TexCoordGeneration - Class in javax.media.j3d
The TexCoordGeneration object contains all parameters needed for automatic texture coordinate generation.
TexCoordGeneration() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TexCoordGeneration
Constructs a TexCoordGeneration object with default parameters.
TexCoordGeneration(int, int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TexCoordGeneration
Constructs a TexCoordGeneration object with the specified genMode and format.
TexCoordGeneration(int, int, Vector4f) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TexCoordGeneration
Constructs a TexCoordGeneration object with the specified genMode, format, and the S coordinate plane equation.
TexCoordGeneration(int, int, Vector4f, Vector4f) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TexCoordGeneration
Constructs a TexCoordGeneration object with the specified genMode, format, and the S and T coordinate plane equations.
TexCoordGeneration(int, int, Vector4f, Vector4f, Vector4f) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TexCoordGeneration
Constructs a TexCoordGeneration object with the specified genMode, format, and the S, T, and R coordinate plane equations.
TexCoordGeneration(int, int, Vector4f, Vector4f, Vector4f, Vector4f) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TexCoordGeneration
Constructs a TexCoordGeneration object with the specified genMode, format, and the S, T, R, and Q coordinate plane equations.
Text3D - Class in javax.media.j3d
A Text3D object is a text string that has been converted to 3D geometry.
Text3D() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Text3D
Constructs a Text3D object with default parameters.
Text3D(Font3D) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Text3D
Creates a Text3D object with the given Font3D object.
Text3D(Font3D, String) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Text3D
Creates a Text3D object given a Font3D object and a string.
Text3D(Font3D, String, Point3f) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Text3D
Creates a Text3D object given a Font3D, a string and position.
Text3D(Font3D, String, Point3f, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Text3D
Creates a Text3D object given a Font3D, string, position, alignment and path along which string is to be placed.
Texture - Class in javax.media.j3d
The Texture object is a component object of an Appearance object that defines the texture properties used when texture mapping is enabled.
Texture() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Constructs a Texture object with default parameters.
Texture(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Constructs an empty Texture object with specified mipMapMode, format, width and height.
Texture(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Constructs an empty Texture object with specified mipMapMode, format, width, height, and boundaryWidth.
Texture2D - Class in javax.media.j3d
Texture2D is a subclass of Texture class.
Texture2D() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Texture2D
Constructs a texture object using default values.
Texture2D(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Texture2D
Constructs an empty Texture2D object with specified mipmapMode format, width and height.
Texture2D(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Texture2D
Constructs an empty Texture2D object with specified mipMapMode, format, width, height, and boundaryWidth.
Texture3D - Class in javax.media.j3d
Texture3D is a subclass of Texture class.
Texture3D() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Texture3D
Constructs a Texture3D object with default parameters.
Texture3D(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Texture3D
Constructs an empty Texture3D object with specified mipmapMode format, width, height, and depth.
Texture3D(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Texture3D
Constructs an empty Texture3D object with specified mipmapMode format, width, height, depth, and boundaryWidth.
TEXTURE_COORDINATE_2 - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Specifies that this GeometryArray contains one or more arrays of 2D texture coordinates.
TEXTURE_COORDINATE_2 - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.TexCoordGeneration
Generates 2D texture coordinates (S and T).
TEXTURE_COORDINATE_3 - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Specifies that this GeometryArray contains one or more arrays of 3D texture coordinates.
TEXTURE_COORDINATE_3 - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.TexCoordGeneration
Generates 3D texture coordinates (S, T, and R).
TEXTURE_COORDINATE_4 - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Specifies that this GeometryArray contains one or more arrays of 4D texture coordinates.
TEXTURE_COORDINATE_4 - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.TexCoordGeneration
Generates 4D texture coordinates (S, T, R, and Q).
TextureAttributes - Class in javax.media.j3d
The TextureAttributes object defines attributes that apply to texture mapping.
TextureAttributes() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TextureAttributes
Constructs a TextureAttributes object with default parameters.
TextureAttributes(int, Transform3D, Color4f, int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TextureAttributes
Constructs a TextureAttributes object with the specified values.
TextureCubeMap - Class in javax.media.j3d
TextureCubeMap is a subclass of Texture class.
TextureCubeMap() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TextureCubeMap
Constructs a texture object using default values.
TextureCubeMap(int, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TextureCubeMap
Constructs an empty TextureCubeMap object with specified mipmapMode format, and width.
TextureCubeMap(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TextureCubeMap
Constructs an empty TextureCubeMap object with specified mipmapMode format, width, and boundary width.
TextureUnitState - Class in javax.media.j3d
The TextureUnitState object defines all texture mapping state for a single texture unit.
TextureUnitState() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TextureUnitState
Constructs a TextureUnitState component object using defaults for all state variables.
TextureUnitState(Texture, TextureAttributes, TexCoordGeneration) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TextureUnitState
Constructs a TextureUnitState component object using the specified component objects.
toString() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingBox
Returns a string representation of this class.
toString() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingPolytope
Returns a string representation of this class
toString() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingSphere
Returns a string representation of this class.
toString() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ColoringAttributes
Returns a String representation of this ColoringAttributes object.
toString() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.CompressedGeometryHeader
Deprecated. Returns a String describing the contents of the CompressedGeometryHeader object.
toString() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsConfigTemplate3D
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Material
Returns a String representation of this Materials values.
toString() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalBody
Returns a string representation of this PhysicalBody's values.
toString() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingError
Returns a short string that describes this rendering error.
toString() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphObject
Returns a String representation of this SceneGraphObject.
toString() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphPath
Returns a string representation of this object; the string contains the class names of all Nodes in the SceneGraphPath, the toString() method of any associated user data provided by SceneGraphObject.getUserData(), and also prints out the transform, if it is not null.
toString() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Screen3D
toString() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Returns a short string that describes this shader error.
toString() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Returns the matrix elements of this transform as a string.
transform(Bounds, Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingBox
Modifies the bounding box so that it bounds the volume generated by transforming the given bounding object.
transform(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingBox
Transforms this bounding box by the given matrix.
transform(Bounds, Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingPolytope
Modifies the bounding polytope so that it bounds the volume generated by transforming the given bounding object.
transform(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingPolytope
Transforms this bounding polytope by the given transformation matrix.
transform(Bounds, Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingSphere
Modifies the bounding sphere so that it bounds the volume generated by transforming the given bounding object.
transform(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingSphere
Transforms this bounding sphere by the given matrix.
transform(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Bounds
Transforms this bounding object by the given matrix.
transform(Bounds, Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Bounds
Modifies the bounding object so that it bounds the volume generated by transforming the given bounding object.
transform(Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Transform the vector vec using this transform and place the result into vecOut.
transform(Vector4d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Transform the vector vec using this Transform and place the result back into vec.
transform(Vector4f, Vector4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Transform the vector vec using this Transform and place the result into vecOut.
transform(Vector4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Transform the vector vec using this Transform and place the result back into vec.
transform(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Transforms the point parameter with this transform and places the result into pointOut.
transform(Point3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Transforms the point parameter with this transform and places the result back into point.
transform(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Transforms the normal parameter by this transform and places the value into normalOut.
transform(Vector3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Transforms the normal parameter by this transform and places the value back into normal.
transform(Point3f, Point3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Transforms the point parameter with this transform and places the result into pointOut.
transform(Point3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Transforms the point parameter with this transform and places the result back into point.
transform(Vector3f, Vector3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Transforms the normal parameter by this transform and places the value into normalOut.
transform(Vector3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Transforms the normal parameter by this transform and places the value back into normal.
Transform3D - Class in javax.media.j3d
A generalized transform object represented internally as a 4x4 double-precision floating point matrix.
Transform3D(Matrix4f) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the 4 x 4 matrix.
Transform3D(Matrix4d) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the 4 x 4 matrix.
Transform3D(Transform3D) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the Transform3D object.
Transform3D() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform to the identity matrix.
Transform3D(float[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the float array of length 16; the top row of the matrix is initialized to the first four elements of the array, and so on.
Transform3D(double[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the double precision array of length 16; the top row of the matrix is initialized to the first four elements of the array, and so on.
Transform3D(Quat4d, Vector3d, double) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the quaternion, translation, and scale values.
Transform3D(Quat4f, Vector3d, double) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the quaternion, translation, and scale values.
Transform3D(Quat4f, Vector3f, float) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the quaternion, translation, and scale values.
Transform3D(GMatrix) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Constructs a transform and initializes it to the upper 4 x 4 of the GMatrix argument.
Transform3D(Matrix3f, Vector3d, double) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the rotation matrix, translation, and scale values.
Transform3D(Matrix3d, Vector3d, double) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the rotation matrix, translation, and scale values.
Transform3D(Matrix3f, Vector3f, float) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Constructs and initializes a transform from the rotation matrix, translation, and scale values.
TransformGroup - Class in javax.media.j3d
Group node that contains a transform.
TransformGroup() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TransformGroup
Constructs and initializes a TransformGroup using an identity transform.
TransformGroup(Transform3D) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TransformGroup
Constructs and initializes a TransformGroup from the Transform passed.
TransformInterpolator - Class in javax.media.j3d
TransformInterpolator is an abstract class that extends Interpolator to provide common methods used by various transform related interpolator subclasses.
TransformInterpolator() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TransformInterpolator
Constructs a TransformInterpolator node with a null alpha value and a null target of TransformGroup
TransformInterpolator(Alpha, TransformGroup) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TransformInterpolator
Constructs a trivial transform interpolator with a specified alpha, a specified target and an default axis set to Identity.
TransformInterpolator(Alpha, TransformGroup, Transform3D) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TransformInterpolator
Constructs a new transform interpolator that set an specified alpha, a specified targe and a specified axisOfTransform.
TRANSLATION - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
A translation-only matrix with ones on the diagonal.
TRANSPARENCY_SORT_GEOMETRY - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.View
Policy that specifies that transparent objects are sorted from back to front on a per-geometry basis.
TRANSPARENCY_SORT_NONE - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.View
Policy that specifies that no sorting of transparent objects is done.
TransparencyAttributes - Class in javax.media.j3d
The TransparencyAttributes object defines all attributes affecting transparency of the object.
TransparencyAttributes() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyAttributes
Constructs a TransparencyAttributes object with default parameters.
TransparencyAttributes(int, float) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyAttributes
Construct TransparencyAttributes object with specified values.
TransparencyAttributes(int, float, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyAttributes
Construct TransparencyAttributes object with specified values.
TransparencyInterpolator - Class in javax.media.j3d
TransparencyInterpolator behavior.
TransparencyInterpolator(Alpha, TransparencyAttributes) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyInterpolator
Constructs a trivial transparency interpolator with a specified target, a minimum transparency of 0.0f and a maximum transparency of 1.0f.
TransparencyInterpolator(Alpha, TransparencyAttributes, float, float) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyInterpolator
Constructs a new transparency interpolator that varies the target material's transparency between the two transparency values.
TransparencySortGeom - Interface in javax.media.j3d
An interface that allows sorting the rendering order of transparent geometry.
TransparencySortMap - Class in javax.media.j3d
A class mapping Views to a TransparencySortGeom object.
transpose() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Transposes this matrix in place.
transpose(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Transposes transform t1 and places the value into this transform.
TRIANGLE_BUFFER - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.CompressedGeometryHeader
Deprecated. bufferType: compressed geometry is made up of triangles.
TriangleArray - Class in javax.media.j3d
The TriangleArray object draws the array of vertices as individual triangles.
TriangleArray(int, int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TriangleArray
Constructs an empty TriangleArray object using the specified parameters.
TriangleArray(int, int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TriangleArray
Constructs an empty TriangleArray object using the specified parameters.
TriangleArray(int, int, int, int[], int, int[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TriangleArray
Constructs an empty TriangleArray object using the specified parameters.
TriangleFanArray - Class in javax.media.j3d
The TriangleFanArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of connected triangle fans.
TriangleFanArray(int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TriangleFanArray
Constructs an empty TriangleFanArray object using the specified parameters.
TriangleFanArray(int, int, int, int[], int[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TriangleFanArray
Constructs an empty TriangleFanArray object using the specified parameters.
TriangleFanArray(int, int, int, int[], int, int[], int[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TriangleFanArray
Constructs an empty TriangleFanArray object using the specified parameters.
TriangleStripArray - Class in javax.media.j3d
The TriangleStripArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of connected triangle strips.
TriangleStripArray(int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TriangleStripArray
Constructs an empty TriangleStripArray object using the specified parameters.
TriangleStripArray(int, int, int, int[], int[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TriangleStripArray
Constructs an empty TriangleStripArray object using the specified parameters.
TriangleStripArray(int, int, int, int[], int, int[], int[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.TriangleStripArray
Constructs an empty TriangleStripArray object using the specified parameters.
triggeredElements() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.WakeupCondition
Returns an enumeration of all triggered WakeupCriterias in this Condition.