
  • Class
    The Channel class is the base class which can be extended for library-specific channels.
    The CommandObject class is used to store arguments in the SoundSystem's Command Queue.
    The CommandThread class is designed to move all command processing into a single thread to be run in the background and avoid conflicts between threads.
    The FilenameURL class is designed to associate a String filename/identifier with a URL.
    The ICodec interface provides a common interface for SoundSystem to use for accessing external codec libraries.
    The Library class is the class from which all library types are extended.
    The listenerData class is used to store information about the listener's position and orientation.
    The SimpleThread class is the template used to create all thread classes used by in the SoundSystem library.
    The SoundBuffer class is used to wrap audio data along with the format in which the data is stored.
    The SoundSystem class is the core class for the SoundSystem library.
    The SoundSystemConfig class is used to access global sound system settings, and to link with external pluggins.
    The SoundSystemException class is used to provide information about serious errors.
    The SoundSystemLogger class handles all status messages, warnings, and error messages for the SoundSystem library.
    The Source class is used to store information about a source.
    The StreamThread class is used to process all streaming sources.