Sat Sep 21 2024 01:55:43 CEST
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
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57 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1094 Jogl applet sgothel RESO DUPL 2.2.1 Regression: temporary directory now crashes in applet 2019-03-29
1085 Jogl awt sgothel RESO FIXE GLJPanel regression while printing w/ invisible GLJPanel: Zero size panel size 2019-03-29
1122 General builds sgothel RESO FIXE Add ARM 64bit build support, add Android ARM 64 bit build 2019-03-29
1124 General builds sgothel RESO FIXE Android Build: Use SDK >= 24.0.2 (build-tools >= 21.1.2) and NDK >= 10d 2019-03-29
1141 General builds sgothel RESO FIXE Release 2.3.0 - Drop all requests here .. (group) 2019-03-29
1050 General builds sgothel RESO FIXE 32 bit compiling on macosx is broken 2019-03-29
1120 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Refine HiDPI Support 2019-04-04
1067 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE IOUtil.testDirExec(File) needs to preserve SPACE in exetst.getCanonicalPath() command 2019-03-29
1106 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Bitstream: Simplify 'msbFirst' case for bulk operations / Add setting of stream position (optional) 2019-03-29
1134 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Enhance GlueGen Compiler: Minimal GL Header Changes _and_ Typesafety 2019-03-29
1069 Jogl core sgothel RESO INVA Provide some information about the OpenGL renderer early without requiring the creation of a drawable 2019-03-29
1074 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Add GLRendererQuirks Entry for Mesa 7.2 software, FBO color renderbuffer crash 2019-03-29
1076 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Fix race conditions in GLDrawableHelper glRunnable and Animator* for unhandled exceptions 2019-03-29
1093 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT PointerIcon swizzled on X11 and OSX; WindowIcon swizzled on OSX ([R] -> [B]) 2019-03-29
1014 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE support for mips/mipsel in gluegen2 version 2.1.5 2019-03-29
1056 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Wrong guess on the endianness of powerpc 2019-03-29
936 Jogl core sgothel RESO WORK Nearer objects show up behind closer objects 2019-03-29
1068 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Allow GLContext creation and makeCurrent without default framebuffer for OpenGL >= 3.0 (for offscreen / GLFBODrawable usage) 2019-03-29
1070 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Fix glPixelStorei issues w/ ES3 and OpenGL 1.1 2019-03-29
1077 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Fix GLContextImpl.setRendererQuirks(..) CTX_IMPL_ACCEL_SOFT profile state 2019-03-29
1079 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE symbolic link in jogl/doc/bouml causes problems 2019-03-29
1082 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Incr. Robustness of GLDrawableFactoryImpl.createOffscreenDrawable(..) and AWTPrintLifecycle.setupPrint() 2019-03-29
1083 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Fix all backward compatibility issues w/ 2.2.0 and 2.2.1 2019-03-29
1084 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Mapped GLProfile's (e.g. GL2ES2, GL2GL3) select software renderer GL4 instead of hardware renderer GL3 2019-03-29
1102 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Allow ScalableSurface.setSurfaceScale(..) of GLJPanel to happen in-between addNotify() and 1st display/initialization 2019-03-29
1103 Jogl core sgothel RESO DUPL UnsatisfiedLinkError caused by Process.exitValue() from testDirExec() returning 1 2019-03-29
1119 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE GL* Efficiency: Keep ProcAddressTable instance within GL* instances 2019-03-29
1142 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT: Add support to retrieve the primary MonitorDevice 2019-03-29
1063 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Utilize own Uri and Uri.Encoded class w/ proper encoding and differentiating encoded/decoded variants by type 2019-03-29
1123 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Android Launcher/ClassLoaderUtil: Fails to work w/ Android 5.* (lollipop/art) 2019-03-29
1125 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Make ELF Reader 'jogamp.common.os.elf' Stateless 2019-03-29
1126 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Remove static query requirement of MachineDescriptor, find matching StaticConfig at runtime. 2019-03-29
1143 Gluegen core sgothel RESO INVA Add 'DelegateImplementation', where a manually implementation may delegate to the renamed original 2019-03-29
1144 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Add 'DelegateImplementation', manually impl. may delegate to renamed original 2019-03-29
1066 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Evaluate high-frequency usage of synchronizing glGetError(), e.g. GLBufferObjectTracker and GLBufferStateTracker 2019-03-29
1071 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Fix AnimatorBase.finishLifecycleAction(): Non blocking call shall return true, success. 2019-03-29
1072 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE GLJPanel: Allow reconfiguration of offscreen's GLCapabilitiesImmutable 2019-03-29
1073 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Fix FBObject/GLFBODrawable: Redundancies, bind/unbind, renderbuffer depth/stencil bits 2019-03-29
1081 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Fix GLJPanel Regression: Honor pre-init reshape-size at initializeBackendImpl() 2019-03-29
1107 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Refine PixelFormat, GLPixelBuffer and DirectDataBufferInt/BufferedImageInt 2019-03-29
1108 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE IOUtil.getTempDir(..): Difficulties to determine executable access permission on Windows via BATCH file execution 2019-03-29
762 Default default sgothel RESO DUPL Too many users on the JogAmp Nabble forum; forum needs replacement 2019-03-29
1110 Jogl embedded sgothel RESO FIXE Missing native function on jogl_mobile.dll 2019-03-29
1096 Jogl embedded sgothel RESO FIXE EGL cleanup and accessibility 2019-03-29
1088 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE OSX 10.9.5: Crash using master GLContext with multiple threads using GLContext sharing with master 2019-03-29
1065 Newt macosx sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT crash at WindowDriver.initIds0(): TISGetInputSourceProperty(keyboard, kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData) returns NULL 2019-03-29
648 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE app on OSX when moving window between displays 2019-03-29
1087 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE OSX 10.9.5 - default framebuffer write causes GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION on dummy drawable 2019-03-29
1112 Jocl opencl wwalker3 RESO INVA Missing OpenCL devices with java webstart launched JOCL/JOGL 2019-03-29
1135 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE Support EGL 1.5 , ES 3.1 and GL 4.5 (Update to latest version) 2019-03-29
1047 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE jogamp.opengl.glu.mipmap.Mipmap badly parses the GL version when using Mesa OpenGL ES 2019-03-29
1078 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE No rendering on Intel Q35 Express under Windows 7 2019-03-29
1086 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO INVA JOGL crashes with VirtualGL since version 2.1.4 2019-03-29
673 Jogl swt pjgl RESO FIXE JOGAMP SWT GLCanvas don't generate reshape events on OSX and Linux. 2019-03-30
1129 Newt windows sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT MonitorDevice on Windows reports wrong physical size [mm] 2019-03-29
756 Newt x11 sgothel RESO WORK Spurious freeze and/or NullPointerException when running a JOGL NEWT application within Eclipse 2019-03-29
1099 Newt x11 sgothel RESO INVA Calling setFullscreen from anywhere while warpPointer is being called from a display() method causes locking issues 2019-03-29
57 bugs found.
