Background - Class in javax.media.j3d
The Background leaf node defines a solid background color and a background image that are used to fill the window at the beginning of each new frame.
Background() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Background
Constructs a Background node with default parameters.
Background(Color3f) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Background
Constructs a Background node with the specified color.
Background(float, float, float) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Background
Constructs a Background node with the specified color.
Background(ImageComponent2D) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Background
Constructs a Background node with the specified image.
Background(BranchGroup) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Background
Constructs a Background node with the specified geometry.
BACKGROUND_SOUND - Static variable in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Specifies the sound type as background sound.
BackgroundSound - Class in javax.media.j3d
A BackgroundSound node defines an unattenuated, nonspatialized sound source that has no position or direction.
BackgroundSound() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.BackgroundSound
Constructs a new BackgroundSound node using the default parameters for Sound nodes.
BackgroundSound(MediaContainer, float) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.BackgroundSound
Constructs a BackgroundSound node object using only the provided parameter values for sound data and sample gain.
BackgroundSound(MediaContainer, float, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, Bounds, float) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.BackgroundSound
Constructs a BackgroundSound object accepting all the parameters associated with a Sound node.
BadTransformException - Exception in javax.media.j3d
Indicates an attempt to use a Tranform3D object that is inappropriate for the object in which it is being used.
BadTransformException() - Constructor for exception javax.media.j3d.BadTransformException
Create the exception object with default values.
BadTransformException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.media.j3d.BadTransformException
Create the exception object that outputs message.
BASE_LEVEL - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Indicates that Texture object only has one level.
BASE_LEVEL_LINEAR - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Performs bilinear interpolation on the four nearest texels in level 0 texture map.
BASE_LEVEL_POINT - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Select the nearest texel in level 0 texture map.
Behavior - Class in javax.media.j3d
The Behavior leaf node provides a framework for adding user-defined actions into the scene graph.
Behavior() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Behavior
Constructs a Behavior node with default parameters.
Billboard - Class in javax.media.j3d
The Billboard behavior node operates on the TransformGroup node to cause the local +z axis of the TransformGroup to point at the viewer's eye position.
Billboard() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Billboard
Constructs a Billboard node with default parameters.
Billboard(TransformGroup) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Billboard
Constructs a Billboard node with default parameters that operates on the specified TransformGroup node.
Billboard(TransformGroup, int, Vector3f) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Billboard
Constructs a Billboard node with the specified axis and mode that operates on the specified TransformGroup node.
Billboard(TransformGroup, int, Point3f) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Billboard
Constructs a Billboard node with the specified rotation point and mode that operates on the specified TransformGroup node.
BLEND - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.TextureAttributes
Blend the texture blend color with the object color.
BLEND_DST_COLOR - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyAttributes
Blend function: f = colordst.
BLEND_ONE - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyAttributes
Blend function: f = 1.
BLEND_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyAttributes
Blend function: f = 1-colordst.
BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyAttributes
Blend function: f = 1-alphasrc.
BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyAttributes
Blend function: f = 1-colorsrc.
BLEND_SRC_ALPHA - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyAttributes
Blend function: f = alphasrc.
BLEND_SRC_COLOR - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyAttributes
Blend function: f = colorsrc.
BLEND_ZERO - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyAttributes
Blend function: f = 0.
BLENDED - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyAttributes
Use alpha blended transparency.
BLOCKING - Static variable in interface javax.media.j3d.InputDevice
Signifies that the driver for a device is a blocking driver and that it should be scheduled for regular reads by Java 3D.
BoundingBox - Class in javax.media.j3d
This class defines an axis aligned bounding box which is used for bounding regions.
BoundingBox(Point3d, Point3d) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.BoundingBox
Constructs and initializes a BoundingBox given min,max in x,y,z.
BoundingBox() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.BoundingBox
Constructs and initializes a 2X bounding box about the origin.
BoundingBox(Bounds) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.BoundingBox
Constructs a BoundingBox from a bounding object.
BoundingBox(Bounds[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.BoundingBox
Constructs a BoundingBox from an array of bounding objects.
BoundingLeaf - Class in javax.media.j3d
The BoundingLeaf node defines a bounding region object that can be referenced by other nodes to define a region of influence (Fog and Light nodes), an application region (Background, Clip, and Soundscape nodes), or a scheduling region (Sound and Behavior nodes).
BoundingLeaf() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.BoundingLeaf
Constructs a BoundingLeaf node with a null (empty) bounding region.
BoundingLeaf(Bounds) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.BoundingLeaf
Constructs a BoundingLeaf node with the specified bounding region.
BoundingPolytope - Class in javax.media.j3d
A BoundingPolytope defines a polyhedral bounding region using the intersection of four or more half spaces.
BoundingPolytope(Vector4d[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.BoundingPolytope
Constructs a BoundingPolytope using the specified planes.
BoundingPolytope() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.BoundingPolytope
Constructs a BoundingPolytope and initializes it to a set of 6 planes that defines a cube such that -1 <= x,y,z <= 1.
BoundingPolytope(Bounds) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.BoundingPolytope
Constructs a BoundingPolytope from the specified bounds object.
BoundingPolytope(Bounds[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.BoundingPolytope
Constructs a BoundingPolytope from the specified array of bounds objects.
BoundingSphere - Class in javax.media.j3d
This class defines a spherical bounding region which is defined by a center point and a radius.
BoundingSphere(Point3d, double) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.BoundingSphere
Constructs and initializes a BoundingSphere from a center and radius.
BoundingSphere() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.BoundingSphere
Constructs and initializes a BoundingSphere with radius = 1 at 0 0 0.
BoundingSphere(Bounds) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.BoundingSphere
Constructs and initializes a BoundingSphere from a bounding object.
BoundingSphere(Bounds[]) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.BoundingSphere
Constructs and initializes a BoundingSphere from an array of bounding objects.
Bounds - Class in javax.media.j3d
The abstract base class for bounds objects.
Bounds() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Bounds
Constructs a new Bounds object.
BranchGroup - Class in javax.media.j3d
The BranchGroup serves as a pointer to the root of a scene graph branch; BranchGroup objects are the only objects that can be inserted into a Locale's set of objects.
BranchGroup() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.BranchGroup
Constructs and initializes a new BranchGroup node object.
branchGroupAdded(Object, BranchGroup) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.GraphStructureChangeListener
Invoked when a branch group is added.
branchGroupMoved(Object, Object, BranchGroup) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.GraphStructureChangeListener
Invoked when a branch group is moved.
branchGroupRemoved(Object, BranchGroup) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.GraphStructureChangeListener
Invoked when a branch group is removed.
bufferDataPresent - Variable in class javax.media.j3d.CompressedGeometryHeader
Deprecated. Contains bits indicating what data is bundled with the vertices in the compressed geometry buffer.
BUFFERED_AUDIO_DATA - Static variable in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Sound data specified as Buffered is copied by the AudioDevice driver implementation.
bufferType - Variable in class javax.media.j3d.CompressedGeometryHeader
Deprecated. Describes the type of data in the compressed geometry buffer.
BY_REFERENCE - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Specifies that the position, color, normal, and texture coordinate data for this GeometryArray are accessed by reference.
BY_REFERENCE_INDICES - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Specifies that the indices in this GeometryArray are accessed by reference.