Uses of Class

Uses of SceneGraphPath in

Methods in that return SceneGraphPath
 SceneGraphPath WakeupOnCollisionMovement.getArmingPath()
          Returns the path used in specifying the collision condition.
 SceneGraphPath WakeupOnCollisionExit.getArmingPath()
          Returns the path used in specifying the collision condition.
 SceneGraphPath WakeupOnCollisionEntry.getArmingPath()
          Returns the path used in specifying the collision condition.
 SceneGraphPath PickInfo.getSceneGraphPath()
          Retrieves the reference to the SceneGraphPath in this PickInfo object.
 SceneGraphPath WakeupOnCollisionMovement.getTriggeringPath()
          Retrieves the path describing the object causing the collision.
 SceneGraphPath WakeupOnCollisionExit.getTriggeringPath()
          Retrieves the path describing the object causing the collision.
 SceneGraphPath WakeupOnCollisionEntry.getTriggeringPath()
          Retrieves the path describing the object causing the collision.
 SceneGraphPath[] Locale.pickAll(PickShape pickShape)
          Returns an array referencing all the items that are pickable below this Locale that intersect with PickShape.
 SceneGraphPath[] BranchGroup.pickAll(PickShape pickShape)
          Returns an array referencing all the items that are pickable below this BranchGroup that intersect with PickShape.
 SceneGraphPath[] Locale.pickAllSorted(PickShape pickShape)
          Returns a sorted array of references to all the pickable items that intersect with the pickShape.
 SceneGraphPath[] BranchGroup.pickAllSorted(PickShape pickShape)
          Returns a sorted array of references to all the Pickable items that intersect with the pickShape.
 SceneGraphPath Locale.pickAny(PickShape pickShape)
          Returns a reference to any item that is Pickable below this Locale which intersects with pickShape.
 SceneGraphPath BranchGroup.pickAny(PickShape pickShape)
          Returns a reference to any item that is Pickable below this BranchGroup that intersects with pickShape.
 SceneGraphPath Locale.pickClosest(PickShape pickShape)
          Returns a SceneGraphPath which references the pickable item which is closest to the origin of pickShape.
 SceneGraphPath BranchGroup.pickClosest(PickShape pickShape)
          Returns a SceneGraphPath that references the pickable item closest to the origin of pickShape.

Methods in with parameters of type SceneGraphPath
 boolean SceneGraphPath.equals(SceneGraphPath testPath)
          Returns true if all of the data members of path testPath are equal to the corresponding data members in this SceneGraphPath and if the values of the transforms is equal.
 void Node.getLocalToVworld(SceneGraphPath path, Transform3D t)
          Retrieves the local coordinates to virtual world coordinates transform for the particular path in the scene graph ending with this node.
 boolean Shape3D.intersect(SceneGraphPath path, PickRay pickRay, double[] dist)
          Checks whether the geometry in this shape node intersects with the specified pickRay.
 boolean Morph.intersect(SceneGraphPath path, PickRay pickRay, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Checks whether the geometry in this morph node intersects with the specified pickRay.
 boolean Shape3D.intersect(SceneGraphPath path, PickShape pickShape)
          Checks whether the geometry in this shape node intersects with the specified pickShape.
 boolean Morph.intersect(SceneGraphPath path, PickShape pickShape)
          Deprecated. Checks whether the geometry in this morph node intersects with the specified pickShape.
 boolean Shape3D.intersect(SceneGraphPath path, PickShape pickShape, double[] dist)
          Checks whether the geometry in this shape node intersects with the specified pickShape.
 boolean Morph.intersect(SceneGraphPath path, PickShape pickShape, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Checks whether the geometry in this morph node intersects with the specified pickShape.
 boolean SceneGraphPath.isSamePath(SceneGraphPath testPath)
          Determines whether two SceneGraphPath objects represent the same path in the scene graph; either object might include a different subset of internal nodes; only the internal link nodes, the Locale, and the Node itself are compared.
 void SceneGraphPath.set(SceneGraphPath newPath)
          Sets this path's values to that of the specified path.

Constructors in with parameters of type SceneGraphPath
WakeupOnCollisionEntry(SceneGraphPath armingPath)
          Constructs a new WakeupOnCollisionEntry criterion with USE_BOUNDS for a speed hint.
WakeupOnCollisionEntry(SceneGraphPath armingPath, int speedHint)
          Constructs a new WakeupOnCollisionEntry criterion.
WakeupOnCollisionExit(SceneGraphPath armingPath)
          Constructs a new WakeupOnCollisionExit criterion.
WakeupOnCollisionExit(SceneGraphPath armingPath, int speedHint)
          Constructs a new WakeupOnCollisionExit criterion.
WakeupOnCollisionMovement(SceneGraphPath armingPath)
          Constructs a new WakeupOnCollisionMovement criterion.
WakeupOnCollisionMovement(SceneGraphPath armingPath, int speedHint)
          Constructs a new WakeupOnCollisionMovement criterion.