SW Tracking Report Objectives for the release 2.3.2

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Revision as of 14:44, 29 March 2019 by Sgothel (talk | contribs)
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List started on 2015-03-27, concluding Release 2.3.1 - Closed 2015-10-10 - continuation @ Release 2.4.0.

Target delivery date is 2015-10-04.

Delivered on 2015-10-10, 6 days late.


Features to be classified for this release

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Features to implement for this release

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Features already implemented for this release

Full Query
ID Product Component Priority Severity Status Resolution Summary
637 Newt core P5 enhancement RESOLVED DUPLICATE NEWT: Allow to set the window non resizeable
1042 Jogl core --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED Add autodetection of image type in TextureIO
1113 Jogl opengl --- enhancement RESOLVED INVALID Force high performance GPU for Nvidia Optimus systems
1118 General builds P5 enhancement RESOLVED DUPLICATE Add all-natives.jar with fat-jar directory structure we can download using maven
1145 General builds --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED Provide a JogAmp Big Fat Jar for Beginners [convenient, but inefficient]
1151 Jogl util --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED Add OculusVR SDK 0.5.* Support
1172 Gluegen core --- major RESOLVED FIXED Always file native libs in 'natives/os.and.arch'; Allow using maven-assembly-plugin single jar deployment
1186 Newt core --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED NEWT Window: Use a Bitfield holding all state flags and expose it accordingly.
1188 Newt core --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED NEWT: Window: Support non-resizable, minimize, maximize, alwaysOnBottom and sticky/all-desktop where supported
1189 Jogl opengl --- enhancement VERIFIED FIXED Add OpenGL ES 3.2 and new GL 4.5 Extensions support
1193 Jogl opengl --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderCode doesn't support compute shaders
1205 Newt core --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED NEWT Security: Clear onscreen Window content after creation and before visibility
1215 Jogl opengl --- enhancement RESOLVED INVALID Add ability to create multiple shared dummy AutoDrawable in GLDrawableFactory
1232 Newt windows --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED NEWT Translucent [decorated] Windows Not Working On Windows >= 8 (Lack of Aero / Blur)
1237 Newt core --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED Clarify IOUtil.getResource(..) for better efficiency, i.e. allow caller to skip relative futile lookup

15 Total; 0 Open (0%); 14 Resolved (93.33%); 1 Verified (6.67%);


Bugs to be classified for this release

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Bugs to fix for this release

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Bugs already fixed for this release

Full Query
ID Product Component Priority Severity Status Resolution Summary
896 Jogl core --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED Use EGL_KHR_create_context allowing EGLContext to create OpenGL Destop Contex and using Debug profiles (for desktop and mobile)
977 Jogl macosx --- normal RESOLVED DUPLICATE NEWT OSX MouseListener does not receive move events if windows is maximized
1116 Jogl core --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED Add OculusVR DK2 Support
1146 Jogl awt --- normal RESOLVED WORKSFORME Swing Tool Tip Causes Incorrect GLContext
1150 Jogl core --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED Fix GLContextImpl.createImpl(..) NoARBCreateContext and '!ARB GL >= 3.1' issues
1153 Gluegen core --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED GlueGen: Support [const] [native] expressions and conversion to java space
1154 Jogl applet --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED Make compilation of JOGLNewtApplet3Run VersionApplet3 optional if plugin3-public.jar is missing
1155 Jogl opengl --- blocker RESOLVED WORKSFORME Bindless vertices rendering
1157 Jogl awt --- enhancement RESOLVED DUPLICATE AWTTextureIO does not create a Texture from a device-compatible BufferedImage
1158 Jogl core --- enhancement RESOLVED DUPLICATE WindowsGLContecxt.createimpl returns wrong Profile (1.1) after several iteration
1160 Jogl opengl --- normal RESOLVED WORKSFORME Context sharing between offscreen drawable and external GL context results in "createImpl ctx !ARB but ARB is used"
1161 Jogl awt --- major RESOLVED FIXED Canvas resize stops the rendering in Mac OS X
1166 Gluegen core P3 normal RESOLVED FIXED JVMUtil_NewDirectByteBufferCopy corrupts the heap commonly seen during GLX initialization on ARM 32
1168 Jocl opencl --- major RESOLVED FIXED GLhandleARB redefined in gltypes.h on osx
1170 Jogl swt --- critical RESOLVED FIXED Removal Of GTK_WIDGET_WINDOW In SWT 4.5 Causes A JOGL Runtime Error
1171 Jocl core --- normal RESOLVED FIXED Fix compilation of jocl-demos
1174 Jocl opencl --- normal RESOLVED FIXED Use gluegen/jogl stub includes instead of duplicating them
1176 Newt embedded P2 major RESOLVED FIXED Misaligned Mousepointer and Window when using NEWT BCM VC IV on Raspberry Pi
1177 Newt embedded --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED libnewt.so: undefined symbol: bcm_host_init" when Screen is initialized before OpenGL, commonly seen on Raspberry Pi using Processing 3
1180 Gluegen core --- normal RESOLVED INVALID Buffers.newDirectIntBuffer(int[]) does not set limit
1181 Jogl awt P2 major RESOLVED FIXED JOGL WebStart Applications using GLCanvas/AWT may Deadlock by two AWT-EDT on Java >= 1.8.0_45
1182 Jogl awt P3 normal RESOLVED INVALID AWT Toolkit disableBackgroundErase() ineffective since Java 7, flickering visible at resize of GLCanvas
1183 Newt x11 --- normal RESOLVED FIXED NullPointerException at jogamp.newt.driver.x11.ScreenDriver.collectNativeMonitorModesAndDevicesImpl(ScreenDriver.java:124) upon startup
1184 Jogl awt --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED JOGL AWT Canvas Components don't update AWTGraphicsConfiguration when reconfigured.
1185 Jogl core --- normal RESOLVED INVALID jvm crashes in [libc.so.6+0x31334] getenv+0xc4 on armv6hf w/ NEWT
1192 Newt x11 --- normal RESOLVED INVALID JamVM crash in Jam_CallVoidMethod called from Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_DisplayDriver_DispatchMessages0
1194 Gluegen core --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED Stop loading native JNI libraries from the 'dangerous' JRE extension search paths
1196 Newt windows --- normal RESOLVED FIXED WinXP UnsatisfiedLinkError newt.dll
1198 Jogl awt --- major RESOLVED WORKSFORME Problem with java 8 + gnome + JOGL + dual screen
1202 Jogl core --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED Add support of Adaptive Vsync via [GLX|WGL]_EXT_swap_control_tear
1203 Jogl core --- major RESOLVED FIXED Fix EGL Backend (EGLDrawableFactory) for general Desktop OpenGL Context
1204 Jogl core --- major RESOLVED INVALID Crash on Windows w/ Intel Driver Version or 9.18.xx while destroying offscreen FBO GLAutoDrawable
1206 Jogl core --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED Security: Clear exposed framebuffer after creation and before visibility
1207 Jogl core --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED GLDebugMessageHandler: Support GL_KHR_debug for Desktop and ES profile
1208 Newt core --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED NEWT: Window: Consider avoiding operations if not supported, see getSupportedStateMask()
1209 Newt core --- major RESOLVED FIXED Regression of Bug 1188 Patches: Parented Fullscreen Issues (X11, Windows)
1210 Nativewindow x11 --- major RESOLVED FIXED Use manual impl. XRenderFindVisualFormat instead of buggy generated version
1211 General source_code P2 major RESOLVED FIXED Hardening Condition-Wait from Spurious-Wakeups and unintended InterruptedException(s)
1212 Nativewindow macosx P1 critical RESOLVED FIXED OSX: Crash using CALayer at UnsetJAWTRootSurfaceLayer0(..) w/ Java 1.8.0_60
1213 Gluegen core --- major RESOLVED FIXED RecursiveThreadGroupLockImpl01Unfairish.unlock() always interrupts original-owner, even if not waiting at unlock()
1214 Newt macosx --- normal RESOLVED FIXED NEWT: MacOSX incorrect auto-resize GLWindow when it is larger than screen.
1218 Jogl macosx --- major VERIFIED INVALID NPOT textures don't work
1219 Gluegen core P1 blocker RESOLVED FIXED Sporadic failure to determine 'executable temp base directory' on Windows by launching an executable file
1220 Jogl core P1 blocker RESOLVED INVALID glTexSubImage3D interprets the z index as third dimension although a 2d array texture has been provided
1221 Newt x11 --- normal RESOLVED WORKSFORME Window reports wrong position after size restored from maximized on X11
1222 Newt macosx --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED NEWT OSX: setAlwaysOnTop() and setAlwaysOnBottom() not working
1223 Newt macosx --- minor RESOLVED WORKSFORME GLWindow loses focus after maximizing (OSX)
1224 Newt windows --- enhancement RESOLVED INVALID JFileChooser dialog opens behind GLWindow (windows)
1225 Jogl awt --- blocker RESOLVED FIXED Nothing is drawn after AWT-Eventqueue thread is interrupted.
1226 Jogl core --- major RESOLVED FIXED GLPixelBuffer.GLPixelAttributes.getPixelFormat() doesn't handle glDataType GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV
1231 Gluegen core --- enhancement RESOLVED FIXED Sporadic failure to end jogamp_exe_tst while determine 'executable temp directory' on Windows
1233 Jogl core --- normal RESOLVED FIXED Add missing range- and pbo-bound checks on glTexture[Sub]Image[123]D*
1234 Jogl util --- major RESOLVED FIXED GLReadBufferUtil.readPixelsImpl(..) not using [xy] offset in readTexture.updateSubImage(..)
1238 Newt core --- normal RESOLVED FIXED Fix NPE for Window-Icon's PNGPixelRect for unresolved location, i.e. null URLConnections
1239 Jogl util --- normal RESOLVED FIXED GLMediaPlayer cannot open camera on OSX
1241 Jogl util P2 major RESOLVED FIXED Util's Texture.coords (image coordinates) not updated properly
1243 Gluegen core --- major RESOLVED FIXED Fix IOUtil.cleanPathString(..) special case ; Allow IOUtil and Uri to handle relative path
1244 Jogl core --- trivial RESOLVED FIXED MovieSimple: String format %d implicit conversion from boolean to int fails using OpenJDK 1.8
1245 Jogl awt --- major RESOLVED WORKSFORME glXCreateContextAttribsARB crashes w/ Java3D on JTabbedPane (OpenSUSE 13.2, Mesa 10.3.7, Intel Haswell Desktop)
1247 Newt awt P4 normal RESOLVED FIXED TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper fail to acquire surface lock on secondary monitor
1249 Newt x11 P1 blocker RESOLVED FIXED NEWT X11: setVisible(false) IconicState not listening to _NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN; setVisible(true) not restoring from _NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN
1250 Newt x11 P4 normal RESOLVED DUPLICATE Gnome & Compiz Unity TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT Assert.assertEquals(false,window1.isVisible()); failed.

62 Total; 0 Open (0%); 61 Resolved (98.39%); 1 Verified (1.61%);