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  1. Bug 1249 - NEWT X11: setVisible(*) _NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN update not (details)
  2. Bug 1249: Revert TestParenting01NEWT durationPerTest back to 600 (details)
  3. Bug 1249 - NEWT X11: setVisible(false) (details)
Commit e418a665756af52fe2ca691ca220644e9b27c22c by Sven Gothel
Bug 1249 - NEWT X11: setVisible(*) _NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN update not
received at ConfigureNotify event (2)
On gnome shell WM, sometimes KDE WM, it has been observed that the
_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN update (visible or invisible) is not received at
ConfigureNotify event.
Turns out the state is finally updated at FocusOut!
This change tests _NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN visibility hint for mapped
window also for FocusIn and FocusOut events, besides the
ConfigureNotify event.
Further more, NormalState to restore a hidden but mapped window did not
work, so it is no more being sent. We limit us here to
2 unit tests are prepared to test this issue:
- TestGLWindows00NEWT
- TestParenting01NEWT
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/native/X11Display.c (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/parenting/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/native/X11Common.h (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/native/X11Window.c (diff)
Commit 8ce5203a581e731d5aa7d553455b04213d94115c by Sven Gothel
Bug 1249: Revert TestParenting01NEWT durationPerTest back to 600
(otherwise breaks test)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/parenting/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
Commit ecdaa59aa48c16a558ec7a0b50df9419a9ccedc1 by Sven Gothel
Bug 1249 - NEWT X11: setVisible(false)
IconicState/_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN: Handle case where KDE unmaps the
Update our internal JavaWindow.isMapped according to MapNotify and
UnmapNotify. This takes care of a situation (KDE) where a window is
unmapped during IconicState.
For unmapped windows we cannot interprete _NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN and we
have to issue XMapWindow for restoring the window.
The file was modified src/newt/native/X11Display.c (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/ (diff)