paint(Graphics) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D
Canvas3D uses the paint callback to track when it is possible to render into the canvas.
PARALLEL_PROJECTION - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.View
Specifies that Java 3D should generate a parallel projection matrix for this View.
PATH_DOWN - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Text3D
path: succeeding glyphs are placed below the current glyph.
PATH_LEFT - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Text3D
path: succeeding glyphs are placed to the left of the current glyph.
PATH_RIGHT - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Text3D
path: succeeding glyphs are placed to the left of the current glyph.
PATH_UP - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Text3D
path: succeeding glyphs are placed above the current glyph.
PathInterpolator - Class in javax.media.j3d
PathInterpolator behavior.
PathInterpolator(Alpha, float[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PathInterpolator
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by PathInterpolator(Alpha, TransformGroup, float[])
PathInterpolator(Alpha, TransformGroup, float[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PathInterpolator
Constructs a new PathInterpolator object that interpolates between the knot values in the knots array.
PathInterpolator(Alpha, TransformGroup, Transform3D, float[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PathInterpolator
Constructs a new PathInterpolator object that interpolates between the knot values in the knots array.
PATTERN_DASH - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.LineAttributes
Draw dashed lines.
PATTERN_DASH_DOT - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.LineAttributes
Draw dashed-dotted lines.
PATTERN_DOT - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.LineAttributes
Draw dotted lines.
PATTERN_SOLID - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.LineAttributes
Draw solid lines with no pattern.
PATTERN_USER_DEFINED - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.LineAttributes
Draw lines with a user-defined line pattern.
pause() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Alpha
Pauses this alpha object.
pause(long) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Alpha
Pauses this alpha object as of the specified time.
pause() - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3DL2
Pause audio device engine (thread/server) without closing the device.
pauseSample(int) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Temporarily stops a cached sample from playing without resetting the sample's current pointer back to the beginning of the sound data so that it can be unpaused at a later time from the same location in the sample when the pause was initiated.
perspective(double, double, double, double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Creates a perspective projection transform that mimics a standard, camera-based, view-model.
PERSPECTIVE_PROJECTION - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.View
Specifies that Java 3D should generate a perspective projection matrix for this View.
PHYSICAL_EYE - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.View
Specifies that the associated distance is measured from the eye in meters.
PHYSICAL_SCREEN - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.View
Specifies that the associated distance is measured from the screen in meters.
PHYSICAL_WORLD - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.View
Policy for resizing and moving windows.
PhysicalBody - Class in javax.media.j3d
This object contains a specification of the user's head.
PhysicalBody() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalBody
Constructs a PhysicalBody object with default parameters.
PhysicalBody(Point3d, Point3d) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalBody
Constructs and initializes a PhysicalBody object from the specified parameters.
PhysicalBody(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, Point3d) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalBody
Constructs and initializes a PhysicalBody object from the specified parameters.
PhysicalEnvironment - Class in javax.media.j3d
This object contains a specification of the physical environment in which the view will be generated.
PhysicalEnvironment() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalEnvironment
Constructs a PhysicalEnvironment object with default parameters.
PhysicalEnvironment(int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalEnvironment
Constructs and initializes a PhysicalEnvironment object with the specified number of sensors.
PICK_BOUNDS - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.PickInfo
Specifies a Pick using the bounds of the pickable nodes.
PICK_GEOMETRY - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.PickInfo
Specifies a Pick using the geometry of the pickable nodes.
pickAll(PickShape) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BranchGroup
Returns an array referencing all the items that are pickable below this BranchGroup that intersect with PickShape.
pickAll(int, int, PickShape) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BranchGroup
Returns an array unsorted references to all the PickInfo objects that are pickable below this BranchGroup that intersect with PickShape.
pickAll(PickShape) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Locale
Returns an array referencing all the items that are pickable below this Locale that intersect with PickShape.
pickAll(int, int, PickShape) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Locale
Returns an array unsorted references to all the PickInfo objects that are pickable below this Locale that intersect with PickShape.
pickAllSorted(PickShape) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BranchGroup
Returns a sorted array of references to all the Pickable items that intersect with the pickShape.
pickAllSorted(int, int, PickShape) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BranchGroup
Returns a sorted array of PickInfo references to all the pickable items that intersect with the pickShape.
pickAllSorted(PickShape) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Locale
Returns a sorted array of references to all the pickable items that intersect with the pickShape.
pickAllSorted(int, int, PickShape) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Locale
Returns a sorted array of PickInfo references to all the pickable items that intersect with the pickShape.
pickAny(PickShape) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BranchGroup
Returns a reference to any item that is Pickable below this BranchGroup that intersects with pickShape.
pickAny(int, int, PickShape) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BranchGroup
Returns a PickInfo which references the pickable item below this BranchGroup that intersects with pickShape.
pickAny(PickShape) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Locale
Returns a reference to any item that is Pickable below this Locale which intersects with pickShape.
pickAny(int, int, PickShape) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Locale
Returns a PickInfo which references the pickable item below this Locale which intersects with pickShape.
PickBounds - Class in javax.media.j3d
PickBounds is a finite pick shape defined with a Bounds object.
PickBounds() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickBounds
Constructs an empty PickBounds.
PickBounds(Bounds) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickBounds
Constructs a PickBounds from the specified bounds object.
pickClosest(PickShape) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BranchGroup
Returns a SceneGraphPath that references the pickable item closest to the origin of pickShape.
pickClosest(int, int, PickShape) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BranchGroup
Returns a PickInfo which references the pickable item which is closest to the origin of pickShape.
pickClosest(PickShape) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Locale
Returns a SceneGraphPath which references the pickable item which is closest to the origin of pickShape.
pickClosest(int, int, PickShape) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Locale
Returns a PickInfo which references the pickable item which is closest to the origin of pickShape.
PickCone - Class in javax.media.j3d
PickCone is the abstract base class of all cone pick shapes.
PickCone() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickCone
Constructs an empty PickCone.
PickConeRay - Class in javax.media.j3d
PickConeRay is an infinite cone ray pick shape.
PickConeRay() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickConeRay
Constructs an empty PickConeRay.
PickConeRay(Point3d, Vector3d, double) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickConeRay
Constructs an infinite cone pick shape from the specified parameters.
PickConeSegment - Class in javax.media.j3d
PickConeSegment is a finite cone segment pick shape.
PickConeSegment() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickConeSegment
Constructs an empty PickConeSegment.
PickConeSegment(Point3d, Point3d, double) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickConeSegment
Constructs a finite cone pick shape from the specified parameters.
PickCylinder - Class in javax.media.j3d
PickCylinder is the abstract base class of all cylindrical pick shapes.
PickCylinder() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickCylinder
Constructs an empty PickCylinder.
PickCylinderRay - Class in javax.media.j3d
PickCylinderRay is an infinite cylindrical ray pick shape.
PickCylinderRay() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickCylinderRay
Constructs an empty PickCylinderRay.
PickCylinderRay(Point3d, Vector3d, double) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickCylinderRay
Constructs an infinite cylindrical ray pick shape from the specified parameters.
PickCylinderSegment - Class in javax.media.j3d
PickCylinderSegment is a finite cylindrical segment pick shape.
PickCylinderSegment() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickCylinderSegment
Constructs an empty PickCylinderSegment.
PickCylinderSegment(Point3d, Point3d, double) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickCylinderSegment
Constructs a finite cylindrical segment pick shape from the specified parameters.
PickInfo - Class in javax.media.j3d
The PickInfo object contains the computed information about a pick hit.
PickInfo.IntersectionInfo - Class in javax.media.j3d
The IntersectionInfo object holds extra information about an intersection of a PickShape with a Node as part of a PickInfo.
PickPoint - Class in javax.media.j3d
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.4, use PickBounds with a BoundingSphere that has a small radius.
PickPoint() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickPoint
Deprecated. Constructs a PickPoint using a default point.
PickPoint(Point3d) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickPoint
Deprecated. Constructs a PickPoint from the specified parameter.
PickRay - Class in javax.media.j3d
PickRay is an infinite ray pick shape.
PickRay() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickRay
Constructs an empty PickRay.
PickRay(Point3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickRay
Constructs an infinite ray pick shape from the specified parameters.
PickSegment - Class in javax.media.j3d
PickSegment is a line segment pick shape.
PickSegment() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickSegment
Constructs an empty PickSegment.
PickSegment(Point3d, Point3d) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickSegment
Constructs a line segment pick shape from the specified parameters.
PickShape - Class in javax.media.j3d
An abstract class for describing a pick shape that can be used with the BranchGroup and Locale picking methods.
PickShape() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PickShape
Constructs a PickShape object.
POINT_BUFFER - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.CompressedGeometryHeader
Deprecated. bufferType: compressed geometry is made up of individual points.
POINT_SOUND - Static variable in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Specifies the sound type as point sound.
PointArray - Class in javax.media.j3d
The PointArray object draws the array of vertices as individual points.
PointArray(int, int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PointArray
Constructs an empty PointArray object using the specified parameters.
PointArray(int, int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PointArray
Constructs an empty PointArray object using the specified parameters.
PointArray(int, int, int, int[], int, int[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PointArray
Constructs an empty PointArray object using the specified parameters.
PointAttributes - Class in javax.media.j3d
The PointAttributes object defines all attributes that apply to point primitives.
PointAttributes() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PointAttributes
Constructs a PointAttributes object with default parameters.
PointAttributes(float, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PointAttributes
Constructs a PointAttributes object with specified values.
PointLight - Class in javax.media.j3d
The PointLight object specifies an attenuated light source at a fixed point in space that radiates light equally in all directions away from the light source.
PointLight() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PointLight
Constructs a PointLight node with default parameters.
PointLight(Color3f, Point3f, Point3f) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PointLight
Constructs and initializes a point light.
PointLight(boolean, Color3f, Point3f, Point3f) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PointLight
Constructs and initializes a point light.
PointSound - Class in javax.media.j3d
The PointSound node (a sub-class of the Sound node) defines a spatially located sound source whose waves radiate uniformly in all directions from a given location in space.
PointSound() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PointSound
Constructs and initializes a new PointSound node using default parameters.
PointSound(MediaContainer, float, Point3f) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PointSound
Constructs a PointSound node object using only the provided parameter values for sound data, sample gain, and position.
PointSound(MediaContainer, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PointSound
Constructs a PointSound node object using only the provided parameter values for sound data, sample gain, and position.
PointSound(MediaContainer, float, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, Bounds, float, Point3f, Point2f[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PointSound
Construct a PointSound object accepting Point3f as input for the position and accepting an array of Point2f for the distance attenuation values where each pair in the array contains a distance and a gain scale factor.
PointSound(MediaContainer, float, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, Bounds, float, float, float, float, Point2f[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PointSound
Construct a PointSound object accepting individual float parameters for the elements of the position point, and accepting an array of Point2f for the distance attenuation values where each pair in the array contains a distance and a gain scale factor.
PointSound(MediaContainer, float, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, Bounds, float, Point3f, float[], float[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PointSound
Construct a PointSound object accepting points as input for the position.
PointSound(MediaContainer, float, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, Bounds, float, float, float, float, float[], float[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PointSound
Construct a PointSound object accepting individual float parameters for the elements of the position points, and accepting separate arrays for the distance and gain scale factors components of distance attenuation.
pollAndProcessInput() - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.InputDevice
This method causes the device's sensor readings to be updated by the device driver.
POLYGON_FILL - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.PolygonAttributes
Render polygonal primitives by filling the interior of the polygon.
POLYGON_LINE - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.PolygonAttributes
Render polygonal primitives as lines drawn between consecutive vertices of the polygon.
POLYGON_POINT - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.PolygonAttributes
Render polygonal primitives as points drawn at the vertices of the polygon.
PolygonAttributes - Class in javax.media.j3d
The PolygonAttributes object defines attributes for rendering polygon primitives.
PolygonAttributes() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PolygonAttributes
Constructs a PolygonAttributes object with default parameters.
PolygonAttributes(int, int, float) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PolygonAttributes
Constructs a PolygonAttributes object with specified values.
PolygonAttributes(int, int, float, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PolygonAttributes
Constructs PolygonAttributes object with specified values.
PolygonAttributes(int, int, float, boolean, float) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PolygonAttributes
Constructs PolygonAttributes object with specified values.
PositionInterpolator - Class in javax.media.j3d
Position interpolator behavior.
PositionInterpolator(Alpha, TransformGroup) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PositionInterpolator
Constructs a trivial position interpolator with a specified target, an axisOfTranslation set to Identity, a startPosition of 0.0f, and an endPosition of 1.0f.
PositionInterpolator(Alpha, TransformGroup, Transform3D, float, float) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PositionInterpolator
Constructs a new position interpolator that varies the target TransformGroup's translational component (startPosition and endPosition).
PositionPathInterpolator - Class in javax.media.j3d
PositionPathInterpolator behavior.
PositionPathInterpolator(Alpha, TransformGroup, Transform3D, float[], Point3f[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.PositionPathInterpolator
Constructs a new PositionPathInterpolator that varies the transform of the target TransformGroup.
POSITIVE_X - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.TextureCubeMap
Specifies the face of the cube that is pierced by the positive x axis
POSITIVE_Y - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.TextureCubeMap
Specifies the face of the cube that is pierced by the positive y axis
POSITIVE_Z - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.TextureCubeMap
Specifies the face of the cube that is pierced by the positive z axis
postId(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Behavior
Posts the specified postId to the Behavior Scheduler.
postRender() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D
This routine is called by the Java 3D rendering loop after completing all rendering to the canvas for this frame and before the buffer swap.
postSwap() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D
This routine is called by the Java 3D rendering loop after completing all rendering to the canvas, and all other canvases associated with this view, for this frame following the buffer swap.
PREDICT_NEXT_FRAME_TIME - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Sensor
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.4, prediction is not a supported feature.
PREDICT_NONE - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Sensor
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.4, prediction is not a supported feature.
prepareSound(int, MediaContainer) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Accepts a reference to the MediaContainer which contains a reference to sound data and information about the type of data it is.
preRender() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D
This routine is called by the Java 3D rendering loop after clearing the canvas and before any rendering has been done for this frame.
printVerbose() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingError
Prints a verbose error report to System.err.
printVerbose(PrintStream) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingError
Prints a verbose error report to the specified PrintStream.
printVerbose() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Prints a verbose error report to System.err.
printVerbose(PrintStream) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Prints a verbose error report to the specified PrintStream.
processStimulus(Enumeration) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Behavior
Process a stimulus meant for this behavior.
processStimulus(Enumeration) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Billboard
Process stimulus method that computes appropriate transform.
processStimulus(Enumeration) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ColorInterpolator
This method is invoked by the behavior scheduler every frame.
processStimulus(Enumeration) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.DistanceLOD
Process stimulus method that computes appropriate level of detail.
processStimulus(Enumeration) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SwitchValueInterpolator
This method is invoked by the behavior scheduler every frame.
processStimulus(Enumeration) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TransformInterpolator
This method is invoked by the behavior scheduler every frame.
processStimulus(Enumeration) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyInterpolator
This method is invoked by the behavior scheduler every frame.
processStreamInput() - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.InputDevice
This method will not be called by the Java 3D implementation and should be implemented as an empty method.
put(ShaderAttribute) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderAttributeSet
Adds the specified shader attribute to the attributes set.