Uses of Class

Packages that use Vector3f
com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators Provides spline-based interpolation behaviors. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry Provides geometry construction, triangulation, and optimization utility classes. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast Provides picking utility classes for the new core picking methods. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.picking OBSOLETE: provides picking utility classes for the old picking methods. Provides the core set of classes for the 3D graphics API for the Java platform; click here for more information, including explanatory material that was formerly found in the guide. 
javax.vecmath Provides 3D vector mathematics classes. 

Uses of Vector3f in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators with parameters of type Vector3f
 void KBCubicSplineSegment.getInterpolatedPositionVector(float u, Vector3f newPos)
          Computes the interpolated position along the curve at a given point between key frames and returns a Vector3f with the interpolated x, y, and z scale components.
 void CubicSplineSegment.getInterpolatedPositionVector(float u, Vector3f newPos)
          Computes the interpolated position along the curve at a given point between key frames and returns a Vector3f with the interpolated x, y, and z scale components.

Uses of Vector3f in com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry that return Vector3f
 Vector3f[] GeometryInfo.getNormals()
          Retrieves a reference to the normal array.

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry with parameters of type Vector3f
 void GeometryInfo.setNormals(Vector3f[] normals)
          Sets the normals array.

Uses of Vector3f in com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.pickfast that return Vector3f
 Vector3f PickIntersection.getPointNormal()
          Returns the normal of the intersection point.
 Vector3f[] PickIntersection.getPrimitiveNormals()
          Get the normals of the intersected primitive.

Uses of Vector3f in com.sun.j3d.utils.picking

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.picking that return Vector3f
 Vector3f PickIntersection.getPointNormal()
          Returns the normal of the intersection point.
 Vector3f[] PickIntersection.getPrimitiveNormals()
          Get the normals of the intersected primitive.

Uses of Vector3f in

Methods in that return Vector3f
 Vector3f Controller.readVector3f( in)

Methods in with parameters of type Vector3f
 void Controller.writeVector3f( out, Vector3f vec)

Uses of Vector3f in

Methods in that return Vector3f
 Vector3f[] GeometryArray.getNormalRef3f()
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, use geometry by-copy for Vector3f arrays

Methods in with parameters of type Vector3f
 float Transform3D.get(Matrix3f m1, Vector3f t1)
          Places the normalized rotational component of this transform into the matrix parameter; place the translational component into the vector parameter.
 float Transform3D.get(Quat4f q1, Vector3f t1)
          Places the quaternion equivalent of the normalized rotational component of this transform into the quaternion parameter; places the translational component into the Vector parameter.
 void Transform3D.get(Vector3f trans)
          Retrieves the translational components of this transform.
 void OrientedShape3D.getAlignmentAxis(Vector3f axis)
          Retrieves the alignment axis of this OrientedShape3D node, and copies it into the specified vector.
 void Billboard.getAlignmentAxis(Vector3f axis)
          Gets the alignment axis and sets the parameter to this value.
 void SpotLight.getDirection(Vector3f direction)
          Gets this Light's current direction and places it in the parameter specified.
 void DirectionalLight.getDirection(Vector3f direction)
          Gets this Light's current direction and places it in the parameter specified.
 void ConeSound.getDirection(Vector3f direction)
          Retrieves this sound's direction and places it in the vector provided.
 void GeometryArray.getNormal(int index, Vector3f normal)
          Gets the normal associated with the vertex at the specified index for this object.
 void GeometryArray.getNormals(int index, Vector3f[] normals)
          Gets the normals associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
 void Transform3D.set(float scale, Vector3f v1)
          Sets the value of this transform to a scale and translation matrix; the scale is not applied to the translation and all of the matrix values are modified.
 void Transform3D.set(Matrix3f m1, Vector3f t1, float s)
          Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the rotation matrix m1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
 void Transform3D.set(Quat4f q1, Vector3f t1, float s)
          Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the quaternion q1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
 void Transform3D.set(Vector3f trans)
          Sets the translational value of this matrix to the Vector3f parameter values, and sets the other components of the matrix as if this transform were an identity matrix.
 void Transform3D.set(Vector3f v1, float scale)
          Sets the value of this transform to a scale and translation matrix; the translation is scaled by the scale factor and all of the matrix values are modified.
 void OrientedShape3D.setAlignmentAxis(Vector3f axis)
          Sets the new alignment axis.
 void Billboard.setAlignmentAxis(Vector3f axis)
          Sets the alignment axis.
 void SpotLight.setDirection(Vector3f direction)
          Sets this Light's current direction and places it in the parameter specified.
 void DirectionalLight.setDirection(Vector3f direction)
          Set light direction.
 void ConeSound.setDirection(Vector3f direction)
          Sets this sound's direction from the vector provided.
 void GeometryArray.setNormal(int index, Vector3f normal)
          Sets the normal associated with the vertex at the specified index for this object.
 void GeometryArray.setNormalRef3f(Vector3f[] normals)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, use geometry by-copy for Vector3f arrays
 void GeometryArray.setNormals(int index, Vector3f[] normals)
          Sets the normals associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
 void GeometryArray.setNormals(int index, Vector3f[] normals, int start, int length)
          Sets the normals associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object using data in normals starting at index start and ending at index start+length.
 void Transform3D.setTranslation(Vector3f trans)
          Replaces the translational components of this transform to the values in the Vector3f argument; the other values of this transform are not modified.
 void Transform3D.transform(Vector3f normal)
          Transforms the normal parameter by this transform and places the value back into normal.
 void Transform3D.transform(Vector3f normal, Vector3f normalOut)
          Transforms the normal parameter by this transform and places the value into normalOut.

Constructors in with parameters of type Vector3f
Billboard(TransformGroup tg, int mode, Vector3f axis)
          Constructs a Billboard node with the specified axis and mode that operates on the specified TransformGroup node.
ConeSound(MediaContainer soundData, float initialGain, int loopCount, boolean release, boolean continuous, boolean enable, Bounds region, float priority, Point3f position, Point2f[] frontDistanceAttenuation, Point2f[] backDistanceAttenuation, Vector3f direction)
          Constructs a ConeSound node object using all the provided PointSound parameter values.
ConeSound(MediaContainer soundData, float initialGain, int loopCount, boolean release, boolean continuous, boolean enable, Bounds region, float priority, Point3f position, Point2f[] frontDistanceAttenuation, Point2f[] backDistanceAttenuation, Vector3f direction, Point3f[] angularAttenuation)
          Constructs and initializes a new Cone Sound node explicitly setting all PointSound and ConeSound fields as arguments: the PointSound position, front and back distance attenuation Point2f array, and ConeSound direction vector and Point3f angular attenuation.
ConeSound(MediaContainer soundData, float initialGain, int loopCount, boolean release, boolean continuous, boolean enable, Bounds region, float priority, Point3f position, Point2f[] distanceAttenuation, Vector3f direction, Point3f[] angularAttenuation)
          Constructs a ConeSound node object using all the provided PointSound parameter values, which include a single spherical distance attenuation array, but includes an angular attenuation array.
ConeSound(MediaContainer soundData, float initialGain, Point3f position, Vector3f direction)
          Constructs a ConeSound node object using only the provided parameter values for sound, overall initial gain, position, and direction.
DirectionalLight(boolean lightOn, Color3f color, Vector3f direction)
          Constructs and initializes a directional light.
DirectionalLight(Color3f color, Vector3f direction)
          Constructs and initializes a directional light.
OrientedShape3D(Geometry geometry, Appearance appearance, int mode, Vector3f axis)
          Constructs an OrientedShape3D node with the specified geometry component, appearance component, mode, and axis.
OrientedShape3D(Geometry geometry, Appearance appearance, int mode, Vector3f axis, boolean constantScaleEnable, double scale)
          Constructs an OrientedShape3D node with the specified geometry component, appearance component, mode, axis, constant scale enable flag, and scale The specified axis must not be parallel to the Z axis--(0,0,z) for any value of z.
SpotLight(boolean lightOn, Color3f color, Point3f position, Point3f attenuation, Vector3f direction, float spreadAngle, float concentration)
          Constructs and initializes a SpotLight node using the specified parameters.
SpotLight(Color3f color, Point3f position, Point3f attenuation, Vector3f direction, float spreadAngle, float concentration)
          Constructs and initializes a SpotLight node using the specified parameters.
Transform3D(Matrix3f m1, Vector3f t1, float s)
          Constructs and initializes a transform from the rotation matrix, translation, and scale values.
Transform3D(Quat4f q1, Vector3f t1, float s)
          Constructs and initializes a transform from the quaternion, translation, and scale values.

Uses of Vector3f in javax.vecmath

Methods in javax.vecmath with parameters of type Vector3f
 float Vector3f.angle(Vector3f v1)
          Returns the angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI].
 void Vector3f.cross(Vector3f v1, Vector3f v2)
          Sets this vector to be the vector cross product of vectors v1 and v2.
 float v1)
          Computes the dot product of this vector and vector v1.
 float Matrix4f.get(Matrix3f m1, Vector3f t1)
          Performs an SVD normalization of this matrix to calculate the rotation as a 3x3 matrix, the translation, and the scale.
 void Matrix4f.get(Vector3f trans)
          Retrieves the translational components of this matrix.
 void Matrix3f.getColumn(int column, Vector3f v)
          Copies the matrix values in the specified column into the vector parameter.
 void Matrix3f.getRow(int row, Vector3f v)
          Copies the matrix values in the specified row into the vector parameter.
 void Vector3f.normalize(Vector3f v1)
          Sets the value of this vector to the normalization of vector v1.
 void Matrix4f.set(float scale, Vector3f t1)
          Sets the value of this transform to a scale and translation matrix; the scale is not applied to the translation and all of the matrix values are modified.
 void Matrix4f.set(Matrix3f m1, Vector3f t1, float scale)
          Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the rotation matrix m1, the translation t1, and the scale factor.
 void Matrix4d.set(Matrix3f m1, Vector3f t1, float scale)
          Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the rotation matrix m1, the translation t1, and the scale factor.
 void Matrix4f.set(Quat4f q1, Vector3f t1, float s)
          Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the quaternion q1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
 void Matrix4d.set(Quat4f q1, Vector3f t1, float s)
          Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the quaternion q1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
 void Matrix4f.set(Vector3f v1)
          Sets the value of this matrix to a translate matrix with the passed translation value.
 void Matrix4f.set(Vector3f t1, float scale)
          Sets the value of this transform to a scale and translation matrix; the translation is scaled by the scale factor and all of the matrix values are modified.
 void AxisAngle4f.set(Vector3f axis, float angle)
          Sets the value of this AxisAngle4f to the specified axis and angle.
 void Matrix3f.setColumn(int column, Vector3f v)
          Sets the specified column of this matrix3f to the vector provided.
 void Matrix3f.setRow(int row, Vector3f v)
          Sets the specified row of this matrix3f to the Vector provided.
 void Matrix4f.setTranslation(Vector3f trans)
          Modifies the translational components of this matrix to the values of the Vector3f argument; the other values of this matrix are not modified.
 void Matrix4f.transform(Vector3f normal)
          Transforms the normal parameter by this transform and places the value back into normal.
 void Matrix4d.transform(Vector3f normal)
          Transforms the normal parameter by this transform and places the value back into normal.
 void Matrix4f.transform(Vector3f normal, Vector3f normalOut)
          Transforms the normal parameter by this Matrix4f and places the value into normalOut.
 void Matrix4d.transform(Vector3f normal, Vector3f normalOut)
          Transforms the normal parameter by this Matrix4d and places the value into normalOut.

Constructors in javax.vecmath with parameters of type Vector3f
AxisAngle4f(Vector3f axis, float angle)
          Constructs and initializes an AxisAngle4f from the specified axis and angle.
Matrix4f(Matrix3f m1, Vector3f t1, float s)
          Constructs and initializes a Matrix4f from the rotation matrix, translation, and scale values; the scale is applied only to the rotational components of the matrix (upper 3x3) and not to the translational components of the matrix.
Matrix4f(Quat4f q1, Vector3f t1, float s)
          Constructs and initializes a Matrix4f from the quaternion, translation, and scale values; the scale is applied only to the rotational components of the matrix (upper 3x3) and not to the translational components.
Vector3d(Vector3f v1)
          Constructs and initializes a Vector3d from the specified Vector3f.
Vector3f(Vector3f v1)
          Constructs and initializes a Vector3f from the specified Vector3f.