Package com.ardor3d.math.functions

package com.ardor3d.math.functions
  • Class
    An implementation of an Archimedean spiral which supports any number of spiral arms and optional turbulence.
    Creates a brick-like pattern in the XY plane.
    A simple checker board pattern, with each unit cube alternating between -1 and 1 in value.
    A variation of fBm that uses absolute value to recast the extreme ends to the upper range and values near 0 to the lower range.
    Function describing a set of concentric rings, centered around the origin on the x/z plane, each ring stretching infinitely along the Y axis.
    An implementation of Fractional Brownian Motion (fBm), with configurable persistence and lacunarity (or tightness of the fractal).
    Simple interface describing a function that receives a 3 value tuple and returns a value.
    Utility class containing a set of easy to use functions.
    Creates a pattern in the XY plane that is defined by a user-provided grid of values.
    Creates a hexagon pattern in the XY plane.
    A function that returns the famous Mandelbrot set.
    This function takes a "map" function and uses the value it returns at a certain point to look up and evaluate another function from a set of ranged functions.
    Function which creates a diagonal grid of rounded 'holes'.
    Based on Multifractal code originally written by F.
    Simplex noise in 2D, 3D and 4D
    Function that uses a fBm function to distort incoming coordinates on each of the 3 axis before feeding them to a source function for evaluation.
    Function that produces a Voronoi graph by placing a random point in every 1x1x1 unit cube in space and then finding the closest of these points at each eval location.