Uses of Class

Packages that use PickSegment
com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.picking Deprecated: Use com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast.behaviors instead. 

Uses of PickSegment in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.picking

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.picking with parameters of type PickSegment
static boolean Intersect.segmentAndLine(PickSegment segment, Point3d[] coordinates, int index, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Determines if the PickSegment and Line objects intersect.
static boolean Intersect.segmentAndLine(PickSegment segment, Point3f[] coordinates, int index, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Return true if line intersects with segment and the distance, from the start of segment to the intersection point, is stored in dist[0].
static boolean Intersect.segmentAndPoint(PickSegment segment, Point3d pnt, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Determines if the PickSegment and Point3d objects intersect.
static boolean Intersect.segmentAndPoint(PickSegment segment, Point3f pnt, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Return true if point intersects with segment and the distance, from the start of segment to the intersection point, is stored in dist[0].
static boolean Intersect.segmentAndQuad(PickSegment segment, Point3d[] coordinates, int index, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Caluates the intersection between a PickSegment object and a quadrilateral.
static boolean Intersect.segmentAndQuad(PickSegment segment, Point3f[] coordinates, int index, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Return true if quad intersects with segment and the distance, from the start of segment to the intersection point, is stored in dist[0].
static boolean Intersect.segmentAndTriangle(PickSegment segment, Point3d[] coordinates, int index, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Caluates the intersection between a PickSegment object and a triangle.
static boolean Intersect.segmentAndTriangle(PickSegment segment, Point3f[] coordinates, int index, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Return true if triangle intersects with segment and the distance, from the start of segment to the intersection point, is stored in dist[0].