All Classes and Interfaces

Loads Image objects from binary Ardor3D format.
Base class for animation channels.
AbstractBresenhamTracer is a simple base class for using Bresenham's line equation.
Access mode of the buffer when using Vertex Buffer Objects.
Base class for a finite state in our finite state machine.
This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Iterator interface, to make this interface easier to implement for certain types of data sources.
A state component containing a text label and an icon.
common material parameters
Provides some common base level method implementations for Renderers.
Base class for graphers.
Base class for transition states - states responsible for moving between other finite states.
Abstract blend tree source that takes two child sources and a blend weight [0.0, 1.0].
An abstract transition state that blends between two other states.
Describes how blending should be applied over the span of the transition.
Classes interested in processing component actions such as the pressing of a button should implement this interface.
Adds physics and some other things to the intermediate example
Enumeration useful for describing positioning and alignment to the edges and corners of a rectangular area.
This layout arranges components based on anchors - descriptions of hard connections between two components.
A data class that is used in conjunction with AnchorLayout.
Describes a class that can take information from a manager and its current layers and state and apply it to a given SkeletonPose.
Illustrates gpu skinning with normal map, specular map and diffuse coloring.
AnimationClip manages a set of animation channels as a single clip entity.
Maintains state information about an instance of a specific animation clip, such as time scaling applied, active flag, start time of the instance, etc.
Illustrates loading several animations from Collada and arranging them in an animation state machine.
Illustrates loading several animations from Collada and arranging them in an animation state machine.
Animation layers are essentially independent state machines, managed by a single AnimationManager.
Describes a class interested in receiving notice when an animation has changed state.
AnimationManager describes and maintains an animation system.
Illustrates loading several animations from Collada and arranging them in an animation state machine.
Applicable whenever 'any' key has been pressed.
An implementation of an Archimedean spiral which supports any number of spiral arms and optional turbulence.
ArcLengthTable class contains methods for generating and storing arc lengths of a curve.
Example showing the Geometry Clipmap Terrain system with 'MegaTextures' where the terrain data is provided from a float array.
Arrow is basically a cylinder with a pyramid on top.
Holds data related to asset info.
Use to define your own heuristic for use with the ConstrainedAStar.
Example showing how to use the TexturePacker to create a texture atlas.
Example showing how to use the TexturePacker to create a texture atlas.
A pose listener whose purpose is to update the transform of a Spatial to align with a specific joint of the SkeletonPose we are listening to.
AudioFormat is the class that specifies a particular arrangement of data in a sound stream.
The Encoding class names the specific type of data representation used for an audio stream.
Focus listener class for use with AWT.
Image loader that makes use of AWT's ImageIO to load image file data.
Utility methods for converting Ardor3D Images to AWT BufferedImages.
Enum used for translations between AWT key codes and Ardor3D Key instances.
Keyboard wrapper class for use with AWT.
Implementation of the MouseManager interface for use with AWT windows.
Mouse wrapper class for use with AWT.
AxisRods is a convenience shape representing three axes in space.
BasicPassManager controls a set of passes and sends through calls to render and update.
BillboardNode defines a node that will attempt to orient itself in relation to the current camera.
Method of alignment to use.
Illustrates the BillboardNode class; which defines a node that always orients towards the camera.
Illustrates the BillboardNode class - but using a Z-up camera.
Simple utility class that uses BinaryImporter/Exporter in memory to clone a spatial.
Exports to the ardor3d Binary Format.
Takes two blend sources and uses linear interpolation to merge TransformData values.
BlendState maintains the state of the blending values of a particular node and its children.
Represents a node in a blend tree.
Proxy for serving up block data.
Used to identify the various sides of a block.
Identifies if blocks are see through or covers the entire 1x1x1 box (which then allows for hidden surface removal).
Main class to use for setting up properties for all block types.
BlockWorld is the main class when it comes to building and rendering the block world.
A simple example showing bloom.
GLSL bloom effect pass. - Render supplied source to a texture - Extract intensity - Blur intensity - Blend with first pass
Loads a font generated by BMFont ( @link ).
Simple hack singleton that loads some font textures and provides easy access.
Simple singleton that loads some font textures and provides easy access.
Provides BMFonts for use in UIFont.
Text spatial which uses textures generated by BMFont
Alignment of the text block from the pivot point
Justification within a text block
A 9-slice capable background, suitable for sitting behind BMText to increase readability.
Illustrates how to modify text properties (e.g. font, color, alignment) and display on a canvas.
This layout places components on the edges or in the center of a container, depending on the value of the layout data object they hold.
A data class that represents which slot a component should fall into when used with a BorderLayout.
BoundingBox defines an axis-aligned cube that defines a container for a group of vertices of a particular piece of geometry.
BoundingCollisionResults creates a CollisionResults object that only cares about bounding volume accuracy.
BoundingPickResults implements the addPick of PickResults to use PickData objects that calculate bounding volume level accurate ray picks.
BoundingSphere defines a sphere that defines a container for a group of vertices of a particular piece of geometry.
Box is an axis-aligned rectangular prism defined by a center point and x, y, and z extents from that center (essentially radii.)
A simple example showing a textured and lit box spinning.
Main blockworld geometry producer.
An implementation of AbstractBresenhamTracer that works on the XZ plane, with positive Y as up.
An implementation of AbstractBresenhamTracer that works on the XY plane, with positive Z as up.
Creates a brick-like pattern in the XY plane.
The famous BubbleMark UI test, recreated using quads.
The famous BubbleMark UI test, recreated using Ardor3D UI components.
BufferUtils is a helper class for generating nio buffers from ardor3d data classes such as Vectors and ColorRGBA.
Defines a group of buttons.
Enumerates the different states a mouse button can be in.
Simple data class storing a buffer of bytes
ByteUtils is a helper class for converting numeric primitives to and from byte representations.
This class represents a view into a 3d scene and how that view should map to a 2D rendering surface.
Projection mode used by the camera.
Defines a node that manages a Camera object, allowing it to be part of a scenegraph.
This interface defines the View, and should maybe be called the ViewUpdater.
Represents a class that knows how to render a scene using a specific Open GL implementation.
Capsule provides an extension of Mesh.
CatmullRomSpline class is an implementation of spline that uses the Catmull-Rom equation:
The Channel class is the base class which can be extended for library-specific channels.
The ChannelJOAL class is used to reserve a sound-card voice using the JOAL binding of OpenAL.
A simple checker board pattern, with each unit cube alternating between -1 and 1 in value.
Interface for classes that allows block editing.
ClipmapLevel is the visual representation of one lod level of height data.
A picking assistant to be used with ClipmapLevel and an AbstractBresenhamTracer.
A blend tree leaf node that samples and returns values from the channels of an AnimationClip.
ClipState specifies a plane to test for clipping of the nodes.
Illustrates the ClipState class; which specifies a plane to test for clipping of a Node.
A variation of fBm that uses absolute value to recast the extreme ends to the upper range and values near 0 to the lower range.
The CodecJOrbis class provides an ICodec interface to the external JOrbis library.
Methods for parsing Collada data related to animation, skinning and morphing.
Utility methods for parsing Collada data related to node hierarchy and arrays, using XPath or arrays extracted during sax parsing.
Illustrates loading a model from Collada.
Customer exception thrown when something unexpected is encountered in a Collada file.
Main class for importing Collada files.
The purpose of this class is to tie a source and accessor together to pull out data.
Illustrates loading a model from Collada and procedurally animating its joints.
Methods for parsing Collada data related to materials.
Methods for parsing Collada data related to meshes.
Methods for parsing Collada data related to scenes and node hierarchy.
Data storage object meant to hold objects parsed from a Collada file that the user might want to directly access.
CollisionData contains information about a collision between two Mesh objects.
CollisionResults stores the results of a collision test by storing an ArrayList of CollisionData.
CollisionTree defines a well balanced red black tree used for triangle accurate collision detection.
CollisionTreeController defines an interface for determining which collision tree to remove from a supplied cache.
A demonstration of finding and retrieving collisions between two nodes.
CollisionTreeManager is an automated system for handling the creation and deletion of CollisionTrees.
ColorRGBA is a 4 component color value (red, green, blue, alpha).
Utility class for tinting areas of an image (for example tint black/white grass patch for biomes)
An example showing use of MeshCombiner to weld together a bunch of boxes into a single mesh.
An interface describing a data store or model for a UIComboBox.
The CommandObject class is used to store arguments in the SoundSystem's Command Queue.
The CommandThread class is designed to move all command processing into a single thread to be run in the background and avoid conflicts between threads.
ComplexSpatialController provides a base class for creation of controllers to modify nodes and render states over time.
Just a simple flag holder for runtime stripping of various ardor3d logging and debugging features.
AStar pathfinding with pluggable cost calculator (since that is game specific).
2D coordinates
Describes how a scene object interacts with Ardor3D's frustum culling.
CullState determines which side of a model will be visible when it is rendered.
Curve class contains a list of control points and a spline.
CurveInterpolationController class interpolates a Spatials vectors using a Curve.
A demonstration of the CurveInterpolationController class; which will move/translate a Node each epoch through a set of 3D coordinates (via spline).
CurveLookAtController class rotates a spatial to 'look at' a curve.
Cylinder provides an extension of Mesh.
Function describing a set of concentric rings, centered around the origin on the x/z plane, each ring stretching infinitely along the Y axis.
Performance cache and temp storage during parsing.
A DataGenerator is responsible for generating the terrain in the world.
Enum used to describe how we prefer data to be sent to the card.
DdsLoader is an image loader that reads in a DirectX DDS file.
Debugger provides tools for viewing scene data such as boundings and normals.
ColorRGBAInterpolationController class interpolates the default colour of a mesh using ReadOnlyColorRGBAs.
A demonstration of the DefaultColorInterpolationController class; which updates the default color each epoch by interpolating between the given colors.
Default implementation of a ComboBox model.
A backing data model for UISlider.
A controller that changes over time the alpha value of the default color of a given Geometry.
Illustrates two techniques for creating a triangle strip (i.e. series of connected triangles).
This class is patterned after awt's Dimension class.
DirectionalLight defines a light that is assumed to be infinitely far away (something similar to the sun).
DirectNioBuffersSet is a helper class for generating reusable long-lived direct nio buffers mainly for the renderer based on JOGL and its helpers.
DirtyEventListener is the interface for objects interested in updates when spatials get marked dirty / clean (updated).
DirtyType contains the types of update that can occur on a spatial.
An approximations of a flat circle.
Illustrates creating a display list from two sets (i.e. original set and copied set) of Nodes.
Illustrates creating a display list of intrinsic shapes (e.g.
Part of the ardor3d XML IO system
A half sphere.
Part of the ardor3d XML IO system
Part of the ardor3d XML IO system
The DOMSerializer was based primarily off the class from the "Java and XML" 3rd Edition book by Brett McLaughlin, and Justin Edelson.
Utility class used by the mailbox update system.
Utility class used by the mailbox update system.
Utility class used by the mailbox update system.
Classes interested in processing drag events should implement this interface.
Camera with additional pssm related functionality.
A "do-nothing" implementation of FocusWrapper useful when you want to ignore (or do not need) focus events.
A "do-nothing" implementation of KeyboardWrapper useful when you want to ignore (or do not need) key events.
A "do-nothing" implementation of MouseWrapper useful when you want to ignore (or do not need) mouse events.
A specific instruction in a RenderEffect.
A simple backdrop that does not alter the content area.
A simple border that does not paint in the border area.
starter for Ardor3D examples
The framework should provide a default implementation of a scene, probably with a root node and a stats node, just like today.
Similar to a ClipSource, this class samples and returns values from the channels of an AnimationClip.
A demonstration of the BinaryImporter and BinaryExporter classes; which can export/import a Node to/from a data stream.
Camera with additional pssm related functionality.
An extrusion of a 2D object (Line) along a path (List of Vector3).
A demonstration of the Extrusion class - showing how a set of point can be converted into a 3d shape.
A transition that blends over a given time from one animation state to another, beginning the target clip from local time 0 at the start of the transition.
A "close approximation" class for Math operations.
An implementation of Fractional Brownian Motion (fBm), with configurable persistence and lacunarity (or tightness of the fractal).
The FilenameURL class is designed to associate a String filename/identifier with a URL.
Simple data class storing a buffer of floats and a number that indicates how many floats to group together to make up a "tuple"
Describes the interface to implement to keep track of focus changes.
FogState maintains the fog qualities for a node and it's children.
The drag listener responsible for allowing a frame to be moved around the screen with the mouse.
Does the work needed in a given frame.
A two state transition that freezes the starting state at its current position and blends that over time with a target state.
A blend tree node that does not update any clips or sources below it in the blend tree.
Simple interface describing a function that receives a 3 value tuple and returns a value.
Utility class containing a set of easy to use functions.
GameTask is used in GameTaskQueue to manage tasks that have yet to be accomplished.
GameTaskQueue is a simple queuing system to enqueue tasks that need to be accomplished in a specific thread or phase of the application execution (for example, the OpenGL rendering thread.)
GameTaskQueueManager is just a simple Singleton class allowing easy access to task queues.
Illustrates the GeneratedImageFactory class and math.functions package, which allow for procedural creation of textures.
Use this to play around more easily with your terrain generators.
This is the class that GeometryProducers use to set geometry into the world.
Demonstrates the use of geometry instancing and compares it to VBO.
Pluggable interface to create new geometry in block generation
This tool assists in reducing geometry information.
Note: Does not work with geometry using texcoords other than 2d coords.
Condition options for determining if one vertex is "equal" to another.
GeoSphere - generate a polygon mesh approximating a sphere by recursive subdivision.
Demonstration of a GLSL effect titled 'To The Road Of Ribbon' by TX95 (2008).
Logic responsible for transferring data from a geometry to a shader before rendering
Implementation of the GL_ARB_shader_objects extension.
Enumeration of possible states of 'grabbedness' for a mouse.
A gradient four color backdrop.
Factory class useful for setting up various types of graphs.
A UI Layout that puts content in rows and columns where the row and column cells are set to the minimal size of its content plus some inter-cell spacing.
This class provides layout data for the GridLayout.
Creates a pattern in the XY plane that is defined by a user-provided grid of values.
An animation source channel consisting of keyword samples indicating when a specific trigger condition is met.
Documents which lock is used to guard a field, if the field is protected by a lock.
HeightGenerator Base interface for all waterheight generators used by the projected grid mesh.
A regular hexagon with each triangle having side length that is given in the constructor.
Creates a hexagon pattern in the XY plane.
Interface used for describing objects that deal with the SceneHints class.
A HitTester allows for user configurable picking.
An interface for 3rd party objects interested in notifications about hud changes.
The ICodec interface provides a common interface for SoundSystem to use for accessing external codec libraries.
Provides a clean way to capture all of beginDrag, endDrag, and applyFilters.
Dummy transition - does not change current state.
Image defines a data format for a graphical image.
This backdrop paints a single image on a colored plane behind the component, stretching it and aligning it to the component based on given settings.
This border takes a set of images and draws them around the edge of a UI component.
Interface for image loaders.
Example showing the Geometry Clipmap Terrain system with 'MegaTextures' where the terrain data is provided from a float array populated from a heightmap generated from an Image.
Cuts directly to the set target state, without any intermediate transition action.
Indicates that a class is, or at least is intended to be, immutable in a strict sense.
This class essentially just wraps a String / Animation HashMap, providing extra logging when a clip is not found, or duplicate clips are added.
ImprovedNoise Fast perlin noise.
ImprovedNoise Fast perlin noise.
Similar to a ClipSource, this class samples and returns values from the channels of an AnimationClip.
Example showing the Geometry Clipmap Terrain system with 'MegaTextures' streaming from an in-memory data source.
The total input state of the devices that are being handled.
Storage class for items required during Layer import.
Defines an action to be performed when a specific input condition is met.
This class is patterned after awt's Insets class.
Simple data class storing a buffer of ints
InteractArrow is basically a cylinder with a pyramid on top.
An example illustrating the use of the interact framework.
Textured ring geometry, intended for use as a rotational handle.
An example illustrating the use of the interact framework.
Adds some collision and block add/delete functionality to the simple example
An animation source channel consisting of double value samples.
An animation source channel consisting of float value samples.
Some nice terrain with trees.
InterpolationController class is an abstract class containing all the stuff common to controllers interpolating things.
Intersection provides functional methods for calculating the intersection of some objects.
The result of a picking/tracing operation.
Ardor3D JOGL AWT heavyweight canvas, AWT component for the OpenGL rendering of Ardor3D with JOGL that supports the AWT input system directly and its abstraction in Ardor3D (com.ardor3d.input.awt)
This examples demonstrates how to render OpenGL (via JOGL) inside JDesktop internal frames.
This examples demonstrates how to render OpenGL (via JOGL) on a AWT canvas.
A canvas implementation for use with AWT JOGL windows.
This jogl-based example is meant to show how to use Ardor3D at the most primitive level, forsaking the use of ExampleBase and much of our framework classes and interfaces.
Utility methods for converting Ardor3D Images to JOGL texture data.
This examples demonstrates how to render OpenGL (via JOGL) on a NEWT AWT canvas.
Ardor3D JOGL SWT lightweight canvas, SWT control for the OpenGL rendering of Ardor3D with JOGL that supports both NEWT and SWT input systems directly and their abstractions in Ardor3D (com.ardor3d.input.jogl and com.ardor3d.input.swt)
This examples demonstrates how to render OpenGL (via JOGL) in a NEWT SWT canvas.
Ardor3D NEWT lightweight window, NEWT "top level" component for the OpenGL rendering of Ardor3D with JOGL that supports the NEWT input system directly and its abstraction in Ardor3D (com.ardor3d.input.jogl).
This class is used by Ardor3D's JOGL implementation to render textures.
JoglRenderer provides an implementation of the Renderer interface using the JOGL API.
Utility class for updating shadervariables(uniforms and attributes)
Ardor3D JOGL Swing lightweight canvas, Swing component for the OpenGL rendering of Ardor3D with JOGL that supports the AWT input system directly and its abstraction in Ardor3D (com.ardor3d.input.awt).
This examples demonstrates how to render OpenGL (via JOGL) on a Swing canvas.
Ardor3D JOGL SWT heavyweight canvas, SWT control for the OpenGL rendering of Ardor3D with JOGL that supports the SWT input system directly and its abstraction in Ardor3D (com.ardor3d.input.swt)
This examples demonstrates how to render OpenGL (via JOGL) in a SWT canvas.
This class is used by Ardor3D's JOGL implementation to render textures.
Ardor3D loader using the build-in JOGL TGA loader.
Representation of a Joint in a Skeleton.
Transform animation channel, specifically geared towards describing the motion of skeleton joints.
Describes transform of a joint.
Import utility used for reading and constructing AnimationLayer information for a manager using JavaScript.
Keys supported by Ardor3D platforms.
A keyboard state at some point in time.
Defines the API for keyboard wrappers.
Describes the state of a key - either it has been pressed or it has been released.
TODO: Revisit for better Ardor3D integration.
This class defines a point in time that states _morphShape should look like _newShape at _time seconds
A condition that is true when a key is down in the current input state.
Thrown when an attempt at fetching a Key instance for an invalid/unknown key code is made.
A condition that is true if a given key was pressed when going from the previous input state to the current one.
A condition that is true when a key was released from the previous to the current input state.
Describes whether a key is down or up.
A state useful for maintaining and setting label properties such as text, icon, gap, and alignment.
Describes a class capable of blending together two AnimationLayers in some way.
A layer blender that uses linear interpolation to merge the results of two layers.
The Library class is the class from which all library types are extended.
The LibraryJOAL class interfaces the JOAL binding of OpenAL.
The LibraryJOAL.Exception class provides library-specific error information.
Light defines the attributes of a light element.
Describes how to combine lights from ancestor LightStates.
LightState maintains a collection of lights up to the set number of maximum lights allowed.
LinearVector3InterpolationController class interpolates a Spatials vectors using Vector3.lerpLocal(ReadOnlyVector3, ReadOnlyVector3, double)
A demonstration of the LinearVector3InterpolationController class; which will move a Node through a set of 3D coordinates (via linear interpolation).
A demonstration of antialising on a Line object.
LineSegment describes a line with a discrete length with an "origin" in the center, extending in the given "direction" and it's opposite by an "extent" amount.
The listenerData class is used to store information about the listener's position and orientation.
LittleEndianDataInput is a class to read little-endian stored data via a InputStream.
Utility class useful for reading little-endian stored data in a random access fashion.
"Fake" local server implementation which just generate data upon request throught the LocalServerDataHandler and pongs the data back.
Simple data handler that works against a map file.
This class essentially just wraps a KEY/VALUE HashMap, providing extra logging when a VALUE is not found, or duplicate VALUE objects are added.
Implementation of a logical layer on top of the physical one, to be able to more easily trigger certain commands for certain combination of user input.
Defines a class the handles applying the triggers of a LogicalLayer.
Methods flagged with this annotation should only be run in the main thread, that is, the thread that handles the OpenGL calls.
This tree source maintains its own source data, which can be modified directly using setJointXXX.
Illustrates the MandelbrotFunction3D class, which allow for procedural creation of the famous Mandelbrot set.
A function that returns the famous Mandelbrot set.
A demonstration on how to determine if collisions exist between two nodes.
A demonstration of randomly placed spheres being illuminated by numerious PointLight sources.
This function takes a "map" function and uses the value it returns at a certain point to look up and evaluate another function from a set of ranged functions.
A demonstration using MaterialState to set lighting equation parameters.
MaterialState defines parameters used in conjunction with the lighting model to produce a surface color.
Just a simple flag holder for runtime stripping of various ardor3d logging and debugging features.
Matrix3 represents a double precision 3x3 matrix.
Matrix4 represents a double precision 4x4 matrix and contains a flag, set at object creation, indicating if the given Matrix4 object is mutable.
A demonstration of the MathUtils.matrixLookAt function, which constructs a rotation matrix used to orient a source position to a given target position.
A Mesh is a spatial describing a renderable geometric object.
Utility for combining multiple Meshes into a single Mesh.
MeshData contains all the commonly used buffers for rendering a mesh.
Illustrates the CopyLogic and SceneCopier classes, which allow for the efficient copying and sharing of mesh data.
Function which creates a diagonal grid of rounded 'holes'.
GeometryProducer that can take an Ardor3D Mesh as input.
A data object matching an Ardor3D Mesh object to the vertex indices it uses from the original mesh vertices Collada data.
Example showing the Geometry Clipmap Terrain system with 'MegaTextures' where the terrain data is provided from a float array populated from a heightmap generated from an Image.
A condition that is true if a given button was clicked (has a click count) when going from the previous input state to the current one.
A condition that checks the state of the two most commonly used mouse buttons.
A condition that is true if a given button was pressed when going from the previous input state to the current one.
A condition that is true if a given button was pressed when going from the previous input state to the current one.
A condition that is true if a given button was pressed when going from the previous input state to the current one.
An immutable representation of a mouse cursor.
Defines the contract for managing the native mouse.
A demonstration of the MouseManager class, which is used to control properties (e.g. cursor, location) of the native mouse.
A condition that is true if the mouse has moved between the two input states.
Describes the mouse state at some point in time.
A condition that is true if the mouse wheel has moved between the two input states.
Defines the API for mouse wrappers.
This class extends the behavior of the SimpleResourceLocator by replacing the resource's file extension with different various provided extensions.
This backdrop paints one or more transformable, ordered images on a colored plane behind the component.
Borrows from the BoxExample to illustrate using PassNode to do simple multi-texturing.
Illustrates mesh with several primitives (i.e. strip, quad, triangle).
Another particle demonstration, this one showing a smoking rocket following the cursor around the screen.
Some nice terrain with trees.
Node defines an internal node of a scene graph.
The 'type' attribute of a node element.
A utility class to generate normals for a set of vertices.
A utility class to generate normals for Meshes.

The generator generates the normals using a given crease angle up to which the transitions between two triangles are to be smoothed.
Simple Object pool for use with our Math Library to help reduce object creation during calculations.
WaveFront OBJ exporter.
Wavefront OBJ importer.
WaveFront OBJ material (MTL).
An eight faced polyhedron.
OFF importer.
OffsetState controls depth offset for rendering.
Orbital type Camera controller.
A demonstration of the OrbitCamControl, a controller that can position a camera in an orbit around a given target - in this case, a teapot.
This primitive represents a box that has options to orient it according to its X/Y/Z axis.
This Pass can be used for drawing an outline around geometry objects.
This class essentially just wraps a String / ClipSource HashMap, providing extra logging when a ClipSource is not found, or duplicate ClipSources are added.
Storage class for items created during Layer import.
Example showing the parallel split shadow mapping technique.
A pass providing a parallel split shadow mapping (PSSM) layer across the top of an existing scene.
Shadow filter techniques
Particle defines a single Particle of a Particle system.
ParticleController controls and maintains the parameters of a particle system over time.
ParticleControllerListener This interface is used to receive key events from ParticleController
ParticleInfluence is an abstract class defining an external influence to be used with the ParticleMesh class.
ParticleLines is a particle system that uses Line as its underlying geometric data.
ParticleMesh is a particle system that uses Mesh as its underlying geometric data.
ParticlePoints is a particle system that uses Point as its underlying geometric data.
A demonstration of the ParticleSystem and RampEntry classes; which controls how an emitter's properties (e.g. size, color) change over time.
Example showing a particle system using the particle SwarmInfluence.
ParticleSystem is an abstract class representing a particle system.
A demonstration of the ParticleSystem and TextureState classes; which controls an emitter's properties (e.g. size, color) change over time.
Pass encapsulates logic necessary for rendering one or more steps in a multipass technique.
Provides access to the physical layer of the input system.
An interface describing objects that can be used with our PickingUtil class.
PickData contains information about a picking operation (or Ray/Volume intersection).
PickResults stores information created during ray intersection tests.
A representation of a mathematical plane using a normal vector and a plane constant (d) whose absolute value represents the distance from the origin to the plane.
Useful baseclass for player handling
Player implementation with collision against the world
A player implementation with walk/fly modes and gravity and jumping.
PLY importer.
largely inspired of jPly's BinaryPlyInputStream, @see
Point defines a collection of vertices that are rendered as single points or textured sprites depending on PointType.
A more complex example of using geometry shaders.
PointLight defines a light that has a location in space and emits light in all directions evenly.
A simple demonstration of displaying numerous Point in three-dimensions.
A demonstration of using PointType.PointSprite.
Illustrates the use of Popup and Pie menus.
Integer 3D coordinate
Describes a class interested in being notified of SkeletonPose updates.
PQTorus generates the geometry of a parameterized torus, also known as a pq torus.
PrimitiveCollisionResults creates a CollisionResults object that calculates collisions to the primitive (quad, triangle, etc.) accuracy.
Pick data for primitive accurate picking including sort by distance to intersection point.
PrimitivePickResults implements the addPick of PickResults to use PickData objects that calculate primitive accurate ray picks.
A demonstration of combining the skeletal animation classes with OpenGL Shading Language.
Example showing the Geometry Clipmap Terrain system with 'MegaTextures' using content procedurally generated on-the-fly.
ProjectedGrid Projected grid mesh
A demonstration of the ProjectedGrid class; used to efficiently determine which vertices's in a terrain to draw.
A demonstration of the WaterNode and ProjectedGrid classes; which handles rendering of water effects with a projected grid.
PropertiesGameSettings handles loading and saving a properties file that defines the display settings.
Camera with additional pssm related functionality.
a description of a class for the RunExamples (and maybe other tools)
Pyramid provides an extension of Mesh.
Quad defines a four sided, two dimensional shape.
QuadBox is an axis-aligned rectangular prism defined by a center point and x, y, and z extents from that center (essentially radii.)
A demonstration of the QuadImposterNode class; which sets the texture level of detail for a Node.
QuadQuad defines a four sided, two dimensional shape.
Quaternion represents a 4 value math object used in Ardor3D to describe rotations.
QuaternionInterpolationController class interpolates a Spatials rotation using Quaternions.
A demonstration of the QuaternionInterpolationController class; which will rotate a Node each epoch by interpolating between the given quaternions.
RampEntry defines an entry for a ParticleAppearanceRamp.
ReadOnlyTimer is the base interface for all Ardor3D timer implementations.
A bigger example that will grow over time...
Defines a finite plane within two dimensional space that is specified via an origin (x,y - considered bottom left usually) and a width and height.
Defines a finite plane within three dimensional space that is specified via three points (A, B, C).
Used to calculate clipmap block boundaries etc
This locator takes a base resource and tries to find other resources that are "relative" to it.
Renderable is the interface for objects that can be rendered.
Represents the state of an individual context in OpenGL.
A RenderEffect object represents a complete set of instructions necessary for applying a specific effect to our render output.
A simple example illustrating use of RenderEffects
Renderer defines an interface for classes that handle displaying of graphics data to a render context.
RenderPass renders the spatials attached to it as normal, including rendering the renderqueue at the end of the pass.
Illustrates the Render Queue, which controls how Nodes are drawn when overlapping occurs.
RenderState is the base class for all states that affect the rendering of a piece of geometry.
Demonstrates rendering to texture, where the texture is a cubemap.
Illustrates the TextureRenderer class; which renders a scene to a buffer and copying it to a texture.
Interface for locating resources from resource names.
Manager class for locator utility classes used to find various assets.
Represents a named resource
Based on Multifractal code originally written by F.
Ring defines a flat ring or disk within three dimensional space that is specified via the ring's center point, an up vector, an inner radius, and an outer radius.
Illustrates how to display and move GUI primitives (e.g.
This layout places components in either a horizontal or vertical row, ordered as they are placed in their container.
A simple example showing use of shaders inside of RTT.
Various enum types to be used when parsing sampler Collada tags.
Enum matching Collada's texture magnification modes to Ardor3D's.
Enum matching Collada's texture minification modes to Ardor3D's.
Enum matching Collada's texture wrapping modes to Ardor3D's.
Tells the Savable system to instantiate objects of this type using a specific static method.
Owns all the data that is related to the scene.
SceneGraphManager is a convenience class for use when you want to have multiple listeners on a particular node.
SceneHints encapsulates various rendering and interaction preferences for a scene object.
A listener for component selection changes.
An utily class to store shader's uniform variables content.
ShaderVariablePointerFloatMatrix - data is stored by row... all matrices row 0, then all matrices row 1, etc.
ShadeState maintains the interpolation of color between vertices.
Example showing the Geometry Clipmap Terrain system combined with PSSM.
A display of intrinsic shapes (e.g.
Example showing the Geometry Clipmap Terrain system with 'MegaTextures'.
Simple data class storing a buffer of shorts
Very simple applier.
Simplest example of loading a Collada model.
A simple example showing the very basics of block world building
Simplest example of loading a model in MD2 format.
Simplest example of loading a model in MD3 format.
Simplest example of loading a Wavefront OBJ model.
Simplest example of loading a OFF model.
Simplest example of loading a PLY model.
This locator takes a base location for finding resources specified with a relative path.
Simplest example of loading a STL model.
The SimpleThread class is the template used to create all thread classes used by in the SoundSystem library.
Illustrates how to display GUI primitives (e.g.
Simplex noise in 2D, 3D and 4D
Simplex Noise in 2D, 3D and 4D.
Utility useful for drawing Skeletons found in a scene.
Describes a collection of Joints.
Joins a Skeleton with an array of joint poses.
Data class used to hold references to useful objects created during parsing of a single Collada skin tag.
Mesh supporting deformation via skeletal animation.
Logic for combining multiple SkinnedMesh objects into one.
A simple call-back useful for skins in cases where skinning happens later, such as during dynamic construction of a menu.
Custom logic for how a skin should react when it is told its pose has updated.
General utility methods useful for Skin manipulation.
A Box made of textured quads that simulate having a sky, horizon and so forth around your scene.
A Box made of textured quads that simulate having a sky, horizon and so forth around your scene.
A half sphere.
This backdrop paints a solid arc of color behind a UI component.
This backdrop paints a solid rectangle of color behind a UI component.
This border draws solid colored edges around a UI component.
This backdrop paints a solid disk of color behind a UI component.
Shell and merge sort implementations with the goal of reducing garbage and allowing tuning.
The SoundBuffer class is used to wrap audio data along with the format in which the data is stored.
The SoundSystem class is the core class for the SoundSystem library.
The SoundSystemConfig class is used to access global sound system settings, and to link with external pluggins.
The SoundSystemException class is used to provide information about serious errors.
The SoundSystemLogger class handles all status messages, warnings, and error messages for the SoundSystem library.
The Source class is used to store information about a source.
The SourceJOAL class provides an interface to the JOAL binding of OpenAL.
Base class for all scenegraph objects.
Sphere represents a 3D object with all points equi-distance from a center point.
Simple example showing differences between GeoSphere and Sphere and their various texture mappings.
Spline interface allows an interpolated vector to be calculated along a path.
SpotLight defines a light that has a location in space and emits light within a cone.
This class acts as a centralized data store for statistics.
StateBasedUIComponent describes a component that acts as a state machine, containing multiple states, one of which is currently active.
Describes a class that holds onto and directly utilizes an AnimationState.
A "steady" state is an animation state that is concrete and stand-alone (vs. a state that handles transitioning between two states, for example.)
The StencilState RenderState allows the user to set the attributes of the stencil buffer of the renderer.
Extension of Camera useful for tracking and updating a Stereo view camera.
Illustrates the StereoCamera class, which allows for your stereo viewing pleasures.
Reads an STL (STereoLithography) file and builds an Ardor3D Mesh.
Extends StreamTokenizer for parsing STL files.
The StreamThread class is used to process all streaming sources.
ResourceSource that pulls its content from a String.
Describes a sub-portion of a full Ardor3D Texture object.
SubTexUtil is a utility for drawing SubTex objects to a renderer.
Simple swarming influence for use with particles.
A demonstration of the SwitchNode class; used to control which Node to actively display from a set of Nodes.
A canvas for embedding into SWT applications.
Focus Listener wrapper class for use with SWT.
Utility methods for converting Ardor3D Images to SWT ImageData.
Enumeration for use in converting between SWT key codes and Ardor3d Keys.
Keyboard wrapper for SWT input.
Implementation of the MouseManager interface for use with SWT.
A mouse wrapper for use with SWT.
A transition that blends over a given time from one animation state to another, synchronizing the target state to the initial state's start time.
Interface describing the ability for a class to create or update a line with values, usually to match those in another graph.
NBT IO class
Enum for the tag types.
A prioritized Task for the Worker.
Teapot is the classical teapot model ready for you to use in ardor3d!
An implementation of geometry clipmapping
Fetches data from a source to the clipmap destination data through updateRegion.
Terrain Configuration data for a specific map.
The TerrainDataProvider is the connection between the terrain core and external data.
Special tile/grid based cache for terrain data
Example showing interact widgets with the Geometry Clipmap Terrain system.
Feeds terrain data to a TerrainCache
Example showing how to combine the terrain and water systems.
Test base packer algorithm
Shows interpolated textures using texture combine.
Interface for items that can take and return a text string value.
Text spatial which uses textures generated by UIFont
Texture defines a texture object to be used to display an image on a piece of geometry.
The shadowing texture compare function
The shadowing texture compare mode
The type of depth texture translation to output
Formula to use for texture coordinate generation
Very simple example showing use of a Texture3D texture.
Fetches data from a source to the texture clipmap destination data through updateRegion.
An implementation of texture clipmapping
Describes how to combine textures from ancestor TextureStates.
Terrain Configuration data for a specific map.
Face of the Cubemap as described by its directional offset from the origin.
Special tile/grid based cache for texture data
TextureKey provides a way for the TextureManager to cache and retrieve Texture objects.
TextureManager provides static methods for building or retrieving a Texture object from cache.
A tool that uses the AtlasNode/AtlasPacker algorithm to pack textures into texture atlases.
Illustrates the TextureProjector class, which projects a two-dimensional texture onto a three-dimensional surface.
TextureRenderer defines an abstract class that handles rendering a scene to a buffer and copying it to a texture.
Feeds texture data to a TextureCache
TextureState maintains a texture state for a given node and it's children.
Represents a texture unit in opengl
Loads image files in the Targa format.
Indicates that a class is, or at least is intended to be, thread safe.
Timer is a ReadOnlyTimer implementation with nanosecond resolution.
Ray tracing for a block world.
An example of using TrailMesh.
Transform models a transformation in 3d space as: Y = M*X+T, with M being a Matrix3 and T is a Vector3.
An animation channel consisting of a series of transforms interpolated over time.
Describes a relative transform as a Quaternion-Vector-Vector tuple.
Triangle is a math class defining a three sided polygon by three points in space.
ported from:
Defines an action to be performed when a given input condition is true.
Callback interface for logic to execute when a Trigger from a TriggerChannel is encountered.
An animation source channel consisting of keyword samples indicating when a specific trigger condition is met.
Utility methods for getting standard TriggerConditions.
Transient class that maintains the current triggers and armed status for a TriggerChannel.
Function that uses a fBm function to distort incoming coordinates on each of the 3 axis before feeding them to a source function for evaluation.
Wrapper class to make it possible to use Predicate-based conditions for triggering actions based on user input.
Defines a class responsible for drawing a "backdrop" or screen/background that lays behind a UI component.
Defines a class responsible for drawing a "border" or "picture frame" drawn around the edges of a UI component.
A state based component that can be interacted with via the mouse to trigger actions.
A extension of button that is specifically selectable.
A UI component that contains several possible choices, but shows only the currently selected one.
Base UI class.
Defines a component that can hold and manage other components or containers, using a layout manager to position and potentially resize them.
Defines a texture based font for use in the UI system.
A component similar to an inner frame in Swing.
Enumeration of possible frame chrome buttons.
This panel extension defines a standard frame title bar with optional buttons you might find in a typical windowing system (such as minimize, close, etc.)
This panel extension defines a frame status bar (used at the bottom of a frame) with a text label and resize handle.
UIHud represents a "Heads Up Display" or the base of a game UI scenegraph.
Basic implementation of AbstractLabelUIComponent.
A class that can arrange the position and dimensions of the contents of a UI container.
Interface identifying objects that provide more data about how a component should act in a specific layout.
A simple extension of Button to be used in popup menus.
The most basic implementation of a UI container.
A special frame meant to display menu items.
A special frame meant to display menu items.
This component shows progress as "percent complete" via a proportionally sized bar and an optional text label.
Defines a four sided quad with its origin at the lower left corner.
A extension of button that is specifically selectable and is generally used with a ButtonGroup.
NOTE: Experimental still.
NOTE: Experimental still.
A widget allowing display and control of a choice from a range of values.
Defines the knob (aka slider or scrubber) on a slider.
Used in conjunction with StateBasedUIComponent to describe the appearance and behavior of a specific component state.
An extension of UIButton to be used as the tabs in a tabbed pane.
A container similar to Swing's JTabbedPane in which multiple components may be contained and viewed one at a time using a set of navigation buttons.
An enum describing the edge on which to place tab buttons.
Defines a component used by the hud to display floating tool tips.
Filter used to modify SpatialState information prior to it being applied to a Spatial by the InteractManager.
The purpose of this class is to own the update phase and separate update logic from the view.
A demonstration of procedurally updating a texture.
Triggers for flying that enforce an upright position.
UsageTreeController defines a CollisionTreeController implementation that removes cache elements based on the frequency of usage.
A Transform that checks if any of its member values are null, NaN or Infinity, and throws an InvalidTransformException if so.
Illustrates the DataMode class, which describe how we prefer data to be sent to the card.
Vector2 represents a point or vector in a two dimensional system.
Vector3 represents a point or vector in a three dimensional system.
Vector3InterpolationController class is a base class for controllers that can interpolate on vectors.
Specifies which field on the spatial to update.
Vector4 represents a point or vector in a four dimensional system.
Implementation of the GL_ARB_vertex_program extension.
Illustrates the Camera class, which represents a view into a 3d scene and how that view should map to a 2D rendering surface.
Function that produces a Voronoi graph by placing a random point in every 1x1x1 unit cube in space and then finding the closest of these points at each eval location.
Set of triggers to use for walking.
A demonstration of the WaterNode class; which handles rendering of a water effect on all of it's children.
Sample implementation of a water height generator.
The WaterNode handles rendering of a water effect on all of it's children.
An example of using geometry shaders.
WireframeState maintains whether a node and its children should be drawn in wireframe or solid fill.
The Worker handles the chunk update Tasks, making sure they are prioritized, and doesnt spend too much time per frame.
ArdorCraft map file format
Settings class for setting up the BlockWorld object.
Part of the ardor3d XML IO system
Part of the ardor3d XML IO system
ZBufferState maintains how the use of the depth buffer is to occur.
Example showing the Geometry Clipmap Terrain system with 'MegaTextures' using Z-Up.