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  1. TestNewtKeyEventAutoRepeatAWT: Wait for 'some' KeyEvents and check (details)
  2. GLRendererQuirks.RequiresBoundVAO: Removed, it _is_ in the GL 3.2 core (details)
  3. EGL/EGLExt Robustness: Use NIODirectOnly for all bindings. For these (details)
  4. GLX/GLXExt Robustness: Use NIODirectOnly for all bindings. For these (details)
  5. CGL/CGLExt Robustness: Use NIODirectOnly for all bindings. For these (details)
  6. WGL/WGLExt Robustness: Use NIODirectOnly for all bindings. For these (details)
  7. NEWT/OSX getLocationOnScreenImpl(..): Use real (details)
  8. Fix AWTRobotUtil.keyType(..): 'c0' start count must be outside of retry (details)
  9. TestNewtKey*: Don't test TAB (focus traversal, duh!); Add (details)
  10. NEWT Windows: Add more verbose DEBUG information for FOCUS handling (details)
  11. Fix regression of commit e5692f615a8c40e7ca750261baf5e8ecdb0a34b8: (details)
  12. Fix NEWT KeyEvent: Deliver keyChar w/ pressed and released; Deliver (details)
  13. ShaderProgram: Program name is valid if non zero; Add init(GL) return (details)
  14. TestInitConcurrent02NEWT: Disabled for auto unit test until further (details)
  15. Shader: Add '#define texture2D texture' for GLSL >= 130 ; (details)
  16. Add OSX CALayer OpenGL 3 (core) support: Derive pixelformat from parent (details)
Commit 3c8a814d7fb536f298507413f290309ed7c0f24e by Sven Gothel
TestNewtKeyEventAutoRepeatAWT: Wait for 'some' KeyEvents and check count; TestNewtKeyPressReleaseUnmaskRepeatAWT: Enable NewtCanvasAWT test
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/tests-x64.bat (diff)
Commit b961225542227ec30f4b79c4425384e7e161437c by Sven Gothel
GLRendererQuirks.RequiresBoundVAO: Removed, it _is_ in the GL 3.2 core spec - Setting up default VAO for all GL >= 3.2 core ctx.

Refines commit 9b6448b1d54716fd455c0cad0c6133c0edeb3bb8

Due to GL 3.2 core spec: E.2. DEPRECATED AND REMOVED FEATURES (p 331)
"There is no more default VAO buffer 0 bound, hence generating and binding one
to avoid INVALID_OPERATION at VertexAttribPointer."

More clear is GL 4.3 core spec: 10.4 (p 307):

"An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by any commands which
modify, draw from, or query vertex array state when no vertex array is bound.
This occurs in the initial GL state, and may occur as a result of BindVertexAr-
ray or a side effect of DeleteVertexArrays."


I just have read (same spec) 2.10 (p 46/47):

"An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if any of the *Pointer commands
specifying the location and organization of vertex array data are called while zero
is bound to the ARRAY_BUFFER buffer object binding point, and the pointer argu-
ment is not NULL."

.. which only constraints the *Pointer command use to _VBO_, not forcing a VAO.

The file was modified src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/demos/es2/newt/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/javax/media/opengl/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/demos/es2/newt/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/ (diff)
Commit adea26fedc2fcd99685a73ac3301ccaeadc2fd99 by Sven Gothel
EGL/EGLExt Robustness: Use NIODirectOnly for all bindings. For these internal APIs, critical array is not required, hence redundant.
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/egl/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/egl/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/egl/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/egl/ (diff)
The file was modified make/config/jogl/egl.cfg (diff)
The file was modified make/config/jogl/eglext.cfg (diff)
Commit 5deb97e50abf0c19dc37aa69add1dfa2447825ad by Sven Gothel
GLX/GLXExt Robustness: Use NIODirectOnly for all bindings. For these internal APIs, critical array is not required, hence redundant.
The file was modified make/config/jogl/glx-x11.cfg (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/x11/glx/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/x11/glx/ (diff)
The file was modified make/config/jogl/glx-CustomCCode.c (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/x11/glx/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/x11/glx/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/x11/glx/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/x11/glx/ (diff)
The file was modified make/config/jogl/ (diff)
The file was modified make/config/jogl/glxext.cfg (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/x11/glx/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/x11/glx/ (diff)
Commit e5692f615a8c40e7ca750261baf5e8ecdb0a34b8 by Sven Gothel
CGL/CGLExt Robustness: Use NIODirectOnly for all bindings. For these internal APIs, critical array is not required, hence redundant.
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/macosx/cgl/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/macosx/cgl/ (diff)
The file was modified make/config/jogl/cglext.cfg (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/macosx/cgl/ (diff)
The file was modified make/config/jogl/cgl-macosx.cfg (diff)
Commit 24d5fa1241e17f596ae93dff1656a9317daf6fb3 by Sven Gothel
WGL/WGLExt Robustness: Use NIODirectOnly for all bindings. For these internal APIs, critical array is not required, hence redundant.
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/windows/wgl/ (diff)
The file was modified make/config/jogl/wgl-win32.cfg (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/windows/wgl/ (diff)
The file was modified make/config/jogl/wglext.cfg (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/windows/wgl/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/windows/wgl/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/windows/wgl/ (diff)
Commit 6f2f5cc9fca5d36b11744ab4d69c3177b0271f22 by Sven Gothel
NEWT/OSX getLocationOnScreenImpl(..): Use real OSXUtil.GetLocationOnScreen(..) if onscreen and surface available.
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/driver/macosx/ (diff)
Commit f70e28c8f73c57eb8aa391ef26e1b2357878268a by Sven Gothel
Fix AWTRobotUtil.keyType(..): 'c0' start count must be outside of retry loop; also wait a few ms after key action
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/util/ (diff)
Commit 2db90cf4ffc2e821da8f13fd3057a63b59dc2fc7 by Sven Gothel
TestNewtKey*: Don't test TAB (focus traversal, duh!); Add AWTRobotUtil.requestFocus(robot, ..) for kbd input on Windows (some 'confusion' w/ prev unit test runs)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/ (diff)
Commit 60bf26c5c889cc78a3f9714e7283950088823a90 by Sven Gothel
NEWT Windows: Add more verbose DEBUG information for FOCUS handling
The file was modified src/newt/native/WindowsWindow.c (diff)
Commit dda5e1611fc41089a5f8d486435d3d2d7e9b76d6 by Sven Gothel
Fix regression of commit e5692f615a8c40e7ca750261baf5e8ecdb0a34b8: CGL/CGLExt Robustness ..
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/macosx/cgl/ (diff)
Commit b62e1d027c289877686d6008ea8dd40e4e1541ec by Sven Gothel
Fix NEWT KeyEvent: Deliver keyChar w/ pressed and released; Deliver proper modified flags and modifier-key events; Simplify Windows key handling

Preface: Modifier-keys are SHIFT, CTRL, ALT and META and they have a matching modifier-bit.

- Simplify Windows key handling
  - Employ MapVirtualKey(..) for virtual-key to character and scancode to virtual-key mappings,
    allowing to drop tracking of keyCode to keyChar in java code.

    This also removes the platform restriction of delivering keyChar at TYPED only.

- Deliver keyChar w/ pressed and released
  - Due to the lift restriction on the Windows platform (see above),
    we can deliver keyChar w/ all key events on all platforms.

- Deliver proper modified flags and modifier-key events
  All modifier-keys deliver pressed, released and typed events
  with their modifier-bit set.

The above is covered by unit tests, which passed on X11, Windows and OSX (manual test run).
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/driver/macosx/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/util/ (diff)
The file was addedsrc/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/tests-x64.bat (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/util/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/util/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/native/NewtMacWindow.m (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/com/jogamp/newt/event/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/driver/windows/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/util/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/util/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/native/X11Display.c (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was removedsrc/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/util/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/ (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/native/WindowsWindow.c (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/util/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/ (diff)
The file was addedsrc/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/ (diff)
Commit 55f4405dbf9253e6ca686e44c50b2cfc1af7f3eb by Sven Gothel
ShaderProgram: Program name is valid if non zero; Add init(GL) return value for success.
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/glsl/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/ (diff)
Commit d4801323044a20455a256c7856c58b36b054a344 by Sven Gothel
TestInitConcurrent02NEWT: Disabled for auto unit test until further analysis - Windows/ATI driver crash
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/acore/ (diff)
Commit c2b328ea96b6cb16ca39f13d4bb4d1236c4b8a1d by Sven Gothel
Shader: Add '#define texture2D texture' for GLSL >= 130 ; TestGearsES2AWT add forceGL3; TextureDraw01ES2Listener uses defaultShaderCustomization()
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/demos/es2/awt/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/demos/es2/shader/elektronenmultiplizierer_port.fp (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/glsl/fixedfunc/shaders/FixedFuncColorTexture.fp (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/demos/es2/newt/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/demos/es2/newt/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/demos/es2/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/demos/es2/shader/elektronenmultiplizierer_development.fp (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/demos/es2/shader/texture01_xxx.fp (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/demos/es2/shader/texture02_xxx.fp (diff)
Commit 7dff066bb823dddb5d6e0e7672f5599afa5a43b9 by Sven Gothel
Add OSX CALayer OpenGL 3 (core) support: Derive pixelformat from parent (GL3), use GL3.2 compatible shader; Use VBO in general.

Covered by:
  Auto unit tests: TestOffscreenLayer01GLCanvasAWT, TestOffscreenLayer02NewtCanvasAWT
  Manual: TestGearsES2AWT '-gl3 -layered'
The file was addedsrc/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/shader/texture01_xxx.vp (diff)
The file was modified make/stub_includes/opengl/macosx-window-system.h (diff)
The file was addedsrc/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/shader/texture01_xxx.fp (diff)
The file was modified make/build-jogl.xml (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/native/macosx/MacOSXWindowSystemInterface-calayer.m (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/acore/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/acore/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/macosx/cgl/ (diff)