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  1. feat(manual): Update configuration documentation. (details)
  2. Bug 1449: Convert manual/index.html to `gfm` (GitHub-Flavored Markdown) using markdown -> manual/ and add conversion recipes + make/scripts/ (details)
  3. Bug 1449: Fix link style in manual refs .. (details)
  4. doc/ Fix GlueGen Manual read consideration ... (details)
  5. Bump: 2.5.0 Release (details)
Commit 9b825a445c3d2646546306c1815f498406e2f8c3 by ferymathieuy
feat(manual): Update configuration documentation.

Add following configuration :
* CustomJNICode
* ExtendedInterfaceSymbolsIgnore
* ExtendedInterfaceSymbolsOnly
* ExtendedImplementationSymbolsIgnore
* ExtendedImplementationSymbolsOnly
* ExtendedIntfAndImplSymbolsIgnore
* ExtendedIntfAndImplSymbolsOnly
* MaxOneElement
* ParentClass
* ReturnsStringOnly

Update following configuration :
* Extends
The file was modified doc/manual/index.html (diff)
Commit fd623305d90a88fd01dea3dccf6b9fe76b19703f by Sven Gothel
Bug 1449: Convert manual/index.html to `gfm` (GitHub-Flavored Markdown) using markdown -> manual/ and add conversion recipes + make/scripts/

Noyte: Additionally edited 'doc/misc/`
to include `Use explicit OpenJDK/Temurin JDK `java` executable path`
as a workaround to pass `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH` to `/usr/bin/java`.
The file was modified doc/GlueGen_Mapping.html (diff)
The file was modified doc/manual/index.html (diff)
The file was addedmake/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified doc/ (diff)
The file was modified doc/misc/ (diff)
The file was addeddoc/misc/macos_nativelib_dependencies.html (diff)
The file was addeddoc/manual/ (diff)
Commit 9250960f107cebbb4e6d3a55009b330f101453ea by Sven Gothel
Bug 1449: Fix link style in manual refs ..
The file was modified doc/manual/index.html (diff)
The file was modified doc/manual/ (diff)
Commit 8850b3d7f82ca5f1f828192407574581abd82ef9 by Sven Gothel
doc/ Fix GlueGen Manual read consideration ...
The file was modified doc/GlueGen_Mapping.html (diff)
The file was modified doc/ (diff)
The file was modified make/jogamp-env.xml (diff)