Uses of Class

Packages that use Canvas3D
com.sun.j3d.exp.swing EXPERIMENTAL: Provides a lightweight JCanvas3D class. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.picking Deprecated: Use com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast.behaviors instead. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp Provides ViewPlatform navigation utility classes. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast Provides picking utility classes for the new core picking methods. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast.behaviors Provides picking behaviors for the new core picking methods. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.picking OBSOLETE: provides picking utility classes for the old picking methods. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.behaviors OBSOLETE: provides picking behaviors for the old picking methods. This package provides a Java3D SceneGraph IO capability.   
com.sun.j3d.utils.universe Provides utility classes for setting up the Java 3D universe, including the viewing configuration. Provides the core set of classes for the 3D graphics API for the Java platform; click here for more information, including explanatory material that was formerly found in the guide. 

Uses of Canvas3D in com.sun.j3d.exp.swing

Methods in com.sun.j3d.exp.swing that return Canvas3D
 Canvas3D JCanvas3D.getOffscreenCanvas3D()
          Returns the offscreen heavyweight canvas of that lightweight component.

Uses of Canvas3D in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.picking

Constructors in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.picking with parameters of type Canvas3D
PickMouseBehavior(Canvas3D canvas, BranchGroup root, Bounds bounds)
          Deprecated. Creates a PickMouseBehavior given current canvas, root of the tree to operate on, and the bounds.
PickObject(Canvas3D c, BranchGroup root)
          Deprecated. Creates a PickObject.
PickRotateBehavior(BranchGroup root, Canvas3D canvas, Bounds bounds)
          Deprecated. Creates a pick/rotate behavior that waits for user mouse events for the scene graph.
PickRotateBehavior(BranchGroup root, Canvas3D canvas, Bounds bounds, int pickMode)
          Deprecated. Creates a pick/rotate behavior that waits for user mouse events for the scene graph.
PickTranslateBehavior(BranchGroup root, Canvas3D canvas, Bounds bounds)
          Deprecated. Creates a pick/translate behavior that waits for user mouse events for the scene graph.
PickTranslateBehavior(BranchGroup root, Canvas3D canvas, Bounds bounds, int pickMode)
          Deprecated. Creates a pick/translate behavior that waits for user mouse events for the scene graph.
PickZoomBehavior(BranchGroup root, Canvas3D canvas, Bounds bounds)
          Deprecated. Creates a pick/zoom behavior that waits for user mouse events for the scene graph.
PickZoomBehavior(BranchGroup root, Canvas3D canvas, Bounds bounds, int pickMode)
          Deprecated. Creates a pick/zoom behavior that waits for user mouse events for the scene graph.

Uses of Canvas3D in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp

Constructors in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp with parameters of type Canvas3D
OrbitBehavior(Canvas3D c)
          Creates a new OrbitBehavior
OrbitBehavior(Canvas3D c, int flags)
          Creates a new OrbitBehavior
ViewPlatformAWTBehavior(Canvas3D c, int listenerFlags)
          Constructs a new ViewPlatformAWTBehavior.

Uses of Canvas3D in com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast that return Canvas3D
 Canvas3D PickCanvas.getCanvas()
          Inquire the canvas to be used for picking operations.

Constructors in com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast with parameters of type Canvas3D
PickCanvas(Canvas3D c, BranchGroup b)
          Constructor with Canvas3D for mouse events and BranchGroup to be picked.
PickCanvas(Canvas3D c, Locale l)
          Constructor with Canvas3D for mouse events and Locale to be picked.

Uses of Canvas3D in com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast.behaviors

Constructors in com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast.behaviors with parameters of type Canvas3D
PickMouseBehavior(Canvas3D canvas, BranchGroup root, Bounds bounds)
          Creates a PickMouseBehavior given current canvas, root of the tree to operate on, and the bounds.
PickRotateBehavior(BranchGroup root, Canvas3D canvas, Bounds bounds)
          Creates a pick/rotate behavior that waits for user mouse events for the scene graph.
PickRotateBehavior(BranchGroup root, Canvas3D canvas, Bounds bounds, int pickMode)
          Creates a pick/rotate behavior that waits for user mouse events for the scene graph.
PickTranslateBehavior(BranchGroup root, Canvas3D canvas, Bounds bounds)
          Creates a pick/translate behavior that waits for user mouse events for the scene graph.
PickTranslateBehavior(BranchGroup root, Canvas3D canvas, Bounds bounds, int pickMode)
          Creates a pick/translate behavior that waits for user mouse events for the scene graph.
PickZoomBehavior(BranchGroup root, Canvas3D canvas, Bounds bounds)
          Creates a pick/zoom behavior that waits for user mouse events for the scene graph.
PickZoomBehavior(BranchGroup root, Canvas3D canvas, Bounds bounds, int pickMode)
          Creates a pick/zoom behavior that waits for user mouse events for the scene graph.

Uses of Canvas3D in com.sun.j3d.utils.picking

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.picking that return Canvas3D
 Canvas3D PickCanvas.getCanvas()
          Inquire the canvas to be used for picking operations.

Constructors in com.sun.j3d.utils.picking with parameters of type Canvas3D
PickCanvas(Canvas3D c, BranchGroup b)
          Constructor with Canvas3D for mouse events and BranchGroup to be picked.
PickCanvas(Canvas3D c, Locale l)
          Constructor with Canvas3D for mouse events and Locale to be picked.

Uses of Canvas3D in com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.behaviors

Constructors in com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.behaviors with parameters of type Canvas3D
PickMouseBehavior(Canvas3D canvas, BranchGroup root, Bounds bounds)
          Creates a PickMouseBehavior given current canvas, root of the tree to operate on, and the bounds.
PickRotateBehavior(BranchGroup root, Canvas3D canvas, Bounds bounds)
          Creates a pick/rotate behavior that waits for user mouse events for the scene graph.
PickRotateBehavior(BranchGroup root, Canvas3D canvas, Bounds bounds, int pickMode)
          Creates a pick/rotate behavior that waits for user mouse events for the scene graph.
PickTranslateBehavior(BranchGroup root, Canvas3D canvas, Bounds bounds)
          Creates a pick/translate behavior that waits for user mouse events for the scene graph.
PickTranslateBehavior(BranchGroup root, Canvas3D canvas, Bounds bounds, int pickMode)
          Creates a pick/translate behavior that waits for user mouse events for the scene graph.
PickZoomBehavior(BranchGroup root, Canvas3D canvas, Bounds bounds)
          Creates a pick/zoom behavior that waits for user mouse events for the scene graph.
PickZoomBehavior(BranchGroup root, Canvas3D canvas, Bounds bounds, int pickMode)
          Creates a pick/zoom behavior that waits for user mouse events for the scene graph.

Uses of Canvas3D in

Methods in with parameters of type Canvas3D
 ConfiguredUniverse SceneGraphFileReader.readUniverse(boolean attachBranchGraphs, Canvas3D canvas)
          Create and return a ConfiguredUniverse with the PlatformGeometry, ViewerAvatar, and Locales saved in the file.
 ConfiguredUniverse SceneGraphStreamReader.readUniverse(Canvas3D canvas)
          Read and create the universe.

Uses of Canvas3D in

Methods in with parameters of type Canvas3D
 ConfiguredUniverse RandomAccessFileControl.readUniverse(boolean attachBranchGraphs, Canvas3D canvas)
 ConfiguredUniverse Controller.readUniverse( in, boolean attachBranchGraphs, Canvas3D canvas)
          Read and create a new Universe matching the one used during save.

Uses of Canvas3D in

Methods in with parameters of type Canvas3D
 void SimpleUniverseState.readObject( in, Canvas3D canvas)

Uses of Canvas3D in com.sun.j3d.utils.universe

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.universe that return Canvas3D
 Canvas3D SimpleUniverse.getCanvas()
          Returns the Canvas3D object associated with this Java 3D Universe.
 Canvas3D SimpleUniverse.getCanvas(int canvasNum)
          Returns the Canvas3D object at the specified index associated with this Java 3D Universe.
 Canvas3D Viewer.getCanvas3D()
          Returns the 0th Canvas3D object associated with this Viewer object
 Canvas3D Viewer.getCanvas3D(int canvasNum)
          Returns the Canvas3D object at the specified index associated with this Viewer object.
 Canvas3D[] Viewer.getCanvas3Ds()
          Returns all the Canvas3D objects associated with this Viewer object.
 Canvas3D Viewer.getCanvases()
          Deprecated. superceded by getCanvas3D()

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.universe with parameters of type Canvas3D
 void ViewInfo.getCoexistenceToImagePlate(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D coe2ipl, Transform3D coe2ipr)
          Gets the current transforms from coexistence coordinates to image plate coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 void ViewInfo.getCoexistenceToViewPlatform(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D coe2vp)
          Gets the current transform from coexistence coordinates to view platform coordinates and copies it into the given transform.
 void ViewInfo.getCoexistenceToVworld(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D coe2vw)
          Gets the current transform from coexistence coordinates to virtual world coordinates and copies it into the given transform.
 void ViewInfo.getEyeToImagePlate(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D e2ipl, Transform3D e2ipr)
          Gets the transforms from eye coordinates to image plate coordinates and copies them into the Transform3Ds specified.
 void ViewInfo.getEyeToViewPlatform(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D e2vpl, Transform3D e2vpr)
          Gets the current transforms from eye coordinates to view platform coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 void ViewInfo.getEyeToVworld(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D e2vwl, Transform3D e2vwr)
          Gets the current transforms from eye coordinates to virtual world coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 void ViewInfo.getImagePlateToViewPlatform(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D ip2vpl, Transform3D ip2vpr)
          Gets the current transforms from image plate coordinates to view platform coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 void ViewInfo.getImagePlateToVworld(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D ip2vwl, Transform3D ip2vwr)
          Gets the current transforms from image plate coordinates to virtual world coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 void ViewInfo.getInverseProjection(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D cc2el, Transform3D cc2er)
          Gets the transforms from clipping coordinates to eye coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 void ViewInfo.getInverseViewPlatformProjection(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D cc2vpl, Transform3D cc2vpr)
          Gets the transforms from clipping coordinates to view platform coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 void ViewInfo.getInverseVworldProjection(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D cc2vwl, Transform3D cc2vwr)
          Gets the transforms from clipping coordinates to virtual world coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 double ViewInfo.getPhysicalBackClipDistance(Canvas3D c3d)
          Gets the back clip distance scaled to physical meters.
 double ViewInfo.getPhysicalFrontClipDistance(Canvas3D c3d)
          Gets the front clip distance scaled to physical meters.
 double ViewInfo.getPhysicalHeight(Canvas3D c3d)
          Gets the height of the specified canvas scaled to physical meters.
 void ViewInfo.getPhysicalLocation(Canvas3D c3d, Point3d location)
          Gets the location of the specified canvas relative to the image plate origin.
 double ViewInfo.getPhysicalToViewPlatformScale(Canvas3D c3d)
          Gets the scale factor from physical meters to view platform units.
 double ViewInfo.getPhysicalToVirtualScale(Canvas3D c3d)
          Gets the scale factor from physical meters to virtual units.
 double ViewInfo.getPhysicalWidth(Canvas3D c3d)
          Gets the width of the specified canvas scaled to physical meters.
 void ViewInfo.getPixelLocationInImagePlate(Canvas3D c3d, int x, int y, Point3d location)
          Gets the location of the AWT pixel value and copies it into the specified Point3d.
 void ViewInfo.getProjection(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D e2ccl, Transform3D e2ccr)
          Gets the transforms from eye coordinates to clipping coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 void ViewInfo.getSensorToVworld(Canvas3D c3d, Sensor sensor, Transform3D s2vw)
          Gets a read from the specified sensor and transforms it to virtual world coordinates.
 void ViewInfo.getTrackerBaseToViewPlatform(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D tb2vp)
          Gets the transform from tracker base coordinates to view platform coordinates and copies it into the specified Transform3D.
 void ViewInfo.getTrackerBaseToVworld(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D tb2vw)
          Gets the transform from tracker base coordinates to virtual world coordinates and copies it into the specified Transform3D.
 void ViewInfo.getViewPlatformToCoexistence(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D vp2coe)
          Gets the current transform from view platform coordinates to coexistence coordinates and copies it into the given transform.
 void ViewInfo.getViewPlatformToEye(Canvas3D c3d, Transform3D vp2el, Transform3D vp2er)
          Gets the current transforms from view platform coordinates to eye coordinates and copies them into the given Transform3Ds.
 void ViewInfo.updateCanvas(Canvas3D c3d)
          Arrange for an update of cached canvas parameters.

Constructors in com.sun.j3d.utils.universe with parameters of type Canvas3D
ConfiguredUniverse(Canvas3D canvas)
          Equivalent to SimpleUniverse(Canvas3D).
ConfiguredUniverse(Canvas3D[] canvases)
          Creates a Locale, a single ViewingPlatform, and a Viewer object from the given array of Canvas3D instances.
ConfiguredUniverse(Canvas3D[] canvases, int transformCount)
          Creates a Locale, a single ViewingPlatform with the specified number of transforms, and a Viewer object using the given array of Canvas3D instances.
ConfiguredUniverse(Canvas3D[] canvases, int transformCount, LocaleFactory localeFactory)
          Creates a Locale, a single ViewingPlatform with the specified number of transforms, and a Viewer object using the given array of Canvas3D instances.
ConfiguredUniverse(Canvas3D canvas, int transformCount)
          Equivalent to SimpleUniverse(Canvas3D, int).
SimpleUniverse(Canvas3D canvas)
          Creates a locale, a single ViewingPlatform (with default values), and and a Viewer object.
SimpleUniverse(Canvas3D canvas, int numTransforms)
          Creates a locale, a single ViewingPlatform, and a Viewer object The Viewer object uses default values for everything but the canvas.
SimpleUniverse(Canvas3D canvas, int numTransforms, LocaleFactory localeFactory)
          Creates a locale, a single ViewingPlatform, and a Viewer object The Viewer object uses default values for everything but the canvas.
SimpleUniverse(HiResCoord origin, int numTransforms, Canvas3D canvas, userConfig)
          Deprecated. use ConfiguredUniverse constructors to read a configuration file
SimpleUniverse(HiResCoord origin, int numTransforms, Canvas3D canvas, userConfig, LocaleFactory localeFactory)
          Deprecated. use ConfiguredUniverse constructors to read a configuration file
Viewer(Canvas3D userCanvas)
          Creates a default viewer object.
Viewer(Canvas3D[] userCanvases)
          Creates a default viewer object.
Viewer(Canvas3D[] userCanvases, PhysicalBody userBody, PhysicalEnvironment userEnvironment, boolean setVisible)
          Creates a viewer object.
Viewer(Canvas3D userCanvas, userConfig)
          Deprecated. create a ConfiguredUniverse to use a configuration file

Uses of Canvas3D in

Methods in that return Canvas3D
 Canvas3D ShaderError.getCanvas3D()
          Returns the canvas associated with this shader error.
 Canvas3D RenderingError.getCanvas3D()
          Returns the canvas associated with this rendering error.
 Canvas3D GraphicsContext3D.getCanvas3D()
          Gets the Canvas3D that created this GraphicsContext3D.
 Canvas3D View.getCanvas3D(int index)
          Gets the Canvas3D at the specified index position.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Canvas3D
 java.util.Enumeration<Canvas3D> View.getAllCanvas3Ds()
          Gets the enumeration object of all the Canvas3Ds.

Methods in with parameters of type Canvas3D
 void View.addCanvas3D(Canvas3D canvas3D)
          Adds the given Canvas3D at the end of the list.
 int View.indexOfCanvas3D(Canvas3D canvas3D)
          Retrieves the index of the specified Canvas3D in this View's list of Canvas3Ds
 void View.insertCanvas3D(Canvas3D canvas3D, int index)
          Inserts the Canvas3D at the given index position.
 void View.removeCanvas3D(Canvas3D canvas3D)
          Removes the specified Canvas3D from this View's list of Canvas3Ds.
 void ShaderError.setCanvas3D(Canvas3D canvas)
          Sets the canvas associated with this shader error.
 void RenderingError.setCanvas3D(Canvas3D canvas)
          Sets the canvas associated with this rendering error.
 void View.setCanvas3D(Canvas3D canvas3D, int index)
          Sets given Canvas3D at the given index position.