Sat Jul 27 2024 02:05:24 CEST
I code without SDK -Me
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This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1274 Newt macosx sgothel UNCO --- Window mispositioned after resize in container 2019-03-29
1276 Newt awt sgothel UNCO --- NewtCanvasAWT + key bindings 2019-03-29
1504 Newt javafx sgothel UNCO --- Placement of NewtCanvasJFX within other JavaFX layout elements 2024-03-04
807 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- NEWT Input: Add support for more devices a.k.a (Accelerometer, GPS, Compass, Joystick ..) 2019-03-29
808 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- NEWT Input: Add support for Gyroscope / Accelerometer Devices 2019-03-29
809 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- NEWT Input: Add support for Compass Devices 2019-03-29
895 Newt windows sgothel UNCO --- Add support for mouse wheel block scrolling in NEWT 2015-09-27
897 Newt awt sgothel UNCO --- Missing NEWT input event when focus is lost on canvas while holding a button down 2013-11-17
913 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- NEWT: Support 'Continue Drag over on JComponent' 2013-11-29
955 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- Implement the ability to use/list resolutions not listed by the nvidia driver 2014-09-02
1026 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- NEWT KeyEvent VK mapping for left and right sided keys 2014-06-26
1117 Newt embedded sgothel UNCO --- Soft keyboard doesn't work anymore on Android 5.0 Lollipop 2019-03-29
1127 Newt awt sgothel UNCO --- JPopupMenu unusable over NewtCanvasAWT on Linux (even with lightweight-popups disabled) 2015-02-06
1163 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- frame by frame icon 2015-08-26
1164 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- Drag and Drop integration 2016-10-12
1165 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- Trailing bar icon 2015-06-13
1195 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- GLWindow.warpPointer is off by one in X-Dimension when on secondary monitor 2019-03-29
1296 Newt windows sgothel CONF --- Mouse pointer doesn't switch to resize arrow on Windows 10 2023-07-12
1311 Newt core sgothel CONF --- Multi touch drag events being discarded incorrectly in WindowImpl 2020-01-05
1361 Newt core sgothel CONF --- Remove Flickering when resizing a Newt Window 2023-07-12
595 Newt core sgothel CONF --- NEWT event propagation to Jinput 2019-03-29
632 Newt core sgothel CONF --- Nested GLWindows don't resize or honor GLCapabilities setBackgroundOpaque 2013-06-16
814 Newt core gouessej CONF --- Enhance PointerEvent / Deprecate MouseEvent 2023-04-20
795 Newt wayland sgothel CONF --- Add native Wayland Backend for NEWT 2024-05-27
813 Newt core sgothel CONF --- Allow InputDevice to be auto-assigned, e.g. via USB Topology (Monitor - Mouse/Keyboard) 2019-03-29
940 Newt core sgothel CONF --- Do not show frame in desktop bar, constructor argument or property 2014-01-10
941 Newt core sgothel CONF --- add a GLWindow#setIgnoreRepaint() method 2014-07-10
1098 Newt core sgothel CONF --- setTitle in display() of GLEventListener causes exception when window closes 2015-12-05
1187 Newt x11 sgothel CONF --- X11 glamour vc4: X11 IOError Resource temporarily unavailable 2019-03-29
1240 Newt embedded sgothel CONF --- NEWT only consume one mouse input event per frame 2019-03-29
812 Newt core xerxes CONF --- Add USB Topology / Graph to query device location etc. 2019-03-29
1227 Newt embedded xerxes CONF --- LinuxEventDeviceTracker reports misaligned relative Mouse Coordinates when using NEWT w/ RaspPi 7" TFT 2019-03-29
1424 Newt swt sgothel IN_P --- MacOSX: Newt Window Eclipse RCP Detached View Wrong Z-Order and Update 2023-07-12
1051 Newt swt pjgl IN_P --- org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu cannot be created over com.jogamp.newt.swt.NewtCanvasSWT 2015-06-05
1100 Newt core sgothel IN_P --- Documentation of lifecycle-heavy methods 2014-11-07
1178 Newt embedded sgothel IN_P --- Prevent dual mousepointers and improve raspberry pi xorg experience when using NEWT BCM VC IV on Raspberry Pi 2019-03-29
879 Newt windows sgothel RESO FIXE Threads deadlock in native keyboardfocus calls made form multiple threads 2013-11-18
893 Newt windows sgothel RESO FIXE NewtCanvasAWT Lifecycle Race Condition (NPE on shutdown periodically) 2013-11-18
1249 Newt x11 sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT X11: setVisible(false) IconicState not listening to _NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN; setVisible(true) not restoring from _NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN 2015-10-10
1364 Newt javafx sgothel RESO FIXE Add JavaFX Support for NEWT utilizing native Window parenting via NewtCanvasJFX 2019-12-02
656 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE Unify NEWT event processing (DRAG, button modifier mask, ..) for native and synthesized Event 2013-12-19
1176 Newt embedded sgothel RESO FIXE Misaligned Mousepointer and Window when using NEWT BCM VC IV on Raspberry Pi 2015-09-27
1431 Newt x11 sgothel RESO FIXE JOGL 2.4 + X11: NewtCanvasAWT resize is completely broken 2023-09-29
1468 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE SIGSEGV on use after free when destroying NEWT Window/Display via a native dispatch'ed event like key/mouse/touch input 2023-10-02
697 Newt windows gouessej RESO FIXE GLWindow.setPointerVisible(boolean) fails after several calls 2013-04-11
676 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE Add support for native Mouse Pointer rendering (Rasp.-Pi. .. etc) 2014-01-09
688 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE Removal of NEWT KeyEvent.EVENT_KEY_TYPED and KeyListener.keyTyped(KeyEvent) 2013-06-17
707 Newt windows sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT EVENT_MOUSE_EXITED not sent on Windows 2013-04-05
721 Newt x11 sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT/X11: Add Support for RandR 1.3 2013-05-06
672 Newt swt pjgl RESO FIXE NewtCanvasSWT ignore windowing offset on OSX using SashForm 2019-03-30
600 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE Expose the information about attached monitor/display devices 2013-05-06
693 Newt awt sgothel RESO FIXE JOGL 2 rc11 Newt crashing after clossing the application in Windows 8 2013-10-17
723 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE Wrong keys with the AZERTY keyboard layout 2013-05-16
1247 Newt awt sgothel RESO FIXE TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper fail to acquire surface lock on secondary monitor 2015-10-09
1250 Newt x11 sgothel RESO DUPL Gnome & Compiz Unity TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT Assert.assertEquals(false,window1.isVisible()); failed. 2015-10-10
1251 Newt x11 sgothel RESO WORK XFCE changes window position after resize XConfigureWindow 2019-03-27
1267 Newt macosx sgothel RESO FIXE OSX El Capitan: Animated NEWT GLWindow flickers at resize 2019-03-27
1309 Newt embedded sgothel RESO FIXE Mouse buttons not specified in BCM VC IV MouseEvents 2019-03-27
1351 Newt macosx sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT: Custom pointer pixels doubled on High-DPI Retina Display on OS X only 2020-01-05
1378 Newt macosx sgothel RESO DUPL NewtCanvasSWT Overlap on MacOSX with Multiple RCP perspectives 2020-01-15
1393 Newt macosx sgothel RESO FIXE MacOS 10.14.6 + OpenJDK11U produces occasional freezes on AppKit Main Thread 2020-02-07
1394 Newt x11 sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT X11Window didn't gather inset at window creation (properly) 2019-09-11
1410 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE Fix NEWT PointerIcon Lifecycle (destroy and clean references @ closing) 2019-12-06
1413 Newt x11 sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT X11Window: NewtWindows_getFrameExtends(..) may hang on XPeekEvent(..) 2019-12-06
1159 Newt core gouessej RESO INVA AWT-free alternative to java.awt.Desktop.browse(URI) 2019-03-27
637 Newt core sgothel RESO DUPL NEWT: Allow to set the window non resizeable 2015-09-27
892 Newt windows sgothel RESO FIXE Newt and Java focus gained and lost events are inconsistent 2013-11-17
822 Newt swt pjgl RESO FIXE NewtCanvasSWT: no more rendering after detaching editor from the main EclipseRCP app window 2019-03-30
969 Newt swt pjgl RESO FIXE NewtCanvasSWT positioning and resizing issues 2020-01-15
985 Newt swt pjgl RESO FIXE NewtCanvasSWT disappears after detaching editor from the main EclipseRCP app window in OSX 2019-03-30
629 Newt x11 rob.hatcherson RESO FIXE AWT-to-NEWT event modifier translation does not preserve mouse button state 2012-12-24
523 Newt windows sgothel RESO WORK Hang and timeout exception on exit when sharing GLContext 2011-11-21
529 Newt x11 sgothel RESO FIXE GLWindow.requestFocus() causes a crash of the JVM on Linux 2011-12-02
531 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE get*Listeners methods from GLWindow throw ClassCast exceptions 2011-12-18
556 Newt windows sgothel RESO FIXE mouseDragged events is send instead of mouseMoved by newt 2012-04-27
570 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE Alt-Tab in fullscreen 2013-12-03
571 Newt x11 sgothel RESO FIXE Wrong Newt MouseEvent behavior on X11 2012-04-27
582 Newt awt sgothel RESO INVA NewtCanvasAWT.setCursor doesn't retain the set cursor 2012-05-14
585 Newt macosx sgothel RESO WORK Unable to set pointer invisible GLWindow setPointerVisible(false); 2012-09-16
601 Newt x11 sgothel RESO FIXE There is no trivial way to make a difference between "useful" events and "useless" release events generated by default by XOrg 2012-10-27
628 Newt x11 sgothel RESO FIXE NewtCanvasSWT Hangs Sporadically During Window Resizing 2012-12-06
631 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT keyReleased event abnormal behaviour. 2012-10-28
639 Newt windows sgothel RESO FIXE High-Res Mouse-Wheel Support (getWheelRotation() of Newt MouseEvent constantly returns '0' with slow movement) 2013-01-14
643 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE SWT 'display.asyncExec(Runnable runnable)' runnable not executed until SWT display disposed on Windows w/ NEWT windows parented (NewtCanvasSWT) 2012-12-02
659 Newt macosx sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT Horizontal Scrolling Behavior (OSX, X11, Win32) (horizontal -> modifiers w/ SHIFT) 2013-01-14
670 Newt x11 sgothel RESO INVA Regression: Drawable already added to animator 2013-01-19
677 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE [Android] The softKeyboard should notify when it gets hidden with the Back button 2013-02-28
678 Newt windows sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT KeyEvent key-char value on Windows not delivered w/ PRESSED induces UI lag if depending on key-char value 2013-04-06
700 Newt windows sgothel RESO INVA Alt+Key causes flicker in fullscreen mode 2013-03-13
701 Newt windows sgothel RESO FIXE Invalid keyChar for 'ß' in keyTyped() 2013-03-13
702 Newt windows sgothel RESO INVA keyTyped() does not repeat, invalid keyChars in keyPressed() 2013-03-13
711 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE Graph's Curve shader code version is not aligned against GLSL version 2013-07-08
726 Newt awt sgothel RESO INVA First GLWindow in first NewtCanvasAWT doesn't get .repaint(), when there are other windows 2013-05-02
733 Newt core sgothel RESO INVA GLWindow.warpPointer() causes slowdowns under Windows 2013-06-12
734 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE Screen rotation broken under Linux 2013-07-02
756 Newt x11 sgothel RESO WORK Spurious freeze and/or NullPointerException when running a JOGL NEWT application within Eclipse 2019-03-29
761 Newt x11 sgothel RESO FIXE Crash during X11 shutdown using AMD fglrx driver 2013-06-23
766 Newt core sgothel RESO DUPL Certain NEWT keyPressed events (e.g. VK_UP, while VK_DOWN is down) don't fire on Windows. 2014-01-04
767 Newt awt sgothel RESO FIXE whitespace key events are classified as 'non printable' 2013-07-03
768 Newt windows sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT KeyEvent keyCode is zero on Windows for control keys excl. NUMPAD 2013-07-03
770 Newt x11 sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT/X11 Fullscreen: _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN may result in ConfigureNotify event w/ virtual screen size, instead of monitor-mode size (NV + Fglrx) 2015-06-20
771 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT MonitorMode change post fullscreen: Window's size shall adapt. 2013-07-04
779 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT: Use WeakReferences for Display, Screen and Window Caches 2013-07-11
780 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT: EDTUtil: Exposed weakness of EDTUtil usage due to usage of WeakReference, i.e. higher retention of Display instances. 2013-07-11
783 Newt windows sgothel RESO INVA Null pointer on frame disposal 2013-07-17
784 Newt windows sgothel RESO FIXE F10 Key in windows does not send WM_KEYDOWN 2013-07-16
800 Newt windows_ sgothel RESO FIXE Add Windows 7 Touch Event Support to Generate NEWT Mouse/Pointer Events 2013-10-17
840 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE IllegalThreadStateException at DefaultEDTUtil.restart() when re-launch NEWT Applet (JOGLNewtApplet1Run) 2013-09-22
858 Newt windows sgothel RESO WORK MouseExit event fired on Mouse Mouse Wheel 2013-10-19
861 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT: Unify MouseEvent Processing incl. gesture processing 2013-10-18
883 Newt macosx sgothel RESO DUPL NEWT: Crash on 'manual' triggered Window closing due to 'gone JVM' 2013-10-31
900 Newt windows sgothel RESO INVA No newt on windows 7. UnsatisfiedLinkError: 2013-11-10
901 Newt windows sgothel RESO FIXE Windows 7 Touch Event Support renders NEWT Vista Incompatible 2013-11-12
903 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT: Support 'Continue Drag on Exit' 2013-11-17
910 Newt awt sgothel RESO FIXE IcedTea Web removes Components from the Applet Container before Applet.stop() causing a Crash. 2013-11-26
914 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE Don't allow 'alwaysontop' in fullscreen mode, always allow switching to other applications via ALT-TAB 2013-12-03
916 Newt windows sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT Fullscreen Mode on Windows ALT-TAB doesn't allow Application Switching 2013-12-04
919 Newt windows sgothel RESO FIXE TestNewtKeyCodesAWT w/ NewtCanvasAWT Fails on Windows Due to Clogged Key-Release Event by AWT Robot 2013-12-04
922 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE Unable to preserve resources during NewtCanvasAWT reparenting 2013-12-11
924 Newt x11 sgothel RESO FIXE NewtCanvasAWT XEventsQueued crash during reparent of undecorated fullscreen window 2013-12-20
934 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT: Add support for custom Application/Window Icons 2014-01-08
935 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT: Add support for custom [Mouse] Pointer Icons 2014-01-08
965 Newt core sgothel RESO DUPL Implement the ability to prevent the user from resizing the newt window 2014-02-13
970 Newt macosx sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT OSX ChildWindow setVisible(..) does not hide child window appropriately 2014-02-10
1012 Newt macosx sgothel RESO FIXE Erroneous handling of multiple monitor coordinates on OSX with NEWT 2014-05-26
1013 Newt macosx sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT Window content black after switching monitor resolution 2014-05-26
1027 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE Atomics seem to be somewhat broken with NEWT 2014-06-29
1065 Newt macosx sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT crash at WindowDriver.initIds0(): TISGetInputSourceProperty(keyboard, kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData) returns NULL 2019-03-29
1093 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT PointerIcon swizzled on X11 and OSX; WindowIcon swizzled on OSX ([R] -> [B]) 2019-03-29
1099 Newt x11 sgothel RESO INVA Calling setFullscreen from anywhere while warpPointer is being called from a display() method causes locking issues 2019-03-29
1129 Newt windows sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT MonitorDevice on Windows reports wrong physical size [mm] 2019-03-29
1130 Newt awt sgothel RESO FIXE Add Mapping from AWT Component -> NEWT [Screen, MonitorDevice] 2019-04-04
1142 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT: Add support to retrieve the primary MonitorDevice 2019-03-29
1147 Newt x11 sgothel RESO FIXE Fix XRandR13 Usage: Rotate / Change-Mode, use unique CRTC/Mode ids, .. 2019-03-29
1148 Newt macosx sgothel RESO FIXE OSX MonitorDevice: Use unique and native deviceID instead of index 2019-03-29
1177 Newt embedded sgothel RESO FIXE undefined symbol: bcm_host_init" when Screen is initialized before OpenGL, commonly seen on Raspberry Pi using Processing 3 2015-09-27
1183 Newt x11 sgothel RESO FIXE NullPointerException at jogamp.newt.driver.x11.ScreenDriver.collectNativeMonitorModesAndDevicesImpl( upon startup 2015-09-27
1186 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT Window: Use a Bitfield holding all state flags and expose it accordingly. 2015-09-27
1188 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT: Window: Support non-resizable, minimize, maximize, alwaysOnBottom and sticky/all-desktop where supported 2015-09-27
1192 Newt x11 sgothel RESO INVA JamVM crash in Jam_CallVoidMethod called from Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_DisplayDriver_DispatchMessages0 2015-09-27
1196 Newt windows sgothel RESO FIXE WinXP UnsatisfiedLinkError newt.dll 2015-09-27
1199 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE Add setting to disable default window icons 2015-10-03
1205 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT Security: Clear onscreen Window content after creation and before visibility 2015-10-04
1208 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT: Window: Consider avoiding operations if not supported, see getSupportedStateMask() 2015-09-27
1209 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE Regression of Bug 1188 Patches: Parented Fullscreen Issues (X11, Windows) 2015-09-27
1214 Newt macosx sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT: MacOSX incorrect auto-resize GLWindow when it is larger than screen. 2015-09-27
1221 Newt x11 sgothel RESO WORK Window reports wrong position after size restored from maximized on X11 2015-09-27
1222 Newt macosx sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT OSX: setAlwaysOnTop() and setAlwaysOnBottom() not working 2015-09-27
1223 Newt macosx sgothel RESO WORK GLWindow loses focus after maximizing (OSX) 2015-10-13
1224 Newt windows sgothel RESO INVA JFileChooser dialog opens behind GLWindow (windows) 2015-09-27
1232 Newt windows sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT Translucent [decorated] Windows Not Working On Windows >= 8 (Lack of Aero / Blur) 2015-10-02
1237 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE Clarify IOUtil.getResource(..) for better efficiency, i.e. allow caller to skip relative futile lookup 2015-10-03
1238 Newt core sgothel RESO FIXE Fix NPE for Window-Icon's PNGPixelRect for unresolved location, i.e. null URLConnections 2015-10-03
413 Newt core sgothel VERI FIXE mouseWheelMoved event is never generated 2011-12-07
437 Newt windows sgothel VERI FIXE NEWT/Applets in Browser FF3/FF4 - Renders Browser Unresponsive (Windows) 2010-12-12
436 Newt windows sgothel VERI FIXE NEWT/Applets Reparenting Insets Problem in Browser FF3/FF4/IE8 (Windows) 2010-12-15
406 Newt awt steve_vaughan VERI FIXE Deadlock with JDesktopPane and multiple NewtCanvasAWT windows 2010-11-19
383 Newt windows sgothel VERI INVA problems with GLWindow setFullscreen 2010-07-06
444 Newt awt sgothel VERI FIXE Disable automated termination of NewtCanvasAWT on window close 2015-09-27
1348 Newt x11 sgothel VERI FIXE Add X11 Touch Event Support to Generate NEWT Mouse/Pointer Events 2019-03-28
1421 Newt swt sgothel VERI FIXE Incorrect OpenGL window position on NewtCanvasSWT on MacOS 2020-01-22
1422 Newt swt sgothel VERI FIXE NEWT: Handle SWT's DPI Scaling on non native dpi scaling platforms (Linux, Windows, ..) 2020-02-04
409 Newt core sgothel VERI FIXE Add setCursor() (like AWT) to disable/modifiy cursor for a NEWT window 2011-12-02
396 Newt core sgothel VERI DUPL Fix all undocumented / unhandled exceptions before release (Newt) 2010-07-06
412 Newt core sgothel VERI FIXE Enable "Fullscreen Exclusive Mode" (FEM) similar to AWT for NEWT 2015-09-27
456 Newt windows sgothel VERI FIXE Screen resolution switchback when leaving NEWT fullscreen exclusive mode doesn't work. 2015-09-27
465 Newt x11 sgothel VERI FIXE Wrong path in newt.jnlp 2011-02-03
471 Newt core sgothel VERI FIXE MainThread still uses ReflectionUtil#getMethod() signature 2011-02-25
502 Newt x11 sgothel VERI FIXE X11/NEWT Stalling due to libX11/XCB Multithreading bug (libX11 1.4.2, libXCB 1.7; ubuntu 11.04, ..) 2011-12-02
525 Newt x11 sgothel VERI WORK GLWindow.warpPointer() does not work on Linux 2011-12-05
526 Newt core sgothel VERI FIXE NEWT KeyPressed undefined key char 2011-12-02
527 Newt core sgothel VERI FIXE wglShareLists exception when multiple are shared with different Animator 2011-12-02
1212 Nativewi macosx sgothel RESO FIXE OSX: Crash using CALayer at UnsetJAWTRootSurfaceLayer0(..) w/ Java 1.8.0_60 2015-09-27
1317 Nativewi core sgothel RESO FIXE JOGL AWT sample crashes on Java 9 2019-11-30
1370 Nativewi macosx sgothel RESO FIXE NSWindow drag regions should only be invalidated on the Main Thread! 2019-09-09
1257 Nativewi x11 sgothel RESO INVA VM crash with FATAL ERROR in native method: Nativewindow X11 IOError: Display ... 2019-03-30
1210 Nativewi x11 sgothel RESO FIXE Use manual impl. XRenderFindVisualFormat instead of buggy generated version 2015-09-27
1299 Nativewi macosx sgothel VERI FIXE warning when using JOGL on Mac OS X El Capitan 2019-03-30
790 JRT General sgothel CONF --- Ji Gong - Purpose, Name & Semantics .. 2013-08-05
791 JRT General sgothel CONF --- Build JRT-Headless (w/o AWT) on all platforms. 2017-02-09
792 JRT General sgothel CONF --- OpenJDK Subset - JRT Core 2013-09-10
793 JRT Ji_Gong_ sgothel CONF --- Add Pluggable Windowing-Toolkit to IcedTea-Web Plugin - Custom Windowing Plugin (CWP) 2013-08-05
796 JRT General sgothel CONF --- EXE-Bundle JRT + User Application 2013-08-05
797 JRT General sgothel CONF --- General Installer of JRT 2013-08-05
798 JRT Ji_Gong_ sgothel CONF --- Browser Installer (Extension) for JRT + Plugin 2013-08-05
799 JRT Ji_Gong_ sgothel CONF --- JRT Browser Plugin 2013-08-05
692 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Spurious exception thrown when using Vertex Array Objects (VAO) and glDrawElements 2014-01-03
1275 Jogl swt pjgl UNCO --- Jogl-2.3.2 - FreeBSD - Building from source : swt.jar version mismatch 2019-03-29
1259 Jogl windows sgothel UNCO --- NativeWindowException on attempting to destroy a drawable with a current context 2019-03-29
1261 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Allow changing of texture sampler type for multisampled FBO 2015-10-31
1263 Jogl core sgothel UNCO --- glDrawElements missing a Buffer param in 2015-11-04
1265 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Segmentation fault using fglrx on Ubuntu 15.10 2015-11-06
1277 Jogl awt sgothel UNCO --- GLCanvas content draws in wrong position when canvas moves after JFrame containing it is setVisible(true) on EDT 2016-05-17
1279 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- rgb10a2u texture unsupported 2016-01-06
1284 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- glGetVertexAttribPointerv is missing 2019-03-29
1291 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- params of glGetQueryObjectuiv has to be interpreted as an offset in case GL_QUERY_BUFFER is bound 2019-03-29
1292 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Implementing GL_NV_sample_locations 2019-03-29
1298 Jogl macosx sgothel UNCO --- regression: Canvas in CardLayout always visible after showing once 2023-07-12
1304 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Android Marshmallow 6.0 jogamp.opengl.es3.GLES3Impl.dispatch_glGetUniformIndices1 throws a fatal error 2019-03-29
1313 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- IOUtil.testDirExec taking 30 seconds to execute or timeout (Windows 10) 2019-03-29
1321 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- JPEG encoder 2019-03-29
1323 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Enhance the math utilities to support more operations on vectors, matrices and quaternions 2019-03-29
1324 Jogl macosx sgothel UNCO --- GLCanvas is always on top when using JInternalFrame 2023-07-12
1352 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- Identify if the pressed CTRL button was the right or left 2017-03-18
1354 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Parametrize the usage of glGetError() 2017-04-02
1359 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- TextRenderer glyphs sometimes become garbled because LevelSet.compactAndAdd doesn't tell GlyphCache to update texcoords 2019-03-29
1360 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- TextRenderer doesn't flush drawn text to GPU when backing texture fills up, ends up drawing incorrect text later 2019-03-29
1444 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Complete OpenGL 4.6 and ES 3.2 mapping including current Extensions 2023-08-07
1478 Jogl awt sgothel UNCO --- macOS 14.0 JOGL freezes when opening other JFrame before JOGL frame 2024-07-16
1507 Jogl awt sgothel UNCO --- Some pixels are chipping when drawing GLJPanel in high-resolution environments 2024-05-14
1264 Jogl util gouessej UNCO --- Methods to access (read, write) to pixels in TextureData 2019-03-29
710 Jogl macosx sgothel UNCO --- Nehe Tutorial #9 does not work in JWS 2013-03-29
811 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- The legacy text renderer doesn't support GL3 2019-03-29
954 Jogl swt sgothel UNCO --- Allow the creation of an ImageData ( from a TextureData 2017-01-17
1197 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- Texture and image API revamping 2019-03-29
1266 Jogl awt sgothel UNCO --- Per canvas GLSL vertical flip skip method 2019-03-29
712 Jogl awt pjgl UNCO --- Using GLCanvas and the SWT_AWT bridge reveals a JavaEmbeddedFrame when ran with Java 7 2023-07-12
740 Jogl windows sgothel UNCO --- GLJPanel crashes when resuming from sleep mode 2013-05-22
746 Jogl core sgothel UNCO --- Shapes not displayed using Fedora 18 and open source driver 2013-06-06
823 Jogl awt sgothel UNCO --- AWTTextureIO does not properly interpret a BufferedImage created with BufferedImage.getSubImage() 2013-09-29
834 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- AMD gles_sdk native dlls are classified as ANGLE implementation 2013-10-01
874 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- GLJPanel does not respect glEnable(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB) 2014-10-23
973 Jogl core sgothel UNCO --- NativeWindowFactory: Needs service provider interface (SPI) for TK specific implementations (Scaling) 2019-03-29
986 Jogl x11 sgothel UNCO --- Crash using MESA drivers on VirtualBox OpenSuse 2014-03-11
995 Jogl x11 sgothel UNCO --- Linux + Java 7 + Dual screen issue 2014-06-03
1007 Jogl x11 sgothel UNCO --- patch: fix build on FreeBSD i386 2014-05-12
1045 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Implement GLUgles2 2019-10-01
1049 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Application Crashes when System.exit() is Called within JOGL callbacks. 2014-08-22
1092 Jogl core sgothel UNCO --- Strange behaviour with keyPressed and keyReleased 2014-10-16
1097 Jogl core sgothel UNCO --- AWTGLReadBufferUtil.readPixelsToBufferedImage() causes exception on SWT 2015-06-09
1115 Jogl core sgothel UNCO --- SRGB implementation 2019-03-29
1128 Jogl core sgothel UNCO --- Intialization of GL renderer strings failed 2015-03-14
1138 Jogl vulkan sgothel UNCO --- Common Subset of OpenCL >= 2.1 / Vulkan Command API (Queue, Buffer) and Context 2019-03-29
1139 Jogl vulkan sgothel UNCO --- Generalize high-level API GLContext, GLDrawable, GLAutoDrawable for Vulkan and OpenGL 2019-03-29
1140 Jogl vulkan sgothel UNCO --- Add Support for SPIR-V >= 2.0 (group) 2019-03-29
1152 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- StereoDevice: Add HSW Display (Health and Safety Warning) at least in combination w/ OculusVR 2019-03-29
1179 Jogl windows sgothel UNCO --- Provide fallback OpenGL ES 2 & 3 implementation using lib ANGLE on Windows 2015-10-09
1217 Jogl x11 sgothel UNCO --- SIGSEGV in glXMakeCurrentReadSGI during NativeWindowFactory_ShutdownHook seen on Asus EEEPC 700 "the first netbook" 2015-10-09
626 Jogl applet sgothel CONF --- Support X11/EGL-blit on Rasp.Pi allowing use of AWT and Applets (was: NApplet fail using newt driver) 2013-09-27
686 Jogl video sgothel CONF --- Add native Libraries for GLMediaPlayer fallback w/ patent free Codecs like WebM or AV1 2019-03-30
647 Jogl macosx pjgl CONF --- SWT scrolling of GLCanvas doesn't work under Mac OS Mountain Lion 2023-07-12
421 Jogl util sgothel CONF --- DDSImage methode getDepth is wrong 2019-03-29
933 Jogl video sgothel CONF --- Force GLMediaPlayer not to depend on machine time 2023-07-12
1260 Jogl video sgothel CONF --- Allow the change of MAXIMUM_VIDEO_ASYNC of GLMediaPlayer 2023-07-12
1379 Jogl macosx sgothel CONF --- NewtCanvasAWT in JSplitPane on macOS 2023-02-25
1432 Jogl core sgothel CONF --- glMultTransposeMatrixd and glLoadTransposeMatrixd buggy in AMD Adrenalin drivers 2023-07-17
953 Jogl awt gouessej CONF --- Allow the creation of a BufferedImage from a TextureData 2023-07-12
310 Jogl util sgothel CONF --- Enhance TextureWriter to support decompression 2015-09-27
373 Jogl cg sgothel CONF --- cgSetCompilerIncludeCallback is missing 2010-11-19
398 Jogl core sgothel CONF --- Provide OSGi Metadata In Builds 2013-07-16
501 Jogl opengl sgothel CONF --- Rendering problems on FreeBSD 8.2 2013-03-28
483 Jogl opengl wwalker3 CONF --- ProjectFloat.gluInvertMatrixf() improperly claims some matrices are non-invertible 2013-03-27
788 Jogl awt sgothel CONF --- Add Better ability to control AWT focus when using NewtCanvasAWT 2013-08-03
794 Jogl wayland sgothel CONF --- Add Wayland Windowing/Surface Interoperability 2024-05-27
873 Jogl opengl sgothel CONF --- Shared GLContext Usage Causes: 'intel_do_flush_locked: No such file or directory' with Intel's Mesa 9.2.1 Backend for [Sandybridge/Ivybridge] on GNU/Linux 2014-12-05
1137 Jogl vulkan sgothel CONF --- Add Support for Vulkan (group) 2023-04-10
1242 Jogl util sgothel CONF --- Fix 'Texture.updateImage(...)' API and Implementation 2023-07-12
1062 Jogl embedded sgothel IN_P --- GNU/Linux armhf / i.mx6 (Vivante GC2000 blob) test crash in libGL's glGetString at EGL/ES probing/init 2019-03-29
1064 Jogl graph sgothel IN_P --- Fix Graph Font Rendering (group for related bugs) 2024-02-14
634 Jogl opengl sgothel IN_P --- Enhance Offscreen Layered FBO 2013-03-27
547 Jogl core sgothel IN_P --- Enable other architectures under GNU/Linux 2013-03-27
674 Jogl swt sgothel IN_P --- JOGL/SWT Windowing/Surface Interoperability 2023-07-12
1255 Jogl opengl sgothel IN_P --- Newt canvas in Miglayout fail to resize OR occupy complete JFrame instead of its target layout cell 2023-07-12
1305 Jogl opengl sgothel IN_P --- GLCanvas failed to initialize GL3(bc), GL4(bc) in SWING JFrame. GLJPanel succeed. 2023-02-25
1484 Jogl windows sgothel IN_P --- EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION during call of GDI.DescribePixelFormat 2024-01-16
1502 Jogl graph sgothel IN_P --- Graph: Improve Performance of Non-Convex/Intersection Classification and/or Intersection-Test itself (Bug 1501) 2024-02-14
1503 Jogl graph sgothel IN_P --- Graph: Resolve Tessellation Bugs (Delaunay Triangulation) - Part II 2024-02-14
423 Jogl opengl mmce IN_P --- DDSImage class should provide the correct OpenGL enums and values 2015-09-27
607 Jogl javafx sgothel IN_P --- JavaFX 2+ and JOGL should work together 2019-11-19
1059 Jogl core harvey.harrison IN_P --- AUDIT use of intern for String constants and reference comparisons 2023-07-12
877 Jogl core sgothel IN_P --- Concurrency Discussion: Synchronization, Locking and Non-Blocking Access 2013-10-29
518 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO INVA jogl.jar on is unsigned 2011-09-21
559 Jogl embedded sgothel RESO WORK Linux ARM freezes (Java, EGL/ES, JOGL) 2012-04-17
566 Jogl awt sgothel RESO FIXE Application freeze with GLCanvas / GLJPanel and Mesa 8 (Software/Hardware) 2012-04-12
616 Jogl x11 sgothel RESO FIXE Remove XInitThreads() (and hence XLockDisplay/XUnlockDisplay) - Make X11 Display usage lock free. 2012-10-02
682 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Relocating remaining* -> com.jogamp.opengl.* to relax probable license issue while bundling JOGL 2019-03-29
690 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE OSX (Offscreen CALayer): Occasional Freeze on CVDisplayLinkStop on MainThread 2013-02-14
691 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE OSX (Offscreen CALayer): Layers and native GL-Context are _not_ Released 2014-06-12
706 Jogl windows sgothel RESO FIXE JOGL crashes under Windows 7 (32 bits & 64 bits) with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6370 2013-04-26
722 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE GLEventListenerState doesn't track AbstractGraphicsDevice's Toolkit Lock. It also shall lock the GLAutoDrawable's NativeSurface while operating. 2013-04-23
938 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE has no more equals() method 2014-01-14
1220 Jogl core sgothel RESO INVA glTexSubImage3D interprets the z index as third dimension although a 2d array texture has been provided 2016-01-23
1357 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE Support Mesa 18.2.2 (java.lang.InternalError: profile[1]: GL3bc -> profileImpl GL4bc not mapped) 2019-03-29
1382 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO INVA GNU/Linux AMD/Mesa Regression 2019-08-20
1383 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE GLProfile fails to select default core profiles when no compat profiles are available. 2019-08-23
1385 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE Limit Quirk GL3CompatNonCompliant to Mesa < 18.2.0 2019-08-23
1389 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE MacOS 10.14.6 + OpenJDK11U SIGSEGV on [NSApplicationAWT sendEvent:] 2019-09-08
1488 Jogl graph sgothel RESO FIXE Graph: Resolve Performance Regression in RegionRenderer's ShaderKey Utilization 2024-01-25
1501 Jogl graph sgothel RESO FIXE Graph: Resolve Tessellation Bugs (Delaunay Triangulation) 2024-02-14
716 Jogl core sgothel RESO DUPL Add OpenGL 4.3 Support 2013-07-17
952 Jogl awt sgothel RESO FIXE JAWTWindow's JAWTComponentListener may deadlock due to AWTTreeLock acquisition 2014-01-27
1181 Jogl awt sgothel RESO FIXE JOGL WebStart Applications using GLCanvas/AWT may Deadlock by two AWT-EDT on Java >= 1.8.0_45 2015-09-27
1241 Jogl util sgothel RESO FIXE Util's Texture.coords (image coordinates) not updated properly 2015-10-03
1384 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE Allow GLRendererQuirks to be overridden by user properties 2019-08-23
320 Jogl core bienator RESO WONT improving DebugGL 2015-09-27
535 Jogl core gouessej RESO INVA Provide Java Web Start demos and tests for those currently runnable only as applets 2017-01-17
365 Jogl util michael.esemplare RESO FIXE Bug on 2013-10-13
358 Jogl applet sgothel RESO DUPL Rendering on the browser.... 2015-09-27
362 Jogl util sgothel RESO FIXE calculated dimensions for MipMaps smaller than 16x16 2015-09-27
495 Jogl core sgothel RESO WORK FBO produces GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY on some NVidia / Windows machines 2011-11-21
520 Jogl windows sgothel RESO DUPL JOGL crash with ATI mobility Radeon HD 5470 2013-04-24
548 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE Some MacOS X Machines freeze at JOGL initialization, some even crash 2013-10-03
641 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE NEWT: Distinguish keyCode (kbd layout independent) and keySym (kbd layout dependent) (was: Invalid keyCodes returned with com.jogamp.newt.event.KeyEvent) 2013-04-11
648 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE app on OSX when moving window between displays 2019-03-29
650 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Fails to build under arm hard float on Debian [Wheezy] and Ubuntu [Precise & Raring] 2013-04-24
705 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE JVM crashes when System.exit(0) is called w/ Mesa X11 SW Driver < 8.0 2013-04-16
864 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO DUPL JOGL 2.1.1 does not work for GL3 on Mac OS X whereas 2.1.0 works 2013-10-23
927 Jogl util sgothel RESO FIXE Multithreading (MT) issues with ALAudioSink (openal-soft) and minor MT issues w/ libav/ffmpeg 2014-02-26
932 Jogl core sgothel RESO WORK crashes in native code with Intel Graphics driver in standard configuration on Windows 7 2015-09-27
1028 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE AMD Windows driver thread hinders JVM process to exit/end, caused by _not_ destroying the SharedResource context 2014-08-08
1175 Jogl core sgothel RESO WORK gamma.reresetDisplayGamma() 2019-03-27
1182 Jogl awt sgothel RESO INVA AWT Toolkit disableBackgroundErase() ineffective since Java 7, flickering visible at resize of GLCanvas 2015-09-27
1283 Jogl opengl elect86 RESO FIXE Jogl can't find #include shader relative files 2019-03-26
1287 Jogl opengl elect86 RESO FIXE Complete immutable glNamedBufferStorage support in GLBufferObjectTracker 2019-12-29
673 Jogl swt pjgl RESO FIXE JOGAMP SWT GLCanvas don't generate reshape events on OSX and Linux. 2019-03-30
703 Jogl graph rami.santina RESO FIXE Quaternion SLERP not working jumping and returning incorrect interpolation 2013-04-09
163 Jogl core sgothel RESO WONT Extend Render-to-Texture functionality to include Render-to-Depth-Texture 2015-09-27
164 Jogl core sgothel RESO WONT Expose render-to-texture target 2015-09-27
250 Jogl core sgothel RESO WONT Fix getChosenGLCapabilities for Java2D/JOGL bridge 2011-10-10
327 Jogl awt sgothel RESO WONT Add ability to draw bounding rectangle to TextRenderer 2015-09-27
364 Jogl awt sgothel RESO WONT TextRenderer broken under Max OSX 10.5.5 2012-01-23
367 Jogl awt sgothel RESO WONT File created by Screenshot might be flipped vertically 2012-09-30
516 Jogl util sgothel RESO FIXE Building under Java 7 produces some class files with post-Java-6 version numbers 2012-01-22
671 Jogl util sgothel RESO FIXE Add jpeg decoding support in core utils (w/o AWT -> headless, embedded devices) 2013-04-01
696 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO INVA glClipPlane should be in GL2ES1 2013-03-28
750 Jogl x11 sgothel RESO FIXE Leaked X11 ColorMap for each created X11 Window in NativeWindow (dummy) and NEWT 2013-06-12
781 Jogl x11 sgothel RESO INVA Random Freeze on lockSurfaceImpl 2013-07-17
1254 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE MonitorDevice.getViewportInWindowUnits().getHeight() returns the display's width on Broadcom VC IV 2019-03-26
1262 Jogl graph sgothel RESO WONT Allow multi-pass font rendering to choose FBO to render to 2024-02-14
1272 Jogl graph sgothel RESO FIXE Two-pass TextRenderer color changing during runtime doesn't work if glyph caching is enabled 2024-02-14
1278 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO WONT Windows 10 returns software Profile 2019-03-29
1282 Jogl awt sgothel RESO INVA "'gl_FragColor' : undeclared identifier" thrown during fragment shader compilation with GL2ES2 2019-03-29
1285 Jogl awt sgothel RESO WORK REGRESSION in v2.3.2 - AWT GLCanvas freezes after screen change 2019-03-30
1286 Jogl video sgothel RESO FIXE Multiple GLMediaPlayers init stream deadlock 2023-07-12
1288 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE GL_PARAMETER_BUFFER_ARB is perceived as invalid binding target 2019-03-26
1289 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO INVA Glsl compiler bug on interpolateAtSample 2019-03-27
1290 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE Raspberry Pi Raspbian now ship with two incompatible implementations of OpenGL ES 2019-03-27
1297 Jogl video sgothel RESO FIXE Native crash while destroying GLMediaPlayer 2023-07-12
1301 Jogl core sgothel RESO INVA OpenGL profile init takes up to one minute ( win 10 + nvidia 7xx ) 2019-03-30
1306 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE Medium-weight tooltips are painted behind the GLCanvas 2019-03-30
1307 Jogl awt sgothel RESO FIXE GLCanvas is always drawn on top when using a JTabbedPane 2019-03-30
1310 Jogl awt sgothel RESO FIXE Removing and re-adding a GLJPanel results in small image being rendered 2023-08-18
1312 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE GLContextShareSet memory leak when repeatedly creating and removing GLDrawables 2019-12-31
1315 Jogl embedded sgothel RESO FIXE Broadcom VC IV overlay when windowed does not take HDMI overscan setting into account 2019-03-27
1322 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE JOGL sets pixel scale to 2 for GLJPanel not on Retina display 2023-07-12
1347 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Mapped GLProfile's (e.g. GL2ES2, GL2ES1) select software renderer GL2 instead of hardware renderer GLES1 & GLES2 2019-12-28
1350 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO WORK CGSUpdateManager warning during createContext on OS X 10.11.6 2019-04-10
1353 Jogl util sgothel RESO FIXE java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError for gluegen-rt.dll due to localized tempdir name 2019-03-30
1355 Jogl graph sgothel RESO FIXE buggy text rendering in GPUTextNewtDemo 2024-02-14
1356 Jogl video sgothel RESO DUPL "Future proof" ffmpeg libraries loading prevents using legit libraries 2020-01-03
1362 Jogl swt sgothel RESO FIXE NewtCanvasSWT doesn't work with GTK 3 2019-04-10
1372 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Pass unit tests on OSX 10.14.3 (Mojave) 2019-04-05
1374 Jogl awt sgothel RESO FIXE Support High-DPI for JRE>8 AWT on Windows, MacOSX and Linux 2023-07-12
1380 Jogl core sgothel RESO INVA Dynamic loading of "OpenGL32.dll" fails on Citrix VDI 2020-01-01
1381 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE GLReadBufferUtil/AWTReadBufferUtil: 'hasAlpha' usage is not functional 2023-02-25
1386 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE Mesa 18.3.6 hardware renderer (Intel/AMD) freezes after native parenting 2019-12-08
1388 Jogl ios sgothel RESO FIXE JOGL: Add iOS Support for at least Aarch64 + x86_64 (Simulation) 2019-11-30
1390 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE GLPixelBuffer.GLPixelAttributes::convert(GL, int, boolean) failed on unsupported GL data format/type 2019-09-05
1391 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE Add GLRendererQuirks.DontChooseFBConfigBestMatch avoiding ChooseFBConfig's BestMatch 2019-09-07
1392 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE Mesa >= 18: glXChooseFBConfig's BestMatch with 10bit Color-Comps fails on glXCreatePbuffer and glXCreateGLXPixmap 2019-09-07
1395 Jogl swt sgothel RESO WORK Resizing GLCanvas does not redraw immediately 2023-09-29
1398 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE [NSOpenGLContext setView:] must be executed on the main thread 2023-01-24
1402 Jogl embedded sgothel RESO INVA Mesa 18.3.6 issues mixing EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY and GBM device on EGL_PLATFORM_GBM_KHR 2019-11-28
1403 Jogl core sgothel RESO WORK Could not initialize shared resources for EGLGraphicsDevice 2020-01-01
1405 Jogl embedded sgothel RESO FIXE DRM/GBM Feezes on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ 2019-12-05
1406 Jogl embedded sgothel RESO FIXE DRM/GBM Instability on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1 2019-12-05
1407 Jogl embedded sgothel RESO FIXE Re-enable Raspberry Pi armv6hf Broadcom DispmanX incl. its X11 Overlay 2019-12-04
1408 Jogl embedded sgothel RESO FIXE GNU/Linux DRM Freezes when manipulating the PointerIcon (setting & visibility) 2019-12-05
1409 Jogl embedded sgothel RESO FIXE GNU/Linux DRM Console: Clear stdin before exit and don't act on stdin in vsync-wait-loop 2019-12-05
1411 Jogl embedded sgothel RESO FIXE Complete Unit Test Subset for DRM/GBM JOGL(EGL) and NEWT 2019-12-24
1415 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO WORK MacOS 10.14.6 + OpenJDK11U occasional freezes having multiple Windows created on a ExclusiveContextThread 2019-12-08
1416 Jogl embedded sgothel RESO FIXE Allow EGLDrawableFactory re-creation after shutdown() - be functional 2019-12-09
1420 Jogl video sgothel RESO FIXE Enable FFmpeg 4, 5 and 6 in FFMPEGMediaPlayer and allow loading provided libs (option) 2023-02-25
1423 Jogl swt sgothel RESO FIXE Newt SWT GLWindow Fullscreen Wrong Coordinates in Embedded Layout 2023-01-24
1426 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE OpenGL intialization gives fatal error on some Linux distributions 2023-03-15
1428 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO WORK Performance regression in context makeCurrent() logic from 2.3.2 to 2.4.0 2023-11-02
1429 Jogl swt sgothel RESO FIXE JOGL incompatible with SWT 4.20 2023-01-24
1430 Jogl awt sgothel RESO FIXE Background erase not disabled with AWT GLCanvas and NewtCanvasAWT 2023-09-29
1441 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE Fix ARB_multi_draw_indirect (GL4) 2023-08-07
1452 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Decouple math functionality to 'com.jogamp.math' to be toolkit agnostic 2023-09-24
1453 Jogl core sgothel RESO INVA glCreateShader crashes on MacOS, works on windows 2023-09-27
1455 Jogl video sgothel RESO FIXE GLMediaPlayer: Add isAutioMuted() query on volume and earmark audio-volume if not initialized and set it when AudioSink becomes available 2023-09-23
1461 Jogl graph sgothel RESO FIXE Graph Fonts: Add 'Material Icons Round-Regular' (APL-2 license) 2023-09-24
1462 Jogl graph sgothel RESO FIXE Graph Font: Add name + codepoint to ID and Glyph mapping plus traversing through all Glyphs 2023-09-24
1463 Jogl graph sgothel RESO FIXE Graph Font: Whitespace or undefined Glyphs shall not cover (any) height exceeding overall CharSequence 2023-09-26
1465 Jogl graph sgothel RESO FIXE Graph / GraphUI: Render a Region's ColorTexture in proper aspect-ratio, letter-boxed or zoomed (config) 2023-09-30
1466 Jogl graph sgothel RESO FIXE Graph / GraphUI: Fix color mixing in Region shader with texture, colorStatic and colorChannel 2023-09-30
1469 Jogl video sgothel RESO FIXE FFmpeg binding uses ReleaseStringChars instead of ReleaseStringUTFChars for GetStringUTFChars() acquired UTF 2023-10-02
1470 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE JNI: Perform exception check and rethrow for all Java Callbacks as recommended 2023-10-02
1471 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Add a GLEventAdapter for GLEventListener similar to the other Adapter patterns 2023-10-02
1472 Jogl video sgothel RESO FIXE GLMediaPlayer Enhance AV Synchronization 2023-10-16
1485 Jogl graph sgothel RESO FIXE Graph: Support AABBox Clipping to [GL]Region 2024-01-20
1486 Jogl graph sgothel RESO FIXE Graph/GraphUI AA-Quality + SampleCount Params: Push 'em down to RegionRenderer's RenderState usually rarely set from top of user API, reducing complexity 2024-01-16
1487 Jogl graph sgothel RESO FIXE Graph: Use Frustum Clipping instead of AABBox + GraphUI Support 2024-01-20
1491 Jogl video sgothel RESO FIXE GLMediaPlayer: Remove resource restrictions and locking with shared GLContext (*GraphicsDevice) 2024-01-25
1492 Jogl video sgothel RESO FIXE GLMediaPlayer: Support Tracking, Showing and Switching of Audio & Subtitle Tracks 2024-02-05
1493 Jogl graph sgothel RESO FIXE GLMediaPlayer/GraphUI: Support Displaying Text/ASS Subtitles 2024-02-05
1494 Jogl graph sgothel RESO FIXE GLMediaPlayer/GraphUI: Support Displaying Bitmap'ed Subtitles (PGS ..) 2024-02-03
1497 Jogl graph sgothel RESO FIXE Merge Bernhard Haumacher's typecast work, providing documentation as well as Cmap table fix 2024-02-03
1500 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE Simple Hello World crashes on macOS 14.4 beta 2024-02-12
732 Jogl embedded gouessej RESO WONT Add some support of Android 2.0 into JOGL/NEWT 2015-11-22
1169 Jogl awt gouessej RESO WORK ScreenResSelector doesn't use the right mean of detecting multi bit depth 2019-03-30
1294 Jogl opengl gouessej RESO FIXE Show all information on the default graphics device in JoglVersion 2019-03-27
418 Jogl opengl mmce RESO WONT Better error reporting for DebugGL 2015-09-27
319 Jogl util sgothel RESO INVA JOGL components crash if used inside a NetBeans module 2011-10-10
330 Jogl awt sgothel RESO WONT Inconsistent handling of spaces in TextRenderer 2012-01-23
331 Jogl awt sgothel RESO WONT Floating-point precision needed in TextRenderer 2012-01-23
348 Jogl awt sgothel RESO WONT Add a method to change font in TextRender 2015-09-27
352 Jogl awt sgothel RESO WONT distortion using TextRenderer (sometimes) 2012-01-23
356 Jogl awt sgothel RESO INVA TextRenderer causes a GLException on pre-OpenGL 1.5 version 2012-01-23
361 Jogl awt sgothel RESO WONT Add information about TextRenderer transparency in Javadoc 2012-01-23
386 Jogl awt sgothel RESO WONT TextRenderer incorrectly requires openGL context 2012-05-14
532 Jogl awt sgothel RESO WORK Intel Graphics: Dead GLCanvas after hide/show in CardLayout w/ Animator start()/stop() [works w/ pause()/resume()] 2012-01-20
588 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Please provide a method getJoglVersion() 2013-07-10
709 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO INVA Texturing with Newt and FBO flag partly corrupt 2013-04-06
729 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE OSX CALayer shall honor the Component's visibility state (was: Could not make OSX CALayer'ed GLCanvas invisible via CardLayout switching cards) 2013-11-16
862 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE NVidia GTX550 driver 331.13 - 64bit Linux - No compatibility GLProfile (GL2, >= GL3bc) 2013-10-19
1167 Jogl core sgothel RESO WORK Heavy performance issue 2019-03-27
810 Jogl core gouessej RESO FIXE JOGL should only try to load the native libraries supported by the operating system 2013-09-02
1042 Jogl core gouessej RESO FIXE Add autodetection of image type in TextureIO 2015-09-27
1193 Jogl opengl gouessej RESO FIXE com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderCode doesn't support compute shaders 2015-09-27
880 Jogl core org.jogamp RESO FIXE Add Math Utility to Support Converting Values to/from the 'binary16' format as specified in 'IEEE 754 2008' 2013-10-31
744 Jogl opengl petr.skramovsky RESO FIXE RLE encoded tga images support 2014-01-09
739 Jogl x11 pjgl RESO WORK NativeWindowException with SWT/Ubuntu 2020-01-13
956 Jogl swt pjgl RESO FIXE NewtCanvasSWT ignore windowing offset on OSX using ViewForm 2019-03-30
1170 Jogl swt pjgl RESO FIXE Removal Of GTK_WIDGET_WINDOW In SWT 4.5 Causes A JOGL Runtime Error 2015-09-27
451 Jogl x11 sgothel RESO WORK Some AWT tests deadlock on CentOS 5.4 64-bit 2011-11-21
455 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO WORK disabling the auto swap buffer mode causes very high memory consumption 2011-11-21
467 Jogl applet sgothel RESO INVA invokeAndWait exception exclusive to MacOS and Safari browser 2011-11-18
484 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE Create a native SWT binding 2012-09-18
494 Jogl x11 sgothel RESO WORK Applications hang when making base frame visible 2011-04-16
498 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO INVA Unable to set pixel format 4 for device context 2012-05-14
499 Jogl x11 sgothel RESO WORK Simple AWT and JOGL application hangs on startup 2011-08-30
506 Jogl core sgothel RESO WORK NullPointerException when calling GLProfile.getDefault() 2011-07-23
513 Jogl windows sgothel RESO INVA WGL.wglMakeCurrent() crashes in native code 2011-10-28
524 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO WONT glMaterialfv crashes if color == null 2011-11-27
528 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE UnsatisfiedLinkError with gluegen-rt native library on Mac OS 10.5.8 with 64-bit processor 2011-12-19
534 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Disposing a GLJPanel causes a JVM crash 2011-12-22
536 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE JOGL 2.O RC4 crashs with GLCanvas on OSX Snow Leopard in a 32-bit VM 2011-12-18
540 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE Mac Os X Instability - Crashes when disposing NEWT Window (.. and after Applet shutdown) 2012-01-20
543 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO INVA can't create opengl 3/4 context 2011-12-23
546 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Provide more information about the system at build time 2012-01-09
551 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO INVA JOGL runs fine in Eclipse but crashes when running a deployed version on windows 7. On Windows XP everything is fine 2012-01-23
554 Jogl core sgothel RESO INVA JOGL runs slowly after extended use 2012-05-02
555 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE Embedding NEWT canvas into Applet object doesn't allow to set framerate on OSX 2012-04-22
557 Jogl core sgothel RESO INVA Please provide a source package for rc6 beta 2012-03-18
560 Jogl applet sgothel RESO FIXE Gears applet crashes if close button clicked on detached applet (messaging a dead object) 2012-05-01
561 Jogl x11 sgothel RESO FIXE UnsatisfiedLinkError in x11.X11Lib.XineramaEnabled for Intel GM965/GL960 on Linux 32-bit 2012-03-18
564 Jogl x11 sgothel RESO FIXE X11GLXDrawableFactory - Could not initialize shared resources for :0 due to NullPointerException 2012-03-24
565 Jogl x11 sgothel RESO INVA XWindow memory leak for GLCanvas (includes analysis) 2012-03-19
568 Jogl core sgothel RESO DUPL VirtualBox: Freeze on tests execution (build from sources) 2012-03-25
569 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE Multisampling doesn't work with PBuffer on OSX Lion and AMD CPU 2014-04-15
572 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Calling invoke(true,GLRunnable) on several GLCanvases in the same container causes a deadlock 2012-10-05
576 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO INVA Error " Profile GL2 is not available on null, but: []" on linux x86_64 w/ intel gm45express 2012-05-13
577 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Please disable the debug message XInitThreads() called ... 2012-04-26
578 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO WORK SIGSEGV on upgrade to Mac Lion 10.7.3. 2012-04-22
581 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE gluUnProject multiplies matrices in wrong order 2012-05-12
584 Jogl util sgothel RESO INVA Texture binding fails if image width < alignment 2012-05-24
586 Jogl awt sgothel RESO INVA Bug with GLCanvas/jScrollPane when working with GLJPanel 2012-09-17
587 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE The temporary directory used by jogl to unpack native libraries may not be executable 2012-06-16
589 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE Resize GLCanvas broken on OSX and JDK7 2012-07-03
590 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Wrong GL2 and GLES2 aliasing of GL_ARB_half_float_pixel/GL_ARB_half_float_vertex and GL_OES_texture_half_float extensions 2012-06-16
597 Jogl x11 sgothel RESO FIXE Segfault on GLDrawableFactory.getDesktopFactory() used in headless mode 2012-06-30
598 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE JOGL ALL JAR File Change incl. it's Native Jar URL Derivation 2012-07-05
599 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Add support for API-transparent FBO offscreen GLDrawable creation (similar to pbuffer offscreen) via GLDrawableFactory 2015-09-27
602 Jogl awt sgothel RESO INVA Dual GPU Switching Not Working / Crash after an NVIDIA driver update 2012-09-16
603 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE Trouble running JOGL demo code on Ubuntu 12.04 Eclipse 3.7.2 2012-09-30
604 Jogl applet sgothel RESO WORK Archive style applet embedding triggers "pixel format 17" error 2012-07-06
605 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO INVA Use of accumulation buffer flips image 2012-10-06
606 Jogl awt sgothel RESO FIXE New AWT threading implementation breaks OpenGL in Processing 2.0 (OSX) 2012-08-02
610 Jogl x11 sgothel RESO FIXE JOGL crash with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 in libX11 XQueryExtension on application exit 2012-09-21
611 Jogl windows sgothel RESO FIXE java.awt.Desktop performance drops after JOGL initialization 2012-09-16
612 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE glVertexAttribIPointer(int, int, int, int, long) is missing 2012-09-20
613 Jogl x11 sgothel RESO WORK Crash of swing components with JOGL and 2 screens 2012-09-17
614 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE GLProfile crashes on Mountain Lion 2012-09-16
615 Jogl x11 sgothel RESO FIXE PBuffer On Second X Screen Fails 2012-09-19
618 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO INVA glBlendFunc in OpenGL ES 1.0 - missing constants. 2012-09-20
619 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO INVA glBlendColor function not available in OpenGL ES 1.0 2012-09-20
620 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO INVA glUniform functions not available in OpenGL ES 1.0 2012-09-20
621 Jogl x11 sgothel RESO FIXE JVM Crashes During X11 Shutdown 2012-09-21
622 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE Changes required to build JOGL git master on Mac OS X 10.8 with Oracle JDK 2013-02-20
623 Jogl x11 sgothel RESO WONT Sporadic XCB assertion failures w/ ATI proprietary driver and w/o native X11 locking 2012-10-02
624 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE No android-specific classes in RC10 build 2012-10-04
627 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO INVA Uncaught exception with Mac OS X Mountain Lion 2012-10-09
630 Jogl macosx sgothel RESO FIXE packed depth stencil extension not properly detected 2012-10-25
635 Jogl windows sgothel RESO INVA Unexpected random NullPointerException 2012-11-21
636 Jogl graph sgothel RESO FIXE Quaternion multiplication unexpected behavior 2012-11-11
638 Jogl windows sgothel RESO FIXE Problem requesting non-hardware-accelerated capabilities on a device capable of hardware acceleration 2012-11-11
640 Jogl embedded sgothel RESO INVA JOGL ES1 demo GearsES1 crashes on Kindle Fire HD 7" 2012-11-23
642 Jogl awt sgothel RESO FIXE Exception when adjusting JSplitPane containing GLCanvas in RC11. 2012-12-22
646 Jogl embedded sgothel RESO INVA JOGL 2.0-rc11 doesn't work on the android emulator 2012-12-27
649 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE Clear FBO layer at creation 2015-10-04
651 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO INVA GL_INVALID_ENUM raised with glGetInteger(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, ...) w/ Mesa3D 9.0 2012-12-20
652 Jogl embedded sgothel RESO FIXE DebugGL of a GL2ES2 context doesn't return true for isGLES 2012-12-19
653 Jogl util sgothel RESO FIXE PNGJ Update to support PNG Interlace 2012-12-31
654 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE Gears demo displays only a white screen 2012-12-30
655 Jogl opengl sgothel RESO DUPL OpenGL is unable to draw to canvas 2012-12-30
657 Jogl util sgothel RESO FIXE PMVMatrix.glPushTransform shouldn't allocate a new float array per call 2012-12-31
658 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE 3.1 context on Mesa 9.0.1 is buggy 2012-12-29
660 Jogl core sgothel RESO FIXE Indexed color PNG does not render correctly 2013-03-20
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
