatibility and cleanup. — Michael Bien / cgit

#31 (Feb 13, 2010, 10:21:24 PM)

  1. initial import of David Bucciarelli's Julia3d demo ported to java using — Michael Bien / cgit

#27 (Feb 1, 2010, 8:21:44 PM)

  1. added per GPU profiling stats. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. glDeleteBuffers and other minor improvements. — Michael Bien / cgit
  3. added single/double FP precision toggle. — Michael Bien / cgit

#25 (Jan 29, 2010, 3:26:35 PM)

  1. Mandelbrot example uses now all available GPUs in parallel, parallelism — Michael Bien / cgit

#24 (Jan 27, 2010, 12:20:18 AM)

  1. initial import of GL-CL Mandelbrot Set example. — Michael Bien / cgit

#21 (Jan 22, 2010, 6:20:19 PM)

  1. updated GLCL sample. — Michael Bien / cgit

#17 (Jan 19, 2010, 12:18:56 AM)

  1. updated demos due to api changes. — Michael Bien / cgit