Combines this bounding box with a bounding object so that the
resulting bounding box encloses the original bounding box and the
specified bounds object.
Combines this bounding box with an array of bounding objects
so that the resulting bounding box encloses the original bounding
box and the array of bounding objects.
Combines this bounding polytope with a bounding object so that the
resulting bounding polytope encloses the original bounding polytope and the
given bounds object.
Combines this bounding polytope with an array of bounding objects so that the
resulting bounding polytope encloses the original bounding polytope and the
given array of bounds object.
Combines this bounding sphere with a bounding object so that the
resulting bounding sphere encloses the original bounding sphere and the
given bounds object.
Combines this bounding sphere with an array of bounding objects so that the
resulting bounding sphere encloses the original bounding sphere and the
given array of bounds object.
Combines this bounding object with a bounding object so that the
resulting bounding object encloses the original bounding object and the
given bounds object.
Combines this bounding object with an array of bounding objects so that the
resulting bounding object encloses the original bounding object and the
given array of bounds object.
Constructs a ConeSound node object using all the provided PointSound
parameter values, which include a single spherical distance attenuation
array, but includes an angular attenuation array.
Constructs a ConeSound node object using all the provided PointSound
parameter values, which include a single spherical distance attenuation
array, but includes an angular attenuation array.
Constructs and initializes a new Cone Sound node explicitly setting all
PointSound and ConeSound fields as arguments: the PointSound position,
front and back distance attenuation Point2f array, and ConeSound
direction vector and Point3f angular attenuation.
Constructs and initializes a new Cone Sound node explicitly setting all
PointSound and ConeSound fields as arguments but all the vector and point
arguments are broken into individual float array components.
This is an angle and length preserving matrix, meaning that it
can translate, rotate, and reflect
about an axis, and scale by an amount that is uniform in all directions.