Mon May 27 2024 14:53:33 CEST
I code without SDK -Me
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This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1396 Ardor3D core gouessej UNCO --- The MD2 import generates some triangles that don't belong to the real geometry of the mesh instead of creating separate mesh groups 2019-09-29
1400 Ardor3D core gouessej UNCO --- Support OpenJFX/JavaFX 2019-12-02
1427 Default default sgothel UNCO --- Move JMonkeyEngine's JogAmp backend into JogAmp repositories 2023-07-12
685 General source_c sgothel UNCO --- Analyze all core sources for FindBug hits as mentioned below (ongoing bug entry) 2013-03-27
755 General source_c xerxes CONF --- Improve *.README.txt inside jogamp-all-platforms.7z 2013-06-23
887 General source_c sgothel IN_P --- General Performance - Top Bug Entry for Referencing 2013-11-04
888 General source_c sgothel IN_P --- Validate CPU Runtime Performance / General performance 2013-11-17
747 General source_c sgothel IN_P --- Validate memory footprint and usage / General performance. 2013-12-10
967 General builds sgothel UNCO --- Runtime debug test etc/ crashes on OSX 10.9.1 2014-02-10
968 General source_c sgothel IN_P --- Validate API Semantics, Implementation and more .. 2014-02-13
855 General builds sgothel CONF --- Add Android intel-x86 (i686) 32bit [and maybe 64bit] builds 2014-03-13
698 General legal sgothel CONF --- Call for Compliance of Java Technology with the 4 Freedoms of Software 2015-01-24
921 General source_c sgothel UNCO --- Logging should be used instead of system out/err calls 2015-09-27
1253 General source_c sgothel UNCO --- Analyze ongoing code and jar size growth, avoid bloating code base 2015-10-11
1281 General builds sgothel UNCO --- jogl-demos pom.xml points to incorrect artifactId 2.0-rc11post03 2016-02-16
1095 General infrastr sgothel CONF --- Establish self hosted forum/mailinglist on 2017-01-19
1008 General builds sgothel IN_P --- Adopt Automated Validation of Version Semantics 2019-03-30
1368 General builds sgothel IN_P --- Source Certification Contract (SCC) 2019-04-03
1371 General website sgothel CONF --- mediawiki-bugzilla bar and pie charts are not working 2019-04-04
1412 General generic sgothel IN_P --- JNI: Check & Handle Exception after calling back into Java 2019-12-06
1425 General generic sgothel CONF --- Add "Automatic-Module-Name" to jar manifests 2024-03-12
1505 General generic sgothel CONF --- Seamless support of OpenJDK 2x; Mitigating its Constraints and support its Features 2024-03-12
1404 General generic sgothel CONF --- Support Java 11+ Features (Module Encapsulation, jlink, ..) 2024-03-12
1506 General generic sgothel UNCO --- Support WebAssembly (wasm) Target Platform (browser/web) 2024-05-16
488 Gluegen core sgothel IN_P --- Enable others architectures under GNU/Linux 2013-03-27
772 Gluegen core sgothel UNCO --- gluegen is doing a wrong assumption in term of path 2013-07-01
1034 Gluegen core sgothel UNCO --- example scripts in "doc" area do not run from source in mingw environment 2014-07-21
1258 Gluegen core sgothel CONF --- Add Multiple JNI/Native to Java Callback Generation Techniques 2019-03-30
1256 Gluegen core sgothel IN_P --- Provide General GlueGen Annotation Processor (Replacing specialized CStruct) 2019-03-30
1445 Gluegen core sgothel UNCO --- Add (Khronos) XML frontend parallel to existing C-Header frontend 2023-08-07
1451 Gluegen core sgothel IN_P --- Synchronize GlueGen Documentation 2024-04-09
1508 Gluegen core sgothel UNCO --- Segfault when unpacking .so from JAR 2024-05-17
544 GraphUI Core sgothel UNCO --- RFE for UI part of the graph package 2023-07-12
1483 GraphUI Plugin sgothel CONF --- Enhanced Graph-UI Elements - II 2023-12-18
804 GraphUI Plugin sgothel UNCO --- Add SVG Input Specification (Curved Geometry, Object Interaction) to Graph-UI 2023-12-18
805 GraphUI Core sgothel IN_P --- Basic Graph-UI Widgets - I 2024-02-14
1331 Java3D core UNCO --- Shared nodes under switch nodes, the link doesn’t work properly 2016-10-20
1332 Java3D core UNCO --- Texture Mip Map count checking incorrect 2016-10-20
1328 Java3D core UNCO --- Support for Compressed Texture formats DDS, ASTC, ETC2(container KTX) 2016-10-20
1201 Java3D core CONF --- Crash with option "sun.java2d.d3d=false" 2016-11-01
1340 Java3D core UNCO --- Vecmath uses import java.awt.Color which is poor design 2016-11-05
1341 Java3D core UNCO --- MasterControl.stencilClear defaults to false, however true would be simpler 2016-11-05
1342 Java3D core UNCO --- Add a SparseArray into Java3D for performance 2016-11-05
1344 Java3D core UNCO --- GL2ES2Pipeline fix texturemapping and inittexturemapping 2016-11-05
1345 Java3D core UNCO --- GL2ES2Pipeline fix textureFillBackground 2016-11-05
1346 Java3D core UNCO --- GL2ES2Pipeline fix decalling methods 2016-11-05
1349 Java3D core UNCO --- Remove deprecated methods, use try with resource, generics and return type refinement in Java3D 1.7 2016-11-23
1248 Java3D core UNCO --- glXCreateContextAttribsARB crashes w/ Java3D on JTabbedPane (OpenSUSE 13.2, Mesa 10.3.7, Intel Haswell Desktop) 2020-02-02
1335 Java3D core UNCO --- Requesting a 24 depth bit cap can return an 8bit depth buffer if 16bit is the max 2020-02-02
1336 Java3D core UNCO --- New property to default disable picking and collision testing 2020-02-02
1343 Java3D core UNCO --- New property j3d.autocompile 2020-02-02
644 Java3D core UNCO --- Integrate z-buffer read testcase from Kenji Saito as a unit test 2020-02-02
996 Java3D core UNCO --- Stereo not working on Java 7 2020-02-02
594 Jinput core sgothel CONF --- Jinput add GlueGen's native JAR libloading 2013-03-27
592 Jinput core sgothel IN_P --- Migrate Jinput to JogAmp 2019-03-29
1377 Jinput core sgothel UNCO --- link in repo description broken 2020-04-11
1002 Joal core xerxes UNCO --- Add support for OpenAL-soft MIDI extensions 2014-06-11
988 Jocl core wwalker3 IN_P --- Various warnings in JOCL build 2014-03-05
1003 Jocl opencl wwalker3 IN_P --- Create working test of texture interoperation 2014-04-14
1057 Jocl opencl sgothel CONF --- Windows [8.1] and Intel i7-4770T CPU / HD Graphics 4600 - CLProgramTest.builderTest Freezes 2014-09-01
1089 Jocl opengl wwalker3 UNCO --- Add API to list possible CL devices for CLGLContext creation 2014-10-08
1136 Jocl opencl wwalker3 UNCO --- Crash in clBuildProgram 2015-03-25
1314 Jocl opencl wwalker3 UNCO --- Testability problem: CLEventList is final 2019-03-29
1303 Jocl opencl wwalker3 CONF --- Add ability to use clRetainMemObject() on CLBuffers instead of automatically releasing 2019-03-29
373 Jogl cg sgothel CONF --- cgSetCompilerIncludeCallback is missing 2010-11-19
483 Jogl opengl wwalker3 CONF --- ProjectFloat.gluInvertMatrixf() improperly claims some matrices are non-invertible 2013-03-27
547 Jogl core sgothel IN_P --- Enable other architectures under GNU/Linux 2013-03-27
634 Jogl opengl sgothel IN_P --- Enhance Offscreen Layered FBO 2013-03-27
501 Jogl opengl sgothel CONF --- Rendering problems on FreeBSD 8.2 2013-03-28
710 Jogl macosx sgothel UNCO --- Nehe Tutorial #9 does not work in JWS 2013-03-29
740 Jogl windows sgothel UNCO --- GLJPanel crashes when resuming from sleep mode 2013-05-22
746 Jogl core sgothel UNCO --- Shapes not displayed using Fedora 18 and open source driver 2013-06-06
398 Jogl core sgothel CONF --- Provide OSGi Metadata In Builds 2013-07-16
788 Jogl awt sgothel CONF --- Add Better ability to control AWT focus when using NewtCanvasAWT 2013-08-03
626 Jogl applet sgothel CONF --- Support X11/EGL-blit on Rasp.Pi allowing use of AWT and Applets (was: NApplet fail using newt driver) 2013-09-27
823 Jogl awt sgothel UNCO --- AWTTextureIO does not properly interpret a BufferedImage created with BufferedImage.getSubImage() 2013-09-29
834 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- AMD gles_sdk native dlls are classified as ANGLE implementation 2013-10-01
877 Jogl core sgothel IN_P --- Concurrency Discussion: Synchronization, Locking and Non-Blocking Access 2013-10-29
692 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Spurious exception thrown when using Vertex Array Objects (VAO) and glDrawElements 2014-01-03
986 Jogl x11 sgothel UNCO --- Crash using MESA drivers on VirtualBox OpenSuse 2014-03-11
1007 Jogl x11 sgothel UNCO --- patch: fix build on FreeBSD i386 2014-05-12
995 Jogl x11 sgothel UNCO --- Linux + Java 7 + Dual screen issue 2014-06-03
1049 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Application Crashes when System.exit() is Called within JOGL callbacks. 2014-08-22
1092 Jogl core sgothel UNCO --- Strange behaviour with keyPressed and keyReleased 2014-10-16
874 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- GLJPanel does not respect glEnable(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB) 2014-10-23
873 Jogl opengl sgothel CONF --- Shared GLContext Usage Causes: 'intel_do_flush_locked: No such file or directory' with Intel's Mesa 9.2.1 Backend for [Sandybridge/Ivybridge] on GNU/Linux 2014-12-05
1128 Jogl core sgothel UNCO --- Intialization of GL renderer strings failed 2015-03-14
1097 Jogl core sgothel UNCO --- AWTGLReadBufferUtil.readPixelsToBufferedImage() causes exception on SWT 2015-06-09
310 Jogl util sgothel CONF --- Enhance TextureWriter to support decompression 2015-09-27
423 Jogl opengl mmce IN_P --- DDSImage class should provide the correct OpenGL enums and values 2015-09-27
1217 Jogl x11 sgothel UNCO --- SIGSEGV in glXMakeCurrentReadSGI during NativeWindowFactory_ShutdownHook seen on Asus EEEPC 700 "the first netbook" 2015-10-09
1179 Jogl windows sgothel UNCO --- Provide fallback OpenGL ES 2 & 3 implementation using lib ANGLE on Windows 2015-10-09
1261 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Allow changing of texture sampler type for multisampled FBO 2015-10-31
1263 Jogl core sgothel UNCO --- glDrawElements missing a Buffer param in 2015-11-04
1265 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Segmentation fault using fglrx on Ubuntu 15.10 2015-11-06
1279 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- rgb10a2u texture unsupported 2016-01-06
1277 Jogl awt sgothel UNCO --- GLCanvas content draws in wrong position when canvas moves after JFrame containing it is setVisible(true) on EDT 2016-05-17
954 Jogl swt sgothel UNCO --- Allow the creation of an ImageData ( from a TextureData 2017-01-17
1352 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- Identify if the pressed CTRL button was the right or left 2017-03-18
1354 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Parametrize the usage of glGetError() 2017-04-02
1138 Jogl vulkan sgothel UNCO --- Common Subset of OpenCL >= 2.1 / Vulkan Command API (Queue, Buffer) and Context 2019-03-29
1139 Jogl vulkan sgothel UNCO --- Generalize high-level API GLContext, GLDrawable, GLAutoDrawable for Vulkan and OpenGL 2019-03-29
1140 Jogl vulkan sgothel UNCO --- Add Support for SPIR-V >= 2.0 (group) 2019-03-29
1323 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Enhance the math utilities to support more operations on vectors, matrices and quaternions 2019-03-29
1284 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- glGetVertexAttribPointerv is missing 2019-03-29
1292 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Implementing GL_NV_sample_locations 2019-03-29
1304 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Android Marshmallow 6.0 jogamp.opengl.es3.GLES3Impl.dispatch_glGetUniformIndices1 throws a fatal error 2019-03-29
1266 Jogl awt sgothel UNCO --- Per canvas GLSL vertical flip skip method 2019-03-29
1152 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- StereoDevice: Add HSW Display (Health and Safety Warning) at least in combination w/ OculusVR 2019-03-29
1275 Jogl swt pjgl UNCO --- Jogl-2.3.2 - FreeBSD - Building from source : swt.jar version mismatch 2019-03-29
1259 Jogl windows sgothel UNCO --- NativeWindowException on attempting to destroy a drawable with a current context 2019-03-29
1291 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- params of glGetQueryObjectuiv has to be interpreted as an offset in case GL_QUERY_BUFFER is bound 2019-03-29
1313 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- IOUtil.testDirExec taking 30 seconds to execute or timeout (Windows 10) 2019-03-29
1359 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- TextRenderer glyphs sometimes become garbled because LevelSet.compactAndAdd doesn't tell GlyphCache to update texcoords 2019-03-29
1360 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- TextRenderer doesn't flush drawn text to GPU when backing texture fills up, ends up drawing incorrect text later 2019-03-29
1264 Jogl util gouessej UNCO --- Methods to access (read, write) to pixels in TextureData 2019-03-29
811 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- The legacy text renderer doesn't support GL3 2019-03-29
1197 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- Texture and image API revamping 2019-03-29
973 Jogl core sgothel UNCO --- NativeWindowFactory: Needs service provider interface (SPI) for TK specific implementations (Scaling) 2019-03-29
1115 Jogl core sgothel UNCO --- SRGB implementation 2019-03-29
421 Jogl util sgothel CONF --- DDSImage methode getDepth is wrong 2019-03-29
1062 Jogl embedded sgothel IN_P --- GNU/Linux armhf / i.mx6 (Vivante GC2000 blob) test crash in libGL's glGetString at EGL/ES probing/init 2019-03-29
1321 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- JPEG encoder 2019-03-29
686 Jogl video sgothel CONF --- Add native Libraries for GLMediaPlayer fallback w/ patent free Codecs like WebM or AV1 2019-03-30
1045 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Implement GLUgles2 2019-10-01
607 Jogl javafx sgothel IN_P --- JavaFX 2+ and JOGL should work together 2019-11-19
1379 Jogl macosx sgothel CONF --- NewtCanvasAWT in JSplitPane on macOS 2023-02-25
1305 Jogl opengl sgothel IN_P --- GLCanvas failed to initialize GL3(bc), GL4(bc) in SWING JFrame. GLJPanel succeed. 2023-02-25
1137 Jogl vulkan sgothel CONF --- Add Support for Vulkan (group) 2023-04-10
647 Jogl macosx pjgl CONF --- SWT scrolling of GLCanvas doesn't work under Mac OS Mountain Lion 2023-07-12
712 Jogl awt pjgl UNCO --- Using GLCanvas and the SWT_AWT bridge reveals a JavaEmbeddedFrame when ran with Java 7 2023-07-12
1298 Jogl macosx sgothel UNCO --- regression: Canvas in CardLayout always visible after showing once 2023-07-12
1260 Jogl video sgothel CONF --- Allow the change of MAXIMUM_VIDEO_ASYNC of GLMediaPlayer 2023-07-12
933 Jogl video sgothel CONF --- Force GLMediaPlayer not to depend on machine time 2023-07-12
1255 Jogl opengl sgothel IN_P --- Newt canvas in Miglayout fail to resize OR occupy complete JFrame instead of its target layout cell 2023-07-12
1324 Jogl macosx sgothel UNCO --- GLCanvas is always on top when using JInternalFrame 2023-07-12
674 Jogl swt sgothel IN_P --- JOGL/SWT Windowing/Surface Interoperability 2023-07-12
1059 Jogl core harvey.harrison IN_P --- AUDIT use of intern for String constants and reference comparisons 2023-07-12
953 Jogl awt gouessej CONF --- Allow the creation of a BufferedImage from a TextureData 2023-07-12
1242 Jogl util sgothel CONF --- Fix 'Texture.updateImage(...)' API and Implementation 2023-07-12
1432 Jogl core sgothel CONF --- glMultTransposeMatrixd and glLoadTransposeMatrixd buggy in AMD Adrenalin drivers 2023-07-17
1444 Jogl opengl sgothel UNCO --- Complete OpenGL 4.6 and ES 3.2 mapping including current Extensions 2023-08-07
1484 Jogl windows sgothel IN_P --- EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION during call of GDI.DescribePixelFormat 2024-01-16
1064 Jogl graph sgothel IN_P --- Fix Graph Font Rendering (group for related bugs) 2024-02-14
1502 Jogl graph sgothel IN_P --- Graph: Improve Performance of Non-Convex/Intersection Classification and/or Intersection-Test itself (Bug 1501) 2024-02-14
1503 Jogl graph sgothel IN_P --- Graph: Resolve Tessellation Bugs (Delaunay Triangulation) - Part II 2024-02-14
1478 Jogl awt sgothel UNCO --- macOS 14.0 JOGL freezes when opening other JFrame before JOGL frame 2024-04-24
1507 Jogl awt sgothel UNCO --- Some pixels are chipping when drawing GLJPanel in high-resolution environments 2024-05-14
794 Jogl wayland sgothel CONF --- Add Wayland Windowing/Surface Interoperability 13:27:30
798 JRT Ji_Gong_ sgothel CONF --- Browser Installer (Extension) for JRT + Plugin 2013-08-05
793 JRT Ji_Gong_ sgothel CONF --- Add Pluggable Windowing-Toolkit to IcedTea-Web Plugin - Custom Windowing Plugin (CWP) 2013-08-05
799 JRT Ji_Gong_ sgothel CONF --- JRT Browser Plugin 2013-08-05
796 JRT General sgothel CONF --- EXE-Bundle JRT + User Application 2013-08-05
790 JRT General sgothel CONF --- Ji Gong - Purpose, Name & Semantics .. 2013-08-05
797 JRT General sgothel CONF --- General Installer of JRT 2013-08-05
792 JRT General sgothel CONF --- OpenJDK Subset - JRT Core 2013-09-10
791 JRT General sgothel CONF --- Build JRT-Headless (w/o AWT) on all platforms. 2017-02-09
632 Newt core sgothel CONF --- Nested GLWindows don't resize or honor GLCapabilities setBackgroundOpaque 2013-06-16
897 Newt awt sgothel UNCO --- Missing NEWT input event when focus is lost on canvas while holding a button down 2013-11-17
913 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- NEWT: Support 'Continue Drag over on JComponent' 2013-11-29
940 Newt core sgothel CONF --- Do not show frame in desktop bar, constructor argument or property 2014-01-10
1026 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- NEWT KeyEvent VK mapping for left and right sided keys 2014-06-26
941 Newt core sgothel CONF --- add a GLWindow#setIgnoreRepaint() method 2014-07-10
955 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- Implement the ability to use/list resolutions not listed by the nvidia driver 2014-09-02
1100 Newt core sgothel IN_P --- Documentation of lifecycle-heavy methods 2014-11-07
1127 Newt awt sgothel UNCO --- JPopupMenu unusable over NewtCanvasAWT on Linux (even with lightweight-popups disabled) 2015-02-06
1051 Newt swt pjgl IN_P --- org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu cannot be created over com.jogamp.newt.swt.NewtCanvasSWT 2015-06-05
1165 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- Trailing bar icon 2015-06-13
1163 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- frame by frame icon 2015-08-26
895 Newt windows sgothel UNCO --- Add support for mouse wheel block scrolling in NEWT 2015-09-27
1098 Newt core sgothel CONF --- setTitle in display() of GLEventListener causes exception when window closes 2015-12-05
1164 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- Drag and Drop integration 2016-10-12
1274 Newt macosx sgothel UNCO --- Window mispositioned after resize in container 2019-03-29
1276 Newt awt sgothel UNCO --- NewtCanvasAWT + key bindings 2019-03-29
807 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- NEWT Input: Add support for more devices a.k.a (Accelerometer, GPS, Compass, Joystick ..) 2019-03-29
808 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- NEWT Input: Add support for Gyroscope / Accelerometer Devices 2019-03-29
1117 Newt embedded sgothel UNCO --- Soft keyboard doesn't work anymore on Android 5.0 Lollipop 2019-03-29
809 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- NEWT Input: Add support for Compass Devices 2019-03-29
1195 Newt core sgothel UNCO --- GLWindow.warpPointer is off by one in X-Dimension when on secondary monitor 2019-03-29
595 Newt core sgothel CONF --- NEWT event propagation to Jinput 2019-03-29
813 Newt core sgothel CONF --- Allow InputDevice to be auto-assigned, e.g. via USB Topology (Monitor - Mouse/Keyboard) 2019-03-29
1187 Newt x11 sgothel CONF --- X11 glamour vc4: X11 IOError Resource temporarily unavailable 2019-03-29
1240 Newt embedded sgothel CONF --- NEWT only consume one mouse input event per frame 2019-03-29
812 Newt core xerxes CONF --- Add USB Topology / Graph to query device location etc. 2019-03-29
1227 Newt embedded xerxes CONF --- LinuxEventDeviceTracker reports misaligned relative Mouse Coordinates when using NEWT w/ RaspPi 7" TFT 2019-03-29
1178 Newt embedded sgothel IN_P --- Prevent dual mousepointers and improve raspberry pi xorg experience when using NEWT BCM VC IV on Raspberry Pi 2019-03-29
1311 Newt core sgothel CONF --- Multi touch drag events being discarded incorrectly in WindowImpl 2020-01-05
814 Newt core gouessej CONF --- Enhance PointerEvent / Deprecate MouseEvent 2023-04-20
1424 Newt swt sgothel IN_P --- MacOSX: Newt Window Eclipse RCP Detached View Wrong Z-Order and Update 2023-07-12
1361 Newt core sgothel CONF --- Remove Flickering when resizing a Newt Window 2023-07-12
1296 Newt windows sgothel CONF --- Mouse pointer doesn't switch to resize arrow on Windows 10 2023-07-12
1504 Newt javafx sgothel UNCO --- Placement of NewtCanvasJFX within other JavaFX layout elements 2024-03-04
795 Newt wayland sgothel CONF --- Add native Wayland Backend for NEWT 13:27:19
1399 Ardor3D core gouessej RESO FIXE Support Java 11+ 2021-09-05
415 Default default sgothel VERI FIXE Some paths in JNLP files are completely wrong 2010-11-17
457 Default default wwalker3 VERI FIXE Please add Eclipse project files for gluegen and jogl 2011-02-09
454 Default default sgothel VERI FIXE "Log In" link at upper right of Bugzilla main page doesn't work 2011-02-25
558 Default default sgothel RESO FIXE Illarion does not use JOGL anymore and should be removed from JOGL homepage 2012-04-27
574 Default default wwalker3 RESO FIXE Create wiki page about deployment of JOGL apps 2012-09-17
530 Default default sgothel RESO FIXE SIGGRAPH 2012 - JogAmp BOF [2012 08 05–09, Los Angeles, CA, USA] 2012-12-20
667 Default default sgothel RESO FIXE FOSDEM 2013 - JogAmp Free Java DevRoom TALK [2013 02 03, ULB, Brussels, Belgium] 2013-02-06
661 Default default sgothel RESO FIXE SIGGRAPH 2013 - JogAmp BOF [2013 07 21–25, Anaheim, CA, USA] 2013-08-31
857 Default default sgothel RESO FIXE GlueGen produces erroneous file URI on Windows, which breaks Netbeans's JarURLStreamHandler 2013-10-19
912 Default default sgothel RESO FIXE IcedTea-web 1.5+ bf80f38923af RuntimeException: Multiple main JARs specified, refusing to continue. 2013-11-27
434 Default default sgothel VERI FIXE New BSD 3-clause License Compatibility 2015-09-27
742 General infrastr sgothel RESO FIXE Move to new machine due to need for reliable healing filesystem (ZFS) 2013-06-09
752 General source_c sgothel RESO FIXE Review Code Vulnerabilities (Permission Checks of new exposed code and privileged access) 2013-06-21
833 General infrastr sgothel RESO FIXE Build Windows 32bit and 64bit w/ new MingW64 Toolchain 2013-10-01
837 General infrastr sgothel RESO FIXE Add optional clang support for all modules 2013-10-24
871 General infrastr sgothel RESO FIXE Add optional xcode.clang support for all modules (Extends Bug 837 w/ xcode's xcrun) 2013-10-25
881 General builds sgothel RESO FIXE Add 'Application-Name' in Jar's manifest to avoid Java6 NPEs .. 2013-11-01
951 General builds sgothel RESO FIXE Adapt to Oracle's 7u51 Deployment Changes 2014-01-26
926 General builds sgothel RESO FIXE 2.1.3 reports 2.1.3-rc-20131212 - Fix version for 2.1.4 ! 2014-01-31
991 General builds org.jogamp RESO FIXE Some files are not being deployed by the maven scripts 2014-03-06
999 General builds org.jogamp RESO FIXE Deployment scripts now manage to deploy source jars as code jars 2014-04-23
1023 General builds org.jogamp RESO FIXE jogl-all-noawt (amongst others) Maven packages do not work, requires non-aliased native jar files 2014-07-11
1024 General builds org.jogamp RESO FIXE On jar file location agnosticism 2014-07-11
1032 General builds sgothel RESO FIXE Add fallback for native-jar-file location via classpath 2015-03-10
1211 General source_c sgothel RESO FIXE Hardening Condition-Wait from Spurious-Wakeups and unintended InterruptedException(s) 2015-09-27
1005 General infrastr sgothel RESO FIXE SIGGRAPH 2014 [2014 08 10–14, Vancouver, BC, Canada] - JogAmp BOF 2014-08-11 3:00 PM 2015-09-27
758 General infrastr sgothel RESO FIXE Build all and test JogAmp Modules w/ Java7 targeting Java6 bytecode for security reasons. Apply JAR Manifest tags: Sealed, Permissions and Codebase 2015-09-27
1145 General builds xerxes RESO FIXE Provide a JogAmp Big Fat Jar for Beginners [convenient, but inefficient] 2015-09-27
1295 General builds xerxes RESO FIXE Add linux-aarch64 GNU/Linux AArch64 support 2019-03-27
1050 General builds sgothel RESO FIXE 32 bit compiling on macosx is broken 2019-03-29
1122 General builds sgothel RESO FIXE Add ARM 64bit build support, add Android ARM 64 bit build 2019-03-29
1124 General builds sgothel RESO FIXE Android Build: Use SDK >= 24.0.2 (build-tools >= 21.1.2) and NDK >= 10d 2019-03-29
1141 General builds sgothel RESO FIXE Release 2.3.0 - Drop all requests here .. (group) 2019-03-29
1316 General builds sgothel RESO FIXE Java 8 expects *.dylib instead of *.jnilib on OS X 2019-03-30
1366 General source_c sgothel RESO FIXE Use String.format((Locale)null, "..." ..) avoiding Locale output for System related Operations 2019-03-30
1190 General builds sgothel RESO FIXE 'memcpy@GLIBC_2.4' error while jogl compilation 2019-04-08
1363 General builds sgothel RESO FIXE Java 11+ Compatibility (Remove Warnings, Build and Run) 2020-02-04
1417 General builds sgothel RESO FIXE Android: Support building using current SDK and NDK v20 as of 2019-12-10 2020-02-04
1433 General infrastr sgothel RESO FIXE Bugzilla Email Issues in JogAmp Installation 2023-07-11
1373 General generic sgothel VERI FIXE Support High-DPI across Platforms and Modules 2023-07-12
1436 General builds sgothel RESO FIXE Build for older MacOS 17 (High Sierra), 18 Mojave and 19 (Catalina) support 2023-07-12
390 Gluegen core sgothel VERI FIXE JUnit tests: is ignored / compiler target arch is ignored 2010-03-25
392 Gluegen core sgothel VERI FIXE 32bit/64bit values and arrays are misrepresented 2010-03-29
393 Gluegen core sgothel VERI FIXE Fix Windows Platform .. 2010-04-07
394 Gluegen core sgothel VERI FIXE Fix MacOsX Platform .. 2010-04-07
399 Gluegen core sgothel VERI FIXE gluegen-rt-natives-windows-amd64.jar is not there, deployment on Win7 with 64-bit JVM fails 2010-07-06
251 Gluegen core sgothel VERI FIXE ptrdiff_t conversion is wrong in JOGL 2010-11-10
445 Gluegen core sgothel VERI FIXE Wrong names for OS 2010-12-15
482 Gluegen core sgothel VERI FIXE Bad report of the platform 2011-03-20
388 Gluegen core sgothel VERI FIXE GlueGen doesn't calculate offsets correctly for complex structs (StructAccessor) 2011-12-02
496 Gluegen core sgothel VERI FIXE Build errors on Solaris x86_64 2011-12-02
522 Gluegen core sgothel VERI FIXE Problem when starting jar which uses jogl from eclipse 2011-12-02
487 Gluegen core sgothel VERI FIXE Provide a bit more of feedback in case of error 2011-12-02
537 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE New USE_TEMP_JAR_CACHE inhibits running directly from class files 2012-01-05
545 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Provide more information about the os / arch at build time 2012-01-09
563 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Catch exception if using .so instead of the *native*.jar 2012-03-24
583 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Please add an option to disable the need of android packages to build gluegen2 2012-06-16
591 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Property 'jnlp.' Aliasing Broken 2012-06-21
625 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE StructAccessor missing setShortsAt() and getShortsAt() methods for short[] 2012-12-30
681 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Add Parsing of ELF Header of Binary Files to Determine ABI / Required Libraries 2013-02-09
687 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE JarUtil can't locate native library JARs if a custom classloader is being used (e.g. inside Eclipse RCP apps) 2013-03-19
751 Gluegen opengl sgothel RESO FIXE build fails on OS X due to wrong classes.jar path 2013-06-13
760 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Security: Constrain access to native function handles and their retrieval. 2013-06-22
844 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Problem when starting an Eclipse jar-in-jar configuration 2013-10-01
683 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Fix URL Usage due to DNS Lookups on equals(..) and hashCode() 2013-10-11
757 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Regression of URL to URI conversion (Bug 683, Commit b98825eb7cfb61aead4a7dff57471cd2d2c26823) 2013-10-11
820 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE URI Regressions in IOUtil/JarUtil with [un]escaped chars (was: TextRender curve shaders don't load if library path contains a space) 2013-10-11
944 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Platform doesn't parse early-access java-version string properly (JAVA_VERSION_UPDATE) 2014-01-14
945 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE GlueGen's IOUtil does not consider file URI's authority when converting to file-path or URL (Windows UNC / share host) 2014-01-22
856 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Android: Support dual ABI (x86 i686 *and* ARMv7arm), i.e. pick 'best' ABI 2014-01-24
853 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Android w/ Intel [Atom] CPU failure when gluegen Platform inits 2014-01-24
980 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Add versatile Bitstream implementation 2014-02-21
958 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Add support for OpenJDK version notation 2014-02-24
987 Gluegen core wwalker3 RESO FIXE 7z and sed invocations fail on Windows systems with spaces in pathname 2014-03-10
990 Gluegen core wwalker3 RESO FIXE gluegen emits code for JOCL that causes compiler warnings 2014-03-10
992 Gluegen core wwalker3 RESO FIXE Add ability to suppress "skipping emission of unnamed struct" warnings 2014-03-10
923 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Gluegen fails to build from source using JDK8 EA b119 2014-05-11
1022 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE GlueGen: Add support for compound [array] call-by-value (code generation) 2014-06-25
1025 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE GlueGen: Add accessor for compound fields of type array, pointer and string (code generation) 2014-06-25
1030 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Remove Deprecated Classes and Methods (GlueGen) 2014-07-10
865 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Applets on Safari >= 6.1 [OSX]: IOUtil.getTempDir(..) Cannot determine executable temp directory 2014-10-08
845 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Allow (discouraged) use of one big-fat jar file [java classes plus all native 'os.and.arch' libraries] 2014-11-18
908 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Gluegen doesn't handle URI escaping of reserved character accurately, i.e. double escaping is performed on e.g. '#'. 2014-12-11
1015 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Windows IOUtil.getTempDir(..) Cannot determine executable temp directory 2014-12-12
1213 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE RecursiveThreadGroupLockImpl01Unfairish.unlock() always interrupts original-owner, even if not waiting at unlock() 2015-09-27
1194 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Stop loading native JNI libraries from the 'dangerous' JRE extension search paths 2015-09-27
1166 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE JVMUtil_NewDirectByteBufferCopy corrupts the heap commonly seen during GLX initialization on ARM 32 2015-09-27
1153 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE GlueGen: Support [const] [native] expressions and conversion to java space 2015-09-27
843 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Remove Platform's requirement and use of TempJarCache.bootstrapNativeLib(), allowing versatile use of 1st native jar file (multi-java-jar w/ multi-native-jar) 2015-09-27
1172 Gluegen core xerxes RESO FIXE Always file native libs in 'natives/os.and.arch'; Allow using maven-assembly-plugin single jar deployment 2015-09-27
1243 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Fix IOUtil.cleanPathString(..) special case ; Allow IOUtil and Uri to handle relative path 2015-10-03
1268 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE DynamicLibraryBundleInfo: Add NativeLibrary's 'searchSystemPath' and 'searchSystemPathFirst' attributes 2015-11-15
1300 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE AndroidVersion doesn't work if android.os.Build is in the classpath 2019-03-26
1108 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE IOUtil.getTempDir(..): Difficulties to determine executable access permission on Windows via BATCH file execution 2019-03-29
1063 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Utilize own Uri and Uri.Encoded class w/ proper encoding and differentiating encoded/decoded variants by type 2019-03-29
1080 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Add support for memory mapped big file I/O via specialized InputStream and OutputStream, incl. mark/reset 2019-03-29
1123 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Android Launcher/ClassLoaderUtil: Fails to work w/ Android 5.* (lollipop/art) 2019-03-29
1125 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Make ELF Reader 'jogamp.common.os.elf' Stateless 2019-03-29
1126 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Remove static query requirement of MachineDescriptor, find matching StaticConfig at runtime. 2019-03-29
1144 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Add 'DelegateImplementation', manually impl. may delegate to renamed original 2019-03-29
1014 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE support for mips/mipsel in gluegen2 version 2.1.5 2019-03-29
1056 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Wrong guess on the endianness of powerpc 2019-03-29
1067 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE IOUtil.testDirExec(File) needs to preserve SPACE in exetst.getCanonicalPath() command 2019-03-29
1106 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Bitstream: Simplify 'msbFirst' case for bulk operations / Add setting of stream position (optional) 2019-03-29
1134 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Enhance GlueGen Compiler: Minimal GL Header Changes _and_ Typesafety 2019-03-29
1109 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Bug Group: TempDir and Uri Issues 2019-03-29
1149 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Replacing PCPP w/ JCPP, allowing complete macro handling 2019-03-29
1246 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE gluegen: please add support for Linux ppc64le 2019-03-30
1365 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Frozen process or similar when deflating or launching the test-executable-file to determine 'executable temp base directory' on Windows 2019-03-30
1219 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Sporadic failure to determine 'executable temp base directory' on Windows by launching an executable file 2019-04-03
1231 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Sporadic failure to end jogamp_exe_tst while determine 'executable temp directory' on Windows 2019-04-03
1367 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE TempFileCache & TempJarCache shall operate even if temp folder can't handle executables 2019-04-03
1369 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE SCC: Implement basic Secure Hash (SHA256) build time signatures & runtime validation 2019-04-03
1387 Gluegen ios sgothel RESO FIXE GlueGen: Add iOS Support for at least Aarch64 + x86_64 (Simulation) 2019-11-30
1434 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE GlueGen: Revise Struct Mapping (No native code, support all pointer-pointer, func-pointer and pointer to const-type) 2023-07-12
1435 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE GlueGen: Add support for JavaCallback 2023-08-07
1443 Gluegen core mfery RESO FIXE GlueGen: Parse Java annotations in source files 2023-08-07
1442 Gluegen core mfery RESO FIXE GlueGen: Parse inner classes & interfaces of Java source files 2023-08-07
1448 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Merge upstream JCPP v1.4.14 and drop our PCPP 2023-08-08
1446 Gluegen core mfery RESO FIXE ParentClass directive fails if interfaces are also present on the associated class 2023-08-08
1447 Gluegen core mfery RESO FIXE JavaParser.g fails to parse generics with wildcard 2023-08-08
1449 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Update GlueGen Documentation 2023-08-14
1450 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Fix C Parser Constant Expression (Number) and JCPP constant-definition (macro) detection 2023-08-14
1479 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE NativeLibrary: Add getNativeLibraryPath() returning actual native library path, support throughout DynamicLibraryBundle[Info] 2023-11-26
1474 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Finding Temp folder fails when username contains parenthesis 2023-11-28
1481 Gluegen core sgothel RESO FIXE Hide [ArgumentIs]PascalString argument's length 2023-12-02
1482 Gluegen core mfery RESO FIXE JavaCallback can throw NPE during invocation 2024-01-06
803 GraphUI Core sgothel RESO FIXE Establish Graph-UI Core .. 2023-07-12
1456 GraphUI Core sgothel RESO FIXE GraphUI: Add CSS alike Layout for Group: GridLayout and BoxLayout 2023-09-24
1457 GraphUI Core sgothel RESO FIXE GraphUI: Add AnimGroup, providing sets of custom animated Shapes 2023-09-24
1458 GraphUI Core sgothel RESO FIXE GraphUI Z-Epsilon Support: Expose Z-Epsilon API in Scene and utilization in Button 2023-09-24
1459 GraphUI Core sgothel RESO FIXE GraphUI Shape: Add active (pointer over/left) state and callback Listener 2023-09-24
1460 GraphUI Core sgothel RESO FIXE GraphUI Shape: Allow keeping aspect-ratio at resize 2023-09-24
1467 GraphUI Core sgothel RESO FIXE GraphUI: Don't de-activate a Shape if became active via 'mouseOver' (mouseDragged) 2023-09-30
1454 GraphUI Core sgothel RESO FIXE GraphUI Scene: Elevate active (selected) shape (add z-offset) and select (pick) in Z descending order 2023-09-30
1490 GraphUI Core sgothel RESO FIXE GraphUI Group: Resolve Performance Issues with Shape Mv Transform -> PMVMatrix4f; Group/Scene's temp sorted arrays 2024-01-31
1496 GraphUI Core sgothel RESO FIXE GraphUI Shape: Allow markShapeDirty() and markStateDirty() to be lock free 2024-01-31
1495 GraphUI Core sgothel RESO FIXE GraphUI Shape: Only updateMat() if marked dirty once in applyMatToMv() and getMat(*) 2024-01-31
1498 GraphUI Core sgothel RESO FIXE GraphUI: Fix Picking Traversal throughout Groups in Z-Descending Order, testing Children and fallback to Group if positive 2024-02-05
1464 GraphUI Core sgothel RESO FIXE GraphUI Scene: Resolve Data Race Modding Z Position activating a shape and Arrays.sort(..) 2024-02-07
1499 GraphUI Core sgothel RESO FIXE GraphUI MediaPlayer: Add Time-Code & optional Still-Images as mouse-over on time RangeSlider 2024-02-07
1489 GraphUI Core sgothel RESO FIXE GraphUI Group: Resolve Performance Regression in Scene.pickShape(): Drop invisible and clipped shapes 2024-02-21
645 Java3D core harvey.harrison RESO FIXE Support antialiasing in offscreen 3D canvas 2013-03-20
983 Java3D core harvey.harrison RESO FIXE Java3D webstart crashes when used with Jogl 2.1.4 2015-09-27
1006 Java3D core RESO FIXE Transformation applied to a texture is also applied to post render graphics 2016-10-26
1111 Java3D core RESO FIXE Java3D does not dispose correctly after use 2016-11-01
1090 Java3D core gouessej RESO FIXE Publish the Java documentation of Java 3D 1.6.0 2019-03-27
1339 Java3D core harvey.harrison RESO FIXE Support for Vertex Attributes in GeometryInfo 2019-03-29
1318 Java3D core RESO FIXE JoglPipeline uses new Frame for capabilities capture, this appears on the taskbar briefly 2019-03-29
1325 Java3D core RESO FIXE JoglPipeline.resetRenderingAttributes does not call gl.glDisable(GL.GL_STENCIL_TEST); 2019-03-29
1326 Java3D core RESO FIXE ArrayList usage that results in very slow removeChild calls 2019-03-29
1327 Java3D core RESO FIXE Add a GL2ES2 pipeline to Java3D 2019-03-29
1329 Java3D core RESO FIXE SceneGraphObject read capability bits set to true by default and this is not configurable. 2019-03-29
1330 Java3D core RESO FIXE Bug fixes required to ensure a full compile() works 2019-03-29
1333 Java3D core RESO FIXE Warning notice in cases where Jogl bug 1278 is in effect 2019-03-29
1334 Java3D core RESO FIXE Java 3D 1.6 under Parallels fails 2019-03-29
1337 Java3D core RESO FIXE VersionInfo defaults isDevPhase to true, which outputs onto err 2019-03-29
1338 Java3D core RESO FIXE IndexRow of GeometryInfo returns a terrible constant hash value 2019-03-29
596 Jinput core gouessej RESO FIXE Cannot compile Jinput 2012-06-25
593 Jinput core sgothel RESO FIXE JInput SVN -> GIT SCM fork 2015-09-27
384 Joal applet sgothel VERI FIXE JOGL / JOAL applet test crashes 2010-12-19
539 Joal core sgothel RESO FIXE Support jogamp.gluegen.UseTempJarCache in JOAL and JOCL 2011-12-21
608 Joal core sgothel RESO FIXE JOAL OpenALSoft fallback option missing or not working properly 2012-10-25
567 Joal core sgothel RESO FIXE add support for openal extensions 2013-02-01
662 Joal core sgothel RESO FIXE Add a flag to favour OpenALSoft 2013-02-01
550 Joal core sgothel RESO FIXE JOAL lacks Platform.initSingleton() - Using TempJarCache reveals unresolved initialization dependency leading to NPE in NativeLibrary 2013-03-07
708 Joal core xerxes RESO FIXE ALFactory doesn't catch the real exceptions thrown when the loading of OpenAL fails 2013-03-21
699 Joal core xerxes RESO FIXE JOAL initialization fails under Windows both with hardware and software OpenAL 2013-04-05
684 Joal core xerxes RESO FIXE Make JOAL Platform Agnostic for non J2SE VMs (Remove use of javax.sound; Replace WaveLoader code, ..) 2014-02-21
1018 Joal macosx xerxes RESO FIXE Use openal-soft on OSX per default (using coreaudio backend) 2014-06-11
1269 Joal core xerxes RESO FIXE Bump openal-soft to Release 1.17.0 2015-11-15
1280 Joal core xerxes RESO FIXE WAV files with appended metadata incorrectly loaded 2019-03-26
1270 Joal core xerxes RESO FIXE Fix OSX El Capitan 10.11 stuttering ; Prefer provided OpenAL library over system (default) 2019-03-27
1375 Joal core sgothel RESO FIXE Bump openal-soft to Release 1.19.1 2019-04-08
1376 Joal core sgothel RESO FIXE Fix crosscompiled openal-soft 1.19.1 builds using aarch64 + armv6hf 2019-04-08
1419 Joal core sgothel RESO FIXE Bump openal-soft to Release 1.20.0 2019-12-24
1437 Joal core sgothel RESO FIXE Use openal-soft to v1.23.1 buildin for GNU/Linux, MacOS and Windows 2023-07-12
1438 Joal core sgothel RESO FIXE Consolidate Sound3D / ALAudioSink w/ matching AudioSink + GLMediaPlayer 2023-07-12
1439 Joal core sgothel RESO FIXE Add AL_SOFT_events support via GlueGen JavaCallback and using extension in ALAudioSink 2023-07-12
1440 Joal core sgothel RESO FIXE Add SimpleSineSynth and add JOAL backend to jsynth 2023-07-12
1473 Joal core sgothel RESO FIXE ALAudioSink: AV Synchronization Broken, Regression in-between JogAmp Version [2.4.0 - 2.5.0] 2023-10-16
1475 Joal core mfery RESO FIXE Allow to retrieve devices specifiers with ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT 2023-11-28
1477 Joal core mfery RESO FIXE Remove EAX headers 2023-11-28
1476 Joal core mfery RESO FIXE Update OpenAL Headers 2023-11-28
1480 Joal core sgothel RESO FIXE Bump OpenAL-Soft to latest git master tip (pre-release) 2024-01-06
400 Jocl opengl bienator VERI FIXE typo in CLGLTexture2d with texture id 2010-06-24
408 Jocl opencl bienator VERI FIXE patch with fft code and demo for jocl-demos 2010-09-03
426 Jocl opencl bienator VERI FIXE CLCommandQueue.putMarker() doesn't work 2010-11-18
433 Jocl core bienator VERI FIXE JOCL generated zip file does not comply with JogAmp deployment layout 2010-12-15
458 Jocl opencl bienator VERI FIXE clCreateProgramWithSource does not block on MacOS 2011-01-22
491 Jocl opencl bienator VERI FIXE createImage3d incorrect arguments/bugs 2011-04-04
490 Jocl core bienator VERI FIXE Documentation error in JOCL FAQ 2011-04-04
580 Jocl core bienator RESO FIXE The jocl source zip is missing in the jogamp-all-platforms.7z 2012-09-17
573 Jocl opencl bienator RESO FIXE Bug in putCopyBuffer 2013-10-12
553 Jocl opencl bienator RESO FIXE CommandQueue.putCopyImageToBuffer() call to clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer() is incorrect 2013-10-12
824 Jocl opencl sgothel RESO FIXE Wrong argument order on createFromGLTexture3d 2013-10-12
825 Jocl opencl sgothel RESO FIXE CLContext creation with GLContext sharing returns CL_INVALID_VALUE on Mac OS X 2013-10-12
552 Jocl opencl sgothel RESO FIXE CLCommandQueue.putMapImage() call to clEnqueueMapImage() is invalid 2013-10-12
579 Jocl opengl bienator RESO FIXE CLGLTexture2d.createFromGLTexture2d always fails due to passing id and not error to checkForError 2013-10-12
773 Jocl opencl sgothel RESO FIXE Device specific JOCL dynamic library look-up on Android 2013-10-19
950 Jocl opengl sgothel RESO FIXE Recognize full FBO capabilities for ES 3.0 - [GLContext|GL].hasFullFBOSupport() == true 2014-01-24
884 Jocl core wwalker3 RESO FIXE Replace JOCL's build.xml with manual version for better maintenance (dropping NB templates) 2014-01-26
863 Jocl core sgothel RESO FIXE Android: Add JOCL Version Info Test 2014-01-26
959 Jocl opencl wwalker3 RESO FIXE CLCommandQueueTest.concurrencyTest() doesn't set the local work size correctly for put1DRangeKernel() 2014-02-12
960 Jocl opencl wwalker3 RESO FIXE CLCommandQueueTest.concurrencyTest() throws ConcurrentModificationException on context cleanup 2014-02-12
963 Jocl opencl wwalker3 RESO FIXE com.jogamp.opencl.CLProgramTest:programBinariesTest causes SIGSEGV 2014-02-12
964 Jocl opencl wwalker3 RESO FIXE com.jogamp.opencl.CLProgramTest:builderTest causes CL_INVALID_VALUE 2014-02-12
920 Jocl opencl sgothel RESO FIXE JOCL does not work on windows with 32 bit vm 2014-02-17
981 Jocl opencl wwalker3 RESO FIXE com.jogamp.opencl.[Low|High]LevelBindingTest fail on OS X 10.6 with java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Direct buffer memory 2014-02-25
979 Jocl opencl sgothel RESO FIXE CLBuffer.createSubBuffer(..) does not consider CL_DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN 2014-02-26
1000 Jocl opencl wwalker3 RESO FIXE wrong argument order 2014-04-07
989 Jocl opencl wwalker3 RESO FIXE CLProgramTest.programBinariesTest and LowLevelBindingTest.lowLevelVectorAddTest cause SIGSEGV or EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION on AMD cards 2014-04-13
978 Jocl opencl wwalker3 RESO FIXE JUnit tests all fail on Solaris 2014-09-03
957 Jocl opencl wwalker3 RESO FIXE IllegalArgumentException in jocl-demos julia3D 2015-07-07
1174 Jocl opencl wwalker3 RESO FIXE Use gluegen/jogl stub includes instead of duplicating them 2015-09-27
1171 Jocl core wwalker3 RESO FIXE Fix compilation of jocl-demos 2015-09-27
1168 Jocl opencl wwalker3 RESO FIXE GLhandleARB redefined in gltypes.h on osx 2015-09-27
435 Jocl core bienator VERI FIXE JOCL LICENSE.txt file is missing 2015-09-27
1075 Jocl opencl wwalker3 RESO FIXE Add support for OpenCL 1.2 and 2.0 2019-03-27
1302 Jocl opencl wwalker3 RESO FIXE CLKernel missing several constants used to access clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo 2023-07-12
1 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE GLCanvas flickers when using repaint 2010-03-24
3 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Linux build ETA? 2010-03-24
4 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Where did the forums go? 2010-03-24
5 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Multi head support broken 2010-03-24
6 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE request permission to discuss issues. 2010-03-24
16 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Accessibility breaks jogl 2010-03-24
22 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE GLException hides user exception 2010-03-24
24 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE GLCanvas does not honor layout 2010-03-24
28 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE All functions that take arrays as parameters should also take buffers 2010-03-24
34 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE glutWireCube / glutSolidCube generate wrong cubes 2010-03-24
36 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE glSelectBuffer/glFeedbackBuffer need direct buffers 2010-03-24
37 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE GLJPanel + Animator.stop() halts event dispatch thread 2010-03-24
39 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Window creation in JOGL is dependent on visual order 2010-03-24
41 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE WindowsOffscreenGLContext failed to create with "Unable to set pixel format" 2010-03-24
42 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Problems invoking GLU functions 2010-03-24
48 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Ant build script broken in 10.3 2010-03-24
54 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE No GL listener callbacks when setting render thread before window is visible 2010-03-24
56 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Requesting a framebuffer with an alpha component fails. 2010-03-24
57 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE JOGL build fails on Mac OS X. 2010-03-24
64 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Cannot compile the source static variable is missing in 2010-03-24
68 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Window system-specific JAWT classes must implement JAWT_PlatformInfo 2010-03-24
69 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Error on window resize 2010-03-24
71 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE glMultiDrawElements() is missing 2010-03-24
70 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE JOGL build broken with Ant 1.6 2010-03-24
73 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE build.xml needs "-L/usr/X11R6/lib" for Linux. 2010-03-24
76 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Multisampling (FSAA) does not work on ATI 2010-03-24
75 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Dummy window confuses users and maximizing it can cause trouble 2010-03-24
77 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Creation of dummy GL context fails in some configurations 2010-03-24
78 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Re-assigning rendering thread causes subsequent display() to fail 2010-03-24
79 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE PBuffers on macintosh fail to glCopyTexSubImage2D 2010-03-24
84 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE glReadPixels does not commit results 2010-03-24
86 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE code generation problem 2010-03-24
94 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE isFunctionAvailable throws exception on valid version strings 2010-03-24
96 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Off-by-one error in pixel format selection on Windows 2010-03-24
97 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Flickering when using ATI_WORKAROUND 2010-03-24
98 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Just 1st frame rendering on ATI Radeon 2010-03-24
99 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE intptr_t undefined compiling with VS .NET 2003 VC++ 2010-03-24
101 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE jogl version in manifest 2010-03-24
102 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Fail to find cgShader environment with webstart 2010-03-24
106 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE JOGL fails to startup on Inter extreme graphics hardware - Exception with wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB 2010-03-24
109 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Two animator threads on two Frames crash 2010-03-24
118 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION on show of 2nd canvas (ATI-specific) 2010-03-24
119 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Dual-head problems on Windows XP 2010-03-24
120 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Hole in gluSphere 2010-03-24
123 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Use of "enum" as variable name should be eliminated in 2010-03-24
124 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE SIGSEGV on Fedora Core 3 / NVIDIA 2010-03-24
133 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE GLEventListener.init() can be missed 2010-03-24
134 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Improve full-screen support on Windows 2010-03-24
137 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Memory leak / crashes with ATI cards 2010-03-24
140 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE glu.gluBuild2DMipmaps crash 2010-03-24
143 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Pbuffer creation in display() causes exception 2010-03-24
144 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE canCreateOffscreenDrawable() doesn't work right 2010-03-24
146 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE GLUT teapot 2010-03-24
148 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Swing Component Shadow on GLJPanel 2010-03-24
150 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Rendering artifacts with GLJPanel. 2010-03-24
151 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE starting up the Animator before the GLJPanel has been shown result in an error 2010-03-24
155 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE resizing jsplitpane leaves dirty zone on linux using animator 2010-03-24
160 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Resource leaks in GLJPanel 2010-03-24
159 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Document GLCanvas and lightweight interactions 2010-03-24
166 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Memory leak with ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 2010-03-24
168 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Add support for transparency in GLJPanel 2010-03-24
169 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Deprecated Swing calls in 2010-03-24
174 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Clarify JOGL license 2010-03-24
176 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Unable to create OpenGL context when deiconizied JInternalFrame with GLCanvas 2010-03-24
177 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Bug in gluBuildMipMaps2D 2010-03-24
178 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Need to add extra sizeof consts to BufferUtils 2010-03-24
181 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Modal dialogs vanish when using JOGL 1.1.1, Java 1.5, and OS X 10.4.3 2010-03-24
182 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Incorporate JOGL Applet 2010-03-24
183 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Make gluProject/gluUnproject variants taking Buffers 2010-03-24
184 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Remove NURBS constants 2010-03-24
186 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Incorrect mipmap images with gluBuild2DMipmaps 2010-03-24
193 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE antialiasing querying using GLCapabilitiesChooser no longer works in JSR 231 beta 02 2010-03-24
195 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Pbuffer support broken on X11 platforms 2010-03-24
203 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Missing setup of GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT for mipmapped images in TextureIO 2010-03-24
206 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE glTexImage2D fails on external context 2010-03-24
210 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Crashes on Mac OS X related to GLWorkerThread 2010-03-24
216 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Cannot create GLCanvas on non-default GraphicsDevice 2010-03-24
217 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE JOGLAppletLauncher attempts to create file with an invalid name 2010-03-24
220 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Gears demo throws exceptions with -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true 2010-03-24
226 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE JOGL seg faulting on Solaris AMD64 2010-03-24
230 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE gluBuild2DMipmaps modifies Buffer positions 2010-03-24
240 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Exceptions thrown in GLCapabilitiesChooser don't function properly 2010-03-24
242 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Unable to select single-buffered visual 2010-03-24
245 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE glutSolidCylinder missing from com.sun.opengl.util.GLUT 2010-03-24
247 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE Texture class should use GL_CLAMP if OpenGL version is 1.1 2010-03-24
248 Jogl core sgothel VERI FIXE GLJPanel crashes 2010-03-24
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
