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v2.5.0 (Aug 18, 2023, 2:41:40 PM)

  1. feat(manual): Update configuration documentation. — ferymathieuy / cgit
  2. Bug 1449: Convert manual/index.html to `gfm` (GitHub-Flavored Markdown) using markdown -> manual/ and add conversion recipes + make/scripts/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1449: Fix link style in manual refs .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. doc/ Fix GlueGen Manual read consideration ... — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bump: 2.5.0 Release — Sven Gothel / cgit

#965 (Aug 12, 2023, 4:27:32 PM)

  1. Bump JCPP: Use Unix '/' file separator in #line output for UNIFIED_OUTPUT — Sven Gothel / cgit

#964 (Aug 12, 2023, 3:10:30 PM)

  1. Add support for riscv64 architecture — schwab / cgit
  2. glibc-compat-symbols.h: skip versioning on PPC64/PPC64LE — tgc / cgit
  3. GlueGen Struct [1]: Enhance com.jogamp.common.nio.* to serve a most native-free-code Struct-Code generation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. GlueGen Struct [2]: Add CodeUnit: Representing a generated C or Java file, covering multiple FunctionEmitter allowing to unify output, decoration and dynamic helper code injection per unit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. GlueGen Struct [3]: Adopt to CodeUnit Abstraction (replacing plain PrintWriter...) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. GlueGen Struct [4]: JavaConfiguration Change: Drop 'ManualStaticInitCall', 'ForceStaticInitCode'; Add 'ReturnsStringOnly', 'MaxOneElement' and 'ImmutableAccess' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. GlueGen Struct [5]: Revised Struct Mapping + Documentation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Buffers.copyNativeToDirectByteBuffer(): Remove unused var — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. GlueGen Struct [6]: Simplify adding 'private ElementBuffer _eb*' memory buffer cache once @ 'releaseVal(..)' code creation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. feat(cli): Add --preserveGeneratedCPP option inside GlueGen — mfery / cgit
  11. feat(feature): Enable pragma once management — mfery / cgit
  12. feat(CompoundType): Improve error log on CompoundType.addField and CompoundType.setBodyParsed when body is already parsed — mfery / cgit
  13. feat(translationUnit): Improve logs in case of failure inside translationUnit — mfery / cgit
  14. feat(constants): Add supports of ~ inside ConstantDefinition — mfery / cgit
  15. feat(jni): Add directive for dedicated JNI Code with CustomJNICode — mfery / cgit
  16. GlueGen Struct [7]: Keep struct class non-final (revert), but ensure methods are final. Drop useless 'final' of 'static final'. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. ElementBuffer: Add absolute get/put multi-element with full srcElemPos, destElemPos, elementCount argument set and use it for the single absolute get/put methods. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. GlueGen Struct [8]: Revised setter (resolved shrinking array, using 'subset' flag), added (detailed) JavaDoc in generated code — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. doc/JogAmpMacOSVersions.html: Replaced w/ standalone html5 w/ header (utf8) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. doc/ Remove note regarding shrinking array, resolved — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Drop .md -> .html generated docs (ugly), use our cgit md -> html via refined pandoc styles — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. JavaType: Add getSignature(..) like Type — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. Type: Add hasSize(), change getSignature(..) for const: isConstTypedef() -> "typedef", isConstRaw() -> "native" — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. GlueGen Struct [9]: Fix regression which added a pointer referencing type 'void', i.e. exclude if !baseCElemType.hasSize() // like 'void*' -> 'void' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. GlueGen Struct [10]: Don't skip primitive w/ platform dependent sized type in struct (like 'int') .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. GlueGen Struct [11]: Formalize Ownership (enum) and elaborate generated Java API-Doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. GlueGen Struct [12]: Throw InternalError(..) for produced code-path where Ownership.Native _and_ native memory potentially gets replaced — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. GlueGen Struct [9b]: Add unit test for fixed 'void*' regression commit eec3f21c3597ff9bf9760a06e00dd341214ea90d — Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. GlueGen Struct [13]: Adopt to changes, added `Struct Java Signature Examples` w/ Java API Doc snippets — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. Bring back produced html5 standalone files, having fixed pandoc usage. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  31. CPP Enable Pragma Once: Use default jcpp branch as its merged now — Sven Gothel / cgit
  32. CPP Enable Pragma Once: Add debug output w/ all paramter — Sven Gothel / cgit
  33. CPP Enable Pragma Once: Default is 'true', since usually all compiler and APIs do support this feature — Sven Gothel / cgit
  34. CustomJNICode: Fix/complete commit d7bc10d7ff0e3a30d74c4e4c439230f3983bcfb4: Add emitCustomJNICode(..) for JavaEmitter.endFunctions() not just structs and fix the JNI-c stub code — Sven Gothel / cgit
  35. CustomJNICode: Add missing (separated) test1p1-CustomJNICode.c.stub — Sven Gothel / cgit
  36. fix(cli): Fix disablePragmaOnce option — ferymathieuy / cgit
  37. CPP Enable Pragma Once: Remove cli '--enablePragmaOnce' option as it is enabled by default — Sven Gothel / cgit
  38. GlueGen Struct [14]: Update doc/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  39. www/index.html: Copy Documentation section into main text for visibility — Sven Gothel / cgit
  40. Doc: Manual: Adding disclaimer being slightly outdated and hint to GlueGen_Mapping document — Sven Gothel / cgit
  41. GlueGen Type: Use virt getTargetType() for ArrayType dropping getElementType(); Rename getBase{Elem ->}Type() to align with getTargetType() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  42. doc/ Place `Struct Setter Pseudo-Code` above 'Signature Table' and add a brief signature to mapping description to the former — Sven Gothel / cgit
  43. GlueGen Struct [15]: Add FunctionPointer getter and setter support w/ documentation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  44. GlueGen Struct [15b]: FunctionPointer: Drop is<FuncName>Null() -> use get<FuncName>() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  45. GlueGen junit test2.h: Add an anonymous struct pointer w/ opaque long config — Sven Gothel / cgit
  46. JavaEmitter.typeToJavaTypeImpl(): Add targetType in GlueGenException and remove '"' in message — Sven Gothel / cgit
  47. GlueGen Test: Test2 -> Test2FuncPtr — Sven Gothel / cgit
  48. NIO NativeBuffer, {Element,Pointer}Buffer: Add limit, clear and flip; Arrange wrap/deref arguments equal; Add equal set of absolute get/set methods — Sven Gothel / cgit
  49. GlueGen: Type, JavaType: Align getSignature(..) output — Sven Gothel / cgit
  50. GlueGen: Type: Have get{Base,Target}Type() stop at isFunctionPointer(), enhance API doc; Add getArrayBaseOrPointerTargetType() and getTargetFunction() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  51. GlueGen: JavaConfiguration.typeInfo(..): Clarify DEBUG_TYPE_INFO output — Sven Gothel / cgit
  52. GlueGen: JavaConfiguration.promoteTypeInfo(): Fix primitive pointerDepth, i.e. only pass numPointersStripped w/o adding info.pointerDepth() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  53. GlueGen Struct [16]: Add support for pointer-pointer and function-pointer values — Sven Gothel / cgit
  54. GlueGen: Expose CMethodBindingEmitter.getJNIMangledArgs() as a public static to be reusable — Sven Gothel / cgit
  55. GlueGen: Rename GlueEmitter.getConfig{uration->}() and drop JavaEmitter.getConfig(), cleaning up API usage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  56. GlueGen Fix ProcAddressCMethodBindingEmitter.jniMangle(..) override: Use renamed {jniMangle->getJNIMangledArg}(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  57. GlueGen: Add JavaEmitter(JavaConfiguration) ctor — Sven Gothel / cgit
  58. JavaEmitter.generateArrayGetterSetterCode(): Place elemCountExpr null check where it could occur -> non-opaque, non-primitive array case — Sven Gothel / cgit
  59. GlueGen: Fix Type.getSignature(..): Test for isFunctionPointer() to elaborate on FunctionType as getTargetType() only retruns a function-ptr and no more a function-type. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  60. GlueGen FunctionType: Expose toString(..) w/ 'isPointer' argument — Sven Gothel / cgit
  61. GlueGen Add JavaType.forObjectClass() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  62. GlueGen FunctionSymbol: Simplify ctor reusing main-ctor; Be always reachable via type(def)name, ctor: addAliasedName( type.getCName() ) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  63. GlueGen JavaConfiguration: Add 'JavaCallbackDef <funcion-pointer-typedef-name> [user-param-idx]' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  64. GlueGen JavaConfiguration: Add List<Integer> stringArguments(final AliasedSymbol symbol) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  65. GlueGen JavaCallback: Add preliminary implementation (WIP): Produces proper interfaces, TODO implementation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  66. GlueGen JavaCallback: Add more related documentation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  67. GlueGen JavaType: Add new nature 'String clazzName': Future (not yet generated or existing) Class objects (existing at runtime) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  68. GlueGen JavaCallback: Use new JavaType nature 'named-class', denoting the generated callback interface mapping the callback function. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  69. GlueGen JavaCallback: Expose getJNIMethodDescriptor() for JNI mangled method names, used in CMethodBindingEmitter; Use JavaCallback's function-pointer-type capital-name as simple-class-name and its FQN for JNI resolution. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  70. GlueGen JavaCallback: Move JavaCallback into JavaConfiguration, accessible across *Emitter (needed for CMethodEmitter as well); Add JavaCallback.methodSignature to be passed to native function later on to find the callback jmethodID — Sven Gothel / cgit
  71. GlueGen JavaCallback: Add JavaCallback.methodSignature to JNI arg-list and pass value at invocation, allowing to find the jmethodID of callback — Sven Gothel / cgit
  72. GlueGen Struct [17]: Handle void pointers, i.e. `void*`, within a struct as `Opaque` configured pointer-types — Sven Gothel / cgit
  73. GlueGen doc/ Mentiond OO-Style API mapping and add section for it — Sven Gothel / cgit
  74. GlueGen LibraryOnLoad Config: Generate `JNI_OnLoad(..)` for dynamic and `JNI_OnLoad_<LibraryBasename>(..)` for static libraries and `JVMUtil_GetJNIEnv(..)` to resolve the `JNIEnv*` as used by JavaCallback — Sven Gothel / cgit
  75. GlueGen: Move [de]captializeString(..) JavaEmitter -> static in CodeGenUtils — Sven Gothel / cgit
  76. GlueGen CMethodBindingEmitter: Refactor emitBodyReturnResult() -> emitBodyMapCToJNIType(): Reuse to converting any C-type argument to java JNI type (i.e. native callback to JavaCallback) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  77. GlueGen FunctionType: Factor out getParameterList(..) from toString(..) and drop 'void' and use typedef-name; MethodBinding: Add getCParameterList(..) and getJavaParameterList(..) for general usage similar to FunctionType.getParameterList() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  78. GlueGen ProcAddressCMethodBindingEmitter.jniMangle() override: Only add additional params if produced name containes '__', i.e. JNI mangled parameter — Sven Gothel / cgit
  79. GlueGen JavaCallback: 1st Working Draft: Changed 'JavaCallbackDef' config, added code generation incl. native to Java dispatch and resource management — Sven Gothel / cgit
  80. Doc: Align intro w/ and www/index.html — Sven Gothel / cgit
  81. Doc: www/index.html: Fix JOGL UML link — Sven Gothel / cgit
  82. Doc intro: Fix LibraryOnLoad using generic LibraryBasename — Sven Gothel / cgit
  83. Fix links — Sven Gothel / cgit
  84. GlueGen JavaCallback: Set-Callback: Ensure a previously mapped 'userParam' instance is released before binding new one; Add test changing callback function. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  85. Test4JavaCallback: Just rename myUserParam -> myUserParam01 for future tests.. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  86. Eclipse classpath — Sven Gothel / cgit
  87. GlueGen FunctionType/MethodBinding: get*ParameterList(): Use a more flexible way via a ParameterConsumer visitor, also usable for other iterative parameter generator — Sven Gothel / cgit
  88. GlueGen JavaCallback: Resolve key mapping of callback and associated resources via 'JavaCallbackKey' config and custom `SetCallback-KeyClass` — Sven Gothel / cgit
  89. GlueGen Intro: Add section about its comprehensive runtime library, shorten the JNI_OnLoad section — Sven Gothel / cgit
  90. GlueGen JavaCallback: Release the associated data (natively) only after the actual toolkit setCallback call — Sven Gothel / cgit
  91. GlueGen JavaCallback: Only produce default 'Key' class if keys are used, expose 'Key' to public and use it. Expose release*() and get*Keys() methods — Sven Gothel / cgit
  92. GlueGen JavaCallback: Use `SetCallback-KeyClass` if manually specified, even if no keys are defined! — Sven Gothel / cgit
  93. GlueGen JavaCallback: Native callback: Check ObjectRef validity and synchronize (MonitorEnter/Exit) with same Object of Java impl. -> thread safe — Sven Gothel / cgit
  94. GlueGen JavaCallback: Emphasize all methods are thread-safe — Sven Gothel / cgit
  95. doc/ Typo — Sven Gothel / cgit
  96. GlueGen JavaCallback: Document native callback use-after-free potential (caught), zero-mem @ release — Sven Gothel / cgit
  97. GlueGen JavaCallback: Native Callback: Reduce 'look-ahead' of read-after-free to critical lockObj only — Sven Gothel / cgit
  98. GlueGen Struct [18]: Drop redundant 'static get*ElemCount() { return 1 }` for: isPrimitive && !isPointer && staticElemCount && maxOneElement — Sven Gothel / cgit
  99. CMethodBindingEmitter JavaCallback: Use a friendly readable basename for errors — Sven Gothel / cgit
  100. GlueGen JavaCallback: CMethodBindingEmitter: Check lockObj for NULL before GetObjectRefType(), avoid certain (older) Hotspot issues — Sven Gothel / cgit
  101. GlueGen JavaCallback: CMethodBindingEmitter: Check, describe & clear exception if occurring - we must assume async off-thread source in general — Sven Gothel / cgit
  102. GlueGen JavaCallback: Unify native 'T_JavaCallbackGlueData' typedef struct — Sven Gothel / cgit
  103. GlueGen JavaCallback: Revised: Static Java callback dispatcher, dropping native heap, support Struct UserParam ... — Sven Gothel / cgit
  104. GlueGen JavaType.appendDescriptor(..): Fix regression: Must return a vanilla descriptor ('/' not '_') i.e. non JNI method-name descriptor to avoid double conversion — Sven Gothel / cgit
  105. doc/ Quote `void*` correctly .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  106. GlueGen JavaCallback/LibraryOnLoad: Always include the `libraryBasename` agnostic 'emitJNIEnvDecl()' (declaration) in JNI code; Detach the thread from the JVM if newly attach in callback! — Sven Gothel / cgit
  107. GlueGen: Add 'PascalString' string semantics (length + value-ptr), added prelim code for JavaCallback use-case emitBodyMapCToJNIType() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  108. Manual: Refine `ArgumentIsPascalString` — Sven Gothel / cgit
  109. GlueGen JavaCallback: Fix `staticCBClazz*` initial setup (only), using a NewGlobalRef() for jclass (not required for static jmethodID) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  110. GlueGen JavaCallback: Remove ambiguity: Config JavaCallbackDef/JavaCallbackKey: Always define both parameter indices; emitJavaStaticCallback(): Use cbFuncBinding and cbFuncKeyIndices from callback parameter to build key — Sven Gothel / cgit
  111. GlueGen JavaCallback Doc: Remove reasoning (avoiding ambiguity) to CallbackFunction parameter index — Sven Gothel / cgit
  112. GlueGen JavaCallback: Add capability to have UserParam as (part of) key — Sven Gothel / cgit
  113. Manual: Fix ArgumentIsPascalString — Sven Gothel / cgit
  114. GlueGen JavaCallback: Add optional custom 'Callback-UserParamClass` for non-compound `UserParam` types to have more clarity in resulting API — Sven Gothel / cgit
  115. doc/ Typos 'UserParam' -> 'UserParamClass' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  116. doc/ Typos 'UserParam' -> 'UserParamClass' (2 more occassions) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  117. doc/ Using 'UserParamClass' .. grammar (3 commits for 1 discount today) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  118. feat(generation): Add setter generation for not constant and not opaque compound attribute — mfery / cgit
  119. feat(callbackGenerator): Add basic management of callback without userData — mfery / cgit
  120. doc/ Add some documentation with JavaCallback without userData — mfery / cgit
  121. feat(arrayAccessor): Allow to use ReturnedArrayLength with getter associated with field with name in PascalCase or camelCase — mfery / cgit
  122. CMethodBindingEmitter.emitBodyMapCToJNIType(..): Add proper intendation to NIO ByteBuffer generation (isNIOBuffer || isCompoundTypeWrapper) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  123. JavaCallbackEmitter.{emitCSetFuncPreCall, emitCAdditionalCode}(): Group 'userParamDefined' case (cleanup) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  124. JavaCallbackEmitter.{emitCSetFuncPreCall, emitCAdditionalCode, emitJavaCallbackBodyPassJavaArguments}(): Use capitalized sub-string 'baseArgName' for (static) callback related entities — Sven Gothel / cgit
  125. JavaCallbackEmitter.{emitCSetFuncPreCall, emitCAdditionalCode, emitJavaCallbackBodyPassJavaArguments}(): Fix exclusion of ad-hoc compound conversion for userParam — Sven Gothel / cgit
  126. JavaCallbackEmitter.emitCSetFuncPreCall(): Drop redundant arg 'CMethodBindingEmitter jcbFuncCMethodEmitter', use local 'info.cbFuncBinding' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  127. JavaCallbackEmitter.emitJavaCallbackBodyPassJavaArguments(): Drop redundant arg 'MethodBinding jcbFuncCMethodBinding', use local 'info.cbFuncBinding' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  128. JavaCallbackEmitter.emitCAdditionalCode(): Use `info.cbFuncBinding` locally and passed 'jcbFuncCMethodEmitter' only to invoke CMethodBindingEmitter.emitBodyMapCToJNIType(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  129. JavaEmitter: Encapsulate 'needsJavaCallbackCode' query in JavaConfiguration. TBD: Is this even required? — Sven Gothel / cgit
  130. Fix & Enhance Test4JavaCallback for non-userParam chapter12*: Fix ad-hoc compound equals and add chapter12b for additional parameter with different order — Sven Gothel / cgit
  131. feat(callbackGenerator): Prevent generation of CallBack interface if setter related isn't present — mfery / cgit
  132. CMethodBindingEmitter.emitBodyPassCArguments(): Either pass STRING_CHARS_PREFIX or javaCallbackEmitter.emitCOptArgumentSuffix(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  133. JavaEmitter.bindFunction(): Add JavaCallback userParam non-void case (i.e. 'String') — Sven Gothel / cgit
  134. JavaCallbackEmitter.emitJavaKeyClass(): Use directBufferAddress for compound types in equals and hashCode, i.e. use memory identity — Sven Gothel / cgit
  135. JavaCallback: Remove non-UserParam JavaConfiguration.requiresJavaCallbackCode() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  136. doc/ Shorten UserParamIndex '<0' to disable 'UserParam' and produce html page — Sven Gothel / cgit
  137. wip(test_case): Example of test case for issue related of 927bbc7160a812bb29c0e7120d4a3009bfb13bbf — mfery / cgit
  138. Revert "JavaCallback: Remove non-UserParam JavaConfiguration.requiresJavaCallbackCode()" — Sven Gothel / cgit
  139. WIP JavaCallback Tests: Rename test2-gluegen.cfg -> test2-if.cfg — Sven Gothel / cgit
  140. WIP JavaCallback Tests: Fix: Link library Bindingtest2p1 against library test2 not test1 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  141. WIP JavaCallback Tests: Fix: must be 'IncludeAs' for both implementations, Bindingtest2p1Impl and Bindingtest2p2Impl — Sven Gothel / cgit
  142. WIP JavaCallback Tests: Fix typo in 'CustomJavaCode' Java class target name — Sven Gothel / cgit
  143. WIP JavaCallback Tests: Fix Test4p2JavaCallback.chapter__TestLoadLibrary() issue loadBindingtest2p2() not loadBindingtest2p1() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  144. GlueGen Code Unit Tests using a statically linked tool library do not need to load the tool library dynamically, hence dropped. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  145. JavaConfiguration.requiresJavaCallbackCode() shall return true for all JavaCallback cases no just non-userParam case — Sven Gothel / cgit
  146. Cleanup unit test class names: Try to start w/ 'Test', remove intermediate 'Test' for supporting, non-test classes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  147. Cleanup unit test class names (pt2): Try to start w/ 'Test', remove intermediate 'Test' for supporting, non-test classes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  148. Cleanup unit test class names (pt3): Try to start w/ 'Test', remove intermediate 'Test' for supporting, non-test classes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  149. Add notes `Loading a MacOS Native Library's Dependencies` and use absolute path in unit test script for library-path — Sven Gothel / cgit
  150. Minor cleanup (includes, spacing) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  151. JavaCallback: Add Mathieu Féry's detailed git comment regarding 2abb40b0ca9a6a06bdbe3e66b4235301ed15c693; Updated — Sven Gothel / cgit
  152. feat(generation): Fix CodeGenUtils.emitJavaHeaders — mfery / cgit
  153. feat(generation): Fix generic parsing inside JavaParser.g to allow parsing of java callback implementation — mfery / cgit
  154. Bump jcpp (merged w/ jcpp upstream v1.4.14) and adopt to changes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  155. Drop PCPP, GlueGen exclusively uses JCPP; Adopt test case Test{P->J}CPP — Sven Gothel / cgit
  156. TestJCPP: Add recursive-include test and include a header file starting with '-' and in a subdir containing a '-' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  157. ANTLR Syntax: Add debugging facility for GnuCParser.g and StdCParser.g — Sven Gothel / cgit
  158. Bug 1450: Fix 'Number' rule, i.e. only consume positive numbers as `additiveExpr` and `unaryExpr` consume the '-' operator — Sven Gothel / cgit
  159. Bug 1450: Widen ConstantDefinition.isConstantExpression() to include 'patternCPPOperand' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  160. Bug 1450: Be more verbose w/ JavaEmitter comment lines for enums and defines, include native expression — Sven Gothel / cgit
  161. Bug 1450: Add test snippets covering the issues: test2.h for Bindingtest2, TestJCPP and new TestCParser — Sven Gothel / cgit
  162. Bug 1450: TestCParser: Enable test10_cc() w/o JCPP — Sven Gothel / cgit
  163. GlueGen: 'from expression' -> 'with expression' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#961 (May 23, 2023, 2:28:09 AM)

  1. AudioSink: Enhance description re 'AudioFrame' and 'frameDuration' also using enqueueData() -> 1 AudioFrame — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. AudioSink: Add getAvgFrameDuration(); API-Doc: Default*: 'frame' -> AudioFrame; init(): Use getAvgFrameDuration() for queue growth and limit. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. AudioFormat/AudioSink: Use float in seconds for duration to avoid losing precision when dealing with stats, averages etc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. AudioSink: Refine context locking where supported, have a more usable universal API interface — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. AudioSink: Drop getMaxSupportedChannels(), use getNativeFormat(), getPreferredFormat() and isSupported(); Add setChannelLimit() impacting — Sven Gothel / cgit

#960 (May 20, 2023, 2:35:37 PM)

  1. JarUtil.getRelativeOf(): Make'cutOffInclSubDir' optional, i.e. ignore if null in case no sub-directory is desired — Sven Gothel / cgit

#959 (May 20, 2023, 7:55:25 AM)

  1. Promote common av (audio/video) classes (AudioSink, ..) from JOGL to GlueGen for cross module usage in JOAL, JOGL, ... — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. AudioSink: Add exclusive locking allowing implementations to short-cut for less management overhead (-> OpenAL + Synthesizer) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Place AudioFormat in its own file outside AudioSink, JOAL's ALAudioSink has moved to com.jogamp.openal.util.ALAudioSink (public) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. AudioFormat: Fix rounding/int-truncate errors, all millisecond params use type int — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. AudioSink: Add latency query, init(..) frameDuration in ms shall be int, fix API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Add AudioSink.getSourceCount(), refine Audio* API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. AudioSink.init(): Detail 'frameDuration' intend and impact of underlying JOAL/OpenAL implementation — Sven Gothel / cgit

#957 (May 15, 2023, 7:10:34 AM)

  1. doc/ Fix 'Build node 12.6.5' row (11 -> 12) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#956 (May 8, 2023, 7:28:00 PM)

  1. GlueGen 7z File Layout: Have * inside jar folder — Sven Gothel / cgit

#954 (May 7, 2023, 2:52:35 AM)

  1. Next JogAmp Release to be 2.5.0, mark w/ developer RC + timestamp tag — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Buffers: Add put[34][bsifd](..) and array-put variants for flexibility/performance. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Add Clock, implementing proper monotonic and wallclock time using Instant (sec + nsec), currentTimeMillis() is also monotonic now, reused by Platform. Dropped Platform.currentTimeMicros() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Add PerfCounterCtrl, a simple performance counter controller — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix Clock for performance counter: Add currentTimeNanos() since module startup, retrievable via getMonotonicStartupTime(). (performance) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Clock: Rename currentTimeNanos() -> currentNanos() as it represents the duration since module startup and not time. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Clock: Consider return code on failed native clock_gettime(..) call; Add Win32 clock_gettime() implementation. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Clock: Use Clock.currentNanos() instead of System.nanoTime() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. IOUtil.copyStream2{File|Stream)(..): Drop unused and misleading 'totalNumBytes' argument, since we have no user-feedback callback passed. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. IOUtil.copyStream2Byte{Array|Buffer}(..): API Doc: Clarify that the complete stream is copied. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. IOUtil.copyStreamChunk2ByteBuffer(..): Added new method to copy a chunk (segment) of the input stream (skipBytes, byteCount) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. HowToBuild: Windows: We use MinGW64 w/ 'posix threads' instead of 'win32 threads', allowing C++ std::mutex etc to be used (openal-soft) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. HowToBuild: MacOS: Detail cmake commandline installation and mention 7-Zip — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Roll back MacOS Min Version Requirement to 10.5 from 11.0 (macosx-version-min) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. MacOS: Using 'Minimum Deployment Target' 10.7 (Lion) and documenting MacOS versions — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. doc/ Fix markdown list — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. doc/ Spaces (and 2nd attempt to fix the list depth in .. Build Setup .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. doc/ 3rd times a charm (space and list depth) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. doc/ 4th round (...) — Sven Gothel / cgit

v2.4.0 (Feb 1, 2023, 6:53:41 PM)

  1. GlueGen: Mark 2.4.0 as released. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#950 (Jan 23, 2023, 8:41:49 PM)

  1. NativeLibrary.enumerateLibraryPaths(): Reduce relative/absolute path mapping to 'java.library.path', others are absolute — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. MappedByteBufferInputStream: Reduce dependency to Platform — Sven Gothel / cgit

#949 (Jan 23, 2023, 10:41:04 AM)

  1. Formatting: BindingJNILibLoader, AWTEDTExecutor — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bump cpptasks.jar, commit 19c854265956942497dc89444a9ee84f18383671 (Support native windows dll-names) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Remove Windows dll-rename, adopting to cpptasks.jar change — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Windows java-win64.bat launch script: Set LIB_DIR to absolute path as required by System.load*() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NativeLibrary: Add getSystemEnvLibraryPaths(), i.e. LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PATH, .. content — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. NativeLibrary.enumerateLibraryPaths(): Using addPaths() ensures given 'path' is being resolved as absolute-canonical as required for System.load*() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. JNILibLoaderBase.loadLibraryInternal(): Produce own detailed exception if lib couldn't be loaded (avoid showing misleading orig exception) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#948 (Jan 21, 2023, 2:28:44 AM)

  1. MacOS: Add fat universal build w/ x86_64 + aarch64; Bump min SDK version >= 11.0 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix unit test1.h — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Eclipse: Use JDK 1.8.0 JRE container to avoid Java 11 modules — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. MacOS: Add description to produce fat OpenJDK libraries for x86_64 and aarch64 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Eclipse: Add jdt settings — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Eclipse: Update settings — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Replace AccessController.doPrivileged() w/ SecurityUtil.doPrivileged() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. build.xml: Always set source w/ target version, avoid build WARNING — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Default build is JDK-17, prepare up to Java-21 (next LTS); PlatformPropsImpl: Remove static OSXVersion and Version* vars, add JAVA_17 and JAVA_21 flag. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. SecurityUtil: Skip System's SecurityManager action for getSecurityManager() and doPrivileged() for Java17+ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. TestIteratorIndexCORE: Fix template usage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. TestRecursiveLock01, TestRecursiveThreadGroupLock01: 'yield()' -> 'yield_thread()' to avoid potential Java>17 collision (JEP 361) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/generation/test1.h: Fix warnings re 'const' qualifier — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Build scripts: MacOS + Windows: Use JDK-17 to build our Java-1.8 API — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. HowToBuild: adoptopenjdk -> adoptium, openjdk-11 -> openjdk-17 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Build: jogamp-env: Set minJava{8,9,11,17,21}, allowing detailed JVM attributes and reuse it. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Update Windows build/test scripts, remove 32-bit windows scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. HowToBuild: Remove Windows 32bit; Update Window 64bit toolchain, fix MacOS cmake version — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. HowToBuild: Update Debian >= 11 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. android aapt: add includeAntRuntime="false" (warning off) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. check-java-major-version: Add proper alt version — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. jogamp-androidtasks: Drop fixed 'android.api.level.min', 'use android.api.level' (default: level 24 or 'N') — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. jogamp-androidtasks: Update key and sign parameter: sigalg 'SHA256withRSA', keyalg 'RSA', keysize '2048', validity '365', digestalg 'SHA256' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#929 (Jan 4, 2020, 8:28:54 PM)

  1. native.tag.jar: include *.symbols — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. native.tag.jar: Revert explicit inclusion of *.symbols file -> implicit inclusion/exclusion based on build.dynamiclibs — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. fix windows build scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit

#928 (Jan 2, 2020, 9:16:54 AM)

  1. OpenJDK 11 javadoc stylesheet and resources — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. javadoc stylesheet: Apply JogAmp Style .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. javadoc: enable frames — Sven Gothel / cgit

#927 (Jan 2, 2020, 5:48:52 AM)

  1. update make-all script — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. add optional make/lib/gluegen/cpptasks* for iOS aarch64 and amd64 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. make/lib/gluegen-cpptasks* set 'is64Bit' where appropriate (no impact, but added for correctness) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. jogamp-fat.jar Main-Class VersionApplet -> GLWindow — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bump iOS 12.2 -> 13.2 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. iOS scripts: Use GLUEGEN_CPPTASKS_FILE instead of -DisIOS*=true — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. all build scripts: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Handle special junit treatment via make/lib/gluegen-cpptasks* (i.e. iOS) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#921 (Dec 31, 2019, 8:19:20 PM)

  1. Update CSS; Add responsive viewport design tag — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Update CSS; Add responsive viewport design tag — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1363: Java 11: Initial Host/Target Compiler Selection: Java8 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Update cpptask.jar to commit 757192655df20cc6a68affe8cbb4d7de387c9c67 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. iOS: Initial iOS support commit: build.xml targets, java code-path etc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1363: Java 11: Recognize Java9+ ..; Support JEP 178 static linkage libgluegen-rt[.so] -> libgluegen_rt[.so|.a] — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Update cpptask.jar to commit 18e04a2fb9c2a3556040091213f82fc570bc5736 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. iOS: Bump required iOS default version to 11.0 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. iOS: Generalize building the native symbols file via macro — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. iOS: NativeLibrary: Refine iOS, use proper alt system path for iOS+OSX, relax closeLibrary(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Bug 1363: Java 11: Mod scripts for OpenJDK11 usage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Bug 1363: Java 11: HowToBuild Update — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Ported NativeTaglet to jdk.javadoc.doclet.Taglet — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Fixed native header generation so it doesn't use javah — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Bug 1363: Java 11: build.xml fix some comments, javah replacement move and compile time build — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Fix warning in annotation processor — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Fixed null pointer exception in logging print — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Fixed CStruct annotation processor to not use dummy Java variable types — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Fixed java.home directory and removed obsolete tools.jar — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Fixed minor Ant buildfile consistency issues — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Fixed JRE path for Linux AMD64 to work for Java 11 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Bug 1363: Java 11: Refine 'java.home.dir' and 'java.lib.dir.platform' setup for traditional layout and JEP 220(Java 9+) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. Bug 1363: Java 11: Align gluegen-cpptask-custom.xml template to commit f54e4fbaebfec36bd3b523dc4e23f744e8e6a4ef — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. iOS: Fix native symbol generation for Windows — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. MacOS shall only scan for .dylib, dropping .jnilib search in NativeLibrary — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. build.xml: Explicitly issue 'clean-temp' at start and in the end of default 'all*' targets. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. Update HowToBuild (gawk) and windows test scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. Bug 1363: Java 11: Fix javadoc invocation, drop -source <release> for compile time javac — Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. Bug 1363: Java 11: Java version must be 11 or greater; Fix HowToBuild: Give detailed build commandline. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. Bug 1363: Java 11: Adopt java.lib.dir.platform changes to make/lib/gluegen-cpptasks-* — Sven Gothel / cgit
  31. Bug 1363: Java 11: Complete renaming JEP 178 compatible native lib basename gluegen-rt -> gluegen_rt — Sven Gothel / cgit
  32. Build Update: CMake -> 3.15.2 (Windows + MacOS), Mingw64 4.8.1 -> 8.1.0 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  33. Bug 1363: Java 11: Resolve Buffers.Cleaner implementation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  34. Bug 1363: Java 11: Refine Build and Runtime requirements. Fix Java compiler test. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  35. Windows Regression: Mingw64 8.1.0 using statical linked tool lib Test1p1Test1p1JavaEmitter — Sven Gothel / cgit
  36. Bug 1363: Java 11: Document Java8 target constraints; Fix one odd compile issue — Sven Gothel / cgit
  37. Bug 1363: Java 11: Revert CStructAnnotationProcessor's @SupportedSourceVersion back to 11 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  38. Bug 1363: Java 11: Use new Android SDK 24 for Eclipse Android .classpath — Sven Gothel / cgit
  39. Fix JogAmp Next Release Number: 2.4.0 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  40. Bug 1363: Java 11: Extract and extend sun.misc.Unsafe functionality to UnsafeUtil — Sven Gothel / cgit
  41. minor autocleanup (final removed from static) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  42. Fix gluegen-cpptasks-base.xml for crosscompilation, failed due to unset supposedly detected mandatory new properties — Sven Gothel / cgit
  43. Scripts: Macos /opt-share -> /usr/local (Catalina Read-Only) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  44. Bug 1412 - JNI: GlueGen JavaEmitter: Check & Handle Exception after calling back into Java — Sven Gothel / cgit
  45. Bug 1417 - Android: Support building using current SDK and NDK v20 as of 2019-12-10 (GlueGen w/ android-aarch64 patched) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  46. Bug 1417 - Android: Complete 1st round: make/lib/gluegen-cpptask-android-<abi>.xml and scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  47. Bug 1417 - Android: Update cpptasks.jar — Sven Gothel / cgit
  48. Bug 1417 - Android: Add new x86 MachineDataInfo, differs due to smaller 'long double' than regular x86_32_unix — Sven Gothel / cgit
  49. Bug 1417 - Android: Manifest*-android* can no more have 'Name: <folder>' directives for apk — Sven Gothel / cgit
  50. Bug 1417 - Android: Resulting dynamic libraries require the 'soname' to be set since API level 23 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  51. Bug 1417 - Android: Update cpptask, using implicit 'soname' setup, which scales better for all platforms. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  52. Bug 1417 - Android: Classify SYSROOTs in NDK for native libraries (link) and headers (compile) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  53. Bug 1417 - Android: Add ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_SYSROOT1_INC_ARCH for arch specific includes like asm/types.h — Sven Gothel / cgit
  54. Bug 1417 - Android: Add ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_SYSROOT1_INC_STL for LLVM's C++ STL headers (default since NDK r18) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  55. Bug 1417 - Android: Add adb scripts to force-stop and clear all jogamp tasks and packages — Sven Gothel / cgit
  56. Bug 1417 - Android: jogamp-env.xml: Elaborate on Android SDK API versions required [min=21, target=28], javac w/ 24, some NDK's clang with 22. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  57. Bug 1417 - Android: Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE causes SecurityException on API >= 24, use Context.MODE_PRIVATE for temp cache — Sven Gothel / cgit
  58. Bug 1417 - Android: Use d8 for dex'ing w/ implicit Java8 desugaring (macro: aapt.signed) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  59. Add WeakIdentityHashMap implementation (from Apache Avro) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  60. WeakIdentityHashMap: Cleanup; Implement putAll(..); Make IdentityWeakReference static — Sven Gothel / cgit
  61. WeakIdentityHashMap: Refine capacity computation; Bitfield.Util add 'PowerOf2' functions — Sven Gothel / cgit
  62. WeakIdentityHashMap: Always null check on weakRef.get(); IdentityWeakReference: hash is final. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  63. Bug 1417: Update ant-cpptasks to commit c45a19eadc4c697b7cc1b095692b04deb73da5ce — Sven Gothel / cgit

#916 (Apr 10, 2019, 1:48:06 AM)

  1. Place unsetting into the conditional — Sven Gothel / cgit

#914 (Apr 8, 2019, 6:05:17 AM)

  1. Bug 1190: Updating crosstools and enabling aarch64 + armv6hf 'ontarget' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1190: Fix arm6hf + aarch64 gcc options, adapt glibc-compat-symbols.h — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1190: aarch64 + armhf ld symbolic link to actual x-tool binary of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Complete jogamp-env.xml TARGET_* readout; Use parsed env in — Sven Gothel / cgit

#913 (Apr 5, 2019, 7:42:31 PM)

  1. added android x86 support. — xavier.hallade / cgit
  2. Support architecture ppc64le (Debian ppc64el). — pini / cgit
  3. Bug 682: Rename com.sun.gluegen -> com.jogamp.gluegen in doc/** — xerxes / cgit
  4. Use system property to detect Android — diegoperez / cgit
  5. Adding 'jogamp.gluegen.TestTempDirExec' property, allowing to disable — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. local build windows scripts: add 7zip to path — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Eclipse: Move android.jar to classpath end, avoid junit override — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 1219, Bug 1231: Avoid deflating test-exe on Windows using — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 1219, Bug 1231: Re-add executable test by execution — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Update HowToBuild.html — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Bug 1316: MacOSX: Keep *.dylib (Don't move to *.jnilib) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Bug 1366 - Use String.format((Locale)null, "..." ..) avoiding Locale — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Bug 1367: Make TempFileCache & TempJarCache even if temp folder can't — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Bug 1369: Source Certification Contract (SCC): Initial SHA256 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. OpenJDK8 Script Usage: Linux: Favor Debian default; Windows: Use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Bug 1367: TempJarCache: Fix Unit Test using Reflections — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Bug 1369: SCC: Hide SHA Algorithm bit size in literals of Specification — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Bug 1369: SCC: Clarify & fix build dependencies in build.xml — Sven Gothel / cgit

#908 (Dec 10, 2018, 7:20:01 AM)

  1. MappedByteBufferInputStream: Add flushSlices() to release mapped slices — Sven Gothel / cgit

#904 (Jul 31, 2017, 7:20:00 AM)

  1. Add GitLab CI .gitlab-ci.yml, build and test each commit on aarch64 and — xerxes / cgit
  2. Bug 1295: Add linux-aarch64 GNU/Linux AArch64 support — xerxes / cgit
  3. Bug 1295: Add linux-aarch64 GNU/Linux AArch64 crosscompile support — xerxes / cgit
  4. HowToBuild: Refine and add Debian 9 (Stretch) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Factor out Cleaner access for general use (Cleaning up NIO — Sven Gothel / cgit

#903 (Nov 16, 2015, 9:43:10 PM)

  1. Bug 1268 - DynamicLibraryBundleInfo: Add NativeLibrary's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bump scripts to jre1.8.0_66 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#901 (Oct 15, 2015, 2:07:49 PM)

  1. Bump to 2.4.0-rc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Version Semantics Test: Bump for 2.3.2 -> 2.4.x — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Remove deprectated classes and methods — Sven Gothel / cgit

#900 (Oct 9, 2015, 6:19:00 AM)

  1. Bump to 2.3.2 Release — Sven Gothel / cgit

#899 (Oct 7, 2015, 11:57:35 AM)

  1. Bump semver to commit 4f50b49c955f2bde2bb7eb4c7493206ec6bb1f2f — Sven Gothel / cgit

#898 (Oct 3, 2015, 8:17:47 PM)

  1. Refine new API methods: ExceptionUtils, Uri (Add @since, refine — Sven Gothel / cgit

#897 (Oct 3, 2015, 12:10:10 PM)

  1. Bug 1237 - Clarify IOUtil.getResource(..) for better efficiency, i.e. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1237: Minor Cleanup: AssetURLContext and IOUtil.getResource(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1243 - Fix IOUtil.cleanPathString(..) special case ; Allow IOUtil — Sven Gothel / cgit

#896 (Sep 25, 2015, 9:45:10 AM)

  1. Bug 1231: Usability of CustomCompress API incl zip-level; Replace — Sven Gothel / cgit

#895 (Sep 24, 2015, 3:03:27 PM)

  1. Bug 1231: Add Windows x86_64 test executable ; Use 'WinMain' for Windows — Sven Gothel / cgit

#894 (Sep 23, 2015, 6:45:55 AM)

  1. Bug 1219: IOUtil.testDirExe: Issue Process.destroy() in finalize block — Sven Gothel / cgit

#893 (Sep 22, 2015, 12:54:33 AM)

  1. Bug 1219: IOUtil.testDirExe: Disable 'existingExe' DEBUG_EXE feature by — Sven Gothel / cgit

#892 (Sep 21, 2015, 7:31:05 AM)

  1. Bug 1219: IOUtil.testDirExe: Satisfactory when executed, more debug — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1219: Fix IOUtil.StreamMonitor EOS handling — Sven Gothel / cgit

#891 (Sep 19, 2015, 9:35:04 PM)

  1. Bug 1219: Use Win32 API for test PE exe, not console — Sven Gothel / cgit

#890 (Sep 19, 2015, 5:57:26 AM)

  1. Bug 1219: Sporadic failure to determine 'executable temp base directory' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#889 (Sep 18, 2015, 11:13:29 AM)

  1. Fix Android LauncherTempFileCache: Cannot use gluegen-rt dependencies — Sven Gothel / cgit

#888 (Sep 15, 2015, 7:57:33 AM)

  1. Bug 1213 - RecursiveThreadGroupLockImpl01Unfairish.unlock() always — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. SingletonJunitCase: Allow explicit disabling singletonLock to allow — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1213: Expose InterruptSource, SourcedInterruptedException and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1213 (related): Fix TaskBase, RunnableTask and FunctionTask — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1213: Refine changes .. comments and API — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1213: Use InterruptSource.Thread — Sven Gothel / cgit

#887 (Sep 2, 2015, 1:47:00 AM)

  1. Windows Scripts: Bump JVM to 1.8.0_60 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#886 (Aug 29, 2015, 9:03:58 PM)

  1. RecursiveThreadGroupLockImpl01Unfairish: Add toString() in — Sven Gothel / cgit

#885 (Aug 19, 2015, 6:09:05 AM)

  1. Bug 1145: JNILibLoaderBase.addNativeJarLibsImpl: Proper order: #1Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1145, Bug 1172: Add performance counter for native-jar lookup: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#883 (Aug 18, 2015, 4:01:06 AM)

  1. Bug 1172: Use the same in-jar folder structure for native jars as the — xerxes / cgit
  2. Bug 1145: Fix cc1 NativeLibrary: Add current working directory + — xerxes / cgit
  3. Bug 1194: NativeLibrary: Remove dangerous search paths using the JRE — xerxes / cgit
  4. Bug 1194: Reinstate system-lib search for and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1145: Fix cc2: Null versions reported using the fat-jar — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1172: TempJarCache: Only copy native library files from — Sven Gothel / cgit

#882 (Aug 10, 2015, 4:20:00 PM)

  1. Bitfield Unit Test: Add 3bit test-data; Add testing 'untouched' other — Sven Gothel / cgit

#881 (Aug 5, 2015, 4:49:23 PM)

  1. DynamicLibraryBundle.toolDynamicLookupFunction(..): DEBUG: Show — Sven Gothel / cgit

#880 (Aug 2, 2015, 2:50:15 AM)

  1. Bitfield: Reuse [BitstreamData -> BitDemoData] for unit tests — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bitfield: Refine API method names, add clearField(boolean), fix — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. IntBitfield: Fix units calculation ( +7 -> +31 for ceiling, using 32bits — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. SyncedBitfield.clearField: Must be synchronized — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Test Bitfield: Validate Bitfield.copy(..) return value — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix Bitfield.put(..): Return previous value — Sven Gothel / cgit

#878 (Jul 31, 2015, 5:20:00 AM)

  1. Bitfield: Refine impl. complete get/put 32bit, add copy*(..), add — Sven Gothel / cgit

#877 (Jul 30, 2015, 3:20:00 AM)

  1. Introduce Bitfield interface w/ Int32 and Int32Array impl. deprecating — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bitfield: Use IndexOutOfBoundsException instead of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bitfield: @since 2.3.2 .. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#876 (Jul 29, 2015, 10:58:23 AM)

  1. Bug 1145 - Fat Jar: Use 'Main-Class' for default launch of useful — Sven Gothel / cgit

#875 (Jul 29, 2015, 4:20:17 AM)

  1. Bug 1145 - Provide JogAmp Big Fat Jars and Fat 7z Archive — Sven Gothel / cgit

#874 (Jul 28, 2015, 12:46:34 AM)

  1. PlatformPropsImpl: Add static final Version18 and Version19 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#873 (Jul 25, 2015, 12:02:28 AM)

  1. Bug 1180: Refine BuffersTest: Add assertion for remaining() — Sven Gothel / cgit

#871 (Jul 24, 2015, 10:00:19 PM)

  1. BUG1180 BuffersTest: Verify positionLimitCapacityAfterArrayAllocation — xerxes / cgit
  2. Bug 1180 BuffersTest: Refine test case a bit, add static main for — Sven Gothel / cgit

#870 (Jul 24, 2015, 7:13:15 AM)

  1. javadoc stylesheet.css: Refine list visual, i.e. top/bottom margin and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. javadoc stylesheet.css: Refine list visual, i.e. font size 76 -> 80%, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#869 (Jul 19, 2015, 1:23:59 AM)

  1. javadoc/stylesheet.css: Fix font size of nested bullet lists. — xerxes / cgit
  2. GCC Linker Config: Add '-static-libstdc++' in case libstdc++ is being — Sven Gothel / cgit

#868 (Jul 16, 2015, 7:50:04 AM)

  1. doc/manual/index.html www/index.html Fix links. — xerxes / cgit
  2. BUG 1166: Fix JavaEmitter JVMUtil_NewDirectByteBufferCopy — xerxes / cgit
  3. Bug 1166: Refine fix of JavaEmitter's JVMUtil_NewDirectByteBufferCopy — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. JavaEmitter.staticClassInitCodeCCode: Reuse static strings — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1166: Refine fix of JavaEmitter's JVMUtil_NewDirectByteBufferCopy — Sven Gothel / cgit

#867 (Jul 15, 2015, 10:23:46 PM)

  1. Fix jni/macosx/jawt_md.h: Put comment in /* */ brackets .. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#865 (Jul 14, 2015, 10:47:20 PM)

  1. Use GlueGen's JNI header for native compilation (java.includes.dir, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix using GlueGen's JNI header for native compilation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Eclipse .classpath: Add source mapping of to antlr.jar — Sven Gothel / cgit

#862 (Jul 13, 2015, 1:49:53 PM)

  1. osx-java6 script: use separate — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Android ARM64 Support: Don't define 'isAndroidARMv6:=false', since — Sven Gothel / cgit

#858 (Apr 10, 2015, 2:32:47 PM)

  1. Bump to 2.3.2-devel — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add ArrayHashMap; Use 'supportNullValue' optimizing ArrayHashSet and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1153 - GlueGen: Support [const] [native] expressions and conversion — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1153 - GlueGen: Bump JCPP — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bump semantic-versioning (0.9.33 + jogamp fixes) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bump semver to 0.9.33 w/ our patch for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bump semver: 0d2e314ef48bd2fd38b45f781c4573bdb2b32a69 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#857 (Mar 27, 2015, 4:10:37 PM)

  1. TestVersionSemantics: Add version tests: v220 -> v221, v221 -> v230 and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#856 (Mar 26, 2015, 11:54:15 PM)

  1. Bug 1149 - Add JCPP Apache 2.0 License to LICENSE.txt file / Also add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. JavaEmitter: Always use 'containingJTypeName' for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bump to 2.3.1 release — Sven Gothel / cgit

#855 (Mar 25, 2015, 1:51:21 PM)

  1. Bug 1149: Fix parsing of hexadecimal w/ binary exponent floats in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1149 - Fix JCPP test case IncludeAbsoluteTest — Sven Gothel / cgit

#854 (Mar 24, 2015, 5:03:16 AM)

  1. Import JOGL's JNI header and unify them for GlueGen and C-Compiler — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1149 - Replacing PCPP w/ JCPP, allowing complete macro handling — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1149 - Replacing PCPP w/ JCPP, allowing complete macro handling — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix Logging: PlainLogConsoleHandler shall start w/ Level.ALL, add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1149 - Replacing PCPP w/ JCPP: Name used CPP impl. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1149 - Replacing PCPP w/ JCPP: Final version bump .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Refine JNI header's jni_md.h: Always include 'gluegen_stdint.h' for — Sven Gothel / cgit

#851 (Mar 18, 2015, 12:20:00 AM)

  1. Fix DynamicLibraryBundle.isToolLibComplete() no tool-lib case, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#850 (Mar 15, 2015, 9:20:00 AM)

  1. bump to 2.3.1-rc — Sven Gothel / cgit

#849 (Mar 11, 2015, 5:59:39 PM)

  1. Bug 1144 - Add 'DelegateImplementation': Cleanup JavaConfiguration and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1144 - Add 'DelegateImplementation': Sort JavaMethodBindingEmitter — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1144 - Add 'DelegateImplementation': Cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1144 - Add 'DelegateImplementation', manually impl. may delegate to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bump for 2.3.0 release — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1134 - LOG AliasedSymbol: Don't issue getAliasedString(), logger — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 1144 - Add 'DelegateImplementation': Requires own MethodBinding for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 1144 - Fix commit bbea09816015ecf3596acdcc033553127fcc0ef3 (missing — Sven Gothel / cgit

#847 (Mar 9, 2015, 10:25:52 AM)

  1. TestByteBuffer*Stream: Reduce mmap load on poor OSX mini test machine to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1134 - Pass ASTLocationTag to all types, used for GlueGenException — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1134 - Handle Opaque fields in structs; Print struct field name in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1134 - Fix IntType: Add getCName(..) for proper C-type code; Fix its — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix Type.getDebugString() comma separation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1134 - Use ASTLocationTag in Logging (PCPP, Emitter); Refine — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 1134 - Logging's formatter now takes care of Type -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 1134 - Make ASTLocusTag's text optional — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 1134 - Fix IntType 'unsigned'; Type: Use copy-ctor instead of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 1134 - Fix aliased typedef struct emission — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Bug 1134 - Fix CMethodBindingEmitter return type '_res' qualifiers — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Bug 1134 - ProcAddressCMethodBindingEmitter: Use available — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Bug 1134 - Fix CMethodBindingEmitter return type '_res' qualifiers (part — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Bug 1134 - In case of 'undefined type' throw a semantic GlueGenException — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Bug 1134 - Add ASTLocusTagProvider for Define and fix newline in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Bug 1134 - Refine err/log message of 'previous definition is here' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#846 (Mar 6, 2015, 10:58:23 AM)

  1. Bug 1134 - Enhance GlueGen Compiler: Minimal GL Header Changes _and_ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1134 - Fix regression: Static C-Function call must use original API — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1134 - Add ASTLocationTag, locating source of [semantic] errors — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1134 - Refine Logging using 'LoggerIf' - Replace System.err w/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1134 - Utilize AliasedSymbol where required in *Configuration; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1134 - Fix ProcAddressEmitter.getFunctionPointerTypedefName() ; Fix — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 1134 - GlueGenException.toString(): Produce a 'gcc' like/compatible — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 1134 - Fix regression on OpenSolaris/gcc: Redefine in test1.h (test — Sven Gothel / cgit

#844 (Feb 5, 2015, 4:37:06 AM)

  1. build setup script: remove redundant ANT_PATH entry — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Refine commit 12feaa7d3b1544098f684d851e3caff1ec88cbc8: Add 'throws — Sven Gothel / cgit

#843 (Feb 3, 2015, 1:35:15 PM)

  1. Fix regression of commit 3caf446e29a3934900b9983dfd72cb8aa0d9e8d7: Win64 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#842 (Feb 3, 2015, 3:21:30 AM)

  1. Refine ExceptionUtils: Shorten method name, dumpThrowable uses dumpStack — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. ExceptionUtils.dumpStack(..): Skip self stack entry — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1106 - Bitstream: Simplify 'msbFirst' case for bulk operations / Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1108 - IOUtil.getTempDir(..): Difficulties to determine executable — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. GlueGen JavaEmitter: Use proper class access modifiers for emitted — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. test scripts: Bump JRE, add TEMP/TMP settings — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. TempFileCache/TempJarCache: Fix NPE in DEBUG mode — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 1108 - Fix difficulties to determine executable access permission on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. ProcAddressConfiguration: Allow setting default value for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. ExceptionUtils.dumpThrowable(..): Also dump all causes of the given — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Bug 1124 - Android Build: Use SDK >= 24.0.2 (build-tools >= 21.1.2) and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Bug 1123 - Android Launcher/ClassLoaderUtil: Fails to work w/ Android — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Bug 1122 - Add Android API 21 jar file and source zip — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. GlueGen: Make const array-length getter static, if constant. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Bug 1122 - Elf Parser: EM_res183 -> EM_AARCH64, detecting AArch64; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Bug 1122: Add AArch64 support (Android, GNU/Linux and in general) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. GlueGen: Cleanup static generated JNI code (fix method names) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Bug 1122: Reflect __LP64__ and _aarch64__ in GlueGen's stdint/stddef and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Refine Native Library Code: Bulk Permissions, Cleanup DynamicLinker — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Bug 1122: Refine AArch64 and OSType/32Bit incl. MachineDescription — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Bug 1125 - Make ELF Reader 'jogamp.common.os.elf' Stateless — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Minor Cleanup: Buffers: Remove !JAVA_6 branch; NativeLibrary: Reuse — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. Bug 1126 - Remove static query requirement of MachineDescriptor, find — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. Remove unused armv7 scripts and gluegen piece — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. GlueGen AAPT Task: Android APK native-code files shall be named using — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. GlueGen: Adapt APK install scripts for harmonized os.and.arch names, see — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. Add javadoc arg '-Xdoclint:none' if java >= 1.8 via property — Sven Gothel / cgit

#838 (Oct 8, 2014, 8:50:26 AM)

  1. SingletonJunitCase: Increase TO 12 -> 15 mins, only sleep for 1 poll — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add ExceptionUtils: Exposing dumpStackTrace(..) and dumpThrowable(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#837 (Oct 3, 2014, 6:15:38 AM)

  1. Bump semver to 0.9.30-SNAPSHOT of jogamp branch, incl. commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. IOUtil: Fix API doc; getTempDir(..) shall throw IOException instead of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1080 - Add read support for memory mapped big file I/O via — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Adapt unit tests to commit 1350823035597f784f9cf871aa487f896f3d1840: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1080 - Fix TestByteBufferInputStream: Handle OutOfMemoryError cause — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1080 - Add write support for memory mapped big file I/O via — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 1080 - Refine MappedByteBuffer*Stream impl. and API [doc], adding — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. MappedByteBuffer*Stream: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Make Scripts OSX: Remove -java7 script, add -java6 script (default uses — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. TestByteBufferCopyStream, TestByteBufferInputStream: Reduce load and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. TestByteBufferInputStream: Reduce FLUSH_SOFT load — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. MappedByteBufferInputStream: Default CacheMode is FLUSH_PRE_HARD now — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. SingletonTestCase: Move singleton test impl. from JOGL's UITestCase, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. gitignore: build*/ and build-temp — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. SingletonTestCase: SINGLE_INSTANCE_LOCK_TO (timeout) 6 -> 12 minutes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. SingletonTestCase -> SingletonJunitCase: Accomodate ClassLoader — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. SingletonJunitCase: Refine poll and release behavior — Sven Gothel / cgit

#826 (Sep 14, 2014, 7:58:50 AM)

  1. Bug 1067 - IOUtil.testDirExec(File) needs to preserve SPACE in — Sven Gothel / cgit

#825 (Sep 10, 2014, 7:28:29 AM)

  1. Bug 1063: Uri: Refine API doc; Add create(Encoded ..) ; Provide common — Sven Gothel / cgit

#824 (Sep 8, 2014, 1:55:38 PM)

  1. Bug 1063 - Utilize own Uri and Uri.Encoded class w/ proper encoding and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1063 - Uri.PATH_LEGAL: Remove reserved 'punct', encoding all — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1063 - Refine Uri and Uri.Encode ; Fix unit tests (passing on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1063: Complete Uri impl. and adoption throughout GlueGen — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bump 2.3.0 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1063: Further Uri completion - As a result of JOGL Uri adoption — Sven Gothel / cgit

#823 (Sep 8, 2014, 6:13:20 AM)

  1. Bump to 2.2.1 release — Sven Gothel / cgit

#822 (Sep 7, 2014, 7:59:58 AM)

  1. Bug 908: Fix URI/URL double encoding, ensuring encoded/decoded variants — Sven Gothel / cgit

#818 (Sep 1, 2014, 4:21:48 PM)

  1. Scripts: Bump to java 1.8.0_20 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#817 (Aug 31, 2014, 9:08:19 PM)

  1. Bump to 2.2.1-rc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. gluegen: directly use git subcommands rather than sed over a temp file — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  3. IntIntHashMap: Reduce temp. ArrayList<Entry> instances in clone — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Scripts: Bump to java 1.7.0_67 and apache-ant 1.9.4 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1015: Test executable permission on Windows via bat file (temp dir, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. scripts: favor java8 on 32bit like we do on 64bit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Revert "gluegen: directly use git subcommands rather than sed over a — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. TestVersionSemantics: BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE_USER current vs 2.2.0 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Semver: Bump to 0.9.27 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. scripts: setenv-build-x86*: allow using a preset jre/jdk iff JAVA_HOME — Sven Gothel / cgit

#814 (Aug 7, 2014, 12:22:25 AM)

  1. Bump to 2.2.0 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#813 (Jul 30, 2014, 8:30:12 PM)

  1. gluegen-cpptasks's compiler.cfg.linux.*: always "-include — Sven Gothel / cgit

#811 (Jul 11, 2014, 3:13:40 AM)

  1. PlatformPropsImpl.getOSAndArch(..): Cleanup, use final String instances — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Debug: Use JogAmp license, since we re-modelled it using PropertyAccess, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Cleanup JNILibLoaderBase: Use Platform NEWLINE, remove obsolete notice — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1024: Add fallback for native-jar-file location via classpath — Sven Gothel / cgit

#810 (Jul 10, 2014, 7:02:39 PM)

  1. Bug 1023/Bug 1024: Create native jar files for different configurations — Sven Gothel / cgit

#809 (Jul 10, 2014, 1:53:28 AM)

  1. Remove @deprecated methods — Sven Gothel / cgit

#808 (Jul 8, 2014, 12:19:03 AM)

  1. gluegen: remove unused imports, unneeded semicolons, add missing — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  2. gluegen: remove the unused reverse map from TypeDictionary — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  3. gluegen: relax private variable access to package-private for members — Harvey Harrison / cgit

#807 (Jul 5, 2014, 3:14:31 PM)

  1. Remove unused addNativeJarLibs() method; the only consumer was a unit — code / cgit
  2. Clean up native library loading and remove the ability to strip — code / cgit
  3. StringBuilder message parameter was unused. — code / cgit
  4. Do not keep re-indexing into the same array. — code / cgit

#806 (Jul 3, 2014, 4:23:02 PM)

  1. Code Clean-Up based on our Recommended Settings (jogamp-scripting — Sven Gothel / cgit

#805 (Jun 29, 2014, 9:00:08 AM)

  1. Fix 'typo' in messages: 'Catched' -> 'Caught' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#804 (Jun 27, 2014, 8:42:49 PM)

  1. Buffers: Split slice2Float(..) into dedicated methods for FloatBuffer — Sven Gothel / cgit

#803 (Jun 25, 2014, 1:37:44 PM)

  1. CMethodBindingEmitter: Suppress compiler warning in NewDirectByteBuffer — Sven Gothel / cgit

#802 (Jun 25, 2014, 11:40:34 AM)

  1. Bug 1025 - GlueGen: Add accessor for compound fields of type array, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1025 - GlueGen: Fix test case (gcc compiler regression due to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1025 - GlueGen: Fix regression of single non-native sized compound — Sven Gothel / cgit

#798 (Jun 19, 2014, 4:10:28 PM)

  1. Bump cpptasks.jar to commit 9a66c005a3cd304c4b47abd9a287a60e3545b9da — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GlueGen: Add support for compound-array in structs (accessors) ; Allow — Sven Gothel / cgit

#797 (Jun 18, 2014, 5:12:47 AM)

  1. gluegen: avoid a suppressed warning annotation by using the ArrayList — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  2. gluegen: remove an unreferenced writer variable — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  3. gluegen: update antlr grammer to produce annotated enum and functionName — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  4. gluegen: move all antlr grammars to a top-level directory — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  5. gluegen: pair the grammer input folder with an out.dir value — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  6. gluegen: update the target names for generating java code — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  7. gluegen: remove some unused imports — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  8. gluegen: update HeaderParser grammar to annotation EnumType map and — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  9. JavaEmitter.typeToJavaType: Simplify if-else block ; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Minor edits: space, final qualifier; setenv-build-*: Add generic JDK — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. ReflectionUtil.getConstructor: Add 'initializeClazz' argument, allowing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. GlueGen: Add support for 'compound call-by-value', i.e. passing and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. gluegen: move all antlr grammars to a top-level directory (refine commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. complete commit 33eb9484c4675423431521f2271e3e9d8d38f3b2 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. TestVersionSemantics: No more expecting BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE* (Due to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. GlueGen: Add support for 'compound array call-by-value' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Fix commit f4e753ff1f39be381307ffdb0fb6bb7a2d323eff: 'compound array — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. GlueGen: Refine compound [array] call-by-value native code injection and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. GlueGen: Refine compound [array] call-by-value native code injection and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#791 (Jun 11, 2014, 3:43:18 AM)

  1. OSX Build: Default gcc.compat.compiler=xcode.clang ; Remove explicit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#790 (Jun 10, 2014, 7:29:12 PM)

  1. Fix glibc-compat-symbols.h: Distinguish clang and gcc (Aligned w/ — Sven Gothel / cgit

#789 (May 27, 2014, 12:29:49 AM)

  1. gluegen: use parseInt, parseLong to avoid boxing unboxing an — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  2. gluegen: avoid appending Strings in a loop, pull out a Stringbuilder we — Harvey Harrison / cgit

#788 (May 14, 2014, 2:06:11 AM)

  1. Unit Test: Added Semantic Version Test (Current version agains v2.1.5) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Unit Test: Modularize Semantic Version Test / Fix 'excludes' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bump semver.jar to 731db3566b4096ecf6a08a9d33991400e66c5021 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bump semver.jar to new rebased c4930f9d23ae7515434942836f628f767411876c — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bump semver 174953022b62681653db1f57b087581e29313f5b — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. VersionSemanticsUtil: Produce diff stat per-class w/ diff-type-count and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bump semver to 9ec2e5329780214d317b026f7c0b086972a94a5c - Using — Sven Gothel / cgit

#786 (May 12, 2014, 1:23:51 AM)

  1. gluegen: avoid bugs with sign-extension in readUInt16 — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  2. build/test: Add ant-junit4.jar to classpath; Add experimental — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. PosixDynamicLinkerImpl: cleanup uncommented enums's intendation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. UnixDynamicLinkerImpl_JNI.c: Add (inactive) dlopen debug code (helper to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. unit test: preserve hs_err_pid*.log files (move to results folder for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 923: Remove dependency of CStruct annotation processor _generation_ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Eclipse .classpath: Add 'src' 'test/junit' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. RunnableTask: Add static method 'invokeOnNewThread(..)' for convenience — Sven Gothel / cgit

#783 (Mar 17, 2014, 4:43:22 PM)

  1. Bump to 2.2-rc — Sven Gothel / cgit

#779 (Mar 10, 2014, 2:59:56 PM)

  1. Revert "Fix CStruct annotation processor warning." — Sven Gothel / cgit

#778 (Mar 10, 2014, 2:49:25 PM)

  1. Add parser temp output files to ignored list. — Wade Walker / cgit
  2. Fix sed for paths containing spaces on Windows. — Wade Walker / cgit
  3. Fix 7z for paths containing spaces on Windows. — Wade Walker / cgit
  4. Remove warnings in emitted C code. — Wade Walker / cgit
  5. Fix accidental tabs. — Wade Walker / cgit
  6. Allow Ignore in config to ignore unnamed structs. — Wade Walker / cgit
  7. Fix CStruct annotation processor warning. — Wade Walker / cgit
  8. Minor Cleanup after merging fixes for bugs 987, 990, 992 and 994 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bump to release 2.1.5 (Android: 0914019) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#777 (Feb 21, 2014, 3:02:09 PM)

  1. Bug 980: Refine Bitstream API 'signed' and 'unsigned' semantics - — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. build-test.xml: Push 'java.generate' up from to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bitstream: Add 'throwIOExceptionOnEOF' mode; fix certain EOS situations — Sven Gothel / cgit

#776 (Feb 21, 2014, 8:42:44 AM)

  1. Bitstream: Add static 'long toUint32Long(int)' and 'int — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bitstream: Refine c70c730b22c847668cf475dc6f841b85297ac3ab: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bitstream: Another CamelCase fix: uint32LongtoInt -> uint32LongToInt — Sven Gothel / cgit

#775 (Feb 20, 2014, 5:51:05 PM)

  1. Bug 890: Adding versatile Bitstream implementation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 980: Use Bitsream class for jogamp.common.os.elf.** — Sven Gothel / cgit

#774 (Feb 16, 2014, 7:07:29 PM)

  1. Bug 958 - Add support for OpenJDK version notation — Sven Gothel / cgit

#772 (Feb 15, 2014, 9:29:07 AM)

  1. Bump to 2.2.0 RC — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 972 - Reduce ClassLoader Lookup, i.e. Class.forName(..) / Instrument — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix (SDIR was missing) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bump 'down' to 2.1.5 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. toolchain-linux [armhf/armsf]: Add symlinks to cc g++ c++ — Sven Gothel / cgit

#771 (Jan 30, 2014, 12:08:22 PM)

  1. Prepare 2.1.4 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#770 (Jan 26, 2014, 3:04:45 AM)

  1. build.xml .. fix doc (copy/paste) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. ActivityLauncher: Ensure System properties are cleared at stop() already — Sven Gothel / cgit

#769 (Jan 25, 2014, 4:46:55 PM)

  1. Jar Manifest: Sealed Entries must follow generic headers - Otherwise — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Jar Manifest: Seal all packages ; Each jar is 'standalone' as required — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Add script — Sven Gothel / cgit

#767 (Jan 24, 2014, 1:11:08 PM)

  1. Platform: Fix API doc of getCPUFamily(), getCPUType() and getABIType() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Refine test/TestMultiAndFatJar: Demoing test class outside of fat and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 856 - Android: Support dual ABI (x86 i686 *and* ARMv7arm), i.e. pick — Sven Gothel / cgit

#766 (Jan 23, 2014, 2:33:10 AM)

  1. Jar Manifest: Add empty line before EOF (otherwise last line is cut-off — Sven Gothel / cgit

#763 (Jan 22, 2014, 8:19:12 PM)

  1. Bug 945 - GlueGen's IOUtil does not consider file URI's authority when — Sven Gothel / cgit

#762 (Jan 22, 2014, 1:26:52 PM)

  1. Bug 944 - Platform doesn't parse early-access java-version string — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GlueGen: Add 'MethodJavadoc <method-name> comment-line..' configuration — Sven Gothel / cgit

#761 (Jan 13, 2014, 6:44:27 AM)

  1. Add TaskBase.flush(Throwsable): To propagate optional reason for flush ; — Sven Gothel / cgit

#760 (Jan 9, 2014, 8:49:58 PM)

  1. gluegen: MethodBinding implements clone() without implenting Clonable — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  2. IntBitfield: Fix ctor: min 1 unit; Fix getBitCount(): Use unsigned — Sven Gothel / cgit

#758 (Dec 31, 2013, 8:44:14 AM)

  1. IOUtil: Add convenience compound class 'ClassResources' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#757 (Dec 19, 2013, 1:11:50 PM)

  1. Bump to 2.1.4 RC — Sven Gothel / cgit

#753 (Dec 3, 2013, 4:50:06 AM)

  1. gluegen: use String.format to emit the error exception in implementation — Harvey Harrison / cgit

#752 (Nov 29, 2013, 2:40:07 AM)

  1. JarUtil: Use common strings for exceptions (same as used in IOUtil) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. IOUtil/JarUtil: DEBUG output on stderr not stdout — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. IOUtil: Add comments to slashify args @ caller; Use validated File @ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. JARUtil/IOUtil: Reuse IOUtil.JAR_SCHEME_SEPARATOR (now a char); Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. IOUtil.toURL(..) Apply decodeFromURI(uri.getPath()) if file-scheme; Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. IOUtil.encodeToURI(): Only use method if required — Sven Gothel / cgit

#751 (Nov 17, 2013, 7:36:29 PM)

  1. Use '' for generic clang and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. glibc-compat-symbols.h: Use GLIBC_2.0 for 32bit ; Use asm(..) instead of — Sven Gothel / cgit

#747 (Nov 17, 2013, 5:59:19 AM)

  1. Add generic '' script / rename old script — Sven Gothel / cgit

#742 (Nov 6, 2013, 4:14:50 PM)

  1. Bump to 2.2.0 RC/Devel .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bump (back) to 2.1.3 - devel (Postpone 2.2.0 track until important bugs — Sven Gothel / cgit

#741 (Nov 1, 2013, 5:57:23 AM)

  1. Bug 881 - Add 'Application-Name' in Jar's manifest to avoid Java6 NPEs — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bump 2.1.2 Release .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Release 2.1.2 (Android 0914017) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#740 (Oct 31, 2013, 11:41:12 AM)

  1. Bug 754 - JarUtil: Add method to generate resource URI from class's Jar — Sven Gothel / cgit

#736 (Oct 25, 2013, 10:01:31 AM)

  1. Bump to 2.1.2-devel (Commit 55cc188f0f076a046d05a49c1c82bb90ba545117 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#735 (Oct 25, 2013, 7:50:07 AM)

  1. Bump to 2.1.1-devel — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug 865: Safari >= 6.1 [OSX]: May employ xattr on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. PlatformPropsImpl: Add static class OSXVersion w/ selected OSX — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix Bug 871 - Add optional xcode.clang support for all modules (Extends — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Use org.junit.Assert instead of deprecated junit.framework.Assert — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. TempJarCache: Make 'initialization' query/flag thread safe, i.e. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 871 - Add optional xcode.clang support for all modules: Fix — Sven Gothel / cgit

#733 (Oct 19, 2013, 5:14:57 AM)

  1. gluegen: remove trailing whitespace — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  2. gluegen: add all missing @Override annotations — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  3. Bump 7u45 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix Bug 857: GlueGen produces erroneous file URI on Windows, which — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Release 2.1.1 (Android 0914016) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#731 (Oct 17, 2013, 11:06:57 PM)

  1. - spelling — matt.gibson / cgit
  2. Bump to 2.1.1-devel — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Android uses-sdk: Add android:targetSdkVersion="14" (to show up for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 800 - Add Windows 8 Touch Event Support / Enable Win 7 definitions — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. ArrayHashSet: Add @Override — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. ArrayHashSet: Use final local vars if applicable — Sven Gothel / cgit

#730 (Oct 10, 2013, 1:43:53 PM)

  1. Release 2.1.0 (Android 0914015) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#728 (Oct 9, 2013, 7:36:27 AM)

  1. Bug 820: Escape SPACE in filenames for URI ctor, use decoded URI — Sven Gothel / cgit

#726 (Oct 4, 2013, 9:10:07 PM)

  1. Add — Sven Gothel / cgit

#725 (Oct 3, 2013, 8:23:45 PM)

  1. VersionUtil.getPlatformInfo: include 'getOSVersionNumber()' beside it's — Sven Gothel / cgit

#724 (Oct 3, 2013, 3:37:28 PM)

  1. PropertyAccess: Add trusted properties sun.java2d.opengl, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#723 (Oct 2, 2013, 2:07:05 AM)

  1. Fix Bug 843: Remove  Platform's requirement and use of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug 844: Cannot ctor URI w/ scheme alone, use string-based — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 845: Add support for one big-fat jar file [java classes plus all — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 845: Fix JNILibLoaderBase.addNativeJarLibsImpl(..) fat-jar case. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 846: Add manual test case for One-Jar (using 0.97.1) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. JNILibLoaderBase.addNativeJarLibsImpl(..): Cleanup debug message — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. IOUtil/JarUtil: Add more detail debug information for URI — Sven Gothel / cgit

#718 (Sep 24, 2013, 11:17:34 PM)

  1. Bug 816: Add Platform.JAVA_VERSION_UPDATE - Allowing to determin whether — Sven Gothel / cgit

#717 (Sep 21, 2013, 6:13:40 AM)

  1. Fix Bug 835: Use target.[sourcelevel,targetlevel,rt.jar] for all javac — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix build issue on OSX w/ Java6. target.rt.jar is not enough for — Sven Gothel / cgit

#715 (Sep 19, 2013, 6:02:15 AM)

  1. Remove cpptasks archive, using — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bump cpptasks.jar to ant-cpptasks git-sha1 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Add clang support: '' adds 'gcc.compat.compiler' = — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. jawt_md.h: fix preprocessor comment — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Complete commit 10a28c860bd3f4ccecef156c9bbbc88087bf568d: Add source jar — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. glibc-compat-symbols.h: Only patch symbols w/ __GNUC__, aka 'gcc' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Complete a5dacb0b2b6e17f00efe520c1d23bc33ba5d9f78: Only patch symbols w/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bump to JDK/JRE 7u40. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#713 (Sep 8, 2013, 3:44:07 PM)

  1. gluegen: remove trailing whitespace from URIQueryProps — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  2. gluegen: loop over entries in HashMap directly rather than looping over — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  3. JavaDoc Stylescheet: Less glowing blue links: 4444ff -> 4444cc — Sven Gothel / cgit

#712 (Sep 6, 2013, 4:39:44 AM)

  1. Version: Bump to developer version 2.1.0, 0914014 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug 810: Moved Julien Gouesse's fix to GlueGen to solve JOGL's — Sven Gothel / cgit

#711 (Sep 2, 2013, 4:40:24 AM)

  1. Bump junit 4.8.2 -> 4.11 (incl. hamcrest 1.2) ; TestTempJarCache uses — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add '@FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING)' to all *Test* — Sven Gothel / cgit

#710 (Aug 31, 2013, 9:19:14 AM)

  1. Version: Bump to 'devel' version .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Platform: Add accurate currentTimeMillis() and currentTimeMicros() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Add Ringbuffer interface an 2 implementations, synchronized (locking) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. *Ringbuffer: Remove Ringbuffer<T>.AllocEmptyArray interface to favor a — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. DynamicLibraryBundle: Remove unused imports — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. AndroidManifests Launcher/Test: Add Camera features and permission — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Add URIQueryProps: Simple tool to process URI queries as properties — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. URIQueryProps: Custumize query separator, allowing user to favor ';' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#709 (Jul 20, 2013, 8:29:42 PM)

  1. Remove _default_ workaround for Bug 566. Workaround shall no more be — Sven Gothel / cgit

#708 (Jul 19, 2013, 5:13:30 AM)

  1. Release 2.0.2 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#707 (Jul 17, 2013, 4:20:42 PM)

  1. Adding orig. java7 javadoc stylesheet — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Javadoc: Adapt stylesheet to JogAmp color scheme ; Fix 'deep' list and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Javadoc: Use JogAmp Stylesheet / Colors .. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#706 (Jul 17, 2013, 4:58:27 AM)

  1. Remedy for Bug 782: Issue Debug.initSingleton() or Debug.debug(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#705 (Jul 16, 2013, 7:53:26 AM)

  1. gluegen: remove unneeded casts to TNode — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  2. gluegen: annotate Hastable of attributes as Hashtable<String, Object> — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  3. gluegen: remove redundant assignment of tmpBaseDir — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  4. gluegen: remove redundant test for null relativePath — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  5. gluegen: remove implied use of StringBuffer while appending to — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  6. gluegen: remove unneeded casts to JarEntry — Harvey Harrison / cgit

#704 (Jul 15, 2013, 1:41:21 PM)

  1. StringBuffer -> StringBuilder — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. FunctionSymbol: Fix equals/hashCode comparison, i.e. skip args/type due — Sven Gothel / cgit

#703 (Jul 10, 2013, 1:57:14 PM)

  1. Fix a typo (Retruns => Returns) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#698 (Jul 9, 2013, 5:20:39 AM)

  1. RunnableTask/FunctionTask run(): Write tExecuted in finally block, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#697 (Jul 5, 2013, 3:56:53 AM)

  1. Scripts: Fix setenv for open-solaris/indiana/Illumus .. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#695 (Jul 3, 2013, 11:51:18 PM)

  1. Back to developer version .. (post RC12) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#692 (Jun 25, 2013, 1:54:56 PM)

  1. TAG RC12 / Android 0914013 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#691 (Jun 25, 2013, 11:10:45 AM)

  1. Fix SingletonInstanceServerSocket.kill(): Needs to mark alive=false in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. AbstractBuffer: Generalize 'capacity' calculation, since we may — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. UnixDynamicLinkerImpl: Unify impl. of openLibraryLocal(..), — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Refine commit 5e01e993aeba4e95fc8aa6e75b3e295011e27bbb, skip — Sven Gothel / cgit

#690 (Jun 24, 2013, 12:01:29 PM)

  1. SingletonInstance: Add stats about time/attempts, subtract real-time — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix commit e46b51f75b550bc0faf70ae18f526d466d8180f3 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#688 (Jun 24, 2013, 9:49:38 AM)

  1. Scripts: Build macosx w/ java7 targeting java6 in build-macosx. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#687 (Jun 23, 2013, 11:11:50 AM)

  1. Bug 758: Fix scripts and ant build files to work w/ Java7 (default now) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Security: Tighten DynamicLinker*, NativeLibrary and DynamicLibraryBundle — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Security: Gluegen generated native methods w/ 'pass through function — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. DynamicLinker*: Proper Override notation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. DynamicLookupHelper: Add secure isFunctionAvailable(..); NativeLibrary: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. ProcAddressTable: Make all handles package private, use local — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Script: Add adb logcat script — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Scripts: Windows java run: Use 6u45 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Scripts Windows / JOGAMP_JAR_CODEBASE: No double quotes, otherwise they — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Fix regression of f69831574d4927d03d40c330d0b047d8c89622a4: Use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Security: Tighten DynamicLinker*, NativeLibrary and DynamicLibraryBundle — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Scripts: Use a local hostname for JOGAMP_JAR_CODEBASE for security — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. scripts runtests .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. ProcAddressTable: If using a SecurityManager 'checkAllLinkPermission()' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. ProcAddressTable: Fix regressions: getField(..) -> getDeclaredField(..), — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Fix jogamp-androidtask.xml's keytool and jarsigner options for Java6 / — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Fix commit eb842815498f5926828b49c48fffce22fc9586a2: Adding missing — Sven Gothel / cgit

#686 (Jun 19, 2013, 5:31:33 AM)

  1. Fix Bug 757: Regression of URL to URI conversion (Encoded path not — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix URLCompositionTest for Bug 757: If file, replace '/' in expected — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix URLCompositionTest for Bug 757 (2): If file, replace '/' in expected — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix URLCompositionTest for Bug 757 (3): If file, replace '/' in expected — Sven Gothel / cgit

#682 (Jun 18, 2013, 10:43:48 AM)

  1. Robostness: Catch Throwables on and be verbose in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Refine 4feb65517ae4a4e2b9b04cdfc4b85582cb8b9784: Handle verbose error — Sven Gothel / cgit

#680 (Jun 17, 2013, 10:10:52 AM)

  1. Complete 5d211c6fa6a0452cc4569712e436184e34504a88: Remove — Sven Gothel / cgit

#679 (Jun 17, 2013, 6:26:38 AM)

  1. Fix DynamicLinker Impl: Add Bionic specialization using Bionic's non — Sven Gothel / cgit

#678 (Jun 15, 2013, 5:30:38 AM)

  1. Fix Bug 751 OSX Java-6: Derive host/target-rt jar file from 'java.home'. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Android SDK changes: Add /build-tools/17.0.0 to PATH — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix Bug 749: Add Support for Solaris SPARC 32bit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. GlueGen (Compile Time): Add 'CStruct' Annotation Processor (APT) to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix CStruct APT File Location - Threw FileNotFoundException w/ Java7 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#676 (Jun 11, 2013, 4:31:48 PM)

  1. Bug 752: Review Code Vulnerabilities (Permission Checks of new exposed — Sven Gothel / cgit

#675 (Jun 9, 2013, 9:12:34 AM)

  1. Fix Bug 683 part1: IOUtil, JarUtil, TempJarCache, .. uses URI instead of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 747: AndroidVersion: HashMap -> IntObjectHashMap — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix Bug 683 part1b: Add IOUtil.getRelativeOf(URL, ..), wrapper for URI — Sven Gothel / cgit

#673 (Jun 8, 2013, 5:36:27 AM)

  1. Enhance VersionNumber*: Use only RegExp and cache default (no wrapped — Sven Gothel / cgit

#668 (May 6, 2013, 5:40:11 PM)

  1. Buffers: Expose 'getRemainingBytes(Object buffer)' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Buffers: Add 'sizeOfBufferType(Class<?> bufferType)' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Buffers: getRemainingBytes(Object) -> remainingBytes(Object); — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. RecursiveThreadGroupLockImpl01Unfairish: Fix DEBUG output — Sven Gothel / cgit

#667 (Apr 26, 2013, 6:49:58 AM)

  1. VersionNumber*: Add static final 'zeroVersion' for convenience and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#666 (Apr 24, 2013, 5:32:48 AM)

  1. make/gluegen-cpptasks-base.xml: Expose evaluated 'isI386' and 'isAMD64' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. build.xml: fix intendations — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Add 'glibc-compat-symbols.h' to force usage of minimal GLIBC symbols — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. glibc-compat-symbols.h: Add __arm__ -> GLIBC_2.4 ; default is now — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Modify linux-arm scripts for new toolchain (crosstools-ng) ; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix Bug 650: Use toolchain default arch & float options for default arm — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. make/lib/gluegen-cpptasks-linux-armv6[hf].xml: Set property — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Revert "make/lib/gluegen-cpptasks-linux-armv6[hf].xml: Set property — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Adding scripts to check all JogAmp native ARM libraries ; — Sven Gothel / cgit

#664 (Apr 16, 2013, 6:21:52 AM)

  1. VersionNumber: Add API doc, use final int values, remove protected 'nop' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#663 (Apr 13, 2013, 11:08:46 PM)

  1. Bug 715: Adding unit test w/ 'intArrayCopy(int *dest, int *src, int — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug 715: Don't modify 'carray' pointer returned from — Sven Gothel / cgit

#662 (Apr 11, 2013, 8:06:43 AM)

  1. gluegen: remove executable bit from java and c source files — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  2. IntBitfield: Add optimization path w/ int bitCount bitfield range. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. IntBitfield: Add bit-count, O(1) per int-element, using HAKEM. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#656 (Apr 4, 2013, 1:17:59 PM)

  1. gluegen: use explicit ArrayList constructor to avoid @SuppressWarnings — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  2. gluegen: use enhanced for-loops in ArrayHashSet — Harvey Harrison / cgit

#655 (Apr 1, 2013, 2:53:49 AM)

  1. ArrayHashSet: Add ctor w/ initialCapacity and (initialCapacity, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#653 (Mar 29, 2013, 8:56:56 AM)

  1. Bug 588: Adding jogamp.version property, i.e. 2.0.2-rc-<TIMESTAMP> used — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Move *_base_version to jogamp.version.base: Unifying base version across — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Align integer version property name .. jogamp_int_version -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Revert version.timestamp to yyyyMMdd only, i.e. w/o HHmm — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. VersionUtil: add getManifest(.., String[] extensions) variant, allowing — Sven Gothel / cgit

#649 (Mar 20, 2013, 4:40:12 AM)

  1. Fix unit test of commit 1610dbb4e4d1a1ecf31eb837a47e0f5be04afdac: Add — Sven Gothel / cgit

#648 (Mar 20, 2013, 2:26:50 AM)

  1. Fix intptr_t*, uintptr_t*, ptrdiff_t* and size_t* mapping, map them to — Sven Gothel / cgit

#647 (Mar 19, 2013, 12:37:53 AM)

  1. Function- RunnableTask: Add PrintStream 'exceptionOut' argument allowing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Function- RunnableTask: Clear runnableException @ start for re-entry; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix RecursiveLockImpl* corner case: Timeout reached but lock released -> — Sven Gothel / cgit

#646 (Mar 13, 2013, 7:19:34 AM)

  1. Fix Long*HashMap impl. of IntIntHashMap: Better 64bit hash value, using — Sven Gothel / cgit

#644 (Feb 28, 2013, 9:59:35 PM)

  1. Unit Tests: OSX/Java7 w/o 32bit tests ; Reliable Test1p*JavaEmitter JNI — Sven Gothel / cgit

#643 (Feb 28, 2013, 8:39:53 PM)

  1. Promote AWTEDTExecutor to public package com.jogamp.common.util.awt ; — Sven Gothel / cgit

#640 (Feb 22, 2013, 4:15:03 AM)

  1. Make JarUtil work with custom classloaders — Wade Walker / cgit
  2. Add security checks to resolver methods. — Wade Walker / cgit
  3. Minor edits to JarUtil.Resolver functionality: Exception types, avoiding — Sven Gothel / cgit

#639 (Feb 19, 2013, 6:16:26 PM)

  1. Only evn. JUNIT_DISABLED==true -> — Sven Gothel / cgit

#638 (Feb 19, 2013, 8:52:23 AM)

  1. OSX Java6/Java7: Adapt to used JDK (Apple's Java6 or Oracle's Java7) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. OSX/Java7 darwin/jawt_md.h Workaround ; Disable OSX/i386 if compiled w/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Add property 'jvmJava.exe' -> ${java.home}/bin/java, default jvm for — Sven Gothel / cgit

#634 (Feb 14, 2013, 3:20:31 PM)

  1. Adding Function and FunctionTask extending RunnableTask functionality — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix FunctionTask's run()/eval(..) return value assignment: Ensure it's — Sven Gothel / cgit

#633 (Feb 10, 2013, 4:17:27 AM)

  1. Bug 681: Add Elf Parsing for other OS than Linux, if ARM and !ANDROID — Sven Gothel / cgit

#631 (Feb 8, 2013, 7:29:16 PM)

  1. Bug 681: Add Basic ELF Header + ARM EABI Section Parsing, allowing to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Script: ADB launcher: Use system package, instead of user package (pkg — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 681: Use ELF Header + ARM EABI Section Parsing in PlatformPropsImpl — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. TestElfReader01.testGNULinuxSelfExe: Restrict to LINUX — Sven Gothel / cgit

#629 (Feb 1, 2013, 3:35:52 AM)

  1. Bump Android NDK to 'android-ndk-r8d' - Note: '-fno-use-linker-plugin' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Cleanup GlueGen config 'ExtendedInterfaceSymbols*' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix comments in gluegen-cpptasks-android* config file — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Android: Cleanup ClassLoaderUtil/LauncherUtil - Using cached parent — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. IOUtil.copyStream2ByteBuffer: read while numRead > -1 ; add variant w/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. IOUtil.copyStream2ByteBuffer: Turns out on Android, no -1 (EOS) is — Sven Gothel / cgit

#627 (Jan 30, 2013, 8:44:31 PM)

  1. GlueGen: NativeLibrary Fix, JNILibLoaderBase Enhancement — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add OSX Java7 build script — Sven Gothel / cgit

#625 (Jan 19, 2013, 7:06:09 AM)

  1. README: Add new IRC channel, mark Jabber deprecated — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Android Completion for launching main() class via MainLauncher; Fix — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Buffers: Fix typo — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. RecursiveLock.getHoldCount(): Fix API doc formatting — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. test script — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. PlatformPropsImpl: JAVA_RUNTIME_NAME is null using GCJ gij JRE. — xerxes / cgit
  7. Buffer.isDirect() operation is undefined w/ Eclipse ecj and GCJ gij JRE. — xerxes / cgit
  8. Modified Java 1.5 Buffers patch 2b7d1b1d25cb2cd73311ec9159b465f0391bf5e0 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Add MainLauncher adb launch script. Here we only utilize non-root — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. MainLauncher: Remove Thread.destroy() - n/a on Android .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Fix ActivityLauncher/MainLauncher .. and make adb-launch-main more — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. adb-launch-main: logcat: append to log — Sven Gothel / cgit

#619 (Dec 31, 2012, 3:12:06 PM)

  1. Fix Bug625: StructAccessor missing setShortsAt() and getShortsAt() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add com.jogamp.common.util.PrimitiveStack (FloatStack and IntegerStack), — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. PrimitiveStack: Add 'void position(int)' to set new position. Add test — Sven Gothel / cgit

#618 (Dec 28, 2012, 2:14:25 PM)

  1. Refine AWTEDTExecutor.invoke(..): Allow control whether a non AWT-EDT — Sven Gothel / cgit

#617 (Dec 27, 2012, 7:24:58 AM)

  1. Android Launcher: Fix ClassLoaderUtil's JNI lib-path determination, use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Android build scripts: Fix env. name ANDROID_SDK_HOME -> ANDROID_HOME — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Complete commit 43163af2618a0aaa3cf41de8027ef402d7e89cc3 - — Sven Gothel / cgit

#604 (Oct 31, 2012, 7:49:09 PM)

  1. IntIntHashMap: Add privileged for 'getDeclaredMethod(..)'; Add — Sven Gothel / cgit

#603 (Oct 29, 2012, 9:51:03 AM)

  1. Fix VersionNumber: Non digits cut off pattern was '\D.*' and cut off — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. VersionNumber: Remove printing Exception (was added for debugging — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. VersionNumber: Add API doc for string parsing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. VersionNumber: API doc fix — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix Bug 608: Push down TempJarCache.findLibrary(..) from — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Adding com.jogamp.common.util.IntBitfield: Simple bitfield holder class — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. IntBitfield: Add API doc; Enhance put() method, return previous value to — Sven Gothel / cgit

#602 (Oct 23, 2012, 3:40:29 PM)

  1. gluegen: generics annotations for various ArrayList/List use — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  2. gluegen: remove two fast-path tests that can never trigger — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  3. gluegen: replace Thread name with name of lock file in — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  4. Buffers: Add normalized put methods, i.e. incl. value range conversion; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Minor revert of clone replacement w/ copt-ctor of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix Buffers.copy<Type>Buffer[asByteBuffer](..): Reset position of the — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Revert "Minor revert of clone replacement w/ copt-ctor of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#601 (Oct 16, 2012, 8:04:08 AM)

  1. gluegen: trim trailing whitespace from GlueGenTask — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  2. gluegen: small cleanup and type annotation in GlueGenTask — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  3. gluegen: remove trailing whitespace from cgrammer Type class — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  4. gluegen: fix equals comparison in cgrammer Type class — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  5. gluegen: break apart a complex conditional in Type.equals() for — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  6. gluegen: remove trailing whitespace from psuedo-C parser — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  7. gluegen: simplify expression comparing against Boolean.TRUE — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  8. gluegen: conditional cleanup in Type.equals() — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  9. Intermediate revised edit before reducing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Reducing Type's equals — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. ProcAddressEmitter: Remove 'guessing' argument names from types, since — Sven Gothel / cgit

#600 (Oct 13, 2012, 8:42:28 AM)

  1. Adding gcc linker cfg: '-static-libgcc' for all def. build platforms: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#599 (Oct 12, 2012, 3:30:20 PM)

  1. Buffers.slice2Float(): Reset position and limit of host buffer — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix NPE in Buffers.slice2Float(), regression of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Buffers: Add convenient "public static StringBuilder — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Buffers.toString(): Add optional format string for single element — Sven Gothel / cgit

#598 (Oct 5, 2012, 7:13:20 PM)

  1. SingletonInstanceServerSocket: serverSocket.setReuseAddress(true); // — Sven Gothel / cgit

#597 (Oct 4, 2012, 4:43:17 AM)

  1. Refine API doc of Buffers, fix API doc Platform.NEWLINE. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug 624 - Compile and generate android JAR files — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix regression of 55b4552aef7882c358d545d020d6f12c958ed8ed, which — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. TestSingletonServerSocket01: unlock singleton lock — Sven Gothel / cgit

#590 (Sep 21, 2012, 8:28:09 PM)

  1. SingletonInstanceServerSocket: Add another (manual) unit tests for — Sven Gothel / cgit

#589 (Sep 21, 2012, 2:01:00 PM)

  1. SingletonInstanceServerSocket: Add unit tests; Create new server Thread — Sven Gothel / cgit

#588 (Sep 21, 2012, 12:18:55 PM)

  1. SingletonInstanceServerSocket: Add kill @ JVM Shutdown _and_ if normal — Sven Gothel / cgit

#586 (Sep 16, 2012, 8:28:27 AM)

  1. JNLP: Cache gluegen-rt-natives for linux-armv6 and linux-armv6hf. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#585 (Sep 15, 2012, 5:03:25 PM)

  1. Platform: Slight reorder of initialization reducing one PrivilegedAction — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. windows scripts: bump to 6u35 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. AWTEDTExecutor: Add convenient "invoke(Object treeLock, boolean wait, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#584 (Aug 26, 2012, 3:30:46 AM)

  1. JNILibLoaderBase: Fix NPE in DEBUG mode if null == stripBasenameSuffixes — Sven Gothel / cgit

#583 (Aug 23, 2012, 10:30:07 PM)

  1. JNLP: Cache gluegen-rt-natives for linux-armv6 and linux-armv6hf. — xerxes / cgit
  2. Revert "JNLP: Cache gluegen-rt-natives for linux-armv6 and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Allow the custom user gluegen property file being specified by env var — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Android: Bump version.code: 914011Sven Gothel / cgit

#576 (Aug 18, 2012, 7:06:05 PM)

  1. Use armv6 optimization for armhf to stay compatible with the new — xerxes / cgit
  2. Change/Lower ARM Requierements for GNU/Linux & Android-GNU/Linux ARM: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#575 (Jul 19, 2012, 9:22:34 PM)

  1. Minor cleanup of JavaEmitter — Sven Gothel / cgit

#570 (Jun 28, 2012, 10:01:28 PM)

  1. Lock Cleanup (API Change) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#569 (Jun 26, 2012, 12:05:02 PM)

  1. Implement Bug #598 - JOGL ALL JAR File Change incl. it's Native Jar URL — Sven Gothel / cgit

#566 (Jun 21, 2012, 8:33:55 PM)

  1. Fix IOUtil: Query FileOutputStream constructor for each use (don't — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug 591: Fix 'jnlp.' aliasing of PropertyAccess.getProperty(..): — Sven Gothel / cgit

#565 (Jun 20, 2012, 3:11:09 AM)

  1. Fix TempFileCache/LauncherTempFileCache (regression commit: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#563 (Jun 18, 2012, 6:23:46 PM)

  1. Fix Platform static initialization interdependencies w/ GlueGen native — Sven Gothel / cgit

#562 (Jun 18, 2012, 4:27:37 AM)

  1. Fix Bug 583: Remove Android compile-time dependencies and exclude — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug 583 (2): Remove Android compile-time dependencies and exclude — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix Android Remote Test: gluegen-rt.apk -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix Bug 587: Use alternative storage location if platform's temp — Sven Gothel / cgit

#559 (Jun 3, 2012, 6:32:24 PM)

  1. Android: Add xhdpi icon — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Android AAPT Task/Macro: Put temp src/classes folder ( aside — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Android: Bump version.code to 0914009 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Android: Bump version.code: 914010Sven Gothel / cgit

#552 (May 4, 2012, 3:49:43 PM)

  1. Reduce APK version name to 30 chars — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. APK version code = 1 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Android Launcher: More verbose ClassLoader* — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Use ClassLoader to find JNI native libraries. ClassLoader was only used — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix commit cc76889a6fe96cffb91c9a3aa7934878c0ecd97e: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. DynamicLibraryBundle: API doc refinement, mention the ClassLoader role. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Android ClassLoaderUtil: Cleanup hack .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Android Launcher: Add dummy version activity (recognized by market), — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Android: Add the LauncherVersionActivity .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bump Android version.code: 2Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. LauncherUtil: Allow no query in URI and no PKG in query — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. GlueGenVersionActivity: Add Scroller .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Android AssetDexClassLoader: Disable DEBUG flag. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Android Launcher: Add permission Internet access — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Fix Android Launcher: Add permission Internet access (commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Fix Android JogAmp Launcher: Assets — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Android version.code: 3Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Android: 'android.jar' -> android-015.jar', 'android-min.jar' (9); — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Android: Cleanup Manifest - remove commented out tags, don't require — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Android: aapt no debug, gluegen: proper version.code and launcher — Sven Gothel / cgit

#551 (May 3, 2012, 5:21:14 AM)

  1. AndroidLauncher: Add 'MainLauncher'; ClassLoaderUtil adds list of direct — Sven Gothel / cgit

#549 (Apr 25, 2012, 5:13:32 PM)

  1. Platform: Need priviledge read access for property 'java.awt.headless' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. PropertyAccess: Cleanup code, adding comment. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#547 (Apr 19, 2012, 8:39:21 PM)

  1. Partially revert commit 5efbe805c553a2ac21a79386c3e2147858d4308b - Linux — Sven Gothel / cgit

#546 (Apr 19, 2012, 7:44:15 PM)

  1. Relaxed Unix linker flags for Linux + Solaris ; Refined Linux Armv4 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#545 (Apr 18, 2012, 10:38:53 PM)

  1. Linux ARMel eabi: Use armv6t, soft-float - low profile to target more — Sven Gothel / cgit

#544 (Apr 18, 2012, 11:15:05 AM)

  1. Solaris manual build setup - check default install location for 64bit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#543 (Apr 17, 2012, 9:58:07 AM)

  1. Fix generics .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. StringBuffer -> StringBuilder (Local objects, no concurrency) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#541 (Apr 9, 2012, 7:50:01 AM)

  1. Buffers: Add generic slice2Float(..) method from JOGL's — Sven Gothel / cgit

#540 (Apr 9, 2012, 6:52:38 AM)

  1. Add Android API 15 (Ice Cream Sandwich) for it's MediaPlayer — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Android: Compile agains API Level 15 for AV package, we don't require it — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix IOUtil: Handle all '../' and './' cases by reducing the path. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. IOUtil: Add fail-safe getFileOutputStream(..) (inspired by pngj helper — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. ActivityLauncher/LauncherUtil: Clear properties 'onDestroy()' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#536 (Mar 28, 2012, 9:35:52 PM)

  1. Fix EABI Armel/Armhf selection incl. os.and.arch — Sven Gothel / cgit

#534 (Mar 28, 2012, 8:00:47 PM)

  1. gluegen-cpptasks-android-armv7.xml: Add missing isAbiEabiGnuArmel — Sven Gothel / cgit

#533 (Mar 28, 2012, 6:56:41 PM)

  1. Test: Add dump of environment vars — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Dump Local Info on build machine during junit.compile — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Dump Envs: Suppress COOKIE, SSH and GPG env vars — Sven Gothel / cgit

#532 (Mar 28, 2012, 3:20:47 AM)

  1. Add support for armhf/gnueabihf resulting in new 'os.and.arch' := [ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. 7z Archive: Add all APK's - Was missing Android Launcher. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#529 (Mar 27, 2012, 6:36:31 AM)

  1. Add *.apk files to the 7z archive [for deployment] — Sven Gothel / cgit

#528 (Mar 27, 2012, 1:38:38 AM)

  1. To help analyzing Bug 566, we allow overwriting the 'workaround' with — Sven Gothel / cgit

#526 (Mar 26, 2012, 9:15:08 PM)

  1. DynamicLibraryBundle*: Allow DynamicLibraryBundleInfo impl. to designate — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. RunnableExecutor: Add (c) header — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Platform: Add AWT_AVAILABLE 'knowledge'; RunnableExecutor: Add AWTEDT — Sven Gothel / cgit

#525 (Mar 23, 2012, 12:20:48 PM)

  1. Minor edits: Fix API doc / Remove Thread.dumpStack() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix 'NIOOnly' impl ; Use 'final' in gen. Java stubs ; — Sven Gothel / cgit

#518 (Mar 18, 2012, 9:22:12 AM)

  1. android remote adb test fixes: (1) Add connect; (2) Remove overriding — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Stabilize open InputStream's / Closeable's: Decorate w/ try-finally and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. android remote test script: panda02 is my default test machine — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Allow GLUEGEN_CPPTASKS_FILE to be relative to gluegen.root ; Load — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix rel GLUEGEN_CPPTASKS_FILE commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Intro.: PropertyAccess ; Added safe PropertyAccess for JNILibLoaderBase, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. SecurityUtil: Generalize cert validation and AccessControlContext query; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. PropertyAccess: Push down 'isPropertyDefined(final String property, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Android: New ActivityLauncher ( — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Add 'asset' URLConnection; IOUtil uses URLConnection / incr. effeciency; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Adding missing file .. oops — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Added adb install files — Sven Gothel / cgit

#514 (Mar 7, 2012, 12:20:28 PM)

  1. Changes to make gluegen build with NDK r7 — edwin.vane / cgit
  2. Update and cleanup cpptasks build & archive. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. android crosscompile script, use android-ndk-r7b but favor generic — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. cpptasks: Cleanup patch file and move single patches to obsolete for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Use common TARGET_PLATFORM_ROOT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. android build/test fixes and refinement — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. build: Move c.compiler.debug, c.compiler.use-debug and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. android test: Specify '' and add TestJarsInJar.apk / — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. TempJarCache: Check for NULL jarURL and reuse contains queries — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Don't build and use gluegen.apk (compile time only) ; Don't test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. gluegen-cpptasks-android-armv7: Add 'gluegen.cpptasks.detect.os.custom' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#512 (Mar 5, 2012, 11:46:01 PM)

  1. Fix NIO Buffers<T> .put<Type1>(<Type2>) - Add appropriate source -> — Sven Gothel / cgit

#511 (Mar 5, 2012, 12:20:27 PM)

  1. Fix local armel path — Sven Gothel / cgit

#509 (Feb 24, 2012, 7:20:27 PM)

  1. Dummy unit test name slice -> status — Sven Gothel / cgit

#508 (Feb 24, 2012, 6:22:27 PM)

  1. Introduce environment-var/property to disable unit tests (per node) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Even if '', we need to produce the test archive (7z), — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. If, copy a dummy TEST xml file, otherwisa Jenkins — Sven Gothel / cgit

#505 (Feb 24, 2012, 7:41:36 AM)

  1. minor: verbose output — Sven Gothel / cgit

#504 (Feb 24, 2012, 7:22:11 AM)

  1. Fix crosstests (TestJarUtil and PCPP) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. build script — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Passing environment-vars and ant-properties to junit tests, enabling — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Set 'jvmDataModel.arg' property in crosscompile build scripts, where — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. ProcAddressEmitter: Even use this emitter for manual impl. methods, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Exposing custom gluegen-cpptask.file for crosscompilation presets, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. fix name on target — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Add required NODE_LABEL, ie label/linux-armv7-img, allowing to find the — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Add NODE_LABEL in scripts/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Add gluegen.basename property, allowing to pass the JOB_NAME to the find — Sven Gothel / cgit

#497 (Feb 20, 2012, 12:20:29 PM)

  1. Fix ARM gluegen-rt-natives-linux-"amdv7, amdv5".jar name lookup typo. — xerxes / cgit
  2. Fix linux-armv7 crosscompilation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix [linux] armv7 cross build (regression of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#494 (Feb 15, 2012, 1:57:08 PM)

  1. Don't ignore GlueGen.debug() in static DEBUG flags; Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add more debug/analisys information. Throw exception when attempting to — Sven Gothel / cgit

#487 (Feb 13, 2012, 12:20:27 PM)

  1. Platform: Add Java VersionNumber — Sven Gothel / cgit

#486 (Feb 13, 2012, 7:01:51 AM)

  1. DynamicLibraryBundle (enhancement) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#480 (Jan 23, 2012, 4:49:04 PM)

  1. Fix setting default bootclasspath (target.rt.jar and host.rt.jar) for OS — Sven Gothel / cgit

#479 (Jan 23, 2012, 4:12:39 AM)

  1. javac - setup encoding to UTF-8 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#478 (Jan 23, 2012, 2:45:32 AM)

  1. Fix Bug 516 (Determine Java Version); Minor fixes (jogamp/common/** ..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add verification script for compiled-in Java version — Sven Gothel / cgit

#474 (Jan 9, 2012, 7:47:19 PM)

  1. Update cpptasks-1.0b5 darwin/osx patch: remove auto option 'prebind', — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug 488: Enable others architectures under GNU/Linux — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix Bug 545: Provide more information about the system — Sven Gothel / cgit

#471 (Jan 5, 2012, 12:20:55 PM)

  1. Further fix for bug 537 - Catch IllegalArgumentException in — Sven Gothel / cgit

#470 (Jan 4, 2012, 12:20:55 PM)

  1. Fix JAR cache to allow running from class files — Wade Walker / cgit

#467 (Dec 22, 2011, 9:11:17 PM)

  1. win make scripts - bump to 6u30 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#461 (Dec 19, 2011, 1:56:42 AM)

  1. Fix regression of commit b669435d277a10e6163034aba286ecccce013f69, which — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add 32bit tests for OSX (fat binaries) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#460 (Dec 18, 2011, 4:48:48 PM)

  1. JNILibLoaderBaser.addNativeJarLibs(..): Catch all Exception (also — Sven Gothel / cgit

#458 (Dec 18, 2011, 4:33:35 AM)

  1. scrips for sol — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GlueGen: Expose public static debug() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. JavaEmitter: Fix primitive StructEmitter for non-fixed-sized (size — Sven Gothel / cgit

#456 (Dec 11, 2011, 5:48:47 AM)

  1. Cleanup Lock Package: API doc, complete throws declaration, interface — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. RecursiveThreadGroupLock: New recursive lock interface and impl, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#455 (Dec 2, 2011, 2:58:39 AM)

  1. Fix Test1p2ProcAddressEmitter (static var); Add TestTracer — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. TestTracer -> JunitTracer — Sven Gothel / cgit

#453 (Dec 1, 2011, 9:51:49 PM)

  1. Bump to 6u29 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Refine TempJarCache/JNILibLoaderBase ; Add TempFileCache destroy() for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. DynamicLibraryBundle/NativeLibrary: Add destroy() to bundle, causing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Minor edits / Put gluegen-rt 'libBaseName' static. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. JVMUtil: Remove Platform dependency - It's being called by Platform and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Test: Add unload of libraries as last test. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. TempJarCache/JNILibLoaderBase: Identify the Jar files by their URL — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. NativeLibrary DEBUG: stack trace @ close() — Sven Gothel / cgit

#452 (Nov 29, 2011, 1:58:11 PM)

  1. Fix regression (#2) of commit 04391a3f417e10e1b6dafbd8becc63659af633c30 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#451 (Nov 29, 2011, 8:16:11 AM)

  1. Fix regresseion of commit 04391a3f417e10e1b6dafbd8becc63659af633c3 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix TempJarCache's Multi-User Bug (Reported by Martin Hegedus) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#450 (Nov 29, 2011, 5:42:20 AM)

  1. Add 'TestJarsInJar.jar' test JAR file for upcoming JarUtil tests (Jar in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. JarUtil: Improve Robustness (Bug 522) and API doc, prepare for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. JarUtil (Fix Bug 522): Handle case where given URL doesn't contain any — Sven Gothel / cgit

#444 (Nov 26, 2011, 6:34:14 PM)

  1. cpptasks MacOSX 10.5 support (bug 528): Use '-mmacosx-version-min=10.5' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#443 (Nov 26, 2011, 6:22:58 AM)

  1. Move TRACE_LOCK from RecursiveLock -> Lock — Sven Gothel / cgit

#442 (Nov 25, 2011, 3:23:21 AM)

  1. ReflectionUtil: Catch NoClassDefFoundError @ getMethod() for robustness — Sven Gothel / cgit

#440 (Nov 22, 2011, 12:58:38 PM)

  1. Add assertion to RunnableTask test case (forgot in commit: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#439 (Nov 22, 2011, 12:27:04 PM)

  1. RunnableTask: Add documentation, incl. unit test. Add — Sven Gothel / cgit

#438 (Nov 20, 2011, 12:30:13 AM)

  1. gluegen/OSX: Add property java.osx.frameworks.dir — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Platform: Add 'getCurrentSleepJitter()' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#431 (Oct 27, 2011, 5:00:52 AM)

  1. Platform: Add OS_VERSION_NUMBER / getOSVersionNumber() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix VersionNumber cstr w/ string parsing: cutt-off non-digit-parts, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#429 (Oct 24, 2011, 11:48:05 AM)

  1. Update documentation (size/alignment) for MacOSX-32bit-gcc4 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#427 (Oct 24, 2011, 10:20:17 AM)

  1. MachineDescriptor Static: Add Mac-OsX 32bit gcc4 special case with — Sven Gothel / cgit

#424 (Oct 18, 2011, 5:14:49 PM)

  1. Generalize jvm-data-model-arg 'jvmDataModel.arg', set do -d64, -d32 or — Sven Gothel / cgit

#421 (Oct 18, 2011, 12:21:32 PM)

  1. Android: Use NDK default gcc settings — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Solaris gcc args ; Adding JVM arch flags (-d32/-d64) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Add solaris 64bit JVM comment — Sven Gothel / cgit

#420 (Oct 7, 2011, 8:20:49 PM)

  1. Add some warning supression tags — Sven Gothel / cgit

#419 (Oct 6, 2011, 12:20:49 PM)

  1. Enhance ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical: Use mode-flag JNI_ABORT if array — Sven Gothel / cgit

#418 (Oct 1, 2011, 3:20:48 AM)

  1. Android: no verbose — Sven Gothel / cgit

#417 (Sep 30, 2011, 9:20:49 PM)

  1. IOUtil's getTempRoot()'s Fix chicken-egg problem ; Adding proper API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Enhance ReflectionUtil getConstructor(..) w/ 2nd attempt of cstr look-up — Sven Gothel / cgit

#416 (Sep 30, 2011, 3:20:50 PM)

  1. IOUtil: Generalize w/ getTempRoot() — Sven Gothel / cgit

#415 (Sep 28, 2011, 5:20:49 PM)

  1. Android apk's jarsrcdir: exclude all sources. TODO: need better custom — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. IOUtil/Android: Convenient createTempFile wrapper for Android, using the — Sven Gothel / cgit

#414 (Sep 28, 2011, 1:20:49 PM)

  1. Android aapt.signed: add jarsrcdir to add non java files (resources) to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Don't default to USE_TEMP_JAR_CACHE:=true on Android — Sven Gothel / cgit

#412 (Sep 27, 2011, 12:20:49 PM)

  1. Lock ChangeSet: Prepare RecursiveLock to be an implementation of it's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Lock ChangeSet: New RecursiveLock interface. Minor API change to of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Lock ChangeSet (fin): Cleanup, fix and enhance RecursiveLock — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. RunnableTask: Allow validation whether invoking thread intends to wait — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. minor: test/build scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit

#411 (Sep 26, 2011, 12:21:05 PM)

  1. NativeLib: Fix OSX lib name detection; JarUtil extract: at copy entry, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. JNILibLoaderBase: Add convenient method to addNativeJarLibs for 'all' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. SingletonInstanceServerSocket: composite thread name w/ leading original — Sven Gothel / cgit

#410 (Sep 23, 2011, 6:01:31 PM)

  1. TempJarCache/JNILibLoaderBase: Validate the to be loader JarFile's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Moved JVMUtil to private package; Invoke JVMUtil.initSingleton() from — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Add boolean system property 'jogamp.gluegen.UseTempJarCache', defaults — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Better DEBUG output — Sven Gothel / cgit

#409 (Sep 22, 2011, 1:43:00 AM)

  1. Unify JNI Library Loading into JNILibLoaderBase and use it for the — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. JNILibLoaderBase/TempJarCache: Prepare for loadLibrary(..) out of cached — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. gluegen-rt lib loading: Moved to Platform static init incl. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. test script — Sven Gothel / cgit

#408 (Sep 21, 2011, 12:21:07 PM)

  1. Remove redundant: NativeLibrary.ensureNativeLibLoaded() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Temp Cache: More control over the lifecycle, explicit TempJarCache — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. LICENSE.txt: Removed 'may be used'. Added Emphasized multiple licenses — Sven Gothel / cgit

#407 (Sep 19, 2011, 4:20:44 PM)

  1. Enhancement/GenericStyle: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Enhancements / New utils: JarUtil, TempFileCache and TempJarCache — Sven Gothel / cgit

#403 (Sep 16, 2011, 3:28:37 PM)

  1. NativeLibLoader: Handle case where prev. Applet used JNLPAppletLauncher, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#401 (Sep 14, 2011, 12:20:50 PM)

  1. IOUtil getResource() - Lookup class package space 1st; Catch all — Sven Gothel / cgit

#400 (Sep 14, 2011, 2:32:07 AM)

  1. ant target base.compile w/o tampering — Sven Gothel / cgit

#399 (Sep 12, 2011, 12:20:50 PM)

  1. New FHS: jar in jars/ — Sven Gothel / cgit

#394 (Sep 4, 2011, 11:00:58 AM)

  1. Fix PCPP/DumpCPP: Avoid NPE ; More descriptive exception in case of non — Sven Gothel / cgit

#393 (Aug 31, 2011, 12:20:26 PM)

  1. DynamicLibraryBundle*: Use generics for better spec / Drop Iterator in — Sven Gothel / cgit

#392 (Aug 30, 2011, 7:43:35 PM)

  1. Add [my] setenv-build-jogl scripts to make/scripts allowing them to be — Sven Gothel / cgit

#389 (Aug 24, 2011, 1:58:43 AM)

  1. ArrayHashSet: Add Java Generics Syntax — Sven Gothel / cgit

#388 (Aug 22, 2011, 8:44:52 PM)

  1. Fix Bug 510 w/ Wade Walker's proposal. However, the EGL global lookup — Sven Gothel / cgit

#386 (Aug 9, 2011, 9:20:51 PM)

  1. DynamicLibraryBundleInfo: Allow impl. to select tool/system lookup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. CachedBufferFactory: Cosmetic changes - comments, -1 -> 0 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#385 (Aug 8, 2011, 12:20:53 PM)

  1. crosstest: add rsync excludes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. crosstest: exclude .git as well — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. crosstest rsync, drop src zip — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. aapt build check fix ; DynamicLibraryBundle.isGlueLibComplete() == true — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Android: Extract static context holder — Sven Gothel / cgit

#384 (Aug 5, 2011, 5:55:12 AM)

  1. aapt.signed: add androidresources.path argument ; sdk >= 9 ; test — Sven Gothel / cgit

#383 (Aug 4, 2011, 12:21:19 PM)

  1. Add android src zip, better license info; Dropped SDK 8 for now — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add define '__X11__', is isX11 ; Android attach system include folders — Sven Gothel / cgit

#382 (Aug 3, 2011, 12:21:18 PM)

  1. Hide DynamicLinker impl.; Remove public AndroidPackageUtil ; — Sven Gothel / cgit

#381 (Aug 2, 2011, 3:20:50 PM)

  1. Eclipse Classpath: Add android.jar — Sven Gothel / cgit

#380 (Aug 2, 2011, 1:20:49 PM)

  1. adding missing rename: lib/linux-x86_64 -> lib/linux ; Fix — Sven Gothel / cgit

#379 (Aug 2, 2011, 12:20:53 PM)

  1. added generation and compilation of android Resource class — Rami Santina / cgit
  2. Fix: cleanup android.R based task and classpaths — Rami Santina / cgit
  3. Remove linux-armv7 native platform libraries (compile time only), — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. cross test linux/armv7 scripts: use generic ANT_PATH — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. resources: unique graphics location — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. resources: proper location, not mixing w/ 3rd party libs — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Android: Drop android.jar ; Simplify 'aapt.signed' ; Move our android — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Remove android excludes (compilation), ensuring 1:1 jar files — Sven Gothel / cgit

#378 (Jul 28, 2011, 4:57:43 PM)

  1. GlueGen proper size / alignment of primitive and compound types usage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GlueGen proper size / alignment of primitive and compound types usage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Junit tests on ARM: Reducing some test/perf loops allowing to pass tests — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix alignment query code doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Clarify aligment doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. GlueGen: Alignment Cleanup .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. - Moved most types and StructLayout to runtime package: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Fix bad file rename/move: .jav -> .java — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Cleanup: Platform CPU enum, MachineDescription, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. FIX StructAccessor / JavaEmitter's struct-emitter: Using byte offsets — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. refined Android ARMv7 targets (android still dummy) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. minor refinement — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Added scripts and custom cpp-tasks to build on android-armv7l — Rami Santina / cgit
  14. GlueGen proper size / alignment of primitive and compound types usage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Fix TestStructAccessorEndian — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Reversed Type relocation ; Minor fix — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. add props compiler.cfg.linux.x86, linker.cfg.linux.x86 for proper — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Fix regression (commit f733203dfbd034a6b1aa3eb2cd616437c982c435): Init — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Cleanup [cross] compile properties — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Adding native crosscompile test to ubuntu/armv7 and android/armv7 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Add missing defines (__unix__, DEBUG) for solaris, etc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Adding Sylvestre Ledru's bug #487 verbosity patch — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. Enable cross-testing on linux-armv7 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. Add single cross test scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. fix cross test: Test* -> *Test* ; Reduce iterations further for ARM to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. Android integration / cross-test ; Enhance Platform — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. Android: Remove native (fake) detection — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. Complete android apk creation and cont. unit test launch. Need to write — Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. Cleaned up android build ; Cross junit/java android test/script; Fix — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. Add native lib in apk, needs work to be installed (manifest ...) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  31. Cross JUnit Tests - All Passed: Android+Linux armv7 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  32. Added android packaging for android gluegen-rt.apk — Rami Santina / cgit
  33. Add Ubuntu 11.04 arm-linux-gnueabi library folder for build time linker — Sven Gothel / cgit
  34. Replace default Android icons w/ JogAmp icons — Sven Gothel / cgit
  35. proper GlueGen spelling — Sven Gothel / cgit
  36. Fix android build/unit-test ; Generalize aapt packaging (macro) ; Use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  37. APK: Native lib gets picked up now apk/lib/armeabi -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  38. Fix Android apk activity; Add apk VersionName; Add jar manifest to apk — Sven Gothel / cgit
  39. Platform getArch() -> getArchName() (analogue to getOSName()) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#373 (Jul 17, 2011, 5:21:22 PM)

  1. Add native alignment test c-code — Sven Gothel / cgit

#369 (Jun 26, 2011, 6:21:32 PM)

  1. Fix HastMapTests - Clone: Use unique random pairs: key,value — Sven Gothel / cgit

#368 (Jun 26, 2011, 8:06:02 AM)

  1. SingletonInstanceServerSocket: Fix setDaemon(true), give Thread a proper — Sven Gothel / cgit

#363 (Jun 11, 2011, 2:57:01 AM)

  1. Gluegen AntTask: 'literalInclude' may contain multiple directories, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. gluegen stddef/stdint cc header: add missing intptr_t/uintptr_t, proper — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. remove warnings — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. windows batch make: bump to 6u26 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Newt/AWT: Add singleton test instance lock for all AWT Robot tests, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. NEWT/AWT Unit Tests: Run one test at a time via superclass — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Cleanup test/junit structure. com.jogamp.test -> com.jogamp.opengl.text; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Unit Test Framework SingletonInstance: setup file unlock/delete asap — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. UI Unit Tests: Add test name to log and singleton lock, better log — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Complete relocation of from JOGL — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. SingletonInstance Enhancements / Minor Lock/LockExt API Change (isLocked — Sven Gothel / cgit

#358 (Jun 9, 2011, 5:36:52 PM)

  1. src-zip: no compression to benefit from xz/7z compression — Sven Gothel / cgit

#337 (Jun 9, 2011, 12:46:59 AM)

  1. Merged JOGL's general purpose static methods of StreamUtil and FileUtil — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix C / JNI compilation: Add/use javah, recompile if out of date, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Platform: Add getPageSize() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. repair — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Moved remaining portions of fixed function emulation out of core JOGL — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. refactoring: renamed com.sun.opengl -> com.jogamp.opengl. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. ShaderCode: Remove redundant code (Use proper Locator variant) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Fix TAB: Replace all TAB with 4 spaces — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Fix/Add: Locator (Handle JarURLConnection and ..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Locator Util: Clarify API doc a bit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Locator: Proper package location after reloc from JOGL — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Merged Locator -> IOUtil; int Platform.getPageSize(); Added unit test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. build.xml: native jar shall be created in native build target — Sven Gothel / cgit

#335 (May 22, 2011, 7:00:13 AM)

  1. create source zip archives per default — Sven Gothel / cgit

#334 (May 17, 2011, 5:13:48 PM)

  1. Add all.debug target — Sven Gothel / cgit

#333 (May 17, 2011, 4:20:19 PM)

  1. leave java source zip file in build folder (if BUILD_ARCHIVE=true) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#332 (May 17, 2011, 1:10:33 PM)

  1. build: Query git branch/sha1 and use it if not set and tools are — Sven Gothel / cgit

#330 (May 1, 2011, 7:43:57 AM)

  1. PointerBuffer: Add duplicate() method (as req by JOCL) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#326 (Apr 27, 2011, 8:20:19 PM)

  1. refactoring in common.nio public api - removed Int64Buffer — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NativeBuffer/PointerBuffer API/Impl Change (remove explicit backup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Eclipse: use native build path of tests — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. test / build scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit

#324 (Apr 26, 2011, 8:17:39 AM)

  1. test ant: using target.sourcelevel, host.sourcelevel, javacdebug and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. ant: using target.sourcelevel, host.sourcelevel, javacdebug and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. osx fix: query availability of JVM header, ie — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. eclipse: Use all.ide as def target, using debug flags and no archive — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Remove redundant, use proper — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. RecursiveLock: Expose waiting thread queue size — Sven Gothel / cgit

#319 (Apr 1, 2011, 3:19:04 PM)

  1. Add IOUtil - generic URL to File and stream to stream copy — Sven Gothel / cgit

#317 (Mar 27, 2011, 1:01:05 AM)

  1. Fix gluegen Eclipse build clean and incremental behavior. — Wade Walker / cgit

#315 (Mar 21, 2011, 7:20:02 AM)

  1. use.macosx32 and use.macosx64 are only true when I run Mac OS X — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. VersionNumber: Add cstr with version number string and delimeter — Sven Gothel / cgit

#314 (Mar 19, 2011, 9:20:42 AM)

  1. Speed up Eclipse build — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Speed up Eclipse build — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. ReflectionUtil: split up createInstance() / use var-args where possible — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Primitive HashMap: Add deep clone(); Fix containsValue() in case of — Sven Gothel / cgit

#306 (Feb 26, 2011, 10:45:48 PM)

  1. small cleanup in uitl package — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. cleanup imports — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. fix TestRecursiveLock01's LockedObjectAction1 sync — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. RecursiveLock: static field -> final; NativeLibrary: cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. DoubleCheckLocking: Added 'ok' comment - volatile var — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix jogamp-env.xml's NODE_NAME -> — Sven Gothel / cgit

#295 (Feb 24, 2011, 12:49:16 AM)

  1. Fix archive.7z: unset property destfile.path. gluegen-archivetasks.xml — Sven Gothel / cgit

#294 (Feb 23, 2011, 8:11:05 PM)

  1. fix jogamp-env.xml ; uses env vars BUILD_ARCHIVE=true|yes and NODE_NAME — Sven Gothel / cgit

#293 (Feb 23, 2011, 6:20:30 PM)

  1. Intro jogamp-env.xml to parse common env properties ; Fix archive.7z: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#292 (Feb 23, 2011, 3:15:15 PM)

  1. Inverse build attribute build.noarchive -> build.archiveon — Sven Gothel / cgit

#289 (Feb 23, 2011, 5:17:24 AM)

  1. 7z: use OS searchpath — Sven Gothel / cgit

#286 (Feb 23, 2011, 4:59:19 AM)

  1. Fix comment — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Use NODE_NAME env var to determine test archive — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Provide task 'archive.7z' and use it instead of zip — Sven Gothel / cgit

#281 (Feb 22, 2011, 5:41:03 PM)

  1. - ensure slice uses the buffers original byteorder. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. - Buffers.slice() should maintain byteorder when sliceing ByteBuffers — Michael Bien / cgit

#273 (Feb 22, 2011, 10:18:02 AM)

  1. bump scripts to 6u24 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#271 (Feb 14, 2011, 9:21:07 PM)

  1. added CachedBufferFactory + test. — Michael Bien / cgit

#270 (Feb 13, 2011, 3:21:10 PM)

  1. Fix: Buffers back to non final ; Added missing JogAmp (c) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix: Buffers cstr back to protected — Sven Gothel / cgit

#269 (Feb 13, 2011, 2:21:09 PM)

  1. - generified com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. moved struct and buffer test to its nio friends, cleaned up imports — Michael Bien / cgit
  3. junit test NB mapping. — Michael Bien / cgit
  4. improved BuffersTest.slice(). — Michael Bien / cgit
  5. Fix: Remove unused argument ClassLoader — Sven Gothel / cgit

#268 (Feb 10, 2011, 1:38:42 AM)

  1. copy gluegen-rt.jnlp with empty codebase to build folder for local — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. html fixes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. - removed CDC impl for com.jogamp.common.nio — Michael Bien / cgit

#265 (Feb 9, 2011, 6:35:59 AM)

  1. Expand tabs to 4 spaces — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bump Java source level to 1.5 / Disable CDC builds — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Remove CDC RT JAR — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Remove CDC — Sven Gothel / cgit

#264 (Feb 9, 2011, 4:04:42 AM)

  1. Move implementation private files from com.jogamp.<module>.impl. to — Sven Gothel / cgit

#263 (Feb 5, 2011, 8:21:01 AM)

  1. copy gluegen-rt.jnlp with empty codebase to build folder for local — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fixing build scripts for Solaris systems. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#261 (Feb 2, 2011, 5:37:21 PM)

  1. Created Eclipse project files. — Wade Walker / cgit

#258 (Jan 31, 2011, 8:21:06 AM)

  1. Fix: Avoid NPE in case no manifest is available (running w/o JAR) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix: VersionNumber compare shall throw ClassCastException if argument is — Sven Gothel / cgit

#241 (Dec 18, 2010, 4:47:04 PM)

  1. debug: mention thread name — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. ReflectionUtil: Add getBaseName(Class) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#240 (Dec 15, 2010, 8:20:52 PM)

  1. run from base.compile — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix doc for type 'long' - added WARNING (ambiguous size Windows/Unix) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#239 (Dec 15, 2010, 4:21:05 PM)

  1. Fix refactor bug: os -> os_lc in strings, reverted. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#238 (Dec 14, 2010, 11:21:04 PM)

  1. archive test results — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add version tag in jnlp files — Sven Gothel / cgit

#235 (Dec 13, 2010, 5:20:24 AM)

  1. clean: import — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Debug: out -> err stream — Sven Gothel / cgit

#224 (Nov 27, 2010, 8:38:56 PM)

  1. Add generic VersionNumber util class — Sven Gothel / cgit

#223 (Nov 25, 2010, 10:55:17 AM)

  1. Refined VersionInfo (seperator/new-line) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#222 (Nov 24, 2010, 9:31:38 PM)

  1. GlueGen: Close in/out streams to allow deleteOnExit() to succeed on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix HashMapTests. The benchmark tests used the value as a key, hence — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Disabled Struct* Tests (not working on Windows .. platform; Moved — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. HashMapTest: Back to 50% tolerance, removed 'put' error — Sven Gothel / cgit

#216 (Nov 22, 2010, 11:05:33 PM)

  1. Make Primitive HashMap Benchmark test tolerant ~ 50% — Sven Gothel / cgit

#214 (Nov 22, 2010, 10:46:27 PM)

  1. Manifest: Add URL — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Version test while using the JAR files in classpath; Cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit

#209 (Nov 19, 2010, 9:14:49 AM)

  1. Buffers float/double conversion: Add arg for given destination buffer; — Sven Gothel / cgit

#208 (Nov 18, 2010, 9:20:14 AM)

  1. "maven.install" target added to build — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. Added maven deploy target, changed group to "org.jogamp.gluegen" — Michael Bien / cgit
  3. Composing valid POMs for maven artifacts — Michael Bien / cgit
  4. seperated reuseable tasks into maven-common.xml — Michael Bien / cgit
  5. added missing end tag which got lost in merge. — Michael Bien / cgit
  6. Version info debugging works now even without native libs. — Michael Bien / cgit
  7. print platform info (GlueGenVersion). — Michael Bien / cgit

#207 (Nov 17, 2010, 2:03:39 PM)

  1. Add general purpose WriteCloneable interface — Sven Gothel / cgit

#205 (Nov 16, 2010, 2:37:21 AM)

  1. Use common javadoc file structure 'javadoc/<module>/<javadoc-type>' and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#204 (Nov 15, 2010, 6:18:47 AM)

  1. Fix API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. API Doc: Complete list of predefined types — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix javadoc: Add missing '' property — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Javadoc URL: Use jogamp-next/javadoc/<module>/javadoc to allow relative — Sven Gothel / cgit

#203 (Nov 14, 2010, 8:03:42 PM)

  1. New: JogampVersion, providing generic information for Jogamp JAR — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. com.jogamp.common.util.GlueGenVersion -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Add Extension Name — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Adding missig GlueGenVersion — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Don't printStackTrace if the exception shall be catched for later use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. JogampVersion: StringBuffer getInfo(StringBuffer) -> StringBuffer — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Fix size_t, uintptr_t and uint32_t, uint64_t: suppress 'unsigned' in — Sven Gothel / cgit

#200 (Nov 9, 2010, 10:30:24 PM)

  1. Added '' (hudson timestamp) and '' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Adding SCM_BRANCH, info — Sven Gothel / cgit

#197 (Nov 9, 2010, 1:21:10 AM)

  1. Enhance API doc .. package description etc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add javadoc packagelists for other JogAmp javadoc offline links — Sven Gothel / cgit

#196 (Nov 8, 2010, 11:21:10 PM)

  1. CODEBASE_TAG -> GLUEGEN_CODEBASE_TAG — Sven Gothel / cgit

#194 (Nov 8, 2010, 8:15:01 PM)

  1. Gluegen: Types (stddef/stdint), Header and Predefined Macro Change — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Adding developer zip archive, which is being reused for deployment. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Archive: add timestamp; javadoc with 1.5 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#192 (Nov 7, 2010, 10:21:11 PM)

  1. Fix PCPP 'elif' case; Adding PCPP #error/#warning; Adding debug mode. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Updated list of OpenGL extension vendor suffixes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Sort compiler/linker configs and add __unix__ and DEBUG defines as — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Adding 'containsSafe' .. allowing verification of hash code — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. add 'base.compile' target to skip compiling unit tests for faster — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix native type representation; Retain typedef declName in resulting — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. removed ancient GL4Java file (ConvertFromGL4Java). — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Fixed benchmarking bugs in primitive HashMap test. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Avoid NPE — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. RELOCATION: GlueGen OpenGL parts back to Jogl — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Renamed com.sun.gluegen -> com.jogamp.gluegen — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Relocation: GlueGen GL Parts to Jogl — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Relocation: GlueGen GL Parts to Jogl — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. gluegen-rt-cdc.jar -> gluegen-rt.cdc.jar to comply with JOGL cdc naming — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. com.sun -> com.jogamp — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. PCPP: Fix ifdef/ifndef, if, elif and endif correct ; Enhanced PCPP tests — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Fix test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Enable ant based single test script — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Tests: Enable all tests ; Remove 'test' target -> '' ; Fix — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. PCPP: Add file and linenumber in exceptions — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. PCPP Test: Add ifndef tests — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Fix PCPP encapsualted if/if blocks — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. Gluegen/PCPP: Refined PCPP if-elif-else-endif ; Add 'dumpCPP' option to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. PCPP: Add '# <line> <file>' pass through ; Fix NB antlr.jar reference — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. Fix PCPP 'define' case; Keep PCPP output file if 'debug' ; GlueGen uses — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. PCPP: Let '#error token' throw an exception with the message; Note: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. Clarified cgram license, ie — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. Reformated license tag — Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. Changed license (-> BSD) and content (minimum tokens) of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. Proper antlr.jar in NB projects.xml (2nd try) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#188 (Nov 1, 2010, 10:55:38 PM)

  1. TestRecursiveLock01: Reduce threads/loop, otherwise slow machines will — Sven Gothel / cgit

#182 (Oct 29, 2010, 3:22:46 AM)

  1. - Fix GLProcAddressResolver regression: Use GLProcAddressResolver ! — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT: Fix AWT Parenting ; Multithreading Issues ; Semantics: destroy(), — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix: Locking/Threading; Common IntIntHashMap and Buffers; Fix: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. GLAutoDrawable: setAnimator/getAnimator/invoke/display changes; NEWT: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. GLAutoDrawable: setAnimator/getAnimator/invoke/display changes; NEWT: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. NEWT: Changed Lifecycle of Display/Screen (part 2) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. NEWT: Fix Display/Window/Screen OO Identity, Reparenting and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. RecursiveToolkitLock default TO 5s — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Fix: NativeWindow RecursiveToolkitLock, GLWindow — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Fix RecursiveToolkitLock: Implement complete fair FIFO scheduler — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. RecursiveToolkitLock relocation to gluegen finished — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Added TestRecursiveToolkitLock; disable inner classes in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. fix scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Moved locking to: com.jogamp.common.util.locks ; Better abstraction ; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. New jogamp.common.util.ArrayHashSet, providing O(1) queries/add and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. ArrayHashSet: Add 'getOrAdd(key)' identity method to conveniently get — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. ArrayHashSet: List toList() -> ArrayList toArrayList() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. RecursiveLock: TRACE_LOCK: StackTrace -> err.println — Sven Gothel / cgit

#175 (Sep 26, 2010, 6:21:16 PM)

  1. RunnableTask: Add attachment — Sven Gothel / cgit

#172 (Sep 23, 2010, 3:21:20 PM)

  1. Fix my build scripts - thx 2 utgarda — Sven Gothel / cgit

#171 (Sep 23, 2010, 8:37:24 AM)

  1. Fix: In case of a sync notifyObject, the whole action must be — Sven Gothel / cgit

#168 (Sep 14, 2010, 2:22:31 PM)

  1. LICENSE.txt changes: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. LICENSE.txt changes: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#156 (Jul 27, 2010, 11:21:51 PM)

  1. Simplify default value of — Sven Gothel / cgit

#155 (Jul 26, 2010, 6:49:46 PM)

  1. Fix: Default value for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix: default/file value order — Sven Gothel / cgit

#151 (Jul 26, 2010, 4:33:59 PM)

  1. Fix build.number ->; Read — Sven Gothel / cgit

#149 (Jul 24, 2010, 3:21:48 PM)

  1. Split up method call for reusage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add build.number -> tagging to file — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix build.number escaping — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. new line after build.number in — Michael Bien / cgit

#142 (Jul 23, 2010, 4:04:08 PM)

  1. Add FreeBSD amd64 struct layout — Mark Rothwell / cgit
  2. Use the correct linker configurations on FreeBSD and fix the — Mark Rothwell / cgit
  3. Split FreeBSD in the same manner as Linux: isFreeBSD, isFreeBSDX86, — Mark Rothwell / cgit
  4. Set os.and.arch for FreeBSD — Mark Rothwell / cgit
  5. New linker definitions for FreeBSD (do not reuse Linux definitions for — Mark Rothwell / cgit
  6. Declare x86 and amd64 compilers for FreeBSD — Mark Rothwell / cgit

#138 (Jul 8, 2010, 9:20:49 AM)

  1. Final fix for Java SE Platform query, as negotiated with Michael :) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#137 (Jul 8, 2010, 8:20:50 AM)

  1. Fix regression of missing JavaSE check in case of security manager; Typo — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Moving ClassLoader parameter to the end, which seems to be easier to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix: Add missing imports; Add warmup phase to primitive hashmap test — Sven Gothel / cgit

#133 (Jul 4, 2010, 1:21:43 PM)

  1. Merge branch 'master' of git:// — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. Merge branch 'master' of — Michael Bien / cgit
  3. Merge branch 'master' of — Michael Bien / cgit
  4. Merge branch 'master' of — Michael Bien / cgit
  5. Merge branch 'master' of — Michael Bien / cgit
  6. added slice utility methods to Buffers + rudimentary test. — Michael Bien / cgit

#130 (Jun 22, 2010, 9:21:32 AM)

  1. refactored Platform. Simplified initializer. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. currently no need for a (public) — Michael Bien / cgit
  3. small fix in IDE target. Test ran twice in debug mode. — Michael Bien / cgit
  4. Merge branch 'master' of — Michael Bien / cgit
  5. pass a ClassLoader to all methods which load classes. (ReflectionUtil) — Michael Bien / cgit
  6. added 'intptr_t' to the list of PointerBuffer candidates. — Michael Bien / cgit
  7. added BasicProcAddressEmitterTest testing generation of ProcAddressTable — Michael Bien / cgit
  8. another round of ProcAddressTable refactoring. — Michael Bien / cgit

#128 (Jun 15, 2010, 10:01:37 PM)

  1. Adding RunnableTask, generic notifyable Runnable wrapper — Sven Gothel / cgit

#120 (Jun 10, 2010, 12:39:33 AM)

  1. Minor additions to nio/Buffers, util/IntIntHashMap and os/NativeLibrary — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Adding DynamicLibraryBundle utility to bundle Tool and JNI native — Sven Gothel / cgit

#118 (Jun 1, 2010, 8:47:54 AM)

  1. XHTML cleanup and JogAmplification for gluegen manual — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. GlueGen frontpage cleanup. — Michael Bien / cgit
  3. Merge branch 'master' of — Michael Bien / cgit
  4. Refactored JavaType to use enums. — Michael Bien / cgit
  5. fixed handling of size_t which was broken since the introduction of — Michael Bien / cgit

#116 (May 28, 2010, 12:01:44 PM)

  1. Fix: Prepare CMethodBindingEmitter for struct methods as well — Sven Gothel / cgit

#112 (May 21, 2010, 4:15:00 AM)

  1. Fix JNLPs .. vendor and url — Sven Gothel / cgit

#108 (May 16, 2010, 6:38:27 PM)

  1. GlueGen/JOGL Windows x86 x86_64 Builds — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GlueGen/JOGL Windows x86 x86_64 MingW Builds — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GlueGen/JOGL Windows x86 x86_64 MingW Builds — Sven Gothel / cgit

#107 (May 14, 2010, 9:38:59 AM)

  1. Fix html ref ; Fix property error message — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. win32.c.compiler defaults to mingw — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix docu — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. fix link — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix doc — Sven Gothel / cgit

#99 (May 11, 2010, 8:39:32 AM)

  1. Put junit.jar 4.8.2, antlr.jar 2.7.7 into make/lib, and use it as the — Sven Gothel / cgit

#90 (May 10, 2010, 12:48:14 PM)

  1. Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Move HashMapTest to; Unify classes to only 'Test' in their — Sven Gothel / cgit

#83 (May 8, 2010, 1:42:29 AM)

  1. www: add proper redirection to folder www — Sven Gothel / cgit

#74 (May 5, 2010, 6:16:05 PM)

  1. Cleanup: Move scripts into their folder — Sven Gothel / cgit

#72 (May 5, 2010, 4:16:49 PM)

  1. ReflectionUtil: Added callStaticMethod(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#71 (Apr 28, 2010, 4:17:45 PM)

  1. Fix privileged access (applet) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. - JAR Manifest: Trusted-Library: true — Sven Gothel / cgit

#70 (Apr 28, 2010, 2:16:13 AM)

  1. Fix broken build — Sven Gothel / cgit

#69 (Apr 28, 2010, 12:16:14 AM)

  1. switched to nanoTime() and moved asserts to end of the benchmark. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. small optimizations in fast pimitive HashMaps (Arrays.fill(), local — Michael Bien / cgit

#68 (Apr 27, 2010, 5:17:45 PM)

  1. Fix GLProcAddressResolver regression: Loop through all names until found — Sven Gothel / cgit

#67 (Apr 26, 2010, 6:16:45 PM)

  1. Using Buffers.isDirect(), due to Java <= 1.5 limitations — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Merge branch 'master' of — Sven Gothel / cgit

#64 (Apr 26, 2010, 1:56:15 PM)

  1. added javadoc target to gluegen buildscript. — Michael Bien / cgit

#63 (Apr 24, 2010, 7:59:05 PM)

  1. renamed method. — Michael Bien / cgit

#62 (Apr 24, 2010, 6:00:26 PM)

  1. Refactored ProcAddressTable generation. — Michael Bien / cgit

#61 (Apr 24, 2010, 2:16:24 AM)

  1. Use JNILibLoader in the junit test — Sven Gothel / cgit

#60 (Apr 22, 2010, 6:16:23 PM)

  1. Cleanup uptodate rule — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Merge branch 'master' of — Sven Gothel / cgit

#59 (Apr 21, 2010, 10:16:24 PM)

  1. added getKeyNotFoundValue() and some javadoc to IntIntHashMap. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. IntIntHashMap (and friends) is now Iterable. Added iterator testcase. — Michael Bien / cgit

#58 (Apr 20, 2010, 8:49:11 PM)

  1. Auto GL profile selection; New GLReflection (refactoring of common — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. 3rd round cdcfp - compile clean. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. - Using new config feature: 'IgnoreExtendedInterfaceSymbols <java class — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Cleanup and partitioning of GLU — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. - New profile GL2ES12 (desktop) - Intersection of GL2 + GLES1 + GLES2 - — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. - Fixed usage, this works properly through gluegen, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. JOGL refactoring: Refactored JOGL into 3 independent components. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Start moving -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Continue moving -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Continue moving -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Movement of Capabilities class and chooseCapabilities functionality into — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Changed a few Class.forName() calls to defer initialization to avoid — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Fix: JAWTUtil has to JAWTNativeLibLoader.loadAWTImpl() as well. Use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. EGL changes for device — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Cleanup .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. NEWT: Native window parenting (X11: OK); AWTWindow external Frame OK — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. final large refactoring to move to com.jogamp.*. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. code review ( improved — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. - Fix: X11 locking The current thread default display or the given — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. final large refactoring to move to com.jogamp.*. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Auto GL profile selection; New GLReflection (refactoring of common — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. 3rd round cdcfp - compile clean. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. - Using new config feature: 'IgnoreExtendedInterfaceSymbols <java class — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. Cleanup and partitioning of GLU — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. - New profile GL2ES12 (desktop) - Intersection of GL2 + GLES1 + GLES2 - — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. - Fixed usage, this works properly through gluegen, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. JOGL refactoring: Refactored JOGL into 3 independent components. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. Start moving -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. Continue moving -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. Continue moving -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  31. Movement of Capabilities class and chooseCapabilities functionality into — Sven Gothel / cgit
  32. Changed a few Class.forName() calls to defer initialization to avoid — Sven Gothel / cgit
  33. Fix: JAWTUtil has to JAWTNativeLibLoader.loadAWTImpl() as well. Use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  34. Movement of Capabilities class and chooseCapabilities functionality into — Sven Gothel / cgit
  35. - Fixing SPEC documentation for bindings JOGL and NativeWindow, lot's of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  36. - Fix: X11 locking The current thread default display or the given — Sven Gothel / cgit
  37. Refactored static initialization to let the JVM ensure it only runs — Sven Gothel / cgit
  38. final large refactoring to move to com.jogamp.*. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  39. JAWT package cleanup .. re adding accidently removed files — Sven Gothel / cgit
  40. JOGL refactoring: Refactored JOGL into 3 independent components. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  41. Start moving -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  42. Continue moving -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  43. Continue moving -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  44. JOGL Added OpenGL 3.0 and 3.1 support 3.0 as part of GL2 (extensions — Sven Gothel / cgit
  45. Tested: - Linux / X11 / GL3 / GL2 / ES1 / ES2 - Using etc/profile.jogl — Sven Gothel / cgit
  46. Fix: JAWTUtil has to JAWTNativeLibLoader.loadAWTImpl() as well. Use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  47. Push custom loadLibrary handling down to NativeWindow — Sven Gothel / cgit
  48. final large refactoring to move to com.jogamp.*. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  49. code review ( improved — Sven Gothel / cgit
  50. Moving imported files to proper place — Sven Gothel / cgit
  51. remove duplicated file while importing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  52. Added keyNotFoundValue semantics, for primitve types it defaults to -1 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  53. Importing files from JOGL (preserving history) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  54. Fix Exception Handling .. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#57 (Apr 18, 2010, 11:17:21 PM)

  1. Add emitting is|get GL4|GL4bc — Sven Gothel / cgit

#56 (Apr 15, 2010, 1:15:43 AM)

  1. fixed LongIntHashMap build config. — Michael Bien / cgit

#55 (Apr 15, 2010, 12:15:42 AM)

  1. merged LongInt with IntIntHashMap. — Michael Bien / cgit

#54 (Apr 14, 2010, 9:17:17 PM)

  1. Added Uptodate verification to build only when necessary — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Merge branch 'master' of — Sven Gothel / cgit

#53 (Apr 12, 2010, 11:15:44 PM)

  1. IntIntHashMap changed to LongIntHashMap. — Simon Goller / cgit
  2. added Simon Goller to @author list in LongIntHashMap und — Michael Bien / cgit
  3. gluegen creates now LongObject and LongLongHashMap from LongIntHashMap — Michael Bien / cgit

#51 (Apr 10, 2010, 9:17:10 PM)

  1. *** Now Using Apache-Ant-1.8.0 *** — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Merge branch 'master' of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. ant 1.8.0 on win32 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#50 (Apr 8, 2010, 7:17:07 PM)

  1. annotated certain token in IntIntHashMap for text substitution. — Michael Bien / cgit

#49 (Apr 8, 2010, 3:15:42 AM)

  1. initial import of IntIntHashmap + JUnitTest including a benchmark. — Michael Bien / cgit

#48 (Apr 8, 2010, 2:16:34 AM)

  1. added gluegen intilliJ module. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Merge branch 'master' of — Sven Gothel / cgit

#47 (Apr 8, 2010, 1:15:45 AM)

  1. updated NetBeans integration targets. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. StringBuffer -> StringBuilder in Methodbinding — Michael Bien / cgit
  3. gluegen imports now com.jogamp.common.nio.* and java.nio.* instead of — Michael Bien / cgit

#46 (Apr 1, 2010, 3:09:22 AM)

  1. introduced com.jogamp.common.{nio,os} packages and moved some classes. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. Buffer heritage added. Migrated old runtime tests. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Merged with latest of mbien — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. fixed generated imports rudimentary (not DRY).. cleanup in work. — Michael Bien / cgit
  5. Fix build .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix 32bit masking / tests — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. disabled hard failure for junit tests, hope sven does not read this ;). — Michael Bien / cgit
  8. fixed a bug introduced in commit — Michael Bien / cgit
  9. Merge branch 'master' of — Michael Bien / cgit

#43 (Mar 31, 2010, 7:15:43 PM)

  1. replaced int-flags with enums + code cleanup. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. refactoring and code cleanup in gluegen.opengl and gluegen.procaddress — Michael Bien / cgit

#42 (Mar 31, 2010, 5:17:12 PM)

  1. reduced verbosity in test output. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. implemented better logging using java.util.logging. — Michael Bien / cgit

#41 (Mar 30, 2010, 7:15:42 PM)

  1. introduced internal NativeBuffer interface, this can be made public as — Michael Bien / cgit

#40 (Mar 30, 2010, 5:17:48 PM)

  1. Merge CPU to Platform — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. New Int64Buffer type, which is being used for gluegen 'long *' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Resolved conflicts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Merge branch 'master' of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#38 (Mar 29, 2010, 4:17:05 PM)

  1. moved several common utility methods from JOGL's BufferUtil to GlueGen's — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. renamed BufferFactory into Buffers. — Michael Bien / cgit
  3. made conctructor protected. — Michael Bien / cgit
  4. added sizeOfBufferElem(Buffer buf) to Buffers. — Michael Bien / cgit

#37 (Mar 28, 2010, 8:15:43 PM)

  1. updated netbeans project files (added new test folder into path). — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. updated scripts with correct package names. — Michael Bien / cgit

#36 (Mar 28, 2010, 7:15:43 PM)

  1. (part 1) merged all cdc_fp special cases into one common superclass for — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. (part2) merged all cdc_fp special cases into one common superclass for — Michael Bien / cgit

#35 (Mar 28, 2010, 5:17:08 PM)

  1. Add missing file — Sven Gothel / cgit

#34 (Mar 28, 2010, 3:15:42 AM)

  1. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Merge with mbien's 2ea8c93d5fd27207872b97c964e3f8af5ac850c6 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#31 (Mar 27, 2010, 9:48:58 PM)

  1. com.sun.opengl -> com.jogamp.opengl. — Michael Bien / cgit

#30 (Mar 27, 2010, 2:54:24 AM)

  1. renamed com.sun.gluegen.runtime -> com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. Merge branch 'master' of — Michael Bien / cgit

#29 (Mar 27, 2010, 1:15:46 AM)

  1. Add coverage test (signatures and execution) .. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#28 (Mar 26, 2010, 11:15:42 PM)

  1. Use property.location for compatible absolute path composition — Sven Gothel / cgit

#27 (Mar 26, 2010, 10:15:40 PM)

  1. Remove absolute path composing with basedir .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Revert "Remove absolute path composing with basedir .." — Michael Bien / cgit

#26 (Mar 26, 2010, 7:17:03 PM)

  1. removed ant warnings: — Michael Bien / cgit

#25 (Mar 26, 2010, 1:34:33 AM)

  1. ant-junit-ant: use rel gluegen.root path — Sven Gothel / cgit

#24 (Mar 26, 2010, 1:10:36 AM)

  1. Fix import/basedir bug (ant?) for hudson workspace — Sven Gothel / cgit

#23 (Mar 25, 2010, 11:46:50 PM)

  1. Add missing java.includes to cc build-junit.xml — Sven Gothel / cgit

#21 (Mar 25, 2010, 11:30:42 PM)

  1. build-junit.xml unique build_t property — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. invoke on test — Sven Gothel / cgit

#20 (Mar 25, 2010, 10:59:48 PM)

  1. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. start with gluegen.root .. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#19 (Mar 25, 2010, 4:36:17 PM)

  1. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#18 (Mar 25, 2010, 1:36:18 PM)

  1. seperated cli processing from main logic. — Michael Bien / cgit

#17 (Mar 22, 2010, 5:36:20 PM)

  1. fixed regression in constant emission where a type suffix (e.g. 'f') was — Michael Bien / cgit

#16 (Mar 20, 2010, 6:36:16 PM)

  1. Drop PointerBuffer.wrapNative2Java(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#15 (Mar 16, 2010, 12:36:19 PM)

  1. fixed JavaEmitter to support unsigned defines. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. removed test from all build target to safe time when jogl builds. — Michael Bien / cgit

#14 (Feb 21, 2010, 12:27:35 AM)

  1. better exception handling in GlueGen. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. PCPP supports now simple macros. — Michael Bien / cgit
  3. added PCPPTest. — Michael Bien / cgit

#13 (Feb 12, 2010, 9:54:13 PM)

  1. fixed jdk tools.jar classpath for hudson to fix tests. — Michael Bien / cgit

#12 (Feb 12, 2010, 8:36:24 PM)

  1. junit test code cleanup and some build preperations for hudson. — Michael Bien / cgit

#11 (Feb 12, 2010, 2:36:26 PM)

  1. added support for arrays in generated StructAccessors. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. added test target to main build script. — Michael Bien / cgit

#10 (Feb 3, 2010, 2:36:44 AM)

  1. generated pointer variable names have now a more descriptive name. — Michael Bien / cgit

#9 (Jan 19, 2010, 12:35:19 AM)

  1. is32Bit field is now immutable to help hotspot with inlining. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. PointerBuffer supports now 32bit architectures. — Michael Bien / cgit

#8 (Jan 12, 2010, 8:32:51 PM)

  1. updated project files to reference antlr-3.2.jar. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. fixed emitted code for buffer-array mixing. — Michael Bien / cgit
  3. fixed off-by-one bug in put and get. — Michael Bien / cgit