Package com.ardor3d.math

package com.ardor3d.math
  • Class
    ColorRGBA is a 4 component color value (red, green, blue, alpha).
    A "close approximation" class for Math operations.
    LineSegment describes a line with a discrete length with an "origin" in the center, extending in the given "direction" and it's opposite by an "extent" amount.
    Just a simple flag holder for runtime stripping of various ardor3d logging and debugging features.
    Matrix3 represents a double precision 3x3 matrix.
    Matrix4 represents a double precision 4x4 matrix and contains a flag, set at object creation, indicating if the given Matrix4 object is mutable.
    ObjectPool<T extends Poolable>
    Simple Object pool for use with our Math Library to help reduce object creation during calculations.
    A representation of a mathematical plane using a normal vector and a plane constant (d) whose absolute value represents the distance from the origin to the plane.
    Quaternion represents a 4 value math object used in Ardor3D to describe rotations.
    Defines a finite plane within two dimensional space that is specified via an origin (x,y - considered bottom left usually) and a width and height.
    Defines a finite plane within three dimensional space that is specified via three points (A, B, C).
    Ring defines a flat ring or disk within three dimensional space that is specified via the ring's center point, an up vector, an inner radius, and an outer radius.
    Transform models a transformation in 3d space as: Y = M*X+T, with M being a Matrix3 and T is a Vector3.
    Triangle is a math class defining a three sided polygon by three points in space.
    A Transform that checks if any of its member values are null, NaN or Infinity, and throws an InvalidTransformException if so.
    Vector2 represents a point or vector in a two dimensional system.
    Vector3 represents a point or vector in a three dimensional system.
    Vector4 represents a point or vector in a four dimensional system.