Uses of Class

Packages that use Appearance
com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry Provides geometry construction, triangulation, and optimization utility classes. Provides the core set of classes for the 3D graphics API for the Java platform; click here for more information, including explanatory material that was formerly found in the guide. 

Uses of Appearance in com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry that return Appearance
 Appearance Primitive.getAppearance()
          Gets the appearance of the primitive (defaults to first subpart).
 Appearance Sphere.getAppearance(int partId)
          Gets the appearance of the specified part of the sphere.
abstract  Appearance Primitive.getAppearance(int partId)
          Gets the appearance of the specified part of the primitive.
 Appearance Cylinder.getAppearance(int partId)
          Gets the appearance of the specified part of the cylinder.
 Appearance Cone.getAppearance(int partId)
          Gets the appearance of the specified part of the cone.
 Appearance Box.getAppearance(int partId)
          Gets the appearance of the specified part of the box.

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry with parameters of type Appearance
 void Sphere.setAppearance(Appearance ap)
          Sets appearance of the Sphere.
abstract  void Primitive.setAppearance(Appearance ap)
          Sets the main appearance of the primitive (all subparts) to same appearance.
 void Cylinder.setAppearance(Appearance ap)
          Sets appearance of the cylinder.
 void Cone.setAppearance(Appearance ap)
          Sets appearance of the cone.
 void Box.setAppearance(Appearance ap)
          Sets appearance of the box.
 void Primitive.setAppearance(int partid, Appearance ap)
          Sets the appearance of a subpart given a partid.

Constructors in com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry with parameters of type Appearance
Box(float xdim, float ydim, float zdim, Appearance ap)
          Constructs a box of a given dimension and appearance.
Box(float xdim, float ydim, float zdim, int primflags, Appearance ap)
Box(float xdim, float ydim, float zdim, int primflags, Appearance ap, int numTexUnit)
          Constructs a box of a given dimension, flags, and appearance.
Cone(float radius, float height, Appearance ap)
          Constructs a default cone of a given radius, height, and appearance.
Cone(float radius, float height, int primflags, Appearance ap)
          Constructs a default cone of a given radius, height, primitive flags, and appearance.
Cone(float radius, float height, int primflags, int xdivision, int ydivision, Appearance ap)
          Constructs a customized Cone of a given radius, height, flags, resolution (X and Y dimensions), and appearance.
Cylinder(float radius, float height, Appearance ap)
          Constructs a default cylinder of a given radius, height, and appearance.
Cylinder(float radius, float height, int primflags, Appearance ap)
          Constructs a default cylinder of a given radius, height, primitive flags and appearance.
Cylinder(float radius, float height, int primflags, int xdivision, int ydivision, Appearance ap)
          Constructs a customized cylinder of a given radius, height, resolution (X and Y dimensions), and appearance.
Sphere(float radius, Appearance ap)
          Constructs a Sphere of a given radius and appearance.
Sphere(float radius, int primflags, Appearance ap)
          Constructs a Sphere of a given radius and appearance with additional parameters specified by the Primitive flags.
Sphere(float radius, int primflags, int divisions, Appearance ap)
          Constructs a customized Sphere of a given radius, number of divisions, and appearance, with additional parameters specified by the Primitive flags.

Uses of Appearance in

Subclasses of Appearance in
 class ShaderAppearance
          The ShaderAppearance object defines programmable shading attributes that can be set as a component object of a Shape3D node.

Methods in that return Appearance
 Appearance Shape3D.getAppearance()
          Retrieves the appearance component of this shape node.
 Appearance Morph.getAppearance()
          Deprecated. Retrieves the appearance component of this morph node.
 Appearance GraphicsContext3D.getAppearance()
          Retrieves the current Appearance component object.
 Appearance AlternateAppearance.getAppearance()
          Retrieves the appearance from this AlternateAppearance node.

Methods in with parameters of type Appearance
 void Shape3D.setAppearance(Appearance appearance)
          Sets the appearance component of this Shape3D node.
 void Morph.setAppearance(Appearance appearance)
          Deprecated. Sets the appearance component of this Morph node.
 void GraphicsContext3D.setAppearance(Appearance appearance)
          Sets the current Appearance object to the specified Appearance component object.
 void AlternateAppearance.setAppearance(Appearance appearance)
          Sets the appearance of this AlternateAppearance node.

Constructors in with parameters of type Appearance
AlternateAppearance(Appearance appearance)
          Constructs an AlternateAppearance node with the specified appearance.
Morph(GeometryArray[] geometryArrays, Appearance appearance)
          Deprecated. Constructs and initializes a Morph node with the specified array of GeometryArray objects and the specified appearance object.
OrientedShape3D(Geometry geometry, Appearance appearance, int mode, Point3f point)
          Constructs an OrientedShape3D node with the specified geometry component, appearance component, mode, and rotation point.
OrientedShape3D(Geometry geometry, Appearance appearance, int mode, Point3f point, boolean constantScaleEnable, double scale)
          Constructs an OrientedShape3D node with the specified geometry component, appearance component, mode, and rotation point.
OrientedShape3D(Geometry geometry, Appearance appearance, int mode, Vector3f axis)
          Constructs an OrientedShape3D node with the specified geometry component, appearance component, mode, and axis.
OrientedShape3D(Geometry geometry, Appearance appearance, int mode, Vector3f axis, boolean constantScaleEnable, double scale)
          Constructs an OrientedShape3D node with the specified geometry component, appearance component, mode, axis, constant scale enable flag, and scale The specified axis must not be parallel to the Z axis--(0,0,z) for any value of z.
Shape3D(Geometry geometry, Appearance appearance)
          Constructs and initializes a Shape3D node with the specified geometry and appearance components.