clamp(double, double, Tuple2d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Clamps the tuple parameter to the range [low, high] and places the values into this tuple.
clamp(double, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Clamps this tuple to the range [low, high].
clamp(float, float, Tuple2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Clamps the tuple parameter to the range [low, high] and places the values into this tuple.
clamp(float, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Clamps this tuple to the range [low, high].
clamp(int, int, Tuple2i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2i
Clamps the tuple parameter to the range [low, high] and places the values into this tuple.
clamp(int, int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2i
Clamps this tuple to the range [low, high].
clamp(float, float, Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Deprecated. Use clamp(double,double,Tuple3d) instead
clamp(double, double, Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Clamps the tuple parameter to the range [low, high] and places the values into this tuple.
clamp(float, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Deprecated. Use clamp(double,double) instead
clamp(double, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Clamps this tuple to the range [low, high].
clamp(float, float, Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Clamps the tuple parameter to the range [low, high] and places the values into this tuple.
clamp(float, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Clamps this tuple to the range [low, high].
clamp(int, int, Tuple3i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Clamps the tuple parameter to the range [low, high] and places the values into this tuple.
clamp(int, int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Clamps this tuple to the range [low, high].
clamp(float, float, Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Deprecated. Use clamp(double,double,Tuple4d) instead
clamp(double, double, Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Clamps the tuple parameter to the range [low, high] and places the values into this tuple.
clamp(float, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Deprecated. Use clamp(double,double) instead
clamp(double, double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Clamps this tuple to the range [low, high].
clamp(float, float, Tuple4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Clamps the tuple parameter to the range [low, high] and places the values into this tuple.
clamp(float, float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Clamps this tuple to the range [low, high].
clamp(int, int, Tuple4i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Clamps the tuple parameter to the range [low, high] and places the values into this tuple.
clamp(int, int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Clamps this tuple to the range [low, high].
clampMax(double, Tuple2d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Clamps the maximum value of the tuple parameter to the max parameter and places the values into this tuple.
clampMax(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Clamps the maximum value of this tuple to the max parameter.
clampMax(float, Tuple2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Clamps the maximum value of the tuple parameter to the max parameter and places the values into this tuple.
clampMax(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Clamps the maximum value of this tuple to the max parameter.
clampMax(int, Tuple2i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2i
Clamps the maximum value of the tuple parameter to the max parameter and places the values into this tuple.
clampMax(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2i
Clamps the maximum value of this tuple to the max parameter.
clampMax(float, Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Deprecated. Use clampMax(double,Tuple3d) instead
clampMax(double, Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Clamps the maximum value of the tuple parameter to the max parameter and places the values into this tuple.
clampMax(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Deprecated. Use clampMax(double) instead
clampMax(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Clamps the maximum value of this tuple to the max parameter.
clampMax(float, Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Clamps the maximum value of the tuple parameter to the max parameter and places the values into this tuple.
clampMax(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Clamps the maximum value of this tuple to the max parameter.
clampMax(int, Tuple3i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Clamps the maximum value of the tuple parameter to the max parameter and places the values into this tuple.
clampMax(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Clamps the maximum value of this tuple to the max parameter.
clampMax(float, Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Deprecated. Use clampMax(double,Tuple4d) instead
clampMax(double, Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Clamps the maximum value of the tuple parameter to the max parameter and places the values into this tuple.
clampMax(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Deprecated. Use clampMax(double) instead
clampMax(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Clamps the maximum value of this tuple to the max parameter.
clampMax(float, Tuple4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Clamps the maximum value of the tuple parameter to the max parameter and places the values into this tuple.
clampMax(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Clamps the maximum value of this tuple to the max parameter.
clampMax(int, Tuple4i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Clamps the maximum value of the tuple parameter to the max parameter and places the values into this tuple.
clampMax(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Clamps the maximum value of this tuple to the max parameter.
clampMin(double, Tuple2d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Clamps the minimum value of the tuple parameter to the min parameter and places the values into this tuple.
clampMin(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Clamps the minimum value of this tuple to the min parameter.
clampMin(float, Tuple2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Clamps the minimum value of the tuple parameter to the min parameter and places the values into this tuple.
clampMin(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Clamps the minimum value of this tuple to the min parameter.
clampMin(int, Tuple2i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2i
Clamps the minimum value of the tuple parameter to the min parameter and places the values into this tuple.
clampMin(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2i
Clamps the minimum value of this tuple to the min parameter.
clampMin(float, Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Deprecated. Use clampMin(double,Tuple3d) instead
clampMin(double, Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Clamps the minimum value of the tuple parameter to the min parameter and places the values into this tuple.
clampMin(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Deprecated. Use clampMin(double) instead
clampMin(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Clamps the minimum value of this tuple to the min parameter.
clampMin(float, Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Clamps the minimum value of the tuple parameter to the min parameter and places the values into this tuple.
clampMin(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Clamps the minimum value of this tuple to the min parameter.
clampMin(int, Tuple3i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Clamps the minimum value of the tuple parameter to the min parameter and places the values into this tuple.
clampMin(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Clamps the minimum value of this tuple to the min parameter.
clampMin(float, Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Deprecated. Use clampMin(double,Tuple4d) instead
clampMin(double, Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Clamps the minimum value of the tuple parameter to the min parameter and places the values into this tuple.
clampMin(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Deprecated. Use clampMin(double) instead
clampMin(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Clamps the minimum value of this tuple to the min parameter.
clampMin(float, Tuple4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Clamps the minimum value of the tuple parameter to the min parameter and places the values into this tuple.
clampMin(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Clamps the minimum value of this tuple to the min parameter.
clampMin(int, Tuple4i) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Clamps the minimum value of the tuple parameter to the min parameter and places the values into this tuple.
clampMin(int) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Clamps the minimum value of this tuple to the min parameter.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2i
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3b
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3i
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4b
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
clone() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4i
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
Color3b - Class in javax.vecmath
A three-byte color value represented by byte x, y, and z values.
Color3b(byte, byte, byte) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color3b
Constructs and initializes a Color3b from the specified three values.
Color3b(byte[]) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color3b
Constructs and initializes a Color3b from input array of length 3.
Color3b(Color3b) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color3b
Constructs and initializes a Color3b from the specified Color3b.
Color3b(Tuple3b) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color3b
Constructs and initializes a Color3b from the specified Tuple3b.
Color3b(Color) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color3b
Constructs and initializes a Color3b from the specified AWT Color object.
Color3b() - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color3b
Constructs and initializes a Color3b to (0,0,0).
Color3f - Class in javax.vecmath
A three-element color value represented by single precision floating point x,y,z values.
Color3f(float, float, float) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color3f
Constructs and initializes a Color3f from the three xyz values.
Color3f(float[]) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color3f
Constructs and initializes a Color3f from the array of length 3.
Color3f(Color3f) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color3f
Constructs and initializes a Color3f from the specified Color3f.
Color3f(Tuple3f) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color3f
Constructs and initializes a Color3f from the specified Tuple3f.
Color3f(Tuple3d) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color3f
Constructs and initializes a Color3f from the specified Tuple3d.
Color3f(Color) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color3f
Constructs and initializes a Color3f from the specified AWT Color object.
Color3f() - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color3f
Constructs and initializes a Color3f to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).
Color4b - Class in javax.vecmath
A four-byte color value represented by byte x, y, z, and w values.
Color4b(byte, byte, byte, byte) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color4b
Constructs and initializes a Color4b from the four specified values.
Color4b(byte[]) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color4b
Constructs and initializes a Color4b from the array of length 4.
Color4b(Color4b) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color4b
Constructs and initializes a Color4b from the specified Color4b.
Color4b(Tuple4b) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color4b
Constructs and initializes a Color4b from the specified Tuple4b.
Color4b(Color) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color4b
Constructs and initializes a Color4b from the specified AWT Color object.
Color4b() - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color4b
Constructs and initializes a Color4b to (0,0,0,0).
Color4f - Class in javax.vecmath
A four-element color represented by single precision floating point x, y, z, and w values.
Color4f(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color4f
Constructs and initializes a Color4f from the specified xyzw coordinates.
Color4f(float[]) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color4f
Constructs and initializes a Color4f from the array of length 4.
Color4f(Color4f) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color4f
Constructs and initializes a Color4f from the specified Color4f.
Color4f(Tuple4f) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color4f
Constructs and initializes a Color4f from the specified Tuple4f.
Color4f(Tuple4d) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color4f
Constructs and initializes a Color4f from the specified Tuple4d.
Color4f(Color) - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color4f
Constructs and initializes a Color4f from the specified AWT Color object.
Color4f() - Constructor for class javax.vecmath.Color4f
Constructs and initializes a Color4f to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).
conjugate(Quat4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Quat4d
Sets the value of this quaternion to the conjugate of quaternion q1.
conjugate() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Quat4d
Negate the value of of each of this quaternion's x,y,z coordinates in place.
conjugate(Quat4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Quat4f
Sets the value of this quaternion to the conjugate of quaternion q1.
conjugate() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Quat4f
Sets the value of this quaternion to the conjugate of itself.
copySubMatrix(int, int, int, int, int, int, GMatrix) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Copies a sub-matrix derived from this matrix into the target matrix.
cross(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Vector3d
Sets this vector to the vector cross product of vectors v1 and v2.
cross(Vector3f, Vector3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Vector3f
Sets this vector to be the vector cross product of vectors v1 and v2.