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  1. NEWT/OSX: Fix Memory Leak ; Fix Occasional Crash Duer to Lifecycle Ops (details)
  2. build-test.xml: Move '' up in file; '': (details)
  3. Add proper copyright header w/ all remarks regarding re-distribution (details)
  4. OSX/Java7 Cleanup: Remove JavaNativeFoundation dependency; (details)
  5. Unit Tests: Use Property 'jvmJava.exe' ; Add target (details)
  6. Unit Tests: Add 'results-java7' to (Completes commit (details)
  7. Bug 678 (fix), Bug 641 (API + Windows Impl.), Bug 688 (prep): Update (details)
Commit 8edaa9780455b60f6034a78970cab4f516d4b061 by Sven Gothel
NEWT/OSX: Fix Memory Leak ; Fix Occasional Crash Duer to Lifecycle Ops not on Main-Thread.

- Fix Memory Leak
  - NewtWindow::dealloc -> [NewtView release]: Fixes NewtView leak
  - NewtView::dealloc -> removeTrackingRect: Removes occasional crash (double free of TrackingRect)

- Fix Occasional Crash Duer to Lifecycle Ops not on Main-Thread.
  Perform OSX WindowDriver ops on Main-Thread:
    - close0
    - changeContentView0
    - createWindow0

- Cleaned up AddRemove unit tests, added TestAddRemove03GLWindowNEWT
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/awt/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/acore/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/native/MacWindow.m (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/native/NewtMacWindow.m (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/driver/macosx/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/acore/ (diff)
The file was addedsrc/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/acore/ (diff)
Commit 68cc962abb7ca422bb9af6f4a5366eb2b428e04f by Sven Gothel
build-test.xml: Move '' up in file; '': Exclude *AWT* and *SWT* (similar to '')
The file was modified make/build-test.xml (diff)
Commit f937a727354fc24321d40df95008d569972ed169 by Sven Gothel
Add proper copyright header w/ all remarks regarding re-distribution etc, similar to other JNI headers
The file was modified make/stub_includes/jni/macosx/jawt_md.h (diff)
Commit fdc20a0205bb01747055910eb2bb33202edee277 by Sven Gothel
OSX/Java7 Cleanup: Remove JavaNativeFoundation dependency; NativeWindow-JAWT: Remove c.fixup.jawt.version.macosx (redundant, libjawt.dylib is rpath'ed always)
The file was addedmake/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified src/nativewindow/native/macosx/OSXmisc.m (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was addedmake/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was addedmake/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified make/build-nativewindow.xml (diff)
The file was addedmake/scripts/ (diff)
Commit fc9539d50c12f9def7a3babde7384e3d38f61721 by Sven Gothel
Unit Tests: Use Property 'jvmJava.exe' ; Add target '' (if="jvmJava7.exe")

See GlueGen commit 6b86764f2e195b4046000fd5a7fcf3331ca72d21
The file was modified make/build-test.xml (diff)
The file was addedmake/scripts/ (diff)
Commit a40ee817a3bd537b0de7018772b0835f995a1bed by Sven Gothel
Unit Tests: Add 'results-java7' to (Completes commit fc9539d50c12f9def7a3babde7384e3d38f61721)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
Commit 85338858f5c58694fa88e77df1386d0556887944 by Sven Gothel
Bug 678 (fix), Bug 641 (API + Windows Impl.), Bug 688 (prep): Update NEWT's KeyEvent handling while distinguish keyCode (kbd layout independent) and keySym (kbd layout dependent)

API Changes:

- Virtual key codes and symbols are of type short.

- KeyEvent.keySymbol() shall return a layout dependent value (Bug 641)
  - Method returns former keyCode() value, which was layout dependent.
  - Returns 'short' value

- KeyEvent.keyCode() returns a short value, instead of int

- KeyEvent.keyCode() shall return a layout independent value (Bug 641)
  - To ease implementation, we only 'require' the scan code to be mapped to a 'US Keyboard layout',
    which allows reusing layout dependent code while preserving the goal to have a fixed physical key association

  - Implementation status:
    - Windows OK
    - X11 TODO
    - OSX: 50/50 TODO
      - Using layout independent 'action keys'
      - Using layout dependent 'printable keys'
      - returning above semantics for both, keyCode and keySym

    - Android 50/50 TODO
      - Returning the layout independent keyCode
      - Mapping probably incomplete

- KeyEvent.EVENT_KEY_TYPED and KeyListener.keyTyped(KeyEvent) (Bug 688)
  - No more called for auto-repeat events
  - Synthesized in WindowImpl.consumeKeyEvent(..): No more injection by native- or java driver code

- NEWTEvent.eventType: int -> short
  - field, as well as all method involving eventType changed to short.

- NEWTEvent.isSystemEvent: REMOVED
  - Never used as well as never being implemented properly

Internal Changes:

- Simplified keyEvent driver code
  - Especially the Windows native driver's mapping code
    could be simplified using scanCode and MapVirtualKeyEx

- NEWT Event Factories: hashMap -> switch/case

Unit Tests:
  - Added NewtCanvasAWT Offscreen Layer Tests
    important to test the AWT -> NEWT translation on OSX/CALayer:
    - TestNewtKeyCodeModifiersAWT
    - TestNewtKeyCodesAWT
    - TestNewtKeyEventAutoRepeatAWT
    - TestNewtKeyEventOrderAWT
    - TestNewtKeyPressReleaseUnmaskRepeatAWT
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/event/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/com/jogamp/newt/event/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/native/NewtMacWindow.h (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/com/jogamp/newt/event/awt/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/java-win32-dbg.bat (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/driver/linux/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/util/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/event/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/com/jogamp/newt/event/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/com/jogamp/newt/event/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/com/jogamp/newt/event/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/com/jogamp/newt/event/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/swt/event/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/com/jogamp/newt/event/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/event/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/driver/macosx/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/tests-x64.bat (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/com/jogamp/newt/event/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/awt/event/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/native/WindowsWindow.c (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/native/bcm_vc_iv.c (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/driver/windows/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/driver/android/event/ (diff)
The file was modified make/build-test.xml (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/event/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/native/NewtMacWindow.m (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/event/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/driver/android/event/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/util/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/native/KDWindow.c (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/driver/linux/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/driver/macosx/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/driver/x11/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/native/X11Display.c (diff)