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  1. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Decode audio frames. (details)
  2. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Use the Audio codec to decode audio. Also prevent (details)
  3. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Lookup decoded audio data_size using (details)
  4. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Decode all frames inside video packet. (details)
  5. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Workaround dropped video frames while decoding audio. (details)
  6. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Workaround forward seek delay caused by video sync. (details)
  7. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Add updateSound callback for passing decoded jni (details)
  8. partial implementation of Java Sound output (details)
  9. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: blocking Java Sound output (details)
  10. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Poor mans audio/video sync. (details)
  11. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Limit video sync delay to 47ms in order to fix audio (details)
  12. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: fix audio pts for varying audio frame format. (details)
  13. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Add AudioSink interface. (details)
  14. ALAudioSink: Buffer and playback audio data. (details)
  15. ALAudioSink: Fill buffers before sourcing them. (details)
  16. AudioSink: interface add isAudioSinkAvailable (details)
  17. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Only instance ALAudioSink if JOAL is found on the (details)
  18. ALAudioSink: Reduce exessive CPU usage caused by polling alGetSourcei. (details)
  19. API doc: Update native-taglet / Fix creation, i.e. use 'man2' instead of (details)
  20. API doc: Add old glext-20130207.h header for complete extension (details)
  21. NativeWindow API Doc: Fix layout / Add version. (details)
  22. Javadoc: Use JogAmp Stylesheet / Colors .. (details)
Commit b621e895fdc0abfdfdc12cb55182d2223120d110 by xerxes
FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Decode audio frames.

Re-enable code to decode audio frame.

Throw a runtime exception for unimplemented sp_avcodec_decode_audio3 fallback.

Fix pts calculation to prevent division by zero caused by type truncation.
Fix aPTS calculation to use valid data.

Hide pts & aPTS info while running non-verbose.

Signed-off-by: Xerxes Rånby <>
The file was modified src/jogl/native/libav/jogamp_opengl_util_av_impl_FFMPEGMediaPlayer.c (diff)
Commit 6d802ec7431ee3d0c96aebf4c378887b0ecd82a0 by xerxes
FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Use the Audio codec to decode audio. Also prevent double free of packet memory.

Signed-off-by: Xerxes Rånby <>
The file was modified src/jogl/native/libav/jogamp_opengl_util_av_impl_FFMPEGMediaPlayer.c (diff)
Commit dce425fdc835ed2289a688bc93cf6037c517d018 by xerxes
FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Lookup decoded audio data_size using av_samples_get_buffer_size

Signed-off-by: Xerxes Rånby <>
The file was modified src/jogl/native/libav/jogamp_opengl_util_av_impl_FFMPEGMediaPlayer.c (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/impl/ (diff)
Commit 6c24449961bb06d3954059f41f7ee70d5bfeb5b5 by xerxes
FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Decode all frames inside video packet.

Signed-off-by: Xerxes Rånby <>
The file was modified src/jogl/native/libav/jogamp_opengl_util_av_impl_FFMPEGMediaPlayer.c (diff)
Commit 15e8490a6367129ce4cb39f41d40bcb88639b714 by xerxes
FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Workaround dropped video frames while decoding audio.

A temporal solution before we implement video decode and frame cache
in a separate thread.

Signed-off-by: Xerxes Rånby <>
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/impl/ (diff)
Commit 170826d2e202a9938595017b9621a25a6f36a50b by xerxes
FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Workaround forward seek delay caused by video sync.

Prevent the video sync code to delay a frame more than 1 second.

Signed-off-by: Xerxes Rånby <>
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/impl/ (diff)
Commit df6e7dbf623d7559c0b26cbad82d9a8bfda9d9db by xerxes
FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Add updateSound callback for passing decoded jni audio frames to java.

Signed-off-by: Xerxes Rånby <>
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/impl/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/native/libav/jogamp_opengl_util_av_impl_FFMPEGMediaPlayer.c (diff)
Commit c6081b03d1f47219aa789debf25aee55993e6dcb by xerxes
partial implementation of Java Sound output
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/impl/ (diff)
Commit cc30fa7de95cffa961e9fd3aead2dd8f3bb55aeb by xerxes
FFMPEGMediaPlayer: blocking Java Sound output
The file was modified src/jogl/native/libav/jogamp_opengl_util_av_impl_FFMPEGMediaPlayer.c (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/impl/ (diff)
Commit 062f3e9e1ecfeb63ea61eb540d94d17a2de1412a by xerxes
FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Poor mans audio/video sync.

Signed-off-by: Xerxes Rånby <>
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/impl/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/native/libav/jogamp_opengl_util_av_impl_FFMPEGMediaPlayer.c (diff)
Commit f4ab6922a93d349ee5d1a9a90206c6f80ee0c281 by xerxes
FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Limit video sync delay to 47ms in order to fix audio buffer underrun.

Signed-off-by: Xerxes Rånby <>
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/impl/ (diff)
Commit 32880bae630a43540fbe36fe2c787f2fdd5d2380 by xerxes
FFMPEGMediaPlayer: fix audio pts for varying audio frame format.

Signed-off-by: Xerxes Rånby <>
The file was modified src/jogl/native/libav/jogamp_opengl_util_av_impl_FFMPEGMediaPlayer.c (diff)
Commit 3bf564210e7dca2f5d6b47898c554f5762ac5282 by xerxes
FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Add AudioSink interface.

Use ALAudioSink when available and fallback to
JavaSoundAudioSink when JOAL are not found on classpath.

Java Sound playback moved from FFMPEGMediaPlayer into JavaSoundAudioSink.

Signed-off-by: Xerxes Rånby <>
The file was addedsrc/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/ (diff)
The file was addedsrc/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/ (diff)
The file was addedsrc/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/ (diff)
The file was addedsrc/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/impl/ (diff)
Commit 16d446b7ac91dbddc0d848a137ac1e5a0c800870 by xerxes
ALAudioSink: Buffer and playback audio data.

There is still something wrong with the buffering part;
OpenAL will complain at runtime.

Signed-off-by: Xerxes Rånby <>
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av/ (diff)
Commit 11e27bf78f5fc1a117e02aba8a58b6c5fa088514 by xerxes
ALAudioSink: Fill buffers before sourcing them.

Fixes OpenAL invalid argument error when trying to fill buffers.

Signed-off-by: Xerxes Rånby <>
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av/ (diff)
Commit 6509c313dec8947723a932e7d1646a78dd6ac49a by xerxes
AudioSink: interface add isAudioSinkAvailable

Signed-off-by: Xerxes Rånby <>
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/impl/ (diff)
Commit 32210a87c2d9b10e04a773fa1b86f8f543d83af0 by xerxes
FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Only instance ALAudioSink if JOAL is found on the classpath.

Signed-off-by: Xerxes Rånby <>
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/impl/ (diff)
Commit 5c8699690ac907882615ba8f01eebb9e39699f50 by xerxes
ALAudioSink: Reduce exessive CPU usage caused by polling alGetSourcei.

Signed-off-by: Xerxes Rånby <>
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/openal/av/ (diff)
Commit 05f3f4330dcfc544c1e3f8cd252a259f8fef0ad9 by Sven Gothel
API doc: Update native-taglet / Fix creation, i.e. use 'man2' instead of 'man'.
The file was modified make/ (diff)
The file was modified make/ (diff)
Commit cc63dc207f0b9f7ca53cbe3bc975b03773a257df by Sven Gothel
API doc: Add old glext-20130207.h header for complete extension association. Fix GL* API doc header, align w/ spec-overview.
The file was modified make/doc/jogl/spec-overview.html (diff)
The file was addedmake/stub_includes/opengl/GL/glext-20130207.h (diff)
The file was modified make/config/jogl/gl-common.cfg (diff)
The file was modified www/index.html (diff)
Commit 5dc0e8c2bfc686ccac0902ff09448cd2f3ad65b4 by Sven Gothel
NativeWindow API Doc: Fix layout / Add version.
The file was modified src/nativewindow/classes/javax/media/nativewindow/package.html (diff)
Commit 5a1bd0c70ffce4a0530de4f3902050a87c669343 by Sven Gothel
Javadoc: Use JogAmp Stylesheet / Colors ..
The file was modified make/build.xml (diff)