scale(int, HiResCoord) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.HiResCoord
Scales the specified HiResCoords by the specified value and places the results into this HiResCoord.
scale(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.HiResCoord
Scales this HiResCoord by the specified value.
SCALE - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
A Uniform scale matrix with no translation or other off-diagonal components.
SCALE_EXPLICIT - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.View
Specifies that the screen scale for this view is taken directly from the user-provided screenScale parameter.
SCALE_FIT_ALL - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Background
Indicates that the background image is scaled to fit the window.
SCALE_FIT_MAX - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Background
Indicates that the background image is uniformly scaled to fit the window such that the entire window is filled.
SCALE_FIT_MIN - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Background
Indicates that the background image is uniformly scaled to fit the window such that the entire image is visible.
SCALE_NONE - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Background
Indicates that no scaling of the background image is done.
SCALE_NONE_CENTER - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Background
Indicates that the background image is centered in the window and that no scaling of the image is done.
SCALE_REPEAT - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Background
Indicates that the background image is tiled to fill the entire window.
SCALE_SCREEN_SIZE - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.View
Specifies that the screen scale for this view is derived from the physical screen size.
scaleAdd(double, Transform3D, Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Scales transform t1 by a Uniform scale matrix with scale factor s and then adds transform t2 (this = S*t1 + t2).
scaleAdd(double, Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Scales this transform by a Uniform scale matrix with scale factor s and then adds transform t1 (this = S*this + t1).
ScaleInterpolator - Class in javax.media.j3d
Scale interpolation behavior.
ScaleInterpolator(Alpha, TransformGroup) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.ScaleInterpolator
Constructs a trivial scale interpolator that varies its target TransformGroup node between the two specified alpha values using the specified alpha, an identity matrix, a minimum scale = 0.1f, and a maximum scale = 1.0f.
ScaleInterpolator(Alpha, TransformGroup, Transform3D, float, float) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.ScaleInterpolator
Constructs a new scaleInterpolator object that varies its target TransformGroup node's scale component between two scale values (minimumScale and maximumScale).
SceneGraphCycleException - Exception in javax.media.j3d
Indicates a graph that contains a cycle.
SceneGraphCycleException() - Constructor for exception javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphCycleException
Create the exception object with default values.
SceneGraphCycleException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphCycleException
Create the exception object that outputs message.
SceneGraphObject - Class in javax.media.j3d
SceneGraphObject is the common superclass for all scene graph objects.
SceneGraphObject() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphObject
Constructs a SceneGraphObject with default parameters.
SCENEGRAPHPATH - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.PickInfo
Specifies that this PickInfo returns the computed SceneGraphPath object.
SceneGraphPath - Class in javax.media.j3d
A SceneGraphPath object represents the path from a Locale to a terminal node in the scene graph.
SceneGraphPath() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphPath
Constructs a SceneGraphPath object with default parameters.
SceneGraphPath(Locale, Node) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphPath
Constructs a new SceneGraphPath object.
SceneGraphPath(Locale, Node[], Node) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphPath
Constructs a new SceneGraphPath object.
Screen3D - Class in javax.media.j3d
The Screen3D Object contains all information about a particular screen.
SCREEN_DOOR - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyAttributes
Use screen-door transparency.
SCREEN_VIEW - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.View
Specifies that the viewing environment for this view is a standard screen-based display environment.
Sensor - Class in javax.media.j3d
The Sensor Class encapsulates an object that provides real-time data.
Sensor(InputDevice) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Sensor
Constructs a Sensor object for the specified input device using default parameters.
Sensor(InputDevice, int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Sensor
Constructs a Sensor object for the specified input device using the specified number of SensorRead objects.
Sensor(InputDevice, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Sensor
Constructs a Sensor object for the specified input device using the specified number of SensorRead objects and number of buttons.
Sensor(InputDevice, Point3d) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Sensor
Constructs a Sensor object for the specified input device using the specified hotspot.
Sensor(InputDevice, int, Point3d) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Sensor
Constructs a Sensor object for the specified input device using the specified number of SensorRead objects and hotspot.
Sensor(InputDevice, int, int, Point3d) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Sensor
Constructs a Sensor object for the specified input device using the specified number of SensorRead objects, number of buttons, and hotspot.
SensorRead - Class in javax.media.j3d
A SensorRead encapsulates all the information associated with a single reading of a sensor, including a timestamp, a transform, and, optionally, button values.
SensorRead() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.SensorRead
Constructs a SensorRead object with default parameters.
SensorRead(int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.SensorRead
Constructs a SensorRead object with the specified number of buttons.
set(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingBox
Sets the the value of this BoundingBox
set(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingPolytope
Sets the planes for this BoundingPolytope by keeping its current number and position of planes and computing new planes positions to enclose the given bounds object.
set(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingSphere
Sets the value of this BoundingSphere.
set(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Bounds
Sets the value of this Bounds object.
set(BufferedImage) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ImageComponent2D
Sets this image component to the specified BufferedImage object.
set(RenderedImage) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ImageComponent2D
Sets this image component to the specified RenderedImage object.
set(NioImageBuffer) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ImageComponent2D
Sets this image component to the specified NioImageBuffer object.
set(BufferedImage[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ImageComponent3D
Sets the array of images in this image component to the specified array of BufferedImage objects.
set(RenderedImage[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ImageComponent3D
Sets the array of images in this image component to the specified array of RenderedImage objects.
set(NioImageBuffer[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ImageComponent3D
Sets the array of images in this image component to the specified array of NioImageBuffer objects.
set(int, BufferedImage) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ImageComponent3D
Sets this image component at the specified index to the specified BufferedImage object.
set(int, RenderedImage) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ImageComponent3D
Sets this image component at the specified index to the specified RenderedImage object.
set(int, NioImageBuffer) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ImageComponent3D
Sets this image component at the specified index to the specified NioImageBuffer object.
set(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PickBounds
Sets the bounds object of this PickBounds to the specified object.
set(Point3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PickConeRay
Sets the parameters of this PickCone to the specified values.
set(Point3d, Point3d, double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PickConeSegment
Sets the parameters of this PickCone to the specified values.
set(Point3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PickCylinderRay
Sets the parameters of this PickCylinderRay to the specified values.
set(Point3d, Point3d, double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PickCylinderSegment
Sets the parameters of this PickCylinderSegment to the specified values.
set(Point3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PickPoint
Deprecated. Sets the position of this PickPoint to the specified value.
set(Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PickRay
Sets the parameters of this PickRay to the specified values.
set(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PickSegment
Sets the parameters of this PickSegment to the specified values.
set(SceneGraphPath) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphPath
Sets this path's values to that of the specified path.
set(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SensorRead
Set the SensorRead's transform to the value specified
set(Texture, TextureAttributes, TexCoordGeneration) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureUnitState
Sets the texture, texture attributes, and texture coordinate generation components in this TextureUnitState object to the specified component objects.
set(Quat4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the value of this transform to the matrix conversion of the single precision quaternion argument; the non-rotational components are set as if this were an identity matrix.
set(Quat4d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the value of this transform to the matrix conversion of the double precision quaternion argument; the non-rotational components are set as if this were an identity matrix.
set(AxisAngle4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the value of this transform to the matrix conversion of the single precision axis-angle argument; all of the matrix values are modified.
set(AxisAngle4d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the value of this transform to the matrix conversion of the double precision axis-angle argument; all of the matrix values are modified.
set(Vector3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the translational value of this matrix to the Vector3f parameter values, and sets the other components of the matrix as if this transform were an identity matrix.
set(Vector3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the translational value of this matrix to the Vector3d paramter values, and sets the other components of the matrix as if this transform were an identity matrix.
set(Quat4d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the quaternion q1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
set(Quat4f, Vector3d, double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the quaternion q1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
set(Quat4f, Vector3f, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the quaternion q1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
set(Matrix3f, Vector3f, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the rotation matrix m1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
set(Matrix3f, Vector3d, double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the rotation matrix m1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
set(Matrix3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the value of this matrix from the rotation expressed by the rotation matrix m1, the translation t1, and the scale s.
set(GMatrix) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the matrix values of this transform to the matrix values in the upper 4x4 corner of the GMatrix parameter.
set(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the matrix, type, and state of this transform to the matrix, type, and state of transform t1.
set(double[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the matrix values of this transform to the matrix values in the double precision array parameter.
set(float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the matrix values of this transform to the matrix values in the single precision array parameter.
set(Matrix4d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the matrix values of this transform to the matrix values in the double precision Matrix4d argument.
set(Matrix4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the matrix values of this transform to the matrix values in the single precision Matrix4f argument.
set(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this transform to the matrix values in the single precision Matrix3f argument; the other elements of this transform are initialized as if this were an identity matrix (i.e., affine matrix with no translational component).
set(Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this transform to the matrix values in the double precision Matrix3d argument; the other elements of this transform are initialized as if this were an identity matrix (ie, affine matrix with no translational component).
set(double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the value of this transform to a uniform scale; all of the matrix values are modified.
set(double, Vector3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the value of this transform to a scale and translation matrix; the scale is not applied to the translation and all of the matrix values are modified.
set(float, Vector3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the value of this transform to a scale and translation matrix; the scale is not applied to the translation and all of the matrix values are modified.
set(Vector3d, double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the value of this transform to a scale and translation matrix; the translation is scaled by the scale factor and all of the matrix values are modified.
set(Vector3f, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the value of this transform to a scale and translation matrix; the translation is scaled by the scale factor and all of the matrix values are modified.
setActivationRadius(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ViewPlatform
Set the ViewPlatform's activation radius which defines an activation volume around the view platform.
setAlignment(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Text3D
Sets the text alignment policy for this Text3D NodeComponent object.
setAlignmentAxis(Vector3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Billboard
Sets the alignment axis.
setAlignmentAxis(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Billboard
Sets the alignment axis.
setAlignmentAxis(Vector3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.OrientedShape3D
Sets the new alignment axis.
setAlignmentAxis(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.OrientedShape3D
Sets the new alignment axis.
setAlignmentMode(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Billboard
Sets the alignment mode.
setAlignmentMode(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.OrientedShape3D
Sets the alignment mode.
setAlpha(Alpha) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Interpolator
Set this interpolator's alpha to the specified alpha object.
setAlphaAtOneDuration(long) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Alpha
Set this alpha object's alphaAtOneDuration to the specified value.
setAlphaAtZeroDuration(long) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Alpha
Set this alpha object's alphaAtZeroDuration to the specified value.
setAlphaTestFunction(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Set alpha test function.
setAlphaTestValue(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Set alpha test value used by alpha test function.
setAlternateCollisionTarget(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Group
Causes this Group node to be reported as the collision target when collision is being used and this node or any of its children is in a collision.
setAmbientColor(Color3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Material
Sets this material's ambient color.
setAmbientColor(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Material
Sets this material's ambient color.
setAngleOffsetToSpeaker(float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice
Set Angle Offset (in radians) To Speaker.
setAngularAttenuation(int, int, double[], float[], float[]) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Sets this sound's angular gain attenuation (including filter) by defining corresponding arrays containing angular offsets from the sound's axis, gain scale factors, and frequency cutoff applied to all active directional sounds.
setAngularAttenuation(Point2f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ConeSound
Sets this sound's angular gain attenuation (not including filter).
setAngularAttenuation(Point3f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ConeSound
In the second form of setAngularAttenuation, an array of all three values is supplied.
setAngularAttenuation(float[], float[], float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ConeSound
Sets angular attenuation including gain and filter using separate arrays.
setAnisotropicFilterDegree(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Specifies the degree of anisotropy to be used when the anisotropic filter mode specifies ANISOTROPIC_SINGLE_VALUE.
setAnisotropicFilterMode(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Specifies the anisotropic filter mode for this texture object.
setAppearance(Appearance) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AlternateAppearance
Sets the appearance of this AlternateAppearance node.
setAppearance(Appearance) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsContext3D
Sets the current Appearance object to the specified Appearance component object.
setAppearance(Appearance) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Morph
Deprecated. Sets the appearance component of this Morph node.
setAppearance(Appearance) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Shape3D
Sets the appearance component of this Shape3D node.
setAppearanceOverrideEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Morph
Deprecated. Sets a flag that indicates whether this node's appearance can be overridden.
setAppearanceOverrideEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Shape3D
Sets a flag that indicates whether this node's appearance can be overridden.
setApplicationBoundingLeaf(BoundingLeaf) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Background
Set the Background's application region to the specified bounding leaf.
setApplicationBoundingLeaf(BoundingLeaf) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Clip
Set the Clip's application region to the specified bounding leaf.
setApplicationBoundingLeaf(BoundingLeaf) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Soundscape
Set the Soundscape's application region to the specified bounding leaf.
setApplicationBounds(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Background
Set the Background's application region to the specified bounds.
setApplicationBounds(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Clip
Set the Clip's application region to the specified bounds.
setApplicationBounds(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Soundscape
Set the Soundscape's application region to the specified bounds specified in local coordinates of this leaf node.
setAttenuation(Point3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PointLight
Sets this Light's current attenuation values and places it in the parameter specified.
setAttenuation(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PointLight
Sets this Light's current attenuation values and places it in the parameter specified.
setAttributeGain(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AuralAttributes
Set Attribute Gain (amplitude) scale factor.
setAudioDevice(AudioDevice) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalEnvironment
Sets the specified AudioDevice object as the device through which audio rendering for this PhysicalEnvironment will be performed.
setAudioPlaybackType(int) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice
Set Type of Audio Playback physical transducer(s) sound is output to.
setAuralAttributes(AuralAttributes) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsContext3D
Sets the current AuralAttributes object to the specified AuralAttributes component object.
setAuralAttributes(AuralAttributes) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Soundscape
Set a set of aural attributes for this Soundscape
setAutoNormalize(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets a flag that enables or disables automatic SVD normalization.
setAxisOfRotation(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RotationInterpolator
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.setTransformAxis(Transform3D)
setAxisOfRotation(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RotationPathInterpolator
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.seTransformAxis(Transform3D)
setAxisOfRotPos(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RotPosPathInterpolator
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.setTransformAxis(Transform3D)
setAxisOfRotPosScale(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RotPosScalePathInterpolator
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.setTransformAxis(Transform3D)
setAxisOfScale(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ScaleInterpolator
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.setTransformAxis(Transform3D)
setAxisOfTranslation(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PositionInterpolator
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.setTransformAxis(Transform3D)
setAxisOfTranslation(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PositionPathInterpolator
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by TransformInterpolator.setTransformAxis(Transform3D)
setBackClipDistance(double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the view model's back clip distance.
setBackClipPolicy(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the view model's back clip policy, the policy Java 3D uses in computing where to place the back clip plane.
setBackDistance(double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Clip
Sets the back clip distance to the specified value.
setBackDistance(double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.LinearFog
Sets back distance for fog.
setBackDistanceGain(Point2f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ConeSound
Sets this sound's back distance gain attenuation - where gain scale factor is applied to sound based on distance listener along the negative sound direction axis from sound source.
setBackDistanceGain(float[], float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ConeSound
Sets this sound's back distance gain attenuation as separate arrays.
setBackFaceNormalFlip(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PolygonAttributes
Sets the back face normal flip flag to the specified value.
setBackground(Background) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsContext3D
Sets the current Background to the specified Background leaf node object.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.J3DGraphics2D
This method is not supported.
setBaseLevel(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Specifies the base level for this texture object.
setBlueSize(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsConfigTemplate3D
Sets the number of blue bits required.
setBoundaryColor(Color4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Sets the texture boundary color for this texture object.
setBoundaryColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Sets the texture boundary color for this texture object.
setBoundaryModeR(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture3D
Sets the boundary mode for the R coordinate in this texture object.
setBoundaryModeS(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Sets the boundary mode for the S coordinate in this texture object.
setBoundaryModeT(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Sets the boundary mode for the T coordinate in this texture object.
setBounds(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Node
Sets the geometric bounds of a node.
setBoundsAutoCompute(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Node
Turns the automatic calcuation of geometric bounds of a node on/off.
setBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.J3DBuffer
Sets the NIO buffer object in this J3DBuffer to the specified object.
setBufferOverride(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsContext3D
Sets a flag that specifies whether the double buffering and stereo mode from the Canvas3D are overridden.
setButtons(int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SensorRead
Sets the values of all buttons for this SensorRead object.
setCacheEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.MediaContainer
Set Cache Enable state flag.
setCanvas3D(Canvas3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingError
Sets the canvas associated with this rendering error.
setCanvas3D(Canvas3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Sets the canvas associated with this shader error.
setCanvas3D(Canvas3D, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets given Canvas3D at the given index position.
setCapability(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphObject
Sets the specified capability bit.
setCapabilityIsFrequent(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphObject
Sets the isFrequent bit associated with the specified capability bit.
setCenter(Point3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingSphere
Sets the position of this bounding sphere from a point.
setCenterEarToSpeaker(float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice
Set Distance from interaural mid-point between Ears to a Speaker.
setCharacterSpacing(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Text3D
Sets the character spacing used when constructing the Text3D string.
setChild(Node, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Group
Replaces the child node at the specified index in this group node's list of children with the specified child.
setChildIndexOrder(int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.OrderedGroup
Sets the childIndexOrder array.
setChildMask(BitSet) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Switch
Sets the child selection mask.
setClipMode(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Raster
Sets the clipping mode of this raster object.
setCoexistenceCenteringEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the coexistenceCentering enable flag to true or false.
setCoexistenceCenterInPworldPolicy(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalEnvironment
Sets the coexistence center in physical world policy.
setCoexistenceToTrackerBase(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalEnvironment
Sets the coexistence coordinate system to tracker-base coordinate system transform.
setCollidable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Node
Sets the collidable value; determines whether this node and any of its children, if a group node, can be considered for collision purposes.
setCollisionBounds(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Group
Sets the collision bounds of a node.
setCollisionBounds(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Morph
Deprecated. Sets the collision bounds of a node.
setCollisionBounds(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Shape3D
Sets the collision bounds of a node.
setColor(Color3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Background
Sets the background color to the specified color.
setColor(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Background
Sets the background color to the specified color.
setColor(Color3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ColoringAttributes
Sets the intrinsic color of this ColoringAttributes component object.
setColor(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ColoringAttributes
Sets the intrinsic color of this ColoringAttributes component object.
setColor(Color3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Fog
Sets the fog color to the specified color.
setColor(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Fog
Sets the fog color to the specified color.
setColor(int, float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the color associated with the vertex at the specified index for this object.
setColor(int, byte[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the color associated with the vertex at the specified index for this object.
setColor(int, Color3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the color associated with the vertex at the specified index for this object.
setColor(int, Color4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the color associated with the vertex at the specified index for this object.
setColor(int, Color3b) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the color associated with the vertex at the specified index for this object.
setColor(int, Color4b) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the color associated with the vertex at the specified index for this object.
setColor(Color3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Light
Sets the Light's current color.
setColorIndex(int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
Sets the color index associated with the vertex at the specified index for this object.
setColorIndices(int, int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
Sets the color indices associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
setColoringAttributes(ColoringAttributes) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Appearance
Sets the coloringAttributes object to the specified object.
setColorRef3b(Color3b[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, use geometry by-copy for Color3b arrays
setColorRef3f(Color3f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, use geometry by-copy for Color3f arrays
setColorRef4b(Color4b[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, use geometry by-copy for Color4b arrays
setColorRef4f(Color4f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, use geometry by-copy for Color4f arrays
setColorRefBuffer(J3DBuffer) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the color buffer reference to the specified buffer object.
setColorRefByte(byte[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the byte color array reference to the specified array.
setColorRefFloat(float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the float color array reference to the specified array.
setColors(int, float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the colors associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
setColors(int, byte[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the colors associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
setColors(int, Color3f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the colors associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
setColors(int, Color4f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the colors associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
setColors(int, Color3b[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the colors associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
setColors(int, Color4b[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the colors associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
setColors(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the colors associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object using data in colors starting at index start for length colors.
setColors(int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the colors associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object using data in colors starting at index start for length colors.
setColors(int, Color3f[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the colors associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object using data in colors starting at index start for length colors.
setColors(int, Color4f[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the colors associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object using data in colors starting at index start for length colors.
setColors(int, Color3b[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the colors associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object using data in colors starting at index start for length colors.
setColors(int, Color4b[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the colors associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object using data in colors starting at index start for length colors.
setColorTarget(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Material
Sets the color target for per-vertex colors.
setCombineAlphaFunction(int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureAttributes
Sets the function for the alpha component of the specified color operand for this object.
setCombineAlphaMode(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureAttributes
Sets the combine mode for the alpha component of the output color for this object.
setCombineAlphaScale(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureAttributes
Sets the scale factor for the alpha component of the output color for this object.
setCombineAlphaSource(int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureAttributes
Sets the source for the alpha component of the specified color operand for this object.
setCombineRgbFunction(int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureAttributes
Sets the function for the rgb components of the specified color operand for this object.
setCombineRgbMode(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureAttributes
Sets the combine mode for the rgb components of the output color for this object.
setCombineRgbScale(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureAttributes
Sets the scale factor for the rgb components of the output color for this object.
setCombineRgbSource(int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureAttributes
Sets the source for the rgb components of the specified color operand for this object.
setComparator(View, Comparator<TransparencySortGeom>) - Static method in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencySortMap
Set the comparator for the specified view.
setCompatibilityModeEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the compatibility mode enable flag to true or false.
setConcentration(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SpotLight
Sets spot light concentration.
setConstantScaleEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.OrientedShape3D
Sets the constant scale enable flag.
setContinuousEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sound
Enables or disables continuous play flag.
setCoordinate(int, float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the coordinate associated with the vertex at the specified index for this object.
setCoordinate(int, double[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the coordinate associated with the vertex at the specified index.
setCoordinate(int, Point3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the coordinate associated with the vertex at the specified index for this object.
setCoordinate(int, Point3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the coordinate associated with the vertex at the specified index for this object.
setCoordinateIndex(int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
Sets the coordinate index associated with the vertex at the specified index for this object.
setCoordinateIndices(int, int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
Sets the coordinate indices associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
setCoordinates(int, float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the coordinates associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
setCoordinates(int, double[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the coordinates associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
setCoordinates(int, Point3f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the coordinates associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
setCoordinates(int, Point3d[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the coordinates associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
setCoordinates(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the coordinates associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object using coordinate data starting from vertex index start for length vertices.
setCoordinates(int, double[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the coordinates associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object using coordinate data starting from vertex index start for length vertices.
setCoordinates(int, Point3f[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the coordinates associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object using coordinate data starting from vertex index start for length vertices.
setCoordinates(int, Point3d[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the coordinates associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object using coordinate data starting from vertex index start for length vertices.
setCoordIndicesRef(int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
Sets the coordinate indices array reference to the specified array.
setCoordRef3d(Point3d[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, use geometry by-copy for Point3d arrays
setCoordRef3f(Point3f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, use geometry by-copy for Point3f arrays
setCoordRefBuffer(J3DBuffer) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the coordinate buffer reference to the specified buffer object.
setCoordRefDouble(double[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the double coordinate array reference to the specified array.
setCoordRefFloat(float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the float coordinate array reference to the specified array.
setCullFace(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PolygonAttributes
Sets the face culling for this appearance component object.
setDataBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.NioImageBuffer
Sets the data buffer to the specified input data buffer.
setDecayFilter(float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3DL2
Set reverb decay filter.
setDecayFilter(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AuralAttributes
Set Decay Filter In this form, reverberation decay filtering is defined as a low-pass filter, starting at the given reference frequency.
setDecayTime(float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3DL2
Set reverb decay time.
setDecayTime(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AuralAttributes
Set Decay Time Length of time from the start of late reflections reverberation volume takes to decay to effective zero (-60 dB of initial signal amplitude).
setDecreasingAlphaDuration(long) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Alpha
Set this alpha's decreasingAlphaDuration to that specified in the argument.
setDecreasingAlphaRampDuration(long) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Alpha
Set this alpha's decreasingAlphaRampDuration to that specified in the argument.
setDensity(float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3DL2
Set reverb density.
setDensity(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AuralAttributes
Set Density.
setDensity(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ExponentialFog
Sets fog density.
setDepthBufferEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Enables or disables depth buffer mode for this RenderingAttributes component object.
setDepthBufferFreezeTransparent(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Enables or disables automatic freezing of the depth buffer for objects rendered during the transparent rendering pass (i.e., objects rendered using alpha blending) for this view.
setDepthBufferWriteEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Enables or disables writing the depth buffer for this object.
setDepthComponent(DepthComponent) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Raster
Sets the depth image used to copy pixels to/from a Canvas3D.
setDepthData(float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.DepthComponentFloat
Copies the specified depth data to this object.
setDepthData(int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.DepthComponentInt
Copies the specified depth data to this object.
setDepthSize(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsConfigTemplate3D
Sets the depth buffer size requirement.
setDepthTestFunction(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Set depth test function.
setDetailImage(ImageComponent2D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture2D
Deprecated. As of Java 3D 1.5 the optional detail texture feature is no longer supported.
setDetailMessage(String) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingError
Sets the detail message for this rendering error.
setDetailMessage(String) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Sets the detail message for this shader error.
setDetailTextureFunc(float[], float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture2D
Deprecated. As of Java 3D 1.5 the optional detail texture feature is no longer supported.
setDetailTextureFunc(Point2f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture2D
Deprecated. As of Java 3D 1.5 the optional detail texture feature is no longer supported.
setDetailTextureLevel(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture2D
Deprecated. As of Java 3D 1.5 the optional detail texture feature is no longer supported.
setDetailTextureMode(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture2D
Deprecated. As of Java 3D 1.5 the optional detail texture feature is no longer supported.
setDevice(InputDevice) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sensor
Set the sensor's associated input device.
setDiffuseColor(Color3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Material
Sets this material's diffuse color.
setDiffuseColor(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Material
Sets this material's diffuse color.
setDiffuseColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Material
Sets this material's diffuse color plus alpha.
setDiffusion(float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3DL2
Set reverb diffusion.
setDiffusion(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AuralAttributes
Set Diffusion.
setDirection(int, Vector3d) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Sets this sound's direction from the local coordinate vector provided.
setDirection(Vector3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ConeSound
Sets this sound's direction from the vector provided.
setDirection(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ConeSound
Sets this sound's direction from the three values provided.
setDirection(Vector3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.DirectionalLight
Set light direction.
setDirection(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.DirectionalLight
Set light direction.
setDirection(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SpotLight
Sets light direction.
setDirection(Vector3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SpotLight
Sets this Light's current direction and places it in the parameter specified.
setDistance(int, double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.DistanceLOD
Sets a particular LOD cut-off distance.
setDistanceFilter(int, double[], float[]) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Sets Distance Filter corresponding arrays containing distances and frequency cutoff applied to all active positional sounds.
setDistanceFilter(Point2f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AuralAttributes
Set Distance Filter using a single array containing distances and frequency cutoff as pairs of values as a single array of Point2f.
setDistanceFilter(float[], float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AuralAttributes
Set Distance Filter using separate arrays for distances and frequency cutoff.
setDistanceGain(int, double[], float[], double[], float[]) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Sets this sound's distance gain elliptical attenuation (not including filter cutoff frequency) by defining corresponding arrays containing distances from the sound's origin and gain scale factors applied to all active positional sounds.
setDistanceGain(Point2f[], Point2f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ConeSound
Sets this sound's distance gain elliptical attenuation - where gain scale factor is applied to sound based on distance listener is from sound source.
setDistanceGain(float[], float[], float[], float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ConeSound
Sets this sound's distance gain attenuation as an array of Point2fs.
setDistanceGain(Point2f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PointSound
Sets this sound's distance gain attenuation - where gain scale factor is applied to sound based on distance listener is from sound source.
setDistanceGain(float[], float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PointSound
Sets this sound's distance gain attenuation as an array of Point2fs.
setDominantHandIndex(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalEnvironment
Sets the index of the dominant hand to the specified sensor index.
setDoubleBuffer(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsConfigTemplate3D
Sets the double buffering requirement.
setDoubleBufferEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D
Turns double buffering on or off.
setDstBlendFunction(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyAttributes
Sets the destination blend function used in blended transparency and antialiasing operations.
setDstOffset(int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Raster
Sets the destination pixel offset of the upper-left corner of the rendered image relative to the transformed position.
setDstOffset(Point) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Raster
Sets the destination pixel offset of the upper-left corner of the rendered image relative to the transformed position.
setDuplicateOnCloneTree(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.NodeComponent
Sets this node's duplicateOnCloneTree value.
setEmissiveColor(Color3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Material
Sets this material's emissive color.
setEmissiveColor(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Material
Sets this material's emissive color.
setEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Behavior
Enables or disables this Behavior.
setEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Light
Turns the light on or off.
setEnable(int, boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ModelClip
Sets the specified enable flag of this ModelClip node.
setEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sound
Enable or disable sound.
setEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TexCoordGeneration
Enables or disables texture coordinate generation for this appearance component object.
setEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Enables or disables texture mapping for this appearance component object.
setEnables(boolean[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ModelClip
Sets the per-plane enable flags of this ModelClip node to the specified values.
setEndColor(Color3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ColorInterpolator
This method sets the endColor for this interpolator.
setEndPosition(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PositionInterpolator
This method sets the endPosition for this interpolator.
setErrorCode(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingError
Sets the error code for this rendering error.
setErrorCode(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Sets the error code for this shader error.
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingError
Sets the error message for this rendering error.
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Sets the error message for this shader error.
setEuler(Vector3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this transform to the rotation matrix converted from the Euler angles provided; the other non-rotational elements are set as if this were an identity matrix.
setExtrusionShape(Shape) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.FontExtrusion
Sets the FontExtrusion's shape parameter.
setFieldOfView(double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the field of view used to compute the projection transform.
setFilter4Func(float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
sets the filter4 function for this texture object.
setFirstChildIndex(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SwitchValueInterpolator
This method sets the firstChildIndex for this interpolator.
setFog(Fog) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsContext3D
Sets the current Fog to the specified Fog leaf node object.
setFont3D(Font3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Text3D
Sets the Font3D object used by this Text3D NodeComponent object.
setFormat(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TexCoordGeneration
Sets the TexCoordGeneration format to the specified value.
setFrequencyScaleFactor(float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Specifies a scale factor applied to the frequency (or wavelength).
setFrequencyScaleFactor(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AuralAttributes
This parameter specifies a scale factor applied to the frequency of sound during rendering playback.
setFrontBufferRendering(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsContext3D
Sets a flag that enables or disables immediate mode rendering into the front buffer of a double buffered Canvas3D.
setFrontClipDistance(double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the view model's front clip distance.
setFrontClipPolicy(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the view model's front clip policy, the policy Java 3D uses in computing where to place the front clip plane.
setFrontDistance(double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.LinearFog
Sets front distance for fog.
setGain(float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3DL2
Set overall gain control of all sounds playing on the audio device.
setGenMode(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TexCoordGeneration
Sets the TexCoordGeneration generation mode to the specified value.
setGeometry(BranchGroup) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Background
Sets the background geometry to the specified BranchGroup node.
setGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Sets the geometry associated with this shader error.
setGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Shape3D
Replaces the geometry component at index 0 in this Shape3D node's list of geometry components with the specified geometry component.
setGeometry(Geometry, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Shape3D
Replaces the geometry component at the specified index in this Shape3D node's list of geometry components with the specified geometry component.
setGeometryArrays(GeometryArray[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Morph
Deprecated. Sets the geometryArrays component of the Morph node.
setGraphicsDevice(GraphicsDevice) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingError
Sets the graphics device associated with this rendering error.
setGreenSize(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsConfigTemplate3D
Sets the number of green bits required.
setHeadIndex(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalEnvironment
Sets the index of the head to the specified sensor index.
setHeadToHeadTracker(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalBody
Sets the head to head-tracker coordinate system transform.
setHeadTrackerToLeftImagePlate(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Screen3D
Sets the head-tracker coordinate system to left image-plate coordinate system transform.
setHeadTrackerToRightImagePlate(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Screen3D
Sets the head-tracker coordinate system to right image-plate coordinate system transform.
setHiRes(int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsContext3D
Sets the HiRes coordinate of this context to the location specified by the parameters provided.
setHiRes(HiResCoord) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsContext3D
Sets the HiRes coordinate of this context to the location specified by the HiRes argument.
setHiRes(int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Locale
Sets the HiRes coordinate of this Locale to the location specified by the parameters provided.
setHiRes(HiResCoord) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Locale
Sets the HiRes coordinate of this Locale to the location specified by the HiRes argument.
setHiResCoord(int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.HiResCoord
Sets this HiResCoord to the location specified by the parameters provided.
setHiResCoord(HiResCoord) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.HiResCoord
Sets this HiResCoord to the location specified by the hires provided.
setHiResCoordX(int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.HiResCoord
Sets this HiResCoord's X value to that specified by the argument.
setHiResCoordY(int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.HiResCoord
Sets this HiResCoord's Y value to that specified by the argument.
setHiResCoordZ(int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.HiResCoord
Sets this HiResCoord's Z value to that specified by the argument.
setHotspot(Point3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sensor
Set the sensor's hotspot in this sensor's coordinate system.
setIdentity() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets this transform to the identity matrix.
setIgnoreVertexColors(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Sets a flag that indicates whether vertex colors are ignored for this RenderingAttributes object.
setImage(ImageComponent2D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Background
Sets the background image to the specified image.
setImage(ImageComponent2D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Raster
Sets the pixel array used to copy pixels to/from a Canvas3D.
setImage(int, ImageComponent) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Sets the image for a specified mipmap level.
setImage(int, int, ImageComponent2D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureCubeMap
Sets the image for a specified mipmap level of a specified face of the cube map
setImage(int, ImageComponent) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureCubeMap
This method is not supported for TextureCubeMap.
setImages(ImageComponent[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Sets the array of images for all mipmap levels.
setImages(int, ImageComponent2D[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureCubeMap
Sets the array of images for mipmap levels from base level through max level for a specified face of the cube map
setImages(ImageComponent[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureCubeMap
This method is not supported for TextureCubeMap.
setImageScaleMode(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Background
Sets the image scale mode for this Background node.
setIncreasingAlphaDuration(long) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Alpha
Set this alpha's increasingAlphaDuration to that specified in the argument.
setIncreasingAlphaRampDuration(long) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Alpha
Set this alpha's increasingAlphaRampDuration to that specified in the argument.
setInfluencingBoundingLeaf(BoundingLeaf) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AlternateAppearance
Sets the AlternateAppearance's influencing region to the specified bounding leaf.
setInfluencingBoundingLeaf(BoundingLeaf) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Fog
Sets the Fog's influencing region to the specified bounding leaf.
setInfluencingBoundingLeaf(BoundingLeaf) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Light
Sets the Light's influencing region to the specified bounding leaf.
setInfluencingBoundingLeaf(BoundingLeaf) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ModelClip
Set the ModelClip node's influencing region to the specified bounding leaf.
setInfluencingBounds(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AlternateAppearance
Sets the AlternateAppearance's influencing region to the specified bounds.
setInfluencingBounds(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Fog
Sets the Fog's influencing region to the specified bounds.
setInfluencingBounds(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Light
Sets the Light's influencing region to the specified bounds.
setInfluencingBounds(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ModelClip
Set the ModelClip node's influencing region to the specified bounds.
setInitialColorIndex(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the initial color index for this GeometryArray object.
setInitialColorIndex(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
This method is not supported for indexed geometry arrays.
setInitialCoordIndex(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the initial coordinate index for this GeometryArray object.
setInitialCoordIndex(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
This method is not supported for indexed geometry arrays.
setInitialGain(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sound
Set the overall gain scale factor applied to data associated with this source to increase or decrease its overall amplitude.
setInitialIndexIndex(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
Sets the initial index index for this IndexedGeometryArray object.
setInitialNormalIndex(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the initial normal index for this GeometryArray object.
setInitialNormalIndex(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
This method is not supported for indexed geometry arrays.
setInitialTexCoordIndex(int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the initial texture coordinate index for the specified texture coordinate set for this GeometryArray object.
setInitialTexCoordIndex(int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
This method is not supported for indexed geometry arrays.
setInitialVertexAttrIndex(int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the initial vertex attribute index for the specified vertex attribute number for this GeometryArray object.
setInitialVertexAttrIndex(int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
This method is not supported for indexed geometry arrays.
setInitialVertexIndex(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the initial vertex index for this GeometryArray object.
setInitialVertexIndex(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
This method is not supported for indexed geometry arrays.
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.MediaContainer
Set Input Stream.
setInterleavedVertexBuffer(J3DBuffer) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the interleaved vertex buffer reference to the specified buffer object.
setInterleavedVertices(float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the interleaved vertex array reference to the specified array.
setJ3DThreadPriority(int) - Static method in class javax.media.j3d.VirtualUniverse
Sets the priority of all Java 3D threads to the specified value.
setKnot(int, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PathInterpolator
Sets the knot at the specified index for this interpolator.
setLastChildIndex(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SwitchValueInterpolator
This method sets the lastChildIndex for this interpolator.
setLeftEarPosition(Point3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalBody
Sets the user head object's left ear position.
setLeftEyePosition(Point3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalBody
Sets the user head object's left eye position.
setLeftHandIndex(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalEnvironment
Sets the index of the left hand to the specified sensor index.
setLeftManualEyeInCoexistence(Point3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the position of the manual left eye in coexistence coordinates.
setLeftManualEyeInImagePlate(Point3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D
Sets the position of the manual left eye in image-plate coordinates.
setLeftProjection(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Compatibility mode method that specifies a viewing frustum for the left eye that transforms points in Eye Coordinates (EC) to Clipping Coordinates (CC).
setLight(Light, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsContext3D
Replaces the specified light with the light provided.
setLightingEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Material
Enables or disables lighting for this appearance component object.
setLineAntialiasingEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.LineAttributes
Enables or disables line antialiasing for this LineAttributes component object.
setLineAttributes(LineAttributes) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Appearance
Sets the lineAttributes object to the specified object.
setLinePattern(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.LineAttributes
Sets the line pattern for this LineAttributes component object.
setLineWidth(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.LineAttributes
Sets the line width for this LineAttributes component object.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphPath
Sets this path's Locale to the specified Locale.
setLocalEyeLightingEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets a flag that indicates whether the local eyepoint is used in lighting calculations for perspective projections.
setLodOffset(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Specifies the LOD offset for this texture object.
setLodOffset(Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Specifies the LOD offset for this texture object.
setLoop(int, int) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Sets a sound's loop count.
setLoop(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sound
Sets a sound's loop count.
setLoopCount(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Alpha
Set this alpha's loopCount to that specified in the argument.
setLower(double, double, double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingBox
Sets the lower corner of this bounding box.
setLower(Point3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingBox
Sets the lower corner of this bounding box.
setMagFilter(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Sets the magnification filter function.
setMagFilter(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture2D
Sets the magnification filter function.
setMaterial(Material) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Appearance
Sets the material object to the specified object.
setMaximumAngle(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RotationInterpolator
This method sets the maximumAngle for this interpolator, in radians.
setMaximumLevel(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Specifies the maximum level for this texture object.
setMaximumLOD(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Specifies the maximum level-of-detail for this texture object.
setMaximumScale(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ScaleInterpolator
This method sets the maximumScale for this interpolator.
setMaximumTransparency(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyInterpolator
This method sets the maximumTransparency for this interpolator.
setMinFilter(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Sets the minification filter function.
setMinimumAngle(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RotationInterpolator
This method sets the minimumAngle for this interpolator, in radians.
setMinimumFrameCycleTime(long) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the minimum frame cycle time, in milliseconds, for this view.
setMinimumLOD(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Specifies the minimum level-of-detail for this texture object.
setMinimumScale(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ScaleInterpolator
This method sets the minimumScale for this interpolator.
setMinimumTransparency(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyInterpolator
This method sets the minimumTransparency for this interpolator.
setMipMapMode(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
Sets mipmap mode for texture mapping for this texture object.
setMode(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Alpha
Set this alpha's mode to that specified in the argument.
setModelClip(ModelClip) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsContext3D
Sets the current ModelClip leaf node to the specified object.
setModelTransform(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsContext3D
Sets the current model transform to a copy of the specified transform.
setMonoscopicViewPolicy(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D
Specifies how Java 3D generates monoscopic view.
setMonoscopicViewPolicy(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by Canvas3D.setMonoscopicViewPolicy
setMute(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sound
Set mute state flag.
setName(String) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphObject
Sets the name of this object.
setNextSensorRead(long, Transform3D, int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sensor
Sets the next sensor read to the specified values; once these values are set via this method they become the current values returned by methods such as lastRead(), lastTime(), and lastButtons(); note that if there are no buttons associated with this sensor, values can just be an empty array.
setNextSensorRead(SensorRead) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sensor
Sets the next sensor read to the specified values; once these values are set via this method they become the current values returned by methods such as lastRead(), lastTime(), and lastButtons().
setNode(int, Node) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphPath
Replaces the node at the specified index with newNode.
setNodes(Node[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphPath
Sets this path's node objects to the specified node objects.
setNominalEyeHeightFromGround(double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalBody
Sets the nominal eye height from the ground plane.
setNominalEyeOffsetFromNominalScreen(double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalBody
Sets the nominal eye offset from the display screen.
setNominalPositionAndOrientation() - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.InputDevice
This method sets the device's current position and orientation as the devices nominal position and orientation (establish its reference frame relative to the "Tracker base" reference frame).
setNonDominantHandIndex(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalEnvironment
Sets the index of the non-dominant hand to the specified sensor index.
setNonUniformScale(double, double, double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Deprecated. Use setScale(Vector3d) instead of setNonUniformScale; note that the setScale only modifies the scale component
setNormal(int, float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the normal associated with the vertex at the specified index for this object.
setNormal(int, Vector3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the normal associated with the vertex at the specified index for this object.
setNormalIndex(int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
Sets the normal index associated with the vertex at the specified index for this object.
setNormalIndices(int, int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
Sets the normal indices associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
setNormalRef3f(Vector3f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, use geometry by-copy for Vector3f arrays
setNormalRefBuffer(J3DBuffer) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the normal buffer reference to the specified buffer object.
setNormalRefFloat(float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the float normal array reference to the specified array.
setNormals(int, float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the normals associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
setNormals(int, Vector3f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the normals associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
setNormals(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the normals associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object using data in normals starting at index start and ending at index start+length.
setNormals(int, Vector3f[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the normals associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object using data in normals starting at index start and ending at index start+length.
setObject(Node) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphPath
Sets this path's terminal node to the specified node object.
setObstructionFilter(int, float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3DL2
Set the obstruction filter control.
setObstructionGain(int, float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3DL2
Set the obstruction gain control.
setOcclusionFilter(int, float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3DL2
Set the occlusion filter control.
setOcclusionGain(int, float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3DL2
Set the occlusion gain control.
setOffScreenBuffer(ImageComponent2D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D
Sets the off-screen buffer for this Canvas3D.
setOffScreenLocation(int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D
Sets the location of this off-screen Canvas3D.
setOffScreenLocation(Point) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D
Sets the location of this off-screen Canvas3D.
setOffset(int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Raster
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by setSrcOffset(int,int)
setOffset(Point) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Raster
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, replaced by setSrcOffset(java.awt.Point)
setPath(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Text3D
Sets the node's path field.
setPathArrays(float[], Point3f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PositionPathInterpolator
Replaces the existing arrays of knot values and position values with the specified arrays.
setPathArrays(float[], Quat4f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RotationPathInterpolator
Replaces the existing arrays of knot values and quaternion values with the specified arrays.
setPathArrays(float[], Quat4f[], Point3f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RotPosPathInterpolator
Replaces the existing arrays of knot values, quaternion values, and position values with the specified arrays.
setPathArrays(float[], Quat4f[], Point3f[], float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RotPosScalePathInterpolator
Replaces the existing arrays of knot values, quaternion values, position values, and scale values with the specified arrays.
setPatternMask(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.LineAttributes
Sets the line pattern mask to the specified value.
setPatternScaleFactor(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.LineAttributes
Sets the line pattern scale factor to the specified value.
setPause(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sound
Pauses or resumes (paused) playing sound.
setPerspectiveCorrectionMode(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureAttributes
Sets perspective correction mode to be used for color and/or texture coordinate interpolation.
setPhaseDelayDuration(long) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Alpha
Set this alpha's phaseDelayDuration to that specified in the argument.
setPhysicalBody(PhysicalBody) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the view model's physical body to the PhysicalBody object provided.
setPhysicalEnvironment(PhysicalEnvironment) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the view model's physical environment to the PhysicalEnvironment object provided.
setPhysicalScreenHeight(double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Screen3D
Sets the screen physical height in meters.
setPhysicalScreenWidth(double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Screen3D
Sets the screen physical width in meters.
setPickable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Node
When set to true this Node can be Picked.
setPlane(int, Vector4d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ModelClip
Sets the specified clipping plane of this ModelClip node.
setPlaneQ(Vector4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TexCoordGeneration
Sets the Q coordinate plane equation.
setPlaneR(Vector4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TexCoordGeneration
Sets the R coordinate plane equation.
setPlanes(Vector4d[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingPolytope
Sets the bounding planes for this polytope.
setPlanes(Vector4d[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ModelClip
Sets the clipping planes of this ModelClip node to the specified planes.
setPlaneS(Vector4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TexCoordGeneration
Sets the S coordinate plane equation.
setPlaneT(Vector4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TexCoordGeneration
Sets the T coordinate plane equation.
setPointAntialiasingEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PointAttributes
Enables or disables point antialiasing for this appearance component object.
setPointAttributes(PointAttributes) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Appearance
Sets the pointAttributes object to the specified object.
setPointSize(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PointAttributes
Sets the point size for this appearance component object.
setPolygonAttributes(PolygonAttributes) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Appearance
Sets the polygonAttributes object to the specified object.
setPolygonMode(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PolygonAttributes
Sets the polygon rasterization mode for this appearance component object.
setPolygonOffset(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PolygonAttributes
Sets the constant polygon offset to the specified value.
setPolygonOffsetFactor(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PolygonAttributes
Sets the polygon offset factor to the specified value.
setPosition(int, Point3d) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Sets this sound's location (in Local coordinates) from specified Point.
setPosition(Point3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.DistanceLOD
Sets the position of this LOD node.
setPosition(Point3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PointLight
Set light position.
setPosition(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PointLight
Set light position.
setPosition(Point3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PointSound
Sets this sound's location from the vector provided.
setPosition(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PointSound
Sets this sound's position from the three values provided.
setPosition(int, Point3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PositionPathInterpolator
Sets the position at the specified index for this interpolator.
setPosition(Point3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Raster
Sets the position in object coordinates of this raster.
setPosition(int, Point3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RotPosPathInterpolator
Sets the position at the specified index for this interpolator.
setPosition(int, Point3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RotPosScalePathInterpolator
Sets the position value at the specified index for this interpolator.
setPosition(Point3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Text3D
Sets the node's position field to the supplied parameter.
setPredictionPolicy(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sensor
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.4, prediction is not a supported feature.
setPredictor(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sensor
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.4, prediction is not a supported feature.
setPriority(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sound
Set sound's priority value.
setProcessingMode(int) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.InputDevice
This method sets the device's processing mode to one of: BLOCKING, NON_BLOCKING, or DEMAND_DRIVEN.
setProjectionPolicy(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the projection policy for this View.
setQuat(int, Quat4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RotationPathInterpolator
Sets the quat value at the specified index for this interpolator.
setQuat(int, Quat4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RotPosPathInterpolator
Sets the quat at the specified index for this interpolator.
setQuat(int, Quat4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RotPosScalePathInterpolator
Sets the quat value at the specified index for this interpolator.
setRadius(double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingSphere
Sets the radius of this bounding sphere from a double.
setRasterOp(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Sets the raster operation function for this RenderingAttributes component object.
setRasterOpEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Sets the rasterOp enable flag for this RenderingAttributes component object.
setRateScaleFactor(int, float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3DL2
Set scale factor applied to sample playback rate for a particular sound associated with the audio device.
setRateScaleFactor(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sound
Sets Sample Rate.
setRedSize(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsConfigTemplate3D
Sets the number of red bits required.
setReflectionCoefficient(float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Sets the Reflective Coefficient scale factor applied to distinct low-order early reflections of sound off the surfaces in the region defined by the current listening region.
setReflectionCoefficient(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AuralAttributes
Set Reflective Coefficient.
setReflectionDelay(float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3DL2
Sets the early reflection delay time.
setReflectionDelay(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AuralAttributes
Set early Refection Delay Time.
setRegion(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingLeaf
Sets this BoundingLeaf node's bounding region.
setReleaseEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sound
Enables or disables the release flag for the sound associated with this sound.
setRenderingAttributes(RenderingAttributes) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Appearance
Sets the renderingAttributes object to the specified object.
setReverbBounds(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AuralAttributes
Set Reverberation Bounds volume.
setReverbCoefficient(float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3DL2
Set late reflection (referred to as 'reverb') attenuation.
setReverbCoefficient(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AuralAttributes
Set Reverb Coefficient.
setReverbDelay(float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Sets the reverberation delay time.
setReverbDelay(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AuralAttributes
Set Reverberation Delay Time.
setReverbDelay(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AuralAttributes
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by setReverbBounds(Bounds)
setReverbOrder(int) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Sets the reverberation order of reflections.
setReverbOrder(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AuralAttributes
Set Reverberation Order This parameter limits the number of times reflections are added to the reverberation being rendered.
setRightEarPosition(Point3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalBody
Sets the user head object's right ear position.
setRightEyePosition(Point3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalBody
Sets the user head object's right eye position.
setRightHandIndex(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalEnvironment
Sets the index of the right hand to the specified sensor index.
setRightManualEyeInCoexistence(Point3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the position of the manual right eye in coexistence coordinates.
setRightManualEyeInImagePlate(Point3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D
Sets the position of the manual right eye in image-plate coordinates.
setRightProjection(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Compatibility mode method that specifies a viewing frustum for the right eye that transforms points in Eye Coordinates (EC) to Clipping Coordinates (CC).
setRolloff(float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Changes the speed of sound factor.
setRolloff(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AuralAttributes
Set Attribute Gain Rolloff.
setRotation(Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this transform to the matrix values in the double precision Matrix3d argument; the other elements of this transform are unchanged; any pre-existing scale will be preserved; the argument matrix m1 will be checked for proper normalization when this transform is internally classified.
setRotation(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this transform to the matrix values in the single precision Matrix3f argument; the other elements of this transform are unchanged; any pre-existing scale will be preserved; the argument matrix m1 will be checked for proper normalization when this transform is internally classified.
setRotation(Quat4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this transform to the matrix equivalent values of the quaternion argument; the other elements of this transform are unchanged; any pre-existing scale in the transform is preserved.
setRotation(Quat4d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this transform to the matrix equivalent values of the quaternion argument; the other elements of this transform are unchanged; any pre-existing scale in the transform is preserved.
setRotation(AxisAngle4d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this transform to the matrix equivalent values of the axis-angle argument; the other elements of this transform are unchanged; any pre-existing scale in the transform is preserved.
setRotation(AxisAngle4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this transform to the matrix equivalent values of the axis-angle argument; the other elements of this transform are unchanged; any pre-existing scale in the transform is preserved.
setRotationPoint(Point3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Billboard
Sets the rotation point.
setRotationPoint(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Billboard
Sets the rotation point.
setRotationPoint(Point3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.OrientedShape3D
Sets the new rotation point.
setRotationPoint(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.OrientedShape3D
Sets the new rotation point.
setRotationScale(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Replaces the upper 3x3 matrix values of this transform with the values in the matrix m1.
setRotationScale(Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Replaces the upper 3x3 matrix values of this transform with the values in the matrix m1.
setSampleGain(int, float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Sets the overall gain scale factor applied to data associated with this source to increase or decrease its overall amplitude.
setScale(double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.OrientedShape3D
Sets the scale for this OrientedShape3D.
setScale(int, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RotPosScalePathInterpolator
Sets the scale at the specified index for this interpolator.
setScale(double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the scale component of the current transform; any existing scale is first factored out of the existing transform before the new scale is applied.
setScale(Vector3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets the possibly non-uniform scale component of the current transform; any existing scale is first factored out of the existing transform before the new scale is applied.
setSceneAntialiasing(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsConfigTemplate3D
Sets the scene antialiasing requirement.
setSceneAntialiasingEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Enables or disables scene antialiasing for this view.
setSchedulingBoundingLeaf(BoundingLeaf) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Behavior
Set the Behavior's scheduling region to the specified bounding leaf.
setSchedulingBoundingLeaf(BoundingLeaf) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sound
Set the Sound's scheduling region to the specified bounding leaf.
setSchedulingBounds(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Behavior
Set the Behavior's scheduling region to the specified bounds.
setSchedulingBounds(Bounds) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sound
Set the Sound's scheduling region to the specified bounds.
setSchedulingInterval(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Behavior
Sets the scheduling interval of this Behavior node to the specified value.
setScope(Group, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AlternateAppearance
Replaces the node at the specified index in this AlternateAppearance node's list of scopes with the specified Group node.
setScope(Group, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Fog
Replaces the node at the specified index in this Fog node's list of scopes with the specified Group node.
setScope(Group, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Light
Replaces the node at the specified index in this Light node's list of scopes with the specified Group node.
setScope(Group, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ModelClip
Replaces the node at the specified index in this ModelClip node's list of scopes with the specified Group node.
setScreenScale(double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the screen scale value for this view.
setScreenScalePolicy(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the screen scale policy for this view.
setSensor(int, Sensor) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalEnvironment
Set the sensor specified by the index to sensor provided; sensors are indexed starting at 0.
setSensorCount(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PhysicalEnvironment
Set the number of sensor objects per PhysicalEnvironmnet.
setSensorReadCount(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sensor
Set the number of sensor read objects per Sensor.
setShadeModel(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ColoringAttributes
Sets the shade mode for this ColoringAttributes component object.
setShader(Shader) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Sets the shader object associated with this shader error.
setShaderAppearance(ShaderAppearance) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Sets the shader appearance associated with this shader error.
setShaderAttribute(ShaderAttribute) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Sets the shader attribute associated with this shader error.
setShaderAttributeSet(ShaderAttributeSet) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderAppearance
Sets the ShaderAttributeSet object to the specified object.
setShaderAttributeSet(ShaderAttributeSet) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Sets the shader attribute set associated with this shader error.
setShaderAttrNames(String[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GLSLShaderProgram
setShaderAttrNames(String[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderProgram
Sets the shader attribute names array for this ShaderProgram object.
setShaderProgram(ShaderProgram) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderAppearance
Sets the ShaderProgram object to the specified object.
setShaderProgram(ShaderProgram) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Sets the shader program associated with this shader error.
setShaders(Shader[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GLSLShaderProgram
Copies the specified array of shaders into this shader program.
setShaders(Shader[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderProgram
Copies the specified array of shaders into this shader program.
setShape3D(Shape3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Sets the shape node associated with this shader error.
setSharedGroup(SharedGroup) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Link
Sets the node's SharedGroup reference.
setSharpenTextureFunc(float[], float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
sets the sharpen texture LOD function for this texture object.
setSharpenTextureFunc(Point2f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Texture
sets the sharpen texture LOD function for this texture object.
setShininess(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Material
Sets this material's shininess.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Raster
Sets the number of pixels to be copied from the pixel array.
setSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Raster
Sets the size of the array of pixels to be copied.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Screen3D
Sets the width and height (in pixels) of this off-screen Screen3D.
setSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Screen3D
Sets the width and height (in pixels) of this off-screen Screen3D.
setSound(Sound, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsContext3D
Replaces the specified sound with the sound provided.
setSoundData(MediaContainer) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Sound
Sets fields that define the sound source data of this node.
setSpecularColor(Color3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Material
Sets this material's specular color.
setSpecularColor(float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Material
Sets this material's specular color.
setSpreadAngle(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SpotLight
Sets spot light spread angle.
setSrcBlendFunction(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyAttributes
Sets the source blend function used in blended transparency and antialiasing operations.
setSrcOffset(int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Raster
Sets the offset within the source array of pixels at which to start copying.
setSrcOffset(Point) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Raster
Sets the offset within the source array of pixels at which to start copying.
setStartColor(Color3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ColorInterpolator
This method sets the startColor for this interpolator.
setStartPosition(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.PositionInterpolator
This method sets the startPosition for this interpolator.
setStartTime(long) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Alpha
Sets this alpha's startTime to that specified in the argument; startTime sets the base (or zero) for all relative time computations; the default value for startTime is the system start time.
setStencilEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Enables or disables the stencil buffer for this RenderingAttributes component object.
setStencilFunction(int, int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Sets the stencil function, reference value, and comparison mask for this RenderingAttributes object to the specified parameters.
setStencilFunction(int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Sets the stencil function, reference value, and comparison mask for this RenderingAttributes object to the specified parameters.
setStencilOp(int, int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Sets the stencil operations for this RenderingAttributes object to the specified parameters.
setStencilOp(int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Sets the stencil operations for this RenderingAttributes object to the specified parameters.
setStencilSize(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsConfigTemplate3D
Sets the stencil buffer size requirement.
setStencilWriteMask(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Sets the stencil write mask for this RenderingAttributes object.
setStereo(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsConfigTemplate3D
Sets the stereo requirement.
setStereoEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D
Turns stereo on or off.
setStereoMode(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsContext3D
Sets the stereo mode for immediate mode rendering.
setString(String) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Text3D
Copies the character string from the supplied parameter into the Text3D node.
setStripIndexCounts(int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryStripArray
Sets the array of strip index counts.
setStripVertexCounts(int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryStripArray
Sets the array of strip vertex counts.
setSubImage(RenderedImage, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ImageComponent2D
Modifies a contiguous subregion of the image component.
setSubImage(int, RenderedImage, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ImageComponent3D
Modifies a contiguous subregion of a particular slice of image of this ImageComponent3D object.
setSwitch(Switch, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.LOD
Replaces the specified switch node with the switch node provided.
setTarget(TransformGroup) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Billboard
Sets the tranformGroup for this Billboard object.
setTarget(Material) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ColorInterpolator
This method sets the target material component object for this interpolator.
setTarget(Switch) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SwitchValueInterpolator
This method sets the target for this interpolator.
setTarget(TransformGroup) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TransformInterpolator
This method sets the target TransformGroup node for this interpolator.
setTarget(TransparencyAttributes) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyInterpolator
This method sets the target TransparencyAttributes object for this interpolator.
setTexCoordGeneration(TexCoordGeneration) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Appearance
Sets the texCoordGeneration object to the specified object.
setTexCoordGeneration(TexCoordGeneration) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureUnitState
Sets the texCoordGeneration object to the specified object.
setTexCoordRef2f(int, TexCoord2f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, use geometry by-copy for TexCoord2f arrays
setTexCoordRef3f(int, TexCoord3f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, use geometry by-copy for TexCoord3f arrays
setTexCoordRefBuffer(int, J3DBuffer) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the texture coordinate buffer reference for the specified texture coordinate set to the specified buffer object.
setTexCoordRefFloat(int, float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the float texture coordinate array reference for the specified texture coordinate set to the specified array.
setTexture(Texture) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Appearance
Sets the texture object to the specified object.
setTexture(Texture) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureUnitState
Sets the texture object to the specified object.
setTextureAttributes(TextureAttributes) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Appearance
Sets the textureAttributes object to the specified object.
setTextureAttributes(TextureAttributes) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureUnitState
Sets the textureAttributes object to the specified object.
setTextureBlendColor(Color4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureAttributes
Sets the texture constant color for this texture attributes object.
setTextureBlendColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureAttributes
Sets the texture blend color for this appearance component object.
setTextureColorTable(int[][]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureAttributes
Sets the texture color table from the specified table.
setTextureCoordinate(int, float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by setTextureCoordinate(int texCoordSet, ...)
setTextureCoordinate(int, int, float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the texture coordinate associated with the vertex at the specified index in the specified texture coordinate set for this object.
setTextureCoordinate(int, Point2f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by setTextureCoordinate(int texCoordSet, TexCoord2f texCoord)
setTextureCoordinate(int, int, TexCoord2f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the texture coordinate associated with the vertex at the specified index in the specified texture coordinate set for this object.
setTextureCoordinate(int, Point3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by setTextureCoordinate(int texCoordSet, TexCoord3f texCoord)
setTextureCoordinate(int, int, TexCoord3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the texture coordinate associated with the vertex at the specified index in the specified texture coordinate set for this object.
setTextureCoordinate(int, int, TexCoord4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the texture coordinate associated with the vertex at the specified index in the specified texture coordinate set for this object.
setTextureCoordinateIndex(int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by setTextureCoordinateIndex(int texCoordSet, ...)
setTextureCoordinateIndex(int, int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
Sets the texture coordinate index associated with the vertex at the specified index in the specified texture coordinate set for this object.
setTextureCoordinateIndices(int, int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by setTextureCoordinateIndices(int texCoordSet, ...)
setTextureCoordinateIndices(int, int, int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
Sets the texture coordinate indices associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified texture coordinate set for this object.
setTextureCoordinates(int, float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by setTextureCoordinates(int texCoordSet, ...)
setTextureCoordinates(int, int, float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the texture coordinates associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified texture coordinate set for this object.
setTextureCoordinates(int, Point2f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by setTextureCoordinates(int texCoordSet, TexCoord2f texCoords[])
setTextureCoordinates(int, int, TexCoord2f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the texture coordinates associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified texture coordinate set for this object.
setTextureCoordinates(int, Point3f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by setTextureCoordinates(int texCoordSet, TexCoord3f texCoords[])
setTextureCoordinates(int, int, TexCoord3f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the texture coordinates associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified texture coordinate set for this object.
setTextureCoordinates(int, int, TexCoord4f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the texture coordinates associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified texture coordinate set for this object.
setTextureCoordinates(int, float[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by setTextureCoordinates(int texCoordSet, ...)
setTextureCoordinates(int, int, float[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the texture coordinates associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified texture coordinate set for this object using data in texCoords starting at index start and ending at index start+length.
setTextureCoordinates(int, Point2f[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by setTextureCoordinates(int texCoordSet, TexCoord2f texCoords[], ...)
setTextureCoordinates(int, int, TexCoord2f[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the texture coordinates associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified texture coordinate set for this object using data in texCoords starting at index start and ending at index start+length.
setTextureCoordinates(int, Point3f[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by setTextureCoordinates(int texCoordSet, TexCoord3f texCoords[], ...)
setTextureCoordinates(int, int, TexCoord3f[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the texture coordinates associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified texture coordinate set for this object.
setTextureCoordinates(int, int, TexCoord4f[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the texture coordinates associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified texture coordinate set for this object.
setTextureMode(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureAttributes
Sets the texture mode parameter for this appearance component object.
setTextureTransform(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TextureAttributes
Sets the texture transform object used to transform texture coordinates.
setTextureUnitState(TextureUnitState[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Appearance
Sets the texture unit state array for this appearance object to the specified array.
setTextureUnitState(int, TextureUnitState) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Appearance
Sets the texture unit state object at the specified index within the texture unit state array to the specified object.
setTime(long) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SensorRead
Sets this SensorRead's time stamp to the specified argument
setTrackerBaseToImagePlate(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Screen3D
Sets the tracker-base coordinate system to image-plate coordinate system transform.
setTrackingEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Turns head tracking on or off for this view.
setTransform(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphPath
Sets the transform component of this SceneGraphPath to the value of the passed transform.
setTransform(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TransformGroup
Sets the transform component of this TransformGroup to the value of the passed transform.
setTransformAxis(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TransformInterpolator
This method sets the axis of transform for this interpolator.
setTranslation(Vector3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Replaces the translational components of this transform to the values in the Vector3f argument; the other values of this transform are not modified.
setTranslation(Vector3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Replaces the translational components of this transform to the values in the Vector3d argument; the other values of this transform are not modified.
setTransparency(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyAttributes
Sets this appearance's transparency.
setTransparencyAttributes(TransparencyAttributes) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Appearance
Sets the transparencyAttributes object to the specified object.
setTransparencyMode(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.TransparencyAttributes
Sets the transparency mode for this appearance component object.
setTransparencySortingPolicy(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the transparency sorting policy for this view.
setTriggerTime(long) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Alpha
Set this alpha's triggerTime to that specified in the argument.
setType(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Raster
Sets the type of this raster object to one of: RASTER_COLOR, RASTER_DEPTH, or RASTER_COLOR_DEPTH.
setUpper(double, double, double) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingBox
Sets the upper corner of this bounding box.
setUpper(Point3d) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.BoundingBox
Sets the upper corner of this bounding box.
setURL(String) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.MediaContainer
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by setURLString
setURL(URL) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.MediaContainer
Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by setURLObject
setURLObject(URL) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.MediaContainer
Set URL Object.
setURLString(String) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.MediaContainer
Set URL String.
setUserData(Object) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphObject
Sets the userData field associated with this scene graph object.
setUserHeadToVworldEnable(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Turns on or off the continuous updating of the userHeadToVworld transform.
setValidIndexCount(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
Sets the valid index count for this IndexedGeometryArray object.
setValidIndexCount(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryStripArray
This method is not supported for indexed geometry strip arrays.
setValidVertexCount(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the valid vertex count for this GeometryArray object.
setValidVertexCount(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryStripArray
This method is not supported for geometry strip arrays.
setValidVertexCount(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
This method is not supported for indexed geometry arrays.
setValue(Object) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderAttributeArray
setValue(int, Object) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderAttributeArray
Sets the specified array element of the value of this shader attribute to the specified value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderAttributeObject
Sets the value of this shader attribute to the specified value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderAttributeValue
setVelocityScaleFactor(float) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Sets the Velocity scale factor applied during Doppler Effect calculation.
setVelocityScaleFactor(float) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.AuralAttributes
Set Velocity scale factor applied during Doppler Effect calculation.
setVertexAttr(int, int, float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the vertex attribute associated with the vertex at the specified index in the specified vertex attribute number for this object.
setVertexAttr(int, int, Point2f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the vertex attribute associated with the vertex at the specified index in the specified vertex attribute number for this object.
setVertexAttr(int, int, Point3f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the vertex attribute associated with the vertex at the specified index in the specified vertex attribute number for this object.
setVertexAttr(int, int, Point4f) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the vertex attribute associated with the vertex at the specified index in the specified vertex attribute number for this object.
setVertexAttrIndex(int, int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
Sets the vertex attribute index associated with the vertex at the specified index for the specified vertex attribute number for this object.
setVertexAttrIndices(int, int, int[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.IndexedGeometryArray
Sets the vertex attribute indices associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for the specified vertex attribute number for this object.
setVertexAttrNames(String[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GLSLShaderProgram
setVertexAttrNames(String[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderProgram
Sets the vertex attribute names array for this ShaderProgram object.
setVertexAttrRefBuffer(int, J3DBuffer) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the vertex attribute buffer reference for the specified vertex attribute number to the specified buffer object.
setVertexAttrRefFloat(int, float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the float vertex attribute array reference for the specified vertex attribute number to the specified array.
setVertexAttrs(int, int, float[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the vertex attributes associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified vertex attribute number for this object.
setVertexAttrs(int, int, Point2f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the vertex attributes associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified vertex attribute number for this object.
setVertexAttrs(int, int, Point3f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the vertex attributes associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified vertex attribute number for this object.
setVertexAttrs(int, int, Point4f[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the vertex attributes associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified vertex attribute number for this object.
setVertexAttrs(int, int, float[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the vertex attributes associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified vertex attribute number for this object using data in vertexAttrs starting at index start and ending at index start+length.
setVertexAttrs(int, int, Point2f[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the vertex attributes associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified vertex attribute number for this object using data in vertexAttrs starting at index start and ending at index start+length.
setVertexAttrs(int, int, Point3f[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the vertex attributes associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified vertex attribute number for this object using data in vertexAttrs starting at index start and ending at index start+length.
setVertexAttrs(int, int, Point4f[], int, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.GeometryArray
Sets the vertex attributes associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified vertex attribute number for this object using data in vertexAttrs starting at index start and ending at index start+length.
setView(View) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Accepts a reference to the current View.
setView(View, int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ViewSpecificGroup
Replaces the view at the specified index in this node's list of views with the specified View object.
setViewAttachPolicy(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ViewPlatform
Sets the view attach policy that determines the coexistence center in the virtual world.
setViewPolicy(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the policy for view computation.
setVisibilityPolicy(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the visibility policy for this view.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Sets the visibility flag for this RenderingAttributes component object.
setVpcToEc(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Compatibility mode method that specifies the ViewPlatform Coordinates (VPC) to Eye Coordinates (EC) transform.
setVworldXfrm(int, Transform3D) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Passes a reference to the concatenated transformation to be applied to local sound position and direction parameters.
setWeights(double[]) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Morph
Deprecated. Sets this Morph node's morph weight vector.
setWhichChild(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Switch
Sets the child selection index that specifies which child is rendered.
setWindowEyepointPolicy(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the view model's window eyepoint policy.
setWindowMovementPolicy(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the window movement policy.
setWindowResizePolicy(int) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Sets the window resize policy.
setYUp(boolean) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ImageComponent
Deprecated. as of Java 3D 1.5, the yUp flag should only be set at object construction time.
setZero() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Sets this transform to all zeros.
SHADE_FLAT - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.ColoringAttributes
Do not interpolate color across the primitive.
SHADE_GOURAUD - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.ColoringAttributes
Smoothly interpolate the color at each vertex across the primitive.
Shader - Class in javax.media.j3d
The Shader object is the abstract base class for programmable shader code.
SHADER_ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP_ERROR - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Indicates a error in looking up the location of a uniform shader attribute name within a given shader program.
SHADER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_NOT_SET_ERROR - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Indicates a error caused by a ShaderAttribute whose name does not appear in the list of shader attribute names in the corresponding ShaderProgram object.
SHADER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_ERROR - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Indicates a error in the type of the attribute versus what the shader program was expecting.
SHADER_TYPE_FRAGMENT - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Shader
This constant indicates that the shader type is a fragment shader.
SHADER_TYPE_VERTEX - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Shader
This constant indicates that the shader type is a vertex shader.
ShaderAppearance - Class in javax.media.j3d
The ShaderAppearance object defines programmable shading attributes that can be set as a component object of a Shape3D node.
ShaderAppearance() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.ShaderAppearance
Constructs a ShaderAppearance component object using defaults for all state variables.
ShaderAttribute - Class in javax.media.j3d
The ShaderAttribute object encapsulates a uniform attribute for a shader programs.
ShaderAttributeArray - Class in javax.media.j3d
The ShaderAttributeArray object encapsulates a uniform shader attribute whose value is specified explicitly.
ShaderAttributeArray(String, Object) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.ShaderAttributeArray
Constructs a new ShaderAttributeArray object with the specified (attrName, value) pair.
ShaderAttributeBinding - Class in javax.media.j3d
The ShaderAttributeBinding object encapsulates a uniform attribute whose value is bound to a Java 3D system attribute.
ShaderAttributeBinding(String, String) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.ShaderAttributeBinding
Constructs a new ShaderAttributeBinding from the specified (attrName, j3dAttrName) pair.
ShaderAttributeObject - Class in javax.media.j3d
The ShaderAttributeObject class is an abstract class that encapsulates a uniform shader attribute whose value is specified explicitly.
ShaderAttributeSet - Class in javax.media.j3d
The ShaderAttributeSet object provides uniform attributes to shader programs.
ShaderAttributeSet() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.ShaderAttributeSet
Constructs an empty ShaderAttributeSet object.
ShaderAttributeValue - Class in javax.media.j3d
The ShaderAttributeValue object encapsulates a uniform shader attribute whose value is specified explicitly.
ShaderAttributeValue(String, Object) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.ShaderAttributeValue
Constructs a new ShaderAttributeValue object with the specified (attrName, value) pair.
ShaderError - Class in javax.media.j3d
ShaderError is a container object that holds the details of a runtime error that occurs while compiling or executing a programmable shader.
ShaderError() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Constructs a new ShaderError object indicating no error.
ShaderError(int, String) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.ShaderError
Constructs a new ShaderError object with the given error code and message.
ShaderErrorListener - Interface in javax.media.j3d
Listener interface for monitoring errors in Shader Programs.
ShaderProgram - Class in javax.media.j3d
The ShaderProgram node component object is the abstract base class for programmable shader programs.
SHADING_LANGUAGE_CG - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Shader
This constant indicates the Cg shading language.
SHADING_LANGUAGE_GLSL - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Shader
This constant indicates the GLSL shading language.
Shape3D - Class in javax.media.j3d
The Shape3D leaf node specifies all geometric objects.
Shape3D() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Shape3D
Constructs a Shape3D node with default parameters.
Shape3D(Geometry) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Shape3D
Constructs and initializes a Shape3D node with the specified geometry component and a null appearance component.
Shape3D(Geometry, Appearance) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Shape3D
Constructs and initializes a Shape3D node with the specified geometry and appearance components.
SharedGroup - Class in javax.media.j3d
The SharedGroup provides the ability to manipulate an instanced scene graph.
SharedGroup() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.SharedGroup
Constructs and initializes a new SharedGroup node object.
size - Variable in class javax.media.j3d.CompressedGeometryHeader
Deprecated. Size of the compressed geometry in bytes.
size() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.ShaderAttributeSet
Returns the number of elements in the attributes set.
Sound - Class in javax.media.j3d
Sound node is an abstract class that defines the properties common to all sound sources.
Sound() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Sound
Constructs and initializes a new Sound node using default parameters.
Sound(MediaContainer, float) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Sound
Constructs and initializes a new Sound node object using the provided data and gain parameter values, and defaults for all other fields.
Sound(MediaContainer, float, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, Bounds, float) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Sound
Constructs and initializes a new Sound node using provided parameter values.
Sound(MediaContainer, float, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, Bounds, float, float) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Sound
Constructs and initializes a new Sound node using provided parameter values.
SoundException - Exception in javax.media.j3d
Indicates a problem in loading or playing a sound sample.
SoundException() - Constructor for exception javax.media.j3d.SoundException
Create the exception object with default values.
SoundException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.media.j3d.SoundException
Create the exception object that outputs message.
Soundscape - Class in javax.media.j3d
The Soundscape Leaf Node defines the attributes that characterize the listener's environment as it pertains to sound.
Soundscape() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Soundscape
Constructs and initializes a new Sound node using following defaults: application region: null (no active region) aural attributes: null (uses default aural attributes)
Soundscape(Bounds, AuralAttributes) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Soundscape
Constructs and initializes a new Sound node using specified parameters
SourceCodeShader - Class in javax.media.j3d
The SourceCodeShader object is a shader that is defined using text-based source code.
SourceCodeShader(int, int, String) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.SourceCodeShader
Constructs a new shader object of the specified shading language and shader type from the specified source string.
SPECULAR - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.Material
Specifies that per-vertex colors replace the specular material color.
SPHERE_MAP - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.TexCoordGeneration
Generates texture coordinates using a spherical reflection mapping in eye coordinates.
SpotLight - Class in javax.media.j3d
The SpotLight object specifies an attenuated light source at a fixed point in space that radiates light in a specified direction from the light source.
SpotLight() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.SpotLight
Constructs a SpotLight node with default parameters.
SpotLight(Color3f, Point3f, Point3f, Vector3f, float, float) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.SpotLight
Constructs and initializes a SpotLight node using the specified parameters.
SpotLight(boolean, Color3f, Point3f, Point3f, Vector3f, float, float) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.SpotLight
Constructs and initializes a SpotLight node using the specified parameters.
start - Variable in class javax.media.j3d.CompressedGeometryHeader
Deprecated. Offset in bytes of the start of the compressed geometry from the beginning of the compressed geometry byte array passed to the CompressedGeometry constructor.
startBehaviorScheduler() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Starts the behavior scheduler running after it has been stopped.
startRenderer() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D
Start the Java 3D renderer on this Canvas3D object.
startSample(int) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Begins a sound playing on the AudioDevice.
startView() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Starts traversing this view, and starts the renderers associated with all canvases attached to this view.
STENCIL_DECR - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Stencil operation: DST = DST - 1
STENCIL_INCR - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Stencil operation: DST = DST + 1
STENCIL_INVERT - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Stencil operation: DST = ~DST
STENCIL_KEEP - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Stencil operation: DST = DST
STENCIL_REPLACE - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Stencil operation: DST = REF
STENCIL_ZERO - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.RenderingAttributes
Stencil operation: DST = 0
STEREO_BOTH - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsContext3D
Specifies that rendering is done to both eyes.
STEREO_LEFT - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsContext3D
Specifies that rendering is done to the left eye.
STEREO_RIGHT - Static variable in class javax.media.j3d.GraphicsContext3D
Specifies that rendering is done to the right eye.
STEREO_SPEAKERS - Static variable in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice
Choosing a two near-field stereo speakers as the audio playback type specifies that the audio playback will be through stereo speakers some supplied distance away from, and at some given angle to the listener.
stopBehaviorScheduler() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Stops the behavior scheduler after all currently scheduled behaviors are executed.
stopRenderer() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D
Stop the Java 3D renderer on this Canvas3D object.
stopSample(int) - Method in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Stops the sound on the AudioDevice.
stopView() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.View
Stops traversing the scene graph for this view after the current state of the scene graph is reflected on all canvases attached to this view.
STREAMING_AUDIO_DATA - Static variable in interface javax.media.j3d.AudioDevice3D
Sound data specified as Streaming is not copied by the AudioDevice driver implementation.
sub(HiResCoord, HiResCoord) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.HiResCoord
Subtracts two HiResCoords placing the results into this HiResCoord.
sub(Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Subtracts transform t1 from this transform and places the result into this: this = this - t1.
sub(Transform3D, Transform3D) - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Transform3D
Subtracts transform t2 from transform t1 and places the result into this: this = t1 - t2.
swap() - Method in class javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D
Synchronize and swap buffers on a double buffered canvas for this Canvas3D object.
Switch - Class in javax.media.j3d
The Switch node controls which of its children will be rendered.
Switch() - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Switch
Constructs a Switch node with default parameters.
Switch(int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Switch
Constructs and initializes a Switch node using the specified child selection index.
Switch(int, BitSet) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.Switch
Constructs and initializes a Switch node using the specified child selection index and mask.
SwitchValueInterpolator - Class in javax.media.j3d
SwitchValueInterpolator behavior.
SwitchValueInterpolator(Alpha, Switch) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.SwitchValueInterpolator
Constructs a SwitchValueInterpolator behavior that varies its target Switch node's child index between 0 and n-1, where n is the number of children in the target Switch node.
SwitchValueInterpolator(Alpha, Switch, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.media.j3d.SwitchValueInterpolator
Constructs a SwitchValueInterpolator behavior that varies its target Switch node's child index between the two values provided.