scale(double, GVector) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Sets the value of this vector to the scalar multiplication of the scale factor with the vector v1.
scale(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Scales this vector by the scale factor s.
scale(double, Tuple2d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1.
scale(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of itself.
scale(float, Tuple2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1.
scale(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of itself.
scale(int, Tuple2i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2i
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1.
scale(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2i
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of the scale factor with this.
scale(double, Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1.
scale(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of itself.
scale(float, Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Sets the value of this vector to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1.
scale(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of the scale factor with this.
scale(int, Tuple3i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1.
scale(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of the scale factor with this.
scale(double, Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of the scale factor with the tuple t1.
scale(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of the scale factor with this.
scale(float, Tuple4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1.
scale(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of the scale factor with this.
scale(int, Tuple4i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1.
scale(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of the scale factor with this.
scaleAdd(double, GVector, GVector) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Sets the value of this vector to the scalar multiplication by s of vector v1 plus vector v2 (this = s*v1 + v2).
scaleAdd(double, Tuple2d, Tuple2d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1 and then adds tuple t2 (this = s*t1 + t2).
scaleAdd(double, Tuple2d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of itself and then adds tuple t1 (this = s*this + t1).
scaleAdd(float, Tuple2f, Tuple2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1 and then adds tuple t2 (this = s*t1 + t2).
scaleAdd(float, Tuple2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of itself and then adds tuple t1 (this = s*this + t1).
scaleAdd(int, Tuple2i, Tuple2i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2i
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1 plus tuple t2 (this = s*t1 + t2).
scaleAdd(int, Tuple2i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2i
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of itself and then adds tuple t1 (this = s*this + t1).
scaleAdd(double, Tuple3d, Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1 and then adds tuple t2 (this = s*t1 + t2).
scaleAdd(double, Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Deprecated. Use scaleAdd(double,Tuple3d) instead
scaleAdd(double, Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of itself and then adds tuple t1 (this = s*this + t1).
scaleAdd(float, Tuple3f, Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1 and then adds tuple t2 (this = s*t1 + t2).
scaleAdd(float, Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of itself and then adds tuple t1 (this = s*this + t1).
scaleAdd(int, Tuple3i, Tuple3i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1 plus tuple t2 (this = s*t1 + t2).
scaleAdd(int, Tuple3i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of itself and then adds tuple t1 (this = s*this + t1).
scaleAdd(double, Tuple4d, Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication by s of tuple t1 plus tuple t2 (this = s*t1 + t2).
scaleAdd(float, Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Deprecated. Use scaleAdd(double,Tuple4d) instead
scaleAdd(double, Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of itself and then adds tuple t1 (this = s*this + t1).
scaleAdd(float, Tuple4f, Tuple4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1 plus tuple t2 (this = s*t1 + t2).
scaleAdd(float, Tuple4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of itself and then adds tuple t1 (this = s*this + t1).
scaleAdd(int, Tuple4i, Tuple4i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1 plus tuple t2 (this = s*t1 + t2).
scaleAdd(int, Tuple4i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of itself and then adds tuple t1 (this = s*this + t1).
set(double, double, double, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Sets the value of this axis angle to the specified x,y,z,angle.
set(double[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Sets the value of this axis angle to the specified x,y,z,angle.
set(AxisAngle4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Sets the value of this axis angle to the value of axis angle a1.
set(AxisAngle4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Sets the value of this axis angle to the value of axis angle a1.
set(Vector3d, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Sets the value of this AxisAngle4d to the specified axis and angle.
set(Matrix4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Sets the value of this axis-angle to the rotational component of the passed matrix.
set(Matrix4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Sets the value of this axis-angle to the rotational component of the passed matrix.
set(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Sets the value of this axis-angle to the rotational component of the passed matrix.
set(Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Sets the value of this axis-angle to the rotational component of the passed matrix.
set(Quat4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Sets the value of this axis-angle to the rotational equivalent of the passed quaternion.
set(Quat4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Sets the value of this axis-angle to the rotational equivalent of the passed quaternion.
set(float, float, float, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Sets the value of this axis-angle to the specified x,y,z,angle.
set(float[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Sets the value of this axis-angle to the specified values in the array of length 4.
set(AxisAngle4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Sets the value of this axis-angle to the value of axis-angle a1.
set(AxisAngle4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Sets the value of this axis-angle to the value of axis-angle a1.
set(Vector3f, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Sets the value of this AxisAngle4f to the specified axis and angle.
set(Quat4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Sets the value of this axis-angle to the rotational equivalent of the passed quaternion.
set(Quat4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Sets the value of this axis-angle to the rotational equivalent of the passed quaternion.
set(Matrix4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Sets the value of this axis-angle to the rotational component of the passed matrix.
set(Matrix4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Sets the value of this axis-angle to the rotational component of the passed matrix.
set(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Sets the value of this axis-angle to the rotational component of the passed matrix.
set(Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Sets the value of this axis-angle to the rotational component of the passed matrix.
set(Color) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Color3b
Sets the r,g,b values of this Color3b object to those of the specified AWT Color object.
set(Color) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Color3f
Sets the r,g,b values of this Color3f object to those of the specified AWT Color object.
set(Color) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Color4b
Sets the r,g,b,a values of this Color4b object to those of the specified AWT Color object.
set(Color) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Color4f
Sets the r,g,b,a values of this Color4f object to those of the specified AWT Color object.
set(double[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Sets the value of this matrix to the values found in the array parameter.
set(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Sets the value of this matrix to that of the Matrix3f provided.
set(Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Sets the value of this matrix to that of the Matrix3d provided.
set(Matrix4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Sets the value of this matrix to that of the Matrix4f provided.
set(Matrix4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Sets the value of this matrix to that of the Matrix4d provided.
set(GMatrix) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Sets the value of this matrix to the values found in matrix m1.
set(double[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Sets the value of this vector to the values found in the array parameter.
set(GVector) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Sets the value of this vector to the values found in vector vector.
set(Tuple2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Sets the value of this vector to the values in tuple
set(Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Sets the value of this vector to the values in tuple
set(Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Sets the value of this vector to the values in tuple
set(Tuple4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Sets the value of this vector to the values in tuple
set(Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Sets the value of this vector to the values in tuple
set(Quat4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the double precision quaternion argument.
set(AxisAngle4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the double precision axis and angle argument.
set(Quat4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the single precision quaternion argument.
set(AxisAngle4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the single precision axis and angle argument.
set(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the value of this matrix to the double value of the Matrix3f argument.
set(Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the value of this matrix to the value of the Matrix3d argument.
set(double[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the values in this Matrix3d equal to the row-major array parameter (ie, the first three elements of the array will be copied into the first row of this matrix, etc.).
set(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the value of this matrix to a scale matrix with the passed scale amount.
set(Quat4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the (single precision) quaternion argument.
set(AxisAngle4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the (single precision) axis and angle argument.
set(AxisAngle4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the (double precision) axis and angle argument.
set(Quat4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the (single precision) quaternion argument.
set(float[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the values in this Matrix3f equal to the row-major array parameter (ie, the first three elements of the array will be copied into the first row of this matrix, etc.).
set(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the value of this matrix to the value of the Matrix3f argument.
set(Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the value of this matrix to the float value of the Matrix3d argument.
set(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the value of this matrix to a scale matrix with the passed scale amount.
set(double[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the values in this Matrix4d equal to the row-major array parameter (ie, the first four elements of the array will be copied into the first row of this matrix, etc.).
set(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix values in the single precision Matrix3f argument; the other elements of this matrix are initialized as if this were an identity matrix (i.e., affine matrix with no translational component).
set(Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix values in the double precision Matrix3d argument; the other elements of this matrix are initialized as if this were an identity matrix (i.e., affine matrix with no translational component).
set(Quat4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the (double precision) quaternion argument.
set(AxisAngle4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the double precision axis and angle argument.
set(Quat4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the single precision quaternion argument.
set(AxisAngle4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the single precision axis and angle argument.
set(Quat4d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the quaternion q1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
set(Quat4f, Vector3d, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the quaternion q1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
set(Quat4f, Vector3f, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the quaternion q1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
set(Matrix4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix to a copy of the passed matrix m1.
set(Matrix4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix to a copy of the passed matrix m1.
set(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix to a scale matrix with the passed scale amount.
set(Vector3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix to a translate matrix by the passed translation value.
set(double, Vector3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this transform to a scale and translation matrix; the scale is not applied to the translation and all of the matrix values are modified.
set(Vector3d, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this transform to a scale and translation matrix; the translation is scaled by the scale factor and all of the matrix values are modified.
set(Matrix3f, Vector3f, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the rotation matrix m1, the translation t1, and the scale factor.
set(Matrix3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the rotation matrix m1, the translation t1, and the scale factor.
set(Quat4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the single precision quaternion argument.
set(AxisAngle4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the (single precision) axis and angle argument.
set(Quat4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the double precision quaternion argument.
set(AxisAngle4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the double precision axis and angle argument.
set(Quat4d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the quaternion q1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
set(Quat4f, Vector3f, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the quaternion q1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
set(Matrix4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix to the float value of the passed matrix4d m1.
set(Matrix4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix to a copy of the passed matrix m1.
set(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix values in the single precision Matrix3f argument; the other elements of this matrix are initialized as if this were an identity matrix (i.e., affine matrix with no translational component).
set(Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix values in the double precision Matrix3d argument; the other elements of this matrix are initialized as if this were an identity matrix (i.e., affine matrix with no translational component).
set(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix to a scale matrix with the the passed scale amount.
set(float[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the values in this Matrix4f equal to the row-major array parameter (ie, the first four elements of the array will be copied into the first row of this matrix, etc.).
set(Vector3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix to a translate matrix with the passed translation value.
set(float, Vector3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this transform to a scale and translation matrix; the scale is not applied to the translation and all of the matrix values are modified.
set(Vector3f, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this transform to a scale and translation matrix; the translation is scaled by the scale factor and all of the matrix values are modified.
set(Matrix3f, Vector3f, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the rotation matrix m1, the translation t1, and the scale factor.
set(Matrix3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the rotation matrix m1, the translation t1, and the scale factor.
set(Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Point4d
Sets the x,y,z components of this point to the corresponding components of tuple t1.
set(Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Point4f
Sets the x,y,z components of this point to the corresponding components of tuple t1.
set(Matrix4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Quat4d
Sets the value of this quaternion to the rotational component of the passed matrix.
set(Matrix4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Quat4d
Sets the value of this quaternion to the rotational component of the passed matrix.
set(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Quat4d
Sets the value of this quaternion to the rotational component of the passed matrix.
set(Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Quat4d
Sets the value of this quaternion to the rotational component of the passed matrix.
set(AxisAngle4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Quat4d
Sets the value of this quaternion to the equivalent rotation of the AxisAngle argument.
set(AxisAngle4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Quat4d
Sets the value of this quaternion to the equivalent rotation of the AxisAngle argument.
set(Matrix4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Quat4f
Sets the value of this quaternion to the rotational component of the passed matrix.
set(Matrix4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Quat4f
Sets the value of this quaternion to the rotational component of the passed matrix.
set(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Quat4f
Sets the value of this quaternion to the rotational component of the passed matrix.
set(Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Quat4f
Sets the value of this quaternion to the rotational component of the passed matrix.
set(AxisAngle4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Quat4f
Sets the value of this quaternion to the equivalent rotation of the AxisAngle argument.
set(AxisAngle4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Quat4f
Sets the value of this quaternion to the equivalent rotation of the AxisAngle argument.
set(double, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Sets the value of this tuple to the specified xy coordinates.
set(double[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Sets the value of this tuple from the 2 values specified in the array.
set(Tuple2d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Sets the value of this tuple to the value of the Tuple2d argument.
set(Tuple2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Sets the value of this tuple to the value of Tuple2f t1.
set(float, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Sets the value of this tuple to the specified xy coordinates.
set(float[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Sets the value of this tuple from the 2 values specified in the array.
set(Tuple2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Sets the value of this tuple to the value of the Tuple2f argument.
set(Tuple2d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Sets the value of this tuple to the value of the Tuple2d argument.
set(int, int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2i
Sets the value of this tuple to the specified x and y coordinates.
set(int[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2i
Sets the value of this tuple to the specified coordinates in the array of length 2.
set(Tuple2i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2i
Sets the value of this tuple to the value of tuple t1.
set(Tuple3b) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3b
Sets the value of the data members of this tuple to the value of the argument tuple t1.
set(byte[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3b
Sets the value of the x,y,z, data members of this tuple to the values in the array t of length 3.
set(double, double, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Sets the value of this tuple to the specified xyz coordinates.
set(double[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Sets the value of this tuple to the value of the xyz coordinates located in the array of length 3.
set(Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Sets the value of this tuple to the value of tuple t1.
set(Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Sets the value of this tuple to the value of tuple t1.
set(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Sets the value of this tuple to the specified xyz coordinates.
set(float[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Sets the value of this tuple to the xyz coordinates specified in the array of length 3.
set(Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Sets the value of this tuple to the value of tuple t1.
set(Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Sets the value of this tuple to the value of tuple t1.
set(int, int, int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Sets the value of this tuple to the specified x, y, and z coordinates.
set(int[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Sets the value of this tuple to the specified coordinates in the array of length 3.
set(Tuple3i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Sets the value of this tuple to the value of tuple t1.
set(Tuple4b) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4b
Sets the value of the data members of this tuple to the value of the argument tuple t1.
set(byte[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4b
Sets the value of the data members of this tuple to the value of the array b of length 4.
set(double, double, double, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Sets the value of this tuple to the specified xyzw coordinates.
set(double[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Sets the value of this tuple to the specified xyzw coordinates.
set(Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Sets the value of this tuple to the value of tuple t1.
set(Tuple4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Sets the value of this tuple to the value of tuple t1.
set(float, float, float, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Sets the value of this tuple to the specified xyzw coordinates.
set(float[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Sets the value of this tuple to the specified coordinates in the array of length 4.
set(Tuple4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Sets the value of this tuple to the value of tuple t1.
set(Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Sets the value of this tuple to the value of tuple t1.
set(int, int, int, int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Sets the value of this tuple to the specified x, y, z, and w coordinates.
set(int[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Sets the value of this tuple to the specified coordinates in the array of length 4.
set(Tuple4i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Sets the value of this tuple to the value of tuple t1.
set(Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Vector4d
Sets the x,y,z components of this vector to the corresponding components of tuple t1.
set(Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Vector4f
Sets the x,y,z components of this vector to the corresponding components of tuple t1.
setAngle(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Set the axis angle, in radians.
An axis angle is a rotation angle about the vector (x,y,z).
setAngle(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Set the axis angle, in radians.
An axis angle is a rotation angle about the vector (x,y,z).
setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Copy the values from the array into the specified column of this matrix.
setColumn(int, GVector) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Copy the values from the vector into the specified column of this matrix.
setColumn(int, double, double, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the specified column of this matrix3d to the three values provided.
setColumn(int, Vector3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the specified column of this matrix3d to the vector provided.
setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the specified column of this matrix3d to the three values provided.
setColumn(int, float, float, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the specified column of this matrix3f to the three values provided.
setColumn(int, Vector3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the specified column of this matrix3f to the vector provided.
setColumn(int, float[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the specified column of this matrix3f to the three values provided.
setColumn(int, double, double, double, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the specified column of this matrix4d to the four values provided.
setColumn(int, Vector4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the specified column of this matrix4d to the vector provided.
setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the specified column of this matrix4d to the four values provided.
setColumn(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the specified column of this matrix4f to the four values provided.
setColumn(int, Vector4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the specified column of this matrix4f to the vector provided.
setColumn(int, float[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the specified column of this matrix4f to the four values provided.
setElement(int, int, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Modifies the value at the specified row and column of this matrix.
setElement(int, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Modifies the value at the specified index of this vector.
setElement(int, int, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the specified element of this matrix3f to the value provided.
setElement(int, int, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the specified element of this matrix3f to the value provided.
setElement(int, int, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the specified element of this matrix4f to the value provided.
setElement(int, int, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the specified element of this matrix4f to the value provided.
setIdentity() - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Sets this GMatrix to the identity matrix.
setIdentity() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets this Matrix3d to identity.
setIdentity() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets this Matrix3f to identity.
setIdentity() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets this Matrix4d to identity.
setIdentity() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets this Matrix4f to identity.
setM00(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Set the first matrix element in the first row.
setM00(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Set the first matrix element in the first row.
setM00(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Set the first matrix element in the first row.
setM00(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Set the first matrix element in the first row.
setM01(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Set the second matrix element in the first row.
setM01(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Set the second matrix element in the first row.
setM01(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Set the second matrix element in the first row.
setM01(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Set the second matrix element in the first row.
setM02(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Set the third matrix element in the first row.
setM02(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Set the third matrix element in the first row.
setM02(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Set the third matrix element in the first row.
setM02(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Set the third matrix element in the first row.
setM03(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Set the fourth element of the first row.
setM03(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Set the fourth element of the first row.
setM10(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Set first matrix element in the second row.
setM10(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Set first matrix element in the second row.
setM10(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Set first matrix element in the second row.
setM10(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Set first matrix element in the second row.
setM11(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Set the second matrix element in the second row.
setM11(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Set the second matrix element in the second row.
setM11(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Set the second matrix element in the second row.
setM11(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Set the second matrix element in the second row.
setM12(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Set the third matrix element in the second row.
setM12(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Set the third matrix element in the second row.
setM12(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Set the third matrix element in the second row.
setM12(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Set the third matrix element in the second row.
setM13(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Set the fourth element of the second row.
setM13(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Set the fourth element of the second row.
setM20(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Set the first matrix element in the third row.
setM20(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Set the first matrix element in the third row.
setM20(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Set the first matrix element in the third row.
setM20(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Set the first matrix element in the third row.
setM21(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Set the second matrix element in the third row.
setM21(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Set the second matrix element in the third row.
setM21(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Set the second matrix element in the third row.
setM21(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Set the second matrix element in the third row.
setM22(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Set the third matrix element in the third row.
setM22(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Set the third matrix element in the third row.
setM22(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Set the third matrix element in the third row.
setM22(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Set the third matrix element in the third row.
setM23(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Set the fourth element of the third row.
setM23(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Set the fourth element of the third row.
setM30(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Set the first element of the fourth row.
setM30(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Set the first element of the fourth row.
setM31(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Set the second element of the fourth row.
setM31(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Set the second element of the fourth row.
setM32(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Set the third element of the fourth row.
setM32(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Set the third element of the fourth row.
setM33(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Set the fourth element of the fourth row.
setM33(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Set the fourth element of the fourth row.
setRotation(Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix values in the double precision Matrix3d argument; the other elements of this matrix are unchanged; a singular value decomposition is performed on this object's upper 3x3 matrix to factor out the scale, then this object's upper 3x3 matrix components are replaced by the passed rotation components, and then the scale is reapplied to the rotational components.
setRotation(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix values in the single precision Matrix3f argument; the other elements of this matrix are unchanged; a singular value decomposition is performed on this object's upper 3x3 matrix to factor out the scale, then this object's upper 3x3 matrix components are replaced by the passed rotation components, and then the scale is reapplied to the rotational components.
setRotation(Quat4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix equivalent values of the quaternion argument; the other elements of this matrix are unchanged; a singular value decomposition is performed on this object's upper 3x3 matrix to factor out the scale, then this object's upper 3x3 matrix components are replaced by the matrix equivalent of the quaternion, and then the scale is reapplied to the rotational components.
setRotation(Quat4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix equivalent values of the quaternion argument; the other elements of this matrix are unchanged; a singular value decomposition is performed on this object's upper 3x3 matrix to factor out the scale, then this object's upper 3x3 matrix components are replaced by the matrix equivalent of the quaternion, and then the scale is reapplied to the rotational components.
setRotation(AxisAngle4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix equivalent values of the axis-angle argument; the other elements of this matrix are unchanged; a singular value decomposition is performed on this object's upper 3x3 matrix to factor out the scale, then this object's upper 3x3 matrix components are replaced by the matrix equivalent of the axis-angle, and then the scale is reapplied to the rotational components.
setRotation(Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix values in the double precision Matrix3d argument; the other elements of this matrix are unchanged; a singular value decomposition is performed on this object's upper 3x3 matrix to factor out the scale, then this object's upper 3x3 matrix components are replaced by the passed rotation components, and then the scale is reapplied to the rotational components.
setRotation(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix values in the single precision Matrix3f argument; the other elements of this matrix are unchanged; a singular value decomposition is performed on this object's upper 3x3 matrix to factor out the scale, then this object's upper 3x3 matrix components are replaced by the passed rotation components, and then the scale is reapplied to the rotational components.
setRotation(Quat4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix equivalent values of the quaternion argument; the other elements of this matrix are unchanged; a singular value decomposition is performed on this object's upper 3x3 matrix to factor out the scale, then this object's upper 3x3 matrix components are replaced by the matrix equivalent of the quaternion, and then the scale is reapplied to the rotational components.
setRotation(Quat4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix equivalent values of the quaternion argument; the other elements of this matrix are unchanged; a singular value decomposition is performed on this object's upper 3x3 matrix to factor out the scale, then this object's upper 3x3 matrix components are replaced by the matrix equivalent of the quaternion, and then the scale is reapplied to the rotational components.
setRotation(AxisAngle4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix equivalent values of the axis-angle argument; the other elements of this matrix are unchanged; a singular value decomposition is performed on this object's upper 3x3 matrix to factor out the scale, then this object's upper 3x3 matrix components are replaced by the matrix equivalent of the axis-angle, and then the scale is reapplied to the rotational components.
setRotationScale(Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Replaces the upper 3x3 matrix values of this matrix with the values in the matrix m1.
setRotationScale(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Replaces the upper 3x3 matrix values of this matrix with the values in the matrix m1.
setRotationScale(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Replaces the upper 3x3 matrix values of this matrix with the values in the matrix m1.
setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Copy the values from the array into the specified row of this matrix.
setRow(int, GVector) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Copy the values from the vector into the specified row of this matrix.
setRow(int, double, double, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the specified row of this matrix3d to the 4 values provided.
setRow(int, Vector3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the specified row of this matrix3d to the Vector provided.
setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the specified row of this matrix3d to the three values provided.
setRow(int, float, float, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the specified row of this matrix3f to the three values provided.
setRow(int, Vector3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the specified row of this matrix3f to the Vector provided.
setRow(int, float[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the specified row of this matrix3f to the three values provided.
setRow(int, double, double, double, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the specified row of this matrix4d to the four values provided.
setRow(int, Vector4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the specified row of this matrix4d to the Vector provided.
setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the specified row of this matrix4d to the four values provided.
setRow(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the specified row of this matrix4f to the four values provided.
setRow(int, Vector4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the specified row of this matrix4f to the Vector provided.
setRow(int, float[]) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the specified row of this matrix4f to the four values provided in the passed array.
setScale(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Sets this matrix to a uniform scale matrix; all of the values are reset.
setScale(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the scale component of the current matrix by factoring out the current scale (by doing an SVD) and multiplying by the new scale.
setScale(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the scale component of the current matrix by factoring out the current scale (by doing an SVD) and multiplying by the new scale.
setScale(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the scale component of the current matrix by factoring out the current scale (by doing an SVD) from the rotational component and multiplying by the new scale.
setScale(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the scale component of the current matrix by factoring out the current scale (by doing an SVD) from the rotational component and multiplying by the new scale.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Changes the size of this matrix dynamically.
setSize(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Changes the size of this vector dynamically.
setTranslation(Vector3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Modifies the translational components of this matrix to the values of the Vector3d argument; the other values of this matrix are not modified.
setTranslation(Vector3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Modifies the translational components of this matrix to the values of the Vector3f argument; the other values of this matrix are not modified.
setW(byte) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4b
Set w, the fourth value.
setW(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Set the w coordinate.
setW(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Set the w coordinate.
setW(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Set the w coordinate.
setX(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Set a new value for x coordinate.
setX(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Set a new value for x coordinate.
setX(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Set the x coordinate.
setX(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Set the x coordinate.
setX(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2i
Set the x coordinate.
setX(byte) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3b
Set x, the first value.
setX(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Set the x coordinate.
setX(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Set the x coordinate.
setX(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Set the x coordinate.
setX(byte) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4b
Set x, the first value.
setX(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Set the x coordinate.
setX(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Set the x coordinate.
setX(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Set the x coordinate.
setY(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Set a new value for y coordinate.
setY(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Set a new value for y coordinate.
setY(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Set the y coordinate.
setY(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Set the y coordinate.
setY(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2i
Set the y coordinate.
setY(byte) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3b
Set y, the second value.
setY(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Set the y coordinate.
setY(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Set the y coordinate.
setY(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Set the y coordinate.
setY(byte) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4b
Set y, the second value.
setY(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Set the y coordinate.
setY(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Set the y coordinate.
setY(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Set the y coordinate.
setZ(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Set a new value for z coordinate.
setZ(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Set a new value for z coordinate.
setZ(byte) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3b
Set z, the third value.
setZ(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Set the z coordinate.
setZ(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Set the Z coordinate.
setZ(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Set the z coordinate.
setZ(byte) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4b
Set z, the third value.
setZ(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Set the z coordinate.
setZ(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Set the z coordinate.
setZ(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Set the z coordinate.
setZero() - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Sets all the values in this matrix to zero.
setZero() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets this matrix to all zeros.
setZero() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets this matrix to all zeros.
setZero() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets this matrix to all zeros.
setZero() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets this matrix to all zeros.
SingularMatrixException - Exception in javax.vecmath
Indicates that inverse of a matrix can not be computed.
SingularMatrixException() - Constructor for exception javax.vecmath.SingularMatrixException
Create the exception object with default values.
SingularMatrixException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.vecmath.SingularMatrixException
Create the exception object that outputs message.
sub(GMatrix) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix difference of itself and matrix m1 (this = this - m1).
sub(GMatrix, GMatrix) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix difference of matrices m1 and m2 (this = m1 - m2).
sub(GVector) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Sets the value of this vector to the vector difference of itself and vector (this = this - vector).
sub(GVector, GVector) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Sets the value of this vector to the vector difference of vectors vector1 and vector2 (this = vector1 - vector2).
sub(Matrix3d, Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix difference of matrices m1 and m2.
sub(Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix difference of itself and matrix m1 (this = this - m1).
sub(Matrix3f, Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix difference of matrices m1 and m2.
sub(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix difference of itself and matrix m1 (this = this - m1).
sub(Matrix4d, Matrix4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix difference of matrices m1 and m2.
sub(Matrix4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix difference of itself and matrix m1 (this = this - m1).
sub(Matrix4f, Matrix4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Performs an element-by-element subtraction of matrix m2 from matrix m1 and places the result into matrix this (this = m2 - m1).
sub(Matrix4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets this matrix to the matrix difference of itself and matrix m1 (this = this - m1).
sub(Tuple2d, Tuple2d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector difference of tuple t1 and t2 (this = t1 - t2).
sub(Tuple2d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector difference of itself and tuple t1 (this = this - t1).
sub(Tuple2f, Tuple2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector difference of tuple t1 and t2 (this = t1 - t2).
sub(Tuple2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector difference of itself and tuple t1 (this = this - t1).
sub(Tuple2i, Tuple2i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2i
Sets the value of this tuple to the difference of tuples t1 and t2 (this = t1 - t2).
sub(Tuple2i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2i
Sets the value of this tuple to the difference of itself and t1 (this = this - t1).
sub(Tuple3d, Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Sets the value of this tuple to the difference of tuples t1 and t2 (this = t1 - t2).
sub(Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Sets the value of this tuple to the difference of itself and t1 (this = this - t1).
sub(Tuple3f, Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector difference of tuples t1 and t2 (this = t1 - t2).
sub(Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector difference of itself and tuple t1 (this = this - t1) .
sub(Tuple3i, Tuple3i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Sets the value of this tuple to the difference of tuples t1 and t2 (this = t1 - t2).
sub(Tuple3i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Sets the value of this tuple to the difference of itself and t1 (this = this - t1).
sub(Tuple4d, Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Sets the value of this tuple to the difference of tuples t1 and t2 (this = t1 - t2).
sub(Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Sets the value of this tuple to the difference of itself and tuple t1 (this = this - t1).
sub(Tuple4f, Tuple4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Sets the value of this tuple to the difference of tuples t1 and t2 (this = t1 - t2).
sub(Tuple4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Sets the value of this tuple to the difference of itself and t1 (this = this - t1).
sub(Tuple4i, Tuple4i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Sets the value of this tuple to the difference of tuples t1 and t2 (this = t1 - t2).
sub(Tuple4i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Sets the value of this tuple to the difference of itself and t1 (this = this - t1).
SVD(GMatrix, GMatrix, GMatrix) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Finds the singular value decomposition (SVD) of this matrix such that this = U*W*transpose(V); and returns the rank of this matrix; the values of U,W,V are all overwritten.
SVDBackSolve(GMatrix, GMatrix, GMatrix, GVector) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Solves for x in Ax = b, where x is this vector (nx1), A is mxn, b is mx1, and A = U*W*transpose(V); U,W,V must be precomputed and can be found by taking the singular value decomposition (SVD) of A using the method SVD found in the GMatrix class.