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TCBKeyFrame - Class in org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators
This class represents a Key Frame that can be used for Kochanek-Bartels (TCB) spline interpolation.
TCBKeyFrame(TCBKeyFrame) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators.TCBKeyFrame
TCBKeyFrame(float, int, Point3f, Quat4f, Point3f, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators.TCBKeyFrame
Creates a key frame using the given inputs.
TCBSplinePathInterpolator - Class in org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators
TCBSplinePathInterpolator behavior.
TCBSplinePathInterpolator(Alpha, TCBKeyFrame[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators.TCBSplinePathInterpolator
As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TCBSplinePathInterpolator(Alpha, TransformGroup, TCBKeyFrame[])
TCBSplinePathInterpolator(Alpha, TransformGroup, TCBKeyFrame[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators.TCBSplinePathInterpolator
Constructs a new TCBSplinePathInterpolator object that interpolates between keyframes with specified alpha, target and default axisOfTransform set to identity.
TCBSplinePathInterpolator(Alpha, TransformGroup, Transform3D, TCBKeyFrame[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators.TCBSplinePathInterpolator
Constructs a new TCBSplinePathInterpolator object that interpolates between keyframes with specified alpha, target and axisOfTransform.
tension - Variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators.KBKeyFrame
tension - Variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.interpolators.TCBKeyFrame
TexCoord2f - Class in org.jogamp.vecmath
A 2-element vector that is represented by single-precision floating point x,y coordinates.
TexCoord2f(float, float) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.TexCoord2f
Constructs and initializes a TexCoord2f from the specified xy coordinates.
TexCoord2f(float[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.TexCoord2f
Constructs and initializes a TexCoord2f from the specified array.
TexCoord2f(TexCoord2f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.TexCoord2f
Constructs and initializes a TexCoord2f from the specified TexCoord2f.
TexCoord2f(Tuple2f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.TexCoord2f
Constructs and initializes a TexCoord2f from the specified Tuple2f.
TexCoord2f() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.TexCoord2f
Constructs and initializes a TexCoord2f to (0,0).
TexCoord3f - Class in org.jogamp.vecmath
A 3 element texture coordinate that is represented by single precision floating point x,y,z coordinates.
TexCoord3f(float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.TexCoord3f
Constructs and initializes a TexCoord3f from the specified xyz coordinates.
TexCoord3f(float[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.TexCoord3f
Constructs and initializes a TexCoord3f from the array of length 3.
TexCoord3f(TexCoord3f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.TexCoord3f
Constructs and initializes a TexCoord3f from the specified TexCoord3f.
TexCoord3f(Tuple3f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.TexCoord3f
Constructs and initializes a TexCoord3f from the specified Tuple3f.
TexCoord3f(Tuple3d) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.TexCoord3f
Constructs and initializes a TexCoord3f from the specified Tuple3d.
TexCoord3f() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.TexCoord3f
Constructs and initializes a TexCoord3f to (0,0,0).
TexCoord4f - Class in org.jogamp.vecmath
A 4 element texture coordinate that is represented by single precision floating point x,y,z,w coordinates.
TexCoord4f(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.TexCoord4f
Constructs and initializes a TexCoord4f from the specified xyzw coordinates.
TexCoord4f(float[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.TexCoord4f
Constructs and initializes a TexCoord4f from the array of length 4.
TexCoord4f(TexCoord4f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.TexCoord4f
Constructs and initializes a TexCoord4f from the specified TexCoord4f.
TexCoord4f(Tuple4f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.TexCoord4f
Constructs and initializes a TexCoord4f from the specified Tuple4f.
TexCoord4f(Tuple4d) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.TexCoord4f
Constructs and initializes a TexCoord4f from the specified Tuple4d.
TexCoord4f() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.TexCoord4f
Constructs and initializes a TexCoord4f to (0,0,0,0).
TexCoordGeneration - Class in org.jogamp.java3d
The TexCoordGeneration object contains all parameters needed for automatic texture coordinate generation.
TexCoordGeneration() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TexCoordGeneration
Constructs a TexCoordGeneration object with default parameters.
TexCoordGeneration(int, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TexCoordGeneration
Constructs a TexCoordGeneration object with the specified genMode and format.
TexCoordGeneration(int, int, Vector4f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TexCoordGeneration
Constructs a TexCoordGeneration object with the specified genMode, format, and the S coordinate plane equation.
TexCoordGeneration(int, int, Vector4f, Vector4f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TexCoordGeneration
Constructs a TexCoordGeneration object with the specified genMode, format, and the S and T coordinate plane equations.
TexCoordGeneration(int, int, Vector4f, Vector4f, Vector4f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TexCoordGeneration
Constructs a TexCoordGeneration object with the specified genMode, format, and the S, T, and R coordinate plane equations.
TexCoordGeneration(int, int, Vector4f, Vector4f, Vector4f, Vector4f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TexCoordGeneration
Constructs a TexCoordGeneration object with the specified genMode, format, and the S, T, R, and Q coordinate plane equations.
TexCoordGenerationState - Class in
TexCoordGenerationState(SymbolTableData, Controller) - Constructor for class
Text2D - Class in org.jogamp.java3d.utils.geometry
A Text2D object is a representation of a string as a texture mapped rectangle.
Text2D(String, Color3f, String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.geometry.Text2D
Creates a Shape3D object which holds a rectangle that is texture-mapped with an image that has the specified text written with the specified font parameters.
Text2DState - Class in
Text2DState(SymbolTableData, Controller) - Constructor for class
Text3D - Class in org.jogamp.java3d
A Text3D object is a text string that has been converted to 3D geometry.
Text3D() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Text3D
Constructs a Text3D object with default parameters.
Text3D(Font3D) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Text3D
Creates a Text3D object with the given Font3D object.
Text3D(Font3D, String) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Text3D
Creates a Text3D object given a Font3D object and a string.
Text3D(Font3D, String, Point3f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Text3D
Creates a Text3D object given a Font3D, a string and position.
Text3D(Font3D, String, Point3f, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Text3D
Creates a Text3D object given a Font3D, string, position, alignment and path along which string is to be placed.
Text3DState - Class in
Text3DState(SymbolTableData, Controller) - Constructor for class
Texture - Class in org.jogamp.java3d
The Texture object is a component object of an Appearance object that defines the texture properties used when texture mapping is enabled.
Texture() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Texture
Constructs a Texture object with default parameters.
Texture(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Texture
Constructs an empty Texture object with specified mipMapMode, format, width and height.
Texture(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Texture
Constructs an empty Texture object with specified mipMapMode, format, width, height, and boundaryWidth.
Texture2D - Class in org.jogamp.java3d
Texture2D is a subclass of Texture class.
Texture2D() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Texture2D
Constructs a texture object using default values.
Texture2D(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Texture2D
Constructs an empty Texture2D object with specified mipmapMode format, width and height.
Texture2D(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Texture2D
Constructs an empty Texture2D object with specified mipMapMode, format, width, height, and boundaryWidth.
Texture2DState - Class in
Texture2DState(SymbolTableData, Controller) - Constructor for class
Texture3D - Class in org.jogamp.java3d
Texture3D is a subclass of Texture class.
Texture3D() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Texture3D
Constructs a Texture3D object with default parameters.
Texture3D(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Texture3D
Constructs an empty Texture3D object with specified mipmapMode format, width, height, and depth.
Texture3D(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Texture3D
Constructs an empty Texture3D object with specified mipmapMode format, width, height, depth, and boundaryWidth.
Texture3DState - Class in
Texture3DState(SymbolTableData, Controller) - Constructor for class
TEXTURE_COORDINATE_2 - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.GeometryArray
Specifies that this GeometryArray contains one or more arrays of 2D texture coordinates.
TEXTURE_COORDINATE_2 - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.TexCoordGeneration
Generates 2D texture coordinates (S and T).
TEXTURE_COORDINATE_3 - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.GeometryArray
Specifies that this GeometryArray contains one or more arrays of 3D texture coordinates.
TEXTURE_COORDINATE_3 - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.TexCoordGeneration
Generates 3D texture coordinates (S, T, and R).
TEXTURE_COORDINATE_4 - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.GeometryArray
Specifies that this GeometryArray contains one or more arrays of 4D texture coordinates.
TEXTURE_COORDINATE_4 - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.TexCoordGeneration
Generates 4D texture coordinates (S, T, R, and Q).
TextureAttributes - Class in org.jogamp.java3d
The TextureAttributes object defines attributes that apply to texture mapping.
TextureAttributes() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TextureAttributes
Constructs a TextureAttributes object with default parameters.
TextureAttributes(int, Transform3D, Color4f, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TextureAttributes
Constructs a TextureAttributes object with the specified values.
TextureAttributesState - Class in
TextureAttributesState(SymbolTableData, Controller) - Constructor for class
TextureCubeMap - Class in org.jogamp.java3d
TextureCubeMap is a subclass of Texture class.
TextureCubeMap() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TextureCubeMap
Constructs a texture object using default values.
TextureCubeMap(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TextureCubeMap
Constructs an empty TextureCubeMap object with specified mipmapMode format, and width.
TextureCubeMap(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TextureCubeMap
Constructs an empty TextureCubeMap object with specified mipmapMode format, width, and boundary width.
TextureCubeMapState - Class in
TextureCubeMapState(SymbolTableData, Controller) - Constructor for class
TextureLoader - Class in org.jogamp.java3d.utils.image
This class is used for loading a texture from an Image or BufferedImage.
TextureLoader(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.image.TextureLoader
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified BufferedImage and default format RGBA
TextureLoader(BufferedImage, String) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.image.TextureLoader
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified BufferedImage and format
TextureLoader(BufferedImage, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.image.TextureLoader
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified BufferedImage, option flags and default format RGBA
TextureLoader(BufferedImage, String, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.image.TextureLoader
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified BufferedImage, format and option flags
TextureLoader(Image, Component) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.image.TextureLoader
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified Image and default format RGBA
TextureLoader(Image, String, Component) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.image.TextureLoader
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified Image and format
TextureLoader(Image, int, Component) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.image.TextureLoader
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified Image flags and default format RGBA
TextureLoader(Image, String, int, Component) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.image.TextureLoader
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified Image format and option flags
TextureLoader(String, Component) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.image.TextureLoader
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified file and default format RGBA
TextureLoader(String, String, Component) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.image.TextureLoader
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified file, and format
TextureLoader(String, int, Component) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.image.TextureLoader
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified file, option flags and default format RGBA
TextureLoader(String, String, int, Component) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.image.TextureLoader
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified file, format and option flags
TextureLoader(URL, Component) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.image.TextureLoader
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified URL and default format RGBA
TextureLoader(URL, String, Component) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.image.TextureLoader
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified URL, and format
TextureLoader(URL, int, Component) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.image.TextureLoader
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified URL, option flags and default format RGBA
TextureLoader(URL, String, int, Component) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.image.TextureLoader
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified URL, format and option flags
TextureState - Class in
TextureState(SymbolTableData, Controller) - Constructor for class
textureTransform - Variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.Jogl2es2Context.GL_State
textureTransform - Variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.Jogl2es2Context.LocationData
textureTransform - Variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.Jogl2es2Context
TextureUnitState - Class in org.jogamp.java3d
The TextureUnitState object defines all texture mapping state for a single texture unit.
TextureUnitState() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TextureUnitState
Constructs a TextureUnitState component object using defaults for all state variables.
TextureUnitState(Texture, TextureAttributes, TexCoordGeneration) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TextureUnitState
Constructs a TextureUnitState component object using the specified component objects.
TextureUnitStateState - Class in
TextureUnitStateState(SymbolTableData, Controller) - Constructor for class
Threshold2D(Object[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.vp.WandViewBehavior
Property which sets the threshold for 2D valuator reads.
TOP - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.geometry.Box
Used to designate the top side of the box when using getShape().
TOP - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.geometry.Cylinder
Designates the top end-cap of the cylinder.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.BoundingBox
Returns a string representation of this class.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.BoundingPolytope
Returns a string representation of this class
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.BoundingSphere
Returns a string representation of this class.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.ColoringAttributes
Returns a String representation of this ColoringAttributes object.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.CompressedGeometryHeader
Returns a String describing the contents of the CompressedGeometryHeader object.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.GraphicsConfigTemplate3D
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Material
Returns a String representation of this Materials values.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.PhysicalBody
Returns a string representation of this PhysicalBody's values.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.RenderingError
Returns a short string that describes this rendering error.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.SceneGraphObject
Returns a String representation of this SceneGraphObject.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.SceneGraphPath
Returns a string representation of this object; the string contains the class names of all Nodes in the SceneGraphPath, the toString() method of any associated user data provided by SceneGraphObject.getUserData(), and also prints out the transform, if it is not null.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Screen3D
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.ShaderError
Returns a short string that describes this shader error.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.SparseArray
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Returns the matrix elements of this transform as a string.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.sensor.SensorEventAgent
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.geometry.compression.CompressedGeometryData.Header
Returns a String describing the contents of the Header object.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.geometry.StripifierStats
Returns a formated String that can be used to print out the Stripifier stats.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.pickfast.PickIntersection
String representation of this object
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.picking.PickIntersection
String representation of this object
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.picking.PickResult
Returns String representation
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
Returns a string that contains the values of this AxisAngle4d.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
Returns a string that contains the values of this AxisAngle4f.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Returns a string that contains the values of this GMatrix.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GVector
Returns a string that contains the values of this GVector.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Returns a string that contains the values of this Matrix3d.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Returns a string that contains the values of this Matrix3f.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Returns a string that contains the values of this Matrix4d.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Returns a string that contains the values of this Matrix4f.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2d
Returns a string that contains the values of this Tuple2d.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2f
Returns a string that contains the values of this Tuple2f.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2i
Returns a string that contains the values of this Tuple2i.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3b
Returns a string that contains the values of this Tuple3b.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3d
Returns a string that contains the values of this Tuple3d.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3f
Returns a string that contains the values of this Tuple3f.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3i
Returns a string that contains the values of this Tuple3i.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4b
Returns a string that contains the values of this Tuple4b.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4d
Returns a string that contains the values of this Tuple4d.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4f
Returns a string that contains the values of this Tuple4f.
toString() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4i
Returns a string that contains the values of this Tuple4i.
trace() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Returns the trace of this matrix.
TransFactors(Object[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.vp.OrbitBehavior
Property which sets the translation x and y factors.
transform(Bounds, Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.BoundingBox
Modifies the bounding box so that it bounds the volume generated by transforming the given bounding object.
transform(Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.BoundingBox
Transforms this bounding box by the given matrix.
transform(Bounds, Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.BoundingPolytope
Modifies the bounding polytope so that it bounds the volume generated by transforming the given bounding object.
transform(Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.BoundingPolytope
Transforms this bounding polytope by the given transformation matrix.
transform(Bounds, Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.BoundingSphere
Modifies the bounding sphere so that it bounds the volume generated by transforming the given bounding object.
transform(Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.BoundingSphere
Transforms this bounding sphere by the given matrix.
transform(Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Bounds
Transforms this bounding object by the given matrix.
transform(Bounds, Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Bounds
Modifies the bounding object so that it bounds the volume generated by transforming the given bounding object.
transform(Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Transform the vector vec using this transform and place the result into vecOut.
transform(Vector4d) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Transform the vector vec using this Transform and place the result back into vec.
transform(Vector4f, Vector4f) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Transform the vector vec using this Transform and place the result into vecOut.
transform(Vector4f) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Transform the vector vec using this Transform and place the result back into vec.
transform(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Transforms the point parameter with this transform and places the result into pointOut.
transform(Point3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Transforms the point parameter with this transform and places the result back into point.
transform(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Transforms the normal parameter by this transform and places the value into normalOut.
transform(Vector3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Transforms the normal parameter by this transform and places the value back into normal.
transform(Point3f, Point3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Transforms the point parameter with this transform and places the result into pointOut.
transform(Point3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Transforms the point parameter with this transform and places the result back into point.
transform(Vector3f, Vector3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Transforms the normal parameter by this transform and places the value into normalOut.
transform(Vector3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Transforms the normal parameter by this transform and places the value back into normal.
transform(Tuple3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Multiply this matrix by the tuple t and place the result back into the tuple (t = this*t).
transform(Tuple3d, Tuple3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Multiply this matrix by the tuple t and and place the result into the tuple "result" (result = this*t).
transform(Tuple3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Multiply this matrix by the tuple t and place the result back into the tuple (t = this*t).
transform(Tuple3f, Tuple3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Multiply this matrix by the tuple t and and place the result into the tuple "result" (result = this*t).
transform(Tuple4d, Tuple4d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Transform the vector vec using this Matrix4d and place the result into vecOut.
transform(Tuple4d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Transform the vector vec using this Matrix4d and place the result back into vec.
transform(Tuple4f, Tuple4f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Transform the vector vec using this Matrix4d and place the result into vecOut.
transform(Tuple4f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Transform the vector vec using this Transform and place the result back into vec.
transform(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Transforms the point parameter with this Matrix4d and places the result into pointOut.
transform(Point3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Transforms the point parameter with this Matrix4d and places the result back into point.
transform(Point3f, Point3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Transforms the point parameter with this Matrix4d and places the result into pointOut.
transform(Point3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Transforms the point parameter with this Matrix4d and places the result back into point.
transform(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Transforms the normal parameter by this Matrix4d and places the value into normalOut.
transform(Vector3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Transforms the normal parameter by this transform and places the value back into normal.
transform(Vector3f, Vector3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Transforms the normal parameter by this Matrix4d and places the value into normalOut.
transform(Vector3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Transforms the normal parameter by this transform and places the value back into normal.
transform(Tuple4f, Tuple4f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Transform the vector vec using this Matrix4f and place the result into vecOut.
transform(Tuple4f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Transform the vector vec using this Transform and place the result back into vec.
transform(Point3f, Point3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Transforms the point parameter with this Matrix4f and places the result into pointOut.
transform(Point3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Transforms the point parameter with this Matrix4f and places the result back into point.
transform(Vector3f, Vector3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Transforms the normal parameter by this Matrix4f and places the value into normalOut.
transform(Vector3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Transforms the normal parameter by this transform and places the value back into normal.
Transform3D - Class in org.jogamp.java3d
A generalized transform object represented internally as a 4x4 double-precision floating point matrix.
Transform3D(Matrix4f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the 4 x 4 matrix.
Transform3D(Matrix4d) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the 4 x 4 matrix.
Transform3D(Transform3D) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the Transform3D object.
Transform3D() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform to the identity matrix.
Transform3D(float[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the float array of length 16; the top row of the matrix is initialized to the first four elements of the array, and so on.
Transform3D(double[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the double precision array of length 16; the top row of the matrix is initialized to the first four elements of the array, and so on.
Transform3D(Quat4d, Vector3d, double) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the quaternion, translation, and scale values.
Transform3D(Quat4f, Vector3d, double) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the quaternion, translation, and scale values.
Transform3D(Quat4f, Vector3f, float) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the quaternion, translation, and scale values.
Transform3D(GMatrix) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Constructs a transform and initializes it to the upper 4 x 4 of the GMatrix argument.
Transform3D(Matrix3f, Vector3d, double) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the rotation matrix, translation, and scale values.
Transform3D(Matrix3d, Vector3d, double) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the rotation matrix, translation, and scale values.
Transform3D(Matrix3f, Vector3f, float) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the rotation matrix, translation, and scale values.
TRANSFORM_GROUP - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.picking.PickObject
A flag to indicate to the pickNode method to return a TransformGroup node from a given SceneGraphPath.
TRANSFORM_GROUP - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.picking.PickResult
Flag to pass to getNode(int) to return a TransformGroup node from the SceneGraphPath.
TransformCenter(Object[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.vp.WandViewBehavior
Property which sets the center of rotation and scale if the TransformCenterSource property is VworldFixed or if a 6DOF sensor is not specified.
TransformCenterSource(Object[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.vp.WandViewBehavior
Property which sets the source of the center of rotation and scale.
transformChanged(int, Transform3D) - Method in interface org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseBehaviorCallback
Classes implementing this interface that are registered with one of the MouseBehaviors will be called every time the behavior updates the Transform
transformChanged(Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseRotate
Users can overload this method which is called every time the Behavior updates the transform Default implementation does nothing
transformChanged(Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseTranslate
Users can overload this method which is called every time the Behavior updates the transform Default implementation does nothing
transformChanged(Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseWheelZoom
Users can overload this method which is called every time the Behavior updates the transform Default implementation does nothing
transformChanged(Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseZoom
Users can overload this method which is called every time the Behavior updates the transform Default implementation does nothing
transformChanged(int, TransformGroup) - Method in interface org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.picking.PickingCallback
Called by the Pick Behavior with which this callback is registered each time the Picked object is moved
transformChanged(int, Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.picking.PickRotateBehavior
Callback method from MouseRotate This is used when the Picking callback is enabled
transformChanged(int, Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.picking.PickTranslateBehavior
Callback method from MouseTranslate This is used when the Picking callback is enabled
transformChanged(int, Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.picking.PickZoomBehavior
Callback method from MouseZoom This is used when the Picking callback is enabled
transformChanged(int, TransformGroup) - Method in interface org.jogamp.java3d.utils.pickfast.behaviors.PickingCallback
Called by the Pick Behavior with which this callback is registered each time the Picked object is moved
transformChanged(int, Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.pickfast.behaviors.PickRotateBehavior
Callback method from MouseRotate This is used when the Picking callback is enabled
transformChanged(int, Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.pickfast.behaviors.PickTranslateBehavior
Callback method from MouseTranslate This is used when the Picking callback is enabled
transformChanged(int, Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.pickfast.behaviors.PickZoomBehavior
Callback method from MouseZoom This is used when the Picking callback is enabled
transformChanged(int, TransformGroup) - Method in interface org.jogamp.java3d.utils.picking.behaviors.PickingCallback
Called by the Pick Behavior with which this callback is registered each time the Picked object is moved
transformChanged(int, Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.picking.behaviors.PickRotateBehavior
Callback method from MouseRotate This is used when the Picking callback is enabled
transformChanged(int, Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.picking.behaviors.PickTranslateBehavior
Callback method from MouseTranslate This is used when the Picking callback is enabled
transformChanged(int, Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.picking.behaviors.PickZoomBehavior
Callback method from MouseZoom This is used when the Picking callback is enabled
TransformGroup - Class in org.jogamp.java3d
Group node that contains a transform.
TransformGroup() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TransformGroup
Constructs and initializes a TransformGroup using an identity transform.
TransformGroup(Transform3D) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TransformGroup
Constructs and initializes a TransformGroup from the Transform passed.
TransformGroupState - Class in
TransformGroupState(SymbolTableData, Controller) - Constructor for class
Creates new BranchGroupState
TransformInterpolator - Class in org.jogamp.java3d
TransformInterpolator is an abstract class that extends Interpolator to provide common methods used by various transform related interpolator subclasses.
TransformInterpolator() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TransformInterpolator
Constructs a TransformInterpolator node with a null alpha value and a null target of TransformGroup
TransformInterpolator(Alpha, TransformGroup) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TransformInterpolator
Constructs a trivial transform interpolator with a specified alpha, a specified target and an default axis set to Identity.
TransformInterpolator(Alpha, TransformGroup, Transform3D) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TransformInterpolator
Constructs a new transform interpolator that set an specified alpha, a specified targe and a specified axisOfTransform.
TransformInterpolatorState - Class in
TransformInterpolatorState(SymbolTableData, Controller) - Constructor for class
TRANSLATE - Static variable in interface org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseBehaviorCallback
TRANSLATE - Static variable in interface org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.picking.PickingCallback
TRANSLATE - Static variable in interface org.jogamp.java3d.utils.pickfast.behaviors.PickingCallback
TRANSLATE - Static variable in interface org.jogamp.java3d.utils.picking.behaviors.PickingCallback
TRANSLATE_BACKWARD - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.vp.WandViewBehavior
Indicates that a 6DOF sensor button action should be bound to translating the view backward.
TRANSLATE_FORWARD - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.vp.WandViewBehavior
Indicates that a 6DOF sensor button action should be bound to translating the view forward.
TranslateEnable(Object[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.vp.OrbitBehavior
Property which enables or disables translate.
TRANSLATION - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
A translation-only matrix with ones on the diagonal.
TRANSLATION - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.vp.WandViewBehavior
Indicates that a 2D sensor button or read action should be bound to translation.
TranslationListener2D(Sensor, Sensor) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.vp.WandViewBehavior.TranslationListener2D
Construct an instance of this class using the specified sensors.
TranslationListener6D(boolean) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.vp.WandViewBehavior.TranslationListener6D
Construct a new translation button listener for a 6DOF sensor.
TranslationSpeed(Object[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.vp.WandViewBehavior
Property which sets the normal translation speed.
TRANSPARENCY_SORT_GEOMETRY - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.View
Policy that specifies that transparent objects are sorted from back to front on a per-geometry basis.
TRANSPARENCY_SORT_NONE - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.View
Policy that specifies that no sorting of transparent objects is done.
transparencyAlpha - Variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.Jogl2es2Context.GL_State
transparencyAlpha - Variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.Jogl2es2Context.LocationData
transparencyAlpha - Variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.Jogl2es2Context
TransparencyAttributes - Class in org.jogamp.java3d
The TransparencyAttributes object defines all attributes affecting transparency of the object.
TransparencyAttributes() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TransparencyAttributes
Constructs a TransparencyAttributes object with default parameters.
TransparencyAttributes(int, float) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TransparencyAttributes
Construct TransparencyAttributes object with specified values.
TransparencyAttributes(int, float, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TransparencyAttributes
Construct TransparencyAttributes object with specified values.
TransparencyAttributesState - Class in
TransparencyAttributesState(SymbolTableData, Controller) - Constructor for class
TransparencyInterpolator - Class in org.jogamp.java3d
TransparencyInterpolator behavior.
TransparencyInterpolator(Alpha, TransparencyAttributes) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TransparencyInterpolator
Constructs a trivial transparency interpolator with a specified target, a minimum transparency of 0.0f and a maximum transparency of 1.0f.
TransparencyInterpolator(Alpha, TransparencyAttributes, float, float) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TransparencyInterpolator
Constructs a new transparency interpolator that varies the target material's transparency between the two transparency values.
TransparencyInterpolatorState - Class in
TransparencyInterpolatorState(SymbolTableData, Controller) - Constructor for class
TransparencySortController - Class in org.jogamp.java3d.utils.scenegraph.transparency
This class controls the Transparency Sorting scheme used by Java 3D when rendering transparent objects.
TransparencySortController() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.scenegraph.transparency.TransparencySortController
TransparencySortGeom - Interface in org.jogamp.java3d
An interface that allows sorting the rendering order of transparent geometry.
TransparencySortMap - Class in org.jogamp.java3d
A class mapping Views to a TransparencySortGeom object.
transpose() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Transposes this matrix in place.
transpose(Transform3D) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D
Transposes transform t1 and places the value into this transform.
transpose() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Transposes this matrix in place.
transpose(GMatrix) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.GMatrix
Places the matrix values of the transpose of matrix m1 into this matrix.
transpose() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the value of this matrix to its transpose.
transpose(Matrix3d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the value of this matrix to the transpose of the argument matrix.
transpose() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the value of this matrix to its transpose.
transpose(Matrix3f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the value of this matrix to the transpose of the argument matrix.
transpose() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix to its transpose.
transpose(Matrix4d) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix to the transpose of the argument matrix
transpose() - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix to its transpose in place.
transpose(Matrix4f) - Method in class org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix to the transpose of the argument matrix.
TransXFactor(Object[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.vp.OrbitBehavior
Property which sets the translation x factor.
TransYFactor(Object[]) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.vp.OrbitBehavior
Property which sets the translation y factor.
TRIANGLE_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.geometry.GeometryInfo
Send to the constructor to inform that the data will be arranged so that each set of three vertices form an independent triangle
TRIANGLE_BUFFER - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.CompressedGeometryHeader
bufferType: compressed geometry is made up of triangles.
TRIANGLE_BUFFER - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.geometry.compression.CompressedGeometryData.Header
bufferType: compressed geometry is made up of triangles.
TRIANGLE_FAN_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.geometry.GeometryInfo
Send to the constructor to inform that the data will be arranged so that the stripCounts array indicates how many vertices to use for each triangle fan.
TRIANGLE_STRIP_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.geometry.GeometryInfo
Send to the constructor to inform that the data will be arranged so that the stripCounts array indicates how many vertices to use for each triangle strip.
TriangleArray - Class in org.jogamp.java3d
The TriangleArray object draws the array of vertices as individual triangles.
TriangleArray(int, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TriangleArray
Constructs an empty TriangleArray object using the specified parameters.
TriangleArray(int, int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TriangleArray
Constructs an empty TriangleArray object using the specified parameters.
TriangleArray(int, int, int, int[], int, int[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TriangleArray
Constructs an empty TriangleArray object using the specified parameters.
TriangleArrayState - Class in
TriangleArrayState(SymbolTableData, Controller) - Constructor for class
TriangleFanArray - Class in org.jogamp.java3d
The TriangleFanArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of connected triangle fans.
TriangleFanArray(int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TriangleFanArray
Constructs an empty TriangleFanArray object using the specified parameters.
TriangleFanArray(int, int, int, int[], int[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TriangleFanArray
Constructs an empty TriangleFanArray object using the specified parameters.
TriangleFanArray(int, int, int, int[], int, int[], int[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TriangleFanArray
Constructs an empty TriangleFanArray object using the specified parameters.
TriangleFanArrayState - Class in
TriangleFanArrayState(SymbolTableData, Controller) - Constructor for class
TriangleStripArray - Class in org.jogamp.java3d
The TriangleStripArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of connected triangle strips.
TriangleStripArray(int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TriangleStripArray
Constructs an empty TriangleStripArray object using the specified parameters.
TriangleStripArray(int, int, int, int[], int[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TriangleStripArray
Constructs an empty TriangleStripArray object using the specified parameters.
TriangleStripArray(int, int, int, int[], int, int[], int[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.TriangleStripArray
Constructs an empty TriangleStripArray object using the specified parameters.
TriangleStripArrayState - Class in
TriangleStripArrayState(SymbolTableData, Controller) - Constructor for class
TRIANGULATE - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.loaders.objectfile.ObjectFile
Flag sent to constructor.
triangulate(GeometryInfo) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.geometry.Triangulator
This routine converts the GeometryInfo object from primitive type POLYGON_ARRAY to primitive type TRIANGLE_ARRAY using polygon decomposition techniques.
triangulateIslands(int[][], Point3f[][], int[], ArrayList<GeometryArray>) - Method in interface org.jogamp.java3d.GeometryService
Loops through each island, calling triangulator once per island.
triangulateIslands(int[][], Point3f[][], int[], ArrayList<GeometryArray>) - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.geometry.GeometryServiceImpl
Triangulator - Class in org.jogamp.java3d.utils.geometry
Triangulator is a utility for turning arbitrary polygons into triangles so they can be rendered by Java 3D.
Triangulator() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.geometry.Triangulator
This class is created automatically when needed in GeometryInfo and never needs to be used directly. Putting data into a GeometryInfo with primitive POLYGON_ARRAY automatically causes the triangulator to be created and used.
Triangulator(int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.geometry.Triangulator
This class is created automatically when needed in GeometryInfo and never needs to be used directly. Putting data into a GeometryInfo with primitive POLYGON_ARRAY automatically causes the triangulator to be created and used.
triggeredElements() - Method in class org.jogamp.java3d.WakeupCondition
Returns an iterator of all triggered WakeupCriterias in this Condition.
Tuple2d - Class in org.jogamp.vecmath
A generic 2-element tuple that is represented by double-precision floating point x,y coordinates.
Tuple2d(double, double) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2d
Constructs and initializes a Tuple2d from the specified xy coordinates.
Tuple2d(double[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2d
Constructs and initializes a Tuple2d from the specified array.
Tuple2d(Tuple2d) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2d
Constructs and initializes a Tuple2d from the specified Tuple2d.
Tuple2d(Tuple2f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2d
Constructs and initializes a Tuple2d from the specified Tuple2f.
Tuple2d() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2d
Constructs and initializes a Tuple2d to (0,0).
Tuple2f - Class in org.jogamp.vecmath
A generic 2-element tuple that is represented by single-precision floating point x,y coordinates.
Tuple2f(float, float) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2f
Constructs and initializes a Tuple2f from the specified xy coordinates.
Tuple2f(float[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2f
Constructs and initializes a Tuple2f from the specified array.
Tuple2f(Tuple2f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2f
Constructs and initializes a Tuple2f from the specified Tuple2f.
Tuple2f(Tuple2d) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2f
Constructs and initializes a Tuple2f from the specified Tuple2d.
Tuple2f() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2f
Constructs and initializes a Tuple2f to (0,0).
Tuple2i - Class in org.jogamp.vecmath
A 2-element tuple represented by signed integer x,y coordinates.
Tuple2i(int, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2i
Constructs and initializes a Tuple2i from the specified x and y coordinates.
Tuple2i(int[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2i
Constructs and initializes a Tuple2i from the array of length 2.
Tuple2i(Tuple2i) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2i
Constructs and initializes a Tuple2i from the specified Tuple2i.
Tuple2i() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple2i
Constructs and initializes a Tuple2i to (0,0).
Tuple3b - Class in org.jogamp.vecmath
A three byte tuple.
Tuple3b(byte, byte, byte) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3b
Constructs and initializes a Tuple3b from the specified three values.
Tuple3b(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3b
Constructs and initializes a Tuple3b from input array of length 3.
Tuple3b(Tuple3b) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3b
Constructs and initializes a Tuple3b from the specified Tuple3b.
Tuple3b() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3b
Constructs and initializes a Tuple3b to (0,0,0).
Tuple3d - Class in org.jogamp.vecmath
A generic 3-element tuple that is represented by double-precision floating point x,y,z coordinates.
Tuple3d(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3d
Constructs and initializes a Tuple3d from the specified xyz coordinates.
Tuple3d(double[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3d
Constructs and initializes a Tuple3d from the array of length 3.
Tuple3d(Tuple3d) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3d
Constructs and initializes a Tuple3d from the specified Tuple3d.
Tuple3d(Tuple3f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3d
Constructs and initializes a Tuple3d from the specified Tuple3f.
Tuple3d() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3d
Constructs and initializes a Tuple3d to (0,0,0).
Tuple3f - Class in org.jogamp.vecmath
A generic 3-element tuple that is represented by single precision-floating point x,y,z coordinates.
Tuple3f(float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3f
Constructs and initializes a Tuple3f from the specified xyz coordinates.
Tuple3f(float[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3f
Constructs and initializes a Tuple3f from the array of length 3.
Tuple3f(Tuple3f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3f
Constructs and initializes a Tuple3f from the specified Tuple3f.
Tuple3f(Tuple3d) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3f
Constructs and initializes a Tuple3f from the specified Tuple3d.
Tuple3f() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3f
Constructs and initializes a Tuple3f to (0,0,0).
Tuple3i - Class in org.jogamp.vecmath
A 3-element tuple represented by signed integer x,y,z coordinates.
Tuple3i(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3i
Constructs and initializes a Tuple3i from the specified x, y, and z coordinates.
Tuple3i(int[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3i
Constructs and initializes a Tuple3i from the array of length 3.
Tuple3i(Tuple3i) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3i
Constructs and initializes a Tuple3i from the specified Tuple3i.
Tuple3i() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple3i
Constructs and initializes a Tuple3i to (0,0,0).
Tuple4b - Class in org.jogamp.vecmath
A four byte tuple.
Tuple4b(byte, byte, byte, byte) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4b
Constructs and initializes a Tuple4b from the specified four values.
Tuple4b(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4b
Constructs and initializes a Tuple4b from the array of length 4.
Tuple4b(Tuple4b) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4b
Constructs and initializes a Tuple4b from the specified Tuple4b.
Tuple4b() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4b
Constructs and initializes a Tuple4b to (0,0,0,0).
Tuple4d - Class in org.jogamp.vecmath
A 4 element tuple represented by double precision floating point x,y,z,w coordinates.
Tuple4d(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4d
Constructs and initializes a Tuple4d from the specified xyzw coordinates.
Tuple4d(double[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4d
Constructs and initializes a Tuple4d from the coordinates contained in the array.
Tuple4d(Tuple4d) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4d
Constructs and initializes a Tuple4d from the specified Tuple4d.
Tuple4d(Tuple4f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4d
Constructs and initializes a Tuple4d from the specified Tuple4f.
Tuple4d() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4d
Constructs and initializes a Tuple4d to (0,0,0,0).
Tuple4f - Class in org.jogamp.vecmath
A 4-element tuple represented by single-precision floating point x,y,z,w coordinates.
Tuple4f(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4f
Constructs and initializes a Tuple4f from the specified xyzw coordinates.
Tuple4f(float[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4f
Constructs and initializes a Tuple4f from the array of length 4.
Tuple4f(Tuple4f) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4f
Constructs and initializes a Tuple4f from the specified Tuple4f.
Tuple4f(Tuple4d) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4f
Constructs and initializes a Tuple4f from the specified Tuple4d.
Tuple4f() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4f
Constructs and initializes a Tuple4f to (0,0,0,0).
Tuple4i - Class in org.jogamp.vecmath
A 4-element tuple represented by signed integer x,y,z,w coordinates.
Tuple4i(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4i
Constructs and initializes a Tuple4i from the specified x, y, z, and w coordinates.
Tuple4i(int[]) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4i
Constructs and initializes a Tuple4i from the array of length 4.
Tuple4i(Tuple4i) - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4i
Constructs and initializes a Tuple4i from the specified Tuple4i.
Tuple4i() - Constructor for class org.jogamp.vecmath.Tuple4i
Constructs and initializes a Tuple4i to (0,0,0,0).
TYPE_BRANCH_GROUP - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.pickfast.PickTool
Flag to pass to getNode(int) to return a BranchGroup node from the SceneGraphPath.
TYPE_BYTE - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.internal.BufferWrapper
Value returned from getBufferType(), this indicates that the BufferWrapper contains a java.nio.ByteBuffer.
TYPE_DOUBLE - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.internal.BufferWrapper
Value returned from getBufferType(), this indicates that the BufferWrapper contains a java.nio.DoubleBuffer.
TYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.internal.BufferWrapper
Value returned from getBufferType(), this indicates that the BufferWrapper contains a java.nio.FloatBuffer.
TYPE_GROUP - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.pickfast.PickTool
Flag to pass to getNode(int) to return a Group node from the SceneGraphPath.
TYPE_LINK - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.pickfast.PickTool
Flag to pass to getNode(int) to return a Link node from the SceneGraphPath.
TYPE_MORPH - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.pickfast.PickTool
Flag to pass to getNode(int) to return a Morph node from the SceneGraphPath.
TYPE_NULL - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.internal.BufferWrapper
Value returned from getBufferType(), this indicates that the BufferWrapper contains a null buffer.
TYPE_PRIMITIVE - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.pickfast.PickTool
Flag to pass to getNode(int) to return a Primitive node from the SceneGraphPath.
TYPE_SHAPE3D - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.pickfast.PickTool
Flag to pass to getNode(int) to return a Shape3D node from the SceneGraphPath.
TYPE_SWITCH - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.pickfast.PickTool
Flag to pass to getNode(int) to return a Switch node from the SceneGraphPath.
TYPE_TRANSFORM_GROUP - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.pickfast.PickTool
Flag to pass to getNode(int) to return a TransformGroup node from the SceneGraphPath.
TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class org.jogamp.java3d.internal.BufferWrapper
Value returned from getBufferType(), this indicates that the BufferWrapper does not hold data of type byte, float, or double.
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